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Athea S.




LAS 45

In this personal narrative essay entitled "My Goals in Life" and is written by my classmate, the
writer tells all the goals that he/she wants to achieve.

The writer mentioned that he/she must have a time management for his/her education, siblings
and other aspects of her life. Having a good time management allows you to accomplish bigger results
in a shorter period of time which leads to more time freedom, helps you focus better, allows you to be
more productive, lowers your stress and gives you more time to spend with the people that matter
most. The writer has a goal to graduate college and find a stable job so that he/she can be a good
example to others. It is also stated that his/her mother taught about the value and importance of family.

All the goals that has been stated in this personal narrative essay are important. When you have
a goal, you live for that goal and put effort each day to achieve it. And when you achieve that goal, it
brings you unlimited happiness. Goals can be both long term as well as short term.

LAS 48

In a personal narrative essay, “My Greatest Instrument” written by a senior high school student,
the writer expresses himself/herself with the greatest instrument she/he have which is his/her voice.

The writer realized at the age of eight that he/she belonged in front of an audience. The writer
started giving demonstrations and speeches in local county 4-H competitions. And won every state
competition that he/she entered. During his/he eighth grade, the writer had the best opportunity yet to
practice his/her oratorical skills. The job was to introduce Elizabeth Dole, who at the time was interested
in running for president.

When he/she was on the podium, his/her veins were filled with a feeling of utter ecstasy. The
writer felt like he/she was on top of the world. He/she couldn’t help to smile on his/her audience.

I believe that each of us has our own greatest instrument like the writer itself. We can collect
many achievements like the writer if we just believe in ourselves. We may not yet discover it for now
but I know soon we will.

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