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University of Santiago, Chile

Eliodoro Domínguez D. Commercial Institute

Language Department
Teachers: Cindy Román Valencia

Home reading control N° 1 OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE



Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Course: 2nd………

Ideal score: 40 points Score Obtained: Date: / 06 / 2019

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Requirement level: 60%
LO 3 Analyze the narratives read to enrich your understanding, considering, when relevant:
> The conflict(s) of the story.
> An analysis of the characters that considers their relationship with other characters, what they say, what is said
about them, their actions and motivations, their convictions and the dilemmas they face.
> The relationship of a fragment of the work with the whole.
> How the story is influenced by the narrator's vision.
> Typical characters (for example, the rogue, the miser, the seducer, the stepmother, etc.), symbols and literary topics
present in the text.
> The beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes present in the story, in light of the worldview of the time in which it was written and its connection
with the current world.
> The effect produced by resources such as flashback, clues, Chinese box (story within a story), parallel story.
> Intertextual relationships with other works.

INSTRUCTIONS. Time: 80 minutes

● The test consists of 28 multiple choice questions, worth 1 point each, and 4 development questions worth 3 points each.

● You must transfer your alternative to the answer sheet, using a graphite pencil.

● Answer sheets marked with a paste pencil or another that is different from that indicated above will NOT be reviewed.

● Any error when submitting the answer is the responsibility of the student.


1. The talent of the protagonist is based on:

a. Your ability to concentrate.

b. Her girlish innocence.
c. His ability to add details to scenes.
d. Their desire to know the lives of actresses.

2. What can we infer from the Cojo who screened the films?

I. He liked to drink until he was drunk.

II. He had several jobs.
III. He was skilled at his craft.
IV. There were more employees helping him.

a. I, II, IV
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I, II, III

3. Some of the resources that helped the protagonist become a good accountant were:

I. His mother
II. The radio plays
III. Make your voice hoarse
IV. Modular

a. IV only
b. I and II
c. Solo II
d. II and IV
4. At the beginning of the book, what is the protagonist's life like?

I. He lives with his brothers.

II. His father is an alcoholic invalid.
III. Her brothers beat her.
IV. He works to help his family.

a. I, II, IV
b. I and III
c. Solo III
d. I, II, IV

5. His family lives in the nitrate mine because:

I. His father was a very hard worker.

II. His mother had an affair with the administrator.
III. His father became an invalid working in the nitrate mine.
IV. They were very poor.

a. Only I
b. Only III
c. I and III
d. I, II, III
e. I and IV

6. What traits of her mother's personality does the protagonist remember?

I. She was a very flirtatious woman.

II. She was a very beautiful woman.
III. She was a woman who loved cinema.
IV. She was a woman devoted to her husband and family.

a. I, II, IV
b. I and IV
c. I, II, III
d. I, II, III and IV

7. From the book it is deduced that the father and mother's relationship fails because:

I. His mother is younger than his father.

II. His mother had a lover.
III. His father is an alcoholic.
IV. Her mother leaves the family to follow her dream of being an actress.

a. I, II, IV
b. I and II
c. I, II, III
d. I and IV

8. What happens to the family after the parents' relationship breaks down?

I. His father becomes an alcoholic.

II. A brother is covered in lice.
III. The brothers must work to maintain the home.
IV. The father starts taking them to the movies.

a. I, II, IV
b. I, II, III
c. I, III, IV
d. I and IV

9. Why does the protagonist start telling movies?

I. An extra income at home was necessary.

II. There was no money to pay the entrance fee for all the brothers.
III. The brothers did not like movies.
IV. The movies were for adults.

a. Only I
b. Only II
c. I and II
d. I, III, IV
e. I and IV

10. How does the protagonist's new job affect the family?

I. The brothers must help the girl with the props.

II. The father stops drinking.
III. They redecorate the house.
IV. They manage to buy appliances.

a. Only I
b. Only II
c. I and II
d. I and III

11. María's family liked movies because:

a. It was the greatest entertainment of that time

b. television was very boring
c. they were all artists
d. They gave him tickets to go

12. The reason that triggered María to become the administrator's lover was:

a. his father passed away

b. his older brother was imprisoned
c. television arrived at the camp
d. all of the above

15. At first, people preferred to go see María tell the movies because:

a. it was cheaper
b. It was closer than going to the cinema
c. It was more entertaining than the cinema
d. it was obligation

16. Mariano killed Don Nolasco, the moneylender, because:

a. I owed him money.

b. He didn't want to lend him money.
c. He abused his sister.
d. he was a bad person.

17. According to what you read, what was the great fixation that María Margarita's father had?

a. Marilyn Monroe.
b. Cinema.
c. The letter M of names.
d. The wine.

18. Where in our country is the story set?

a. In the countryside.
b. In the south.
c. In the mountain range.
d. In the pampas

19. What were the movies that The Movie Teller's dad liked the most?

a. Of cowboys.
b. Mexican.
c. Of love.
d. Of Science fiction.
20. When María Margarita started school, what was the most difficult thing for her to learn?

a. To read
b. Write
c. To urinate sitting
d. To sit like the ladies

21. What is the object that most reminds María Margarita of her mother?

a. A dress with polka dots

b. A pearl necklace
c. A silk scarf
d. A pair of silver earrings

22. At one time María Margarita became covered in white lice, which according to the neighbors was due to:

a. The sorrow.
b. The lack of hygiene.
c. An epidemy.
d. His father's illness.

23. Because of the great suffering of María Margarita's father, in which films did she have to change the plot?

a. When a female character left home.

b. When the protagonist was a prostitute.
c. When there were erotic scenes.
d. When there were scenes of marital infidelity.

24. For María Margarita, the first pains of her life were marked by a common characteristic, which would become a warning of
misfortunes and misfortunes. What is this feature?

a. How the color of the sea dawned.

b. How his father's spirits dawned.
c. That the sky was cloudy.
d. That there was a dense, dark fog.

25. After all the people left the town, María Margarita was left alone, serving as:

a. In charge of the mail.

b. Antique seller.
c. Tourist guide.
d. Restorer of pieces from the town museum.


Answer the questions below, take care of your handwriting, spelling and writing.

1. How are poverty and social injustice expressed in the work? Do you think this situation still occurs today? Exemplify with a
fragment of the novel.


0 1 3 5
Absence of text or text not Text with writing errors or It answers appropriately, but Answer finished with up to
relevant to the activity. more than 5 spelling it has 4 spelling mistakes or three spelling errors.
mistakes. However, it does not justify it with a
complies with the request. scene from the story.

2. How are women seen or treated at that time? Nowadays, do you think women look different? Support with current examples.

0 1 3 5
Absence of text or text not Text with writing errors or He answers appropriately, Answer finished with up to
relevant to the activity. more than 5 spelling but he has 4 spelling three spelling errors.
mistakes. However, it mistakes or does not
complies with the request. substantiate his answer.

3. Synthesizes the work read into the 10 most important events.


0 1 3 5
Absence of text or text not Text with writing errors or He answers appropriately, Answer finished with up to
relevant to the activity. more than 5 spelling but he has 4 spelling three spelling errors.
mistakes. However, it mistakes or does not
complies with the request. substantiate his answer.

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