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Year 10 English Language exam (Paper 2) – reflection and next steps


Marks out of:





/40 (overall for reading section)

14/24 (AO5 writing)

11/16 (AO6 writing)

25/40 (overall for writing section

57/80 (overall paper)


Target Grade for Language

Based on my annotations and feedback on your paper, what do you think your
strengths were? What were you able to do successfully or at least attempt?

Based on my annotations and feedback on your paper, what do you think your
weaknesses were? What do you feel you struggled with?

If you feel that there were major errors in this paper, were these a ‘one off’
occurrence or something that you feel needs addressing?

How did you find the experience of the exam (eg. Stress, ability to focus, timings,
proof-reading, knowledge of the paper)

If you had extra time, talk about how you used this and if this is something you
will continue or change.

What precise steps do you think you need to take to practice and improve? What
resources will you need for this?
Any other questions?

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