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1.- What is a predicate or underlying crime?

R= Any criminal activity, generating patrimony, resources and goods or rights.

2.- Why is Mexico a high-risk geography?

A=Because of its proximity to the north and south with countries that offer a large market and resources for its
maritime routes and territory.

3.- What is the origin of the Terrorism funds?

A=Resources can be licit or illicit and are used to carry out terrorist acts and support terrorist groups.

Is the money laundering stage, where a drug trafficker constantly makes electronic transfers from one account to
another, which makes it difficult to trace the origin of the money?


Body created to examine the scope, trend and techniques with respect to the socioeconomic defect of money
laundering on an international scale...


6.- Why are FATF member countries evaluated?

A=To qualify a country, to know the country's situation that helps to prevent and contain money laundering.

Those who act in the Financial System, by complying with the General Provisions and its Legislation...

R=No breach of confidentiality obligations or duties imposed by law or contract.

8.-It is one of the elements that avoids putting the bank and the Financial System at risk...

A=The accurate and proper recording of the instruments used in the operations.

9.- Are there two basic obligations that the Banking Institution has with respect to the degree of risk to its

R=Classify the client by risk level and reevaluate the risk level at least twice a year.

10.-It is the person who has the capacity to dispose of the resources charged to the account opened by the client
or contractor:


11.- How long is the retention period for customer information?

A=For a period of not less than 10 years after the commercial relationship is terminated.

12.- Why is it vital to understand that there must be accuracy in the recording of customer identification

R=Because the alerts that are generated must signal without margin of error to the client.

13.- When will the simplified measures for Annex 1 entities apply?

A=When the customer has been classified as low risk.

14.- Who creates and discloses official lists of blocked persons to Financial Institutions?


15.-Customers who carry out vulnerable activities are an example for finishing .....

R=An Enhanced Due Diligence

16.-Multiple addresses and passports that a customer may have is one of the factors that generate...


17.-Which are the points that generate greater risk for the operations performed by...

R=Ports or Airports

Of the following monetary instruments, choose those that represent a greater risk due to the type of transactions
executed with them: 1. International Transfers 2.

R= 1 ,2 and 4

19.- Which geographical areas represent the greatest risk for the Entities?

R=Border Zones

20.-Transactions executed for any amount and by a customer or user whose resources are presumed to be of
illicit origin.....

R=Unusual Operations

21.- How should the grouping in foreign currency be done by the Banking Institution?

R=Customer and/or user in cash or traveler's check for amounts greater than or equal to 500 USD.

22.- Prevention and detection should be given from?

A=The full identification of the Investor

23.-The Communication and Control Committee is responsible for, among other things,...

R=Voting, Ruling and Reporting Unusual Transactions to the SHCP

24.- Who is responsible for managing the risk of the operation in the SPID and for providing effective means of
risk mitigation?

A=Financial Institutions

25.-In order for institutions to operate through SPID, they must have...

A=At least one account in U.S. dollars, opened in a U.S. Financial Institution, that provides the Correspondent

26.-To elaborate policies to identify and know the users; to inform the Communication and Control Committee of
the subjects of the Institution that violate the established rules; to inform said Committee of the opening of
accounts that generate a risk for the entity, are the functions of:

R=Compliance Officer

27.-It is the Individual or Legal Entity that receives the benefit resulting from the object of the Trust...


28.-What effect does Reputational Risk generate?

R=Direct and Immediate adverse effect on the Reputation of the ENTITY

29.- Are the factors on which complete and reliable information depends to integrate the client's file?

R=Product or service, type of customer and Risk Level

30.-Institutions develop an LDP policy due to .....

A=That they do not wish to be used for money laundering and it is a legal obligation.

In order for financial institutions to classify their customers by type of risk, they must have the following:
R=High and low risk classifications, policies and procedures for determining the degree of risk and transactional

32.- Why is client identification the most effective way to act in prevention?

A=Because without identification, knowledge of the client cannot be given or supported.

33.- What method can you apply in your daily life to prevent the introduction of illicit resources into the Financial

R=Prevention and Detection

34.- What is the object of Money Laundering?

R=Legitimize the illegitimate by using the Financial System, in particular the banking system.

It is defined as the bank account that a financial entity opens in another entity for the reception of resources
coming from clients, debtors, payers, payers, liquidators or users...

R=Concentrator Account

36.-Who can carry out cash transactions with dollars and from what amounts are reported to the SHCP?

R=Customers and users from 500 and 250 USD and above respectively

37.-Are subjects involved in the transaction?

A=Legal representatives, third parties, attorneys-in-fact, customers, co-owners, authorized third parties

38.- Are the main actors in the execution of a Trust?

R=Settlor, Trustee and Fiduciary

39.-Purchase of large amounts of money orders, cashier's checks or other instruments using cash, frequent
deposits with dirty or battered bills, refers to:

R=Relevant Operations

40.- What is the best way to prevent criminals from legitimizing their resources in the Financial System?

A=Identifying the customer's risk level and accurately gathering the necessary information according to that risk.

41.- What is the FATF?

A=It is an intergovernmental group formed by the G7 in 1989.

42.- Which Law obliges the Brokerage House to act in the prevention and detection of Money Laundering?

R=Securities Market Law

43.- What is the importance of the participation of the Mexican Financial System in the prevention of Money

R=Act in the national effort to detect Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

44.- What does customer knowledge consist of?

R=To collect a series of data and, if necessary, documents to know the Individual or Legal Entity.

Gathering information consists of motivating the integration of what is commonly called...

R=Customer File

46.-It is the definition of a politically exposed person?

A=That individual who performs or has performed prominent public functions in a foreign country or in national
territory, considering, among others, heads of state or government, political leaders, high-ranking government,
judicial or military officials, senior executives of state-owned companies; officials or important members of
political parties.

In addition to collecting data and motivating the integration of a customer file, what is another obligation of the

R=Conserve data and documents that will form the identification file.

Institutions shall classify as high risk clients at least those persons....

R=Politically exposed to foreign and non-resident customers of the Private Banking equivalent segment.

49.- Which type of banking instrument has lower customer or user identification requirements?
R=Prepaid Cards

50.- Is it possible to determine whether a customer is High Risk or Low Risk?

R=By Transactional Level

Select from the following statements which aspects should be taken into account to determine the geographic
risk: 1.Executed Transactionality 2.Origin of Transactionality 3.

R=1, 2, 3 AND 5

52.-Those operations in which the entity locates employees or officers of the entity that execute an operation
against the General Provisions...

R=Internal Operations of Concern

53.-When an "Investor" initiates the introduction of illicit resources using new companies or companies in need of
financial reorganization, initiating funds with high volumes and for unjustified amounts, it is said to be the
classification of .....

R=Money Laundering Typology

54.-The Audit Committee is responsible for...

A=Approve the criteria, measures and procedures of the General Policy for customer identification.

55.-What is SPID?

R=System used to operate the transfers of deposit accounts in U.S. dollars executed in national financial
institutions, opened by clients who are legal entities with domicile in Mexico.

56.- Is the Money Laundering stage where Illicit Proceeds are introduced into the Financial System?


57.-Law whose objectives are that non-financial entities identify and generate notices of specific transactions
based on specific amounts...

A=Anti-laundering law

58.-It is one of the elements used to avoid putting the Banking and Financial System at risk...

A=Accurate and proper recording of the instruments used in the operations.

59.-It is appointed by the client to exercise his rights against the entity in the event of his death....


60.-Which documents are required in the identification process of the individual customer?

A=A signed statement that the client is acting in his own name and on his own behalf or on behalf of a third party.

61.- What is the rule for the knowledge of the client?

R=The greater the risk represented by the client, the more information should be collected.

The use of the SPID requires participating banks to consider risk factors related to their operation such as:

R=Amount and frequency of operations declared by customer

63.-According to the IMF, how much do you estimate that Money Laundering represents in the Global GDP

R=Between 2% and 5% of the global GDP.

64.- What is the origin and objective of the Terrorism funds?

A=Resources can be licit or illicit and are used to carry out terrorist acts and support terrorist groups.

65.-What is the purpose of the sanctions programs issued by OFAC?

A=That U.S. companies and citizens do not participate with individuals and corporations subject to OFAC

66.- Which entities are obliged by Art.91 of the Investment Funds Law to prevent Money Laundering?

R=Investment Funds

67.- Is the definition of High Risk Operations?

A=Transactions carried out by politically exposed persons and non-resident clients in the country, for which the
reasons for which they have decided to open an account in the country must be known.

68.-Which institution participates as administrator of the SPID System?

R=Bank of Mexico

It is the stage of Money Laundering, where a drug trafficker with his "laundered" money legally buys real estate as
well as makes other types of investments...


70.-The OFAC seeks with its sanctions...

A=The blocking of assets and restriction of trade execution.

71.- What is the General Rule for documents provided as a means of identification?

R=Must not have obvious and evident erasures or alterations.

72.- Are individual transactions executed by customers or users in cash, traveler's checks, gold coins, for amounts
equal to or greater than 10,000 USD or is it equivalent in local currency?

R=Relevant Operations

73.- Is the definition of Relevant operations?

A=Transactions in cash, traveler's checks, gold coins, for amounts equal to or greater than 10,000 USD or the
equivalent in local currency.

In order to prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, the entity has...

R=LDP Program

75.-A LDP program consists of policies and procedures, auditing, training and .....

A=A Corporate Governance

76.-It is the body within the Trust that makes the decisions on the assets in accordance with the purpose of the
R=Technical Committee

77.-They are those who carry out internal operations of concern:

A=The employees, officers, directors and agents of a financial institution.

78.- How does the FATF classify countries that take into consideration and comply with the 40


79.- Who is responsible for submitting a semi-annual report to the audit committee?

R=Communication and Control Committee

80.-Audit Committee:

A=Must make sure that the result of the audit, whether internal or external to the area of prevention and
detection of money laundering, is presented to the general management of the entity, so that said management
is aware of the operational effectiveness of what has been implemented and its case may have knowledge and
thus follow up on the corrective action programs that the institution has to apply.

81.-List of countries with which the FATF is not satisfied with their strategies, but which have made sufficient
progress in the detection and prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing...

R=Grey List

82.- What is the importance of the participation of the Mexican Financial System in the Prevention of Money

R=Act in the national effort to detect Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

83.- Who is responsible for identifying the client?

A=The Bank

In addition to collecting data and motivating the integration of a client's file, what is the other obligation of

A=Keep the data and documents that will form the identification file.

85.- Is it a Compliance Officer's Responsibility?

R=Send to the Authority and follow up on reports of unusual transactions.

86.-When the specialized agency is informed of any possible operation or activity that is considered as "Unusual"
due to its characteristics:

A=Avoid putting the Bank and the Financial System at risk.

87.- Is it a basic principle to open an account in the Banking Institution?

A=Cannot open accounts or contracts that facilitate customer anonymity.

88.-Full name without abbreviations, gender, date of birth, country of birth, nationality, profession, occupation,
activity or line of business to which it is dedicated, are those data that must be collected to identify customers.

R=Natural Persons of Mexican or Foreign Nationality

89.-What are the minimum risk levels that can be established?

R=High and Low

90.-In the use of SPID, the objective of transactional monitoring is:

R=Generate alerts of possible unusual or suspicious transactions linked to illicit activities.

91.-It is the previous element for the knowledge of the client that allows to have an approach with the client to
know his profile, as well as the operations that he intends to carry out and the origin of his resources:


92.-It is the element for the knowledge of the client in which the documentation required by the institution must
be obtained and form the client's file:

R=File Integration

93.-If an individual is subject to the Individual with business activity regime, at the time of identifying the client...

A=Does not exempt you from being identified as such.

Recurrent abandonment of resources to be used by the owner, co-owner or authorized third parties without
benefiting from them:

R=Resource Providers

95.-They are companies selected by entities to receive dollars in cash and may, with prior authorization from the
CNBV, deposit dollars in cash in amounts greater than the limits established by the General Provisions:

A=Exchange Brokers

By gathering more information on the customer's activity or line of business, the banking entity may carry out:

R=Monitoring and analysis of executed transactionality

97.- What is understood by customer?

A=Any Individual or Legal Entity that enters into a commercial and contractual relationship with the bank.

It is who will approve the model for the location of customers using the SPID in specific risk level:

A=The Audit Committee

99.-Institutions develop an LDP policy due to...

A=They do not want to be used for money laundering and it is a legal obligation.

100.-It is the person who must make sure that the modification of the general policy of identification and
knowledge of the client takes place:

R=The Communication and Control Committee

101.-Each entity shall elaborate on the prevention of money laundering a...

R=Institutional Policy

In order to prevent and detect money laundering and terrorist financing, the entity is obliged to its collaborators
at least:

A=Once a year

103.- What is Operational Risk?

A= It is that which may cause losses due to human error, inadequate or faulty internal processes, system failures
and as a consequence of external events.

104.- What is Money Laundering?

A= Also known as Money Laundering, in its Art. 400 Bis establishes it as the crime of carrying out operations with
resources of illicit origin.

105.- On whom does OFAC impose sanctions?

A= It imposes economic sanctions on countries and groups of people involved in illicit activities such as drug
trafficking, terrorism, among others.

According to UN estimates, the amount of money laundered annually is of:

A=Annually at a global level it varies between 2% and 5% of the world's GDP.

107.- Is this the stage where the proceeds generated from illicit funds are introduced?


108.- Is this the stage in which transfers are made to various short-term accounts?


The following are the stages of Money Laundering: 1. Placement 2.

R= 1,2 and 3

110.- Persons on OFAC restricted list?

R=Bodies and Individuals with OFAC restrictions.

111.- From 30,000 to 100,000 days of salary fine are:

R=Transactions that are not reported as relevant and do not comply with the client's and/or user's knowledge.

112.-These require the same data and documents as the contracting party, their common denominator in both is
the capacity to draw on the resources charged to the account opened by the contracting party:

R=Client Co-owners

113.-The institutions shall classify clients as high risk at least a.....

R= Foreign PEPs. Non-resident customers assigned to the private banking segment or equivalent. Legal Entities.

In the Mexican Financial System, who are obliged to prevent and detect ML and FT?

A= The entity, its board of directors, its officers, employees, agents and officers.

115.-It is necessary to update at least once a year...

R= the identification files of clients classified as high risk.

116.- What is the role of the CNBV with respect to the prevention of money laundering?

A= Authorizes monitoring and reporting protocols for operations.

117.-For Individuals with business activity, the integration of the file must compulsorily include:

R= Federal Taxpayers' Registry Code with homoclave

118.-When a foreign exchange transaction is carried out by a customer either ......., special attention should be
paid when the amount exceeds ......... On the other hand, when the user makes transactions for amounts equal to
or greater than ........, ...... should be requested.

R= Individual or Legal Entity, 500 USD, 3000 USD, Identification data.

119.- What are the aspects that entities are obliged to comply with regarding the identification of customers and

A= Collect data, integrate the client's file and keep the data and documents.

What is the purpose of identifying the customer in terms of LDP and TF?

A= To know the true identity of the customer.

121.-Those who can act with the account or contract, or use the services of the banking entity, must be identified
as the client or contracting party...

R= Users

122.-They should be considered as legal entities, except for identification issues, since the regime for individuals
applies to them...

R= Individuals with business activity.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for entities to be able to receive UNLIMITED cash dollar

R= Individual with domicile in the national territory.

124.-For the purposes of the General Provisions, due to its transactionality and for purposes of limits and
operating parameters, it is considered a Legal Entity, however, it must be identified as a Natural Person. The
above makes reference....

R= to the Individual with business activity.

125.-It is not a basic principle of customer identification:

A= Enter into an anonymous business relationship.

Any Individual or Legal Entity that enters into a contractual relationship with the banking entity, and those who
act in their own name but under the concept of co-owner or authorized third party, who are also executors of the

R= Customer

127.-It is the institution authorized by law, which is in charge of the administration of the trust assets, fulfilling the
objectives of the trust:

R= Fiduciary

128.- Which classifications by degree of risk is it mandatory for entities to evaluate as a minimum?

R= High and Low

129.-When a user performs operations with dollars for amounts equal or equal to......... to........., his/her......
should be requested.

R=Superior, 250 USD, identification data

130.- What obligation do entities have to avoid being used for ML and FT based on their products, services,
practices or technologies?

A= To have a methodology to assess risk.

131.-The standard should be developed and implemented in several areas, and not only in identification and
knowledge; each entity will issue its own policy, process, criteria and measures. To what concept do these
characteristics allude?

R=Institutional Policy on LDP.

132.-The responsibilities of the Compliance Officer, except:

A=Closing transactions with customers.

133.-Approve the general know-your-customer policy and its criteria, as well as motivate compliance with it, are
some of its functions.....

R=Audit Committee.

134.-It is the person who must make sure that the modification of the general policy of identification and
knowledge of the client takes place:
R=Audit Committee

135.- Which product is more risky in terms of ML and TF?

R=Checking Account

136.-Who will approve the model for the location of clients used by the SPID at specific risk level:

A=The Audit Committee.

137.- From what amount is a transaction considered relevant?

R= $7,500 USD

138.-Developing the general policy for identification and knowledge of clients and users and executing the
instructions of the Communication and Control Committee are some of the responsibilities of .....

R=Compliance Officer.

139.- What is the risk-based approach?

R=It is the obligation of the entities to have a methodology to evaluate the risk of the entity being used for ML
and FT, based on its products, services, practices or technologies.

140.-The risk assessment methodology of the entities should consider:

R=Identification of "Risk Elements", "Risk Measurement" and "Risk Mitigation".

At least one of the following factors must be taken into account to classify a customer's risk level:

A=The information that the customer declared at the beginning of the commercial relationship.

142.- What is referred to when preventive and reactive actions of alerts are performed by detection systems?

R=Risk Mitigation.

143.- Which product is more risky in terms of ML and TF?

R=Use of Cash

This committee shall submit to the Board of Directors for approval, the methodology developed and implemented
to carry out the risk assessment.

R=Communication and Control Committee.

145.- Who can carry out cash transactions with dollars and from what amounts are reported to the SHCP?

R=Customers and Users from 500 and 250 USD respectively.

146.- Which phase is the Design, in the risk-based approach methodology?

A=It is the first phase of the risk-based approach methodology.

147.- What are the actions that every financial entity must take after the SHCP publishes the list of blocked

A=Suspend any act, operation or service, notify the person so that he/she can assert his/her rights and inform the

148.-A collegiate body made up of officers from different areas of the entity:

R=Communication and Control Committee.

149.-Those who carry out internal operations of concern:

A=Employees, officers, directors and/or agents of a financial institution.

In order for financial institutions to classify their customers by risk type, they must have:

R=High and low risk classification, policies and procedures to determine the degree of risk and transactional

151.- Which classification by degree of risk is mandatory for entities to evaluate as a minimum?

R=High and Low

152.-The main actors in the execution of a trust are...

R=Settlor, Trustee and Fiduciary

153.-Instruments with which the relevant transactions are carried out...

A=Cash, traveler's check, gold, silver or platinum coins, amount equal to or greater than 10,000 USD.

154.- From what amount is a transaction considered relevant?

R= $7,500 USD

155.- What is more risky in terms of jurisdiction for ML and FT?

A=Product operating in several jurisdictions.

156.- What does the legal framework refer to with respect to money laundering?

A=Declares that the Federal Code sanctions money laundering and refers to that it is the product of an illicit
activity, since its resources or assets are certainly derived from a crime and cannot prove their legitimate origin.

157.- The penalty of 10 to 100% of the amount is the fine for .....

R=unusual transactions not reported.

158.- What does OFAC supervise?

A= U.S. citizens may not be involved in the execution of activities and operations intended to be carried out with
the subjects or entities included in the sanctions.

159.- What is money laundering?

A= It is also known as money laundering; in Mexico the Penal Code in its Art. 400bis establishes it as the crime of
operations with resources of illicit origin.

160.- Which entities are obliged by Article 115 of the Law of Credit Institutions to prevent money laundering?

R= Banks

161.-How can the employee be more efficient in the Prevention against Money Laundering?

A= Observing and applying the standard through those involved in day-to-day banking operations.

Entities are required to file with the SHCP through the CNBV, reports of transactions in dollars in cash by .....

R= Quarterly

163.- Which entities are obliged by Article 91 of the Investment Funds Law to prevent money laundering?

R= Investment Funds

164.- One of OFAC's objectives is to execute .....

A= economic sanctions programs imposed by the United States.

165.-Crime of carrying out operations with resources of illicit origin.....

R= Money Laundering
166.- It is used to coerce companies or the government in order to impose its claims.....

R= Terrorism

167.- Risk that generates a loss of the Entity's value if it is subject to a sanction...


168.- What does the Money Laundering integration stage consist of?

A= Seeks to incorporate illicit resources into the formal economy in order to freely dispose of them.

169.- What is Reputational Risk?

A=It is the effect of the administrative sanction, criminal sanction or fine: it generates a direct and immediate
effect on the reputation of the Entity, generating the loss of the Entity's value and therefore economic.

170.-What does the Money Laundering stratification stage consist of?

A= Seeks to conduct a series of transactions in short periods of time, involving various products, benefits and

171.-These are sanctions in which the Entities may receive unlimited operations with dollars in cash, except:

A=When the last annual tax return filed with SAT prior to the date on which it is intended to operate is collected.

172.- They are obtained from any criminal activity, which motivates the obtaining of resources, goods or rights of
economic content and to which it is necessary to give a lawful appearance:

R=Resources of illicit origin.

173.-The standard should be developed and implemented in several areas, and not only in identification and
knowledge; each Entity will issue its own policy, process, criteria and measures. To which concept these
characteristics allude...

R= Institutional policy on PLD.

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