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1ª. EVAL: 2ª. EVAL: 3ª. EVAL:

Age: Age: Age:

0 to 3 months Only With Does Only With Does Onl With Does
assist not assist not y assista not
ance succee ance succee nce succ
d d eed
1.-Follows with the sight the movement of an object or person.
2.-Alternates attention (gaze) between objects.
3.-Hold a toy in your hand for 15 seconds.
4.-Repeat arm movements to keep a toy active.
5.-Objects that are taken are put in the mouth.
6.-Observe their hands

3 to 6 months Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assist not y assist not y assista not
ance succee ance succee nce succee
d d d
7.-Find a partially hidden toy.
8.-Able to grasp objects that are within reach of his hand.
9.-Strikes objects.
10.-Puts toys in his mouth.
11.-Remove a handkerchief covering his face.
12.-Search for the origin of the sound.

6 to 9 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
13.-Moves to reach an object.
4.-Drops objects without observing them.
15.-Agita objects.
16.-Finds hidden objects (initiates the understanding of the existence of objects even if they
are not in sight).
17.-Reaches for and catches objects whose movement produces noise.
18.-Remove obstacles to reach an object.

9 to 12 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assist not y assista not y assist not
ance succee nce succe ance succee
d ed d
19.-Intentionally drops objects to observe them.
20.-Ask an adult to start and stop the movement of a toy.
21.-Turn over a card to see the drawing.

12 to 18 months ( 1 to 1 ½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assist not y assista not y assist not
ance succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
Activate a toy after demonstration by an adult.
23.-Ask an adult to wind up a new toy.
24.-Fill and empty a container with objects.
25.-Move carts or toys designed with wheels.
26.-Observe the drawings of a story indicating or naming known objects, if required.
27.-Shows toys to adults.
28.-Find objects hidden in: a box, under a cloth or canvas.
29.-Handles 3 to 4 toys, putting them aside when receiving a new toy.
30.-Lift objects from the floor with a string or bead.
31.-Demonstrates the use of known objects. Ex. (cup, spoon).

18 to 24 months ( 1 ½ to 2 years) Onl With It Onl With Does Onl With It

y assist does y assista not y help does
ance not nce succee not
achiev d
es achiev
32.- Look for a known person who has left the room.
Activates a toy without adult demonstration.
34.-Spontaneously names objects.
35.-Uses an object (stick, board) to bring a toy that is out of reach.
36.-Methodically search for a hidden object.
24 to 30 months - (2 to 2 ½ years) Onl With Does Only With Does Onl With Does
y assist not assista not y assist not
ance succee nce succee ance succe
d d ed
37.-Gives sequence to actions in her play, such as: preparing porridge to play dolls, feeding her,
cleaning her mouth.
38.-Imitate folding a piece of paper in half.
39.-Count by memory up to number 5.
40.-Arrange equal figures (Ex. Circles with circles, triangles with triangles).
41.-Understands the concepts one, two, many and all.
42.-Insert rings on a dowel in order of size.

30 to 36 months (2 ½ to 3 years) Onl With It does Onl With Does With It

y help not y help not Onl assist does
succe y ance not
achiev ed achiev
es es
43.-Group three primary colors by matching them.
44.-Groups objects known by their color, shape, size and function.
45.-Attempts to reach elevated objects by using appropriate means (chair, stool).
46.-Draw a face, following a model.
47.-Group objects with their respective photograph.

36 to 42 months ( 3 to 3 ½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assist not y assista not y assist not
ance succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
48.-Understands the concept of mas (Ex. Which of these baskets has more balls).
49.-Identify and name the primary colors.
50.-Remembers events of a previous week.
51.-Listen to simple stories.
52.-Ask the meaning of unknown words.
53.-Following a model, assemble a train using cubes.
54.-Build bridges using cubes.
55.-Describe objects by their function or use.
56.-Reads scribbles as if they were real words.
57.-Starts to form simple value judgments: good, bad, pretty, ugly.

42 to 48 months ( 3 ½ to 4 years) Onl With It Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assist does y assista not y assist not
ance not nce succee ance succee
achiev d d
58.-Count 5 digits
59.-Draw a human face
60.-Expresses age and last name
61.-Organizes simulation games. Example: The little house, drinking tea, cowboys and Indians,
Star Wars.
62.-Incorporate imaginary objects in their games.
63.-Classify objects by shape and color.

48 to 54 months ( 4 to 4 ½ years) Onl With Does Onl With It does Onl With Does
y help not y assista not y help not
succee nce succee
d achiev d
64.-Recognizes some letters.
65.-Stack 5 objects in order of size.
66.-Understands the concept of the number 3 (e.g., give me three).
67.-Try to draw objects.
68.-Deduce what will happen next.
69.-Start to differentiate the real from the unreal, asking "is it true?"
70.-Play with words (Ex. create your own rhymes).
71.- Mention the name of the street and the city where you live.
72.-Construct pyramids using 6 cubes.
73.-Classify objects by their function.

54 to 60 months ( 4 ½ to 5 years) Onl With It does Onl With Does Onl With It
y assist not y assista not y assist does
ance nce succee ance not
achiev d achie
es ves
74.-Draw objects without models.
75.-Recognizes some printed words.
76.-He is interested in his own birth.
77.-Write your name.
78.-Draw figures with lines / stripes.
79.-Understands the concepts "bigger", "taller", "same/equal".
80.-Count by heart to twenty.
81.-Classifies known objects (Ex. toys, food, animals).
82.-Likes interactive toys (Ex. barbie's house, dump trucks).

60 to 72 months ( 5 to 6 years) Onl With It does Onl With It does Onl With It does
y assist not y assista not y assist not
ance nce ance achiev
achiev achiev es
es es
83.-Name the days of the week in order.
84.-Read the numbers from 1 to 10.
85.-Name most of the letters.
86.-Identifies coins when they are named.
87.-Repeats a story from a picture book with reasonable accuracy.
88.-Understands the concept zero "zero". (o) represents nothing
89.-Iguales letras.
90.-Likes illustrated books and magazines and movable objects.
91.-Likes simple riddles.
92.-Seeks to know how dogs and cats are born.

72 to 84 months ( 6 to 7 years) Onl With Does Onl With It does Onl With Does
y assist not y assista not y assist not
ance succee nce ance succee
d achiev d
93.-Write the numbers from 1 to 19, without requiring a model.
94.-Order in proper sequence cards numbered from 1 to 10.
95.-Understands and follows event schedules.
96.- Solve one-digit additions and subtractions.
97.-Write your first and last name from memory.
98.-Read 10 written words.
Draw a person with six recognizable parts.
100.-Establishes the preceding and following days / numbers.


Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age:
X 100 / = % X 100 / = % X 100 / = %
Responses Total of Responses Total of Responses Total of
Correct Questions Correct Questions Correct Questions
applied applied applied applied applied applied


To obtain the percentage, it is necessary to always start from question one in order to count the total number of questions asked. In re-evaluations always start by applying the
items you failed last time and count from question one. Exem, Number of answers correctly answered X 100 ÷ No. From questions applied up to their chronological age.


0 to 3 months Only With It does Onl With It does Onl With Does
help not y assista not y assista not
nce nce succee
achiev achiev d
es es
1.-The cause of the cry is vague (0 to 1 month)
2.-Startles at loud noises
3.-Cries differently to express pain, hunger or discomfort.
4.-Turns his head towards whoever is watching or talking to him.
5.- Produces guttural and vocal sounds.

3 to 6 months Only With Does Onl With It does Onl With It does
assista not y assista not y help not
nce succee nce
d achiev achiev
es es
6.-Direct your gaze to the person who is speaking to you.
7.-Vocalizes as a response to the sender's stimulus.
8.-Vocalizes pleasure and pain.
9.-Starts babbling varying pitch and intensity.
He plays with his voice: he gurgles, vocalizes and laughs out loud.

6 to 9 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assist not y help not y help not
ance succ succee succee
eed d d
11.-Stops at a "no" command.
12.-Imitate familiar sounds.
13.-Understands his parents' gestures.
Babble the sounds of the letters "m", "n", "t", "d", "b", "p", "g", "k" and "i".
15.-Directs his gaze to familiar objects or people when they are named.
16.-Babbles using the consonant + vowel combination (e.g., "ma-ma-ma", "la-la-la".
17.-Speaks to please another person.
18.-Vocalize differently to express "hunger", "anger" or "satisfaction".

9 to 12 months Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
19.-Begin to relate the objects with their corresponding names.
20.-Gives objects when asked.
21.-Attend when you hear your name.
22.-Greet and wave your hand when requested.
23.-Gesticulates and vocalizes wants and needs.
24.-Say a two-syllable word (e.g., "mama2, "dada", "tata", "tete").
25.-Articulates almost all speech sounds.
26.-To obtain what he/she desires, he/she guides others through physical actions: patting,
pulling, pushing, pulling.

12 to 18 months (1 to 1½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
27.-Adequately express 3 to 20 simple words.
Shows understanding of what he/she hears: directing his/her gaze towards the sender,
expressing or repeating words mentioned.
When asked, point out 1 to 3 parts of his/her body.
30.-Signal the desired object.
31.-Protest by saying "no", shaking your head, withdrawing or frowning.
32.-Use gestures and ritual words such as "goodbye", "hello".
33.-Says "mom" and "dad" indiscriminately.
34.-When asked to point out known objects.
35.-Answers simple "what?", "who?", and "when?" questions.
36.-Uses gestures and vocalizations to scold, tease, and warn.
37.-Uses one-word phrases to express a complete thought (p. e.g., "park" for "take me to the
38.-Uses the intonation of some sentences and imitates some words.
39.-Says "it's over" and asks for "more".

18 to 24 months (1½ to 2 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
40.-Comprehends approx. 300 words.
41.-Use 20 to 50 words.
42.-When asked to point out 5 parts of his body.
43.-Develop words with the consonant/vowel/consonant structure.
Elaborate sentences with an average of 1.8 words.
45.-Name familiar objects.
46.-Niega and affirms with the movement of his head.
47.-Listens attentively when naming objects in illustrations.
48.-Say your name.
49.-Combine two words to create sentences.
50.-Follow instructions involving "in", "on".
51.-Order (p. e.g., "take off"), and uses possessives (e.g., "take off"), and uses possessives
(e.g., "take off"). axis, "mine").

24 to 30 months (2 to 2½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
52.-Comprehends approximately 500 words.
53.-Use up to 200 words.
54.-Create sentences with an average of 3.1 words.
55.-Answers questions involving "What?", "Where?", (e.g., "What is that?").
56.-Follows simple instructions (p. e.g., "sit here", "bring it to me").
57.-Sometimes substitutes or omits some consonants.
58.-Develop simple questions (p. axis, "did daddy leave?"
59.-Responds to two related orders (axis. pick up the ball and bring it to me).
60.-Use the plural number of simple words (p. axis, "cat/cats").

30 to 36 months ( 2½ to 3 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
61.-Comprehends approx. 900 words.
62.-Uses 500 words.
63.-Create sentences with an average of 3.4 words.
64.-Understands the words "big" and "small".
65.-Sign familiar objects in a picture book.
66.-He refers to himself by name.
67.-Use pronouns (p. axis, I, mine, you).
68.-Identify photographs of common objects described by their use (p. ax, show me what you
use to eat").
69.-Articulate the consonants "m", "n", "p" and "i".
70.-Use third person pronouns: "he", "she", and possessive pronouns: "mine", "yours", "his".
71.-Elaborate simple questions using the words: "What?", "Where?".

36 to 42 months (3 to 3½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
72.-Comprehends approx. 1,200 words.
73.-Use up to 800 words.
Elaborate sentences with an average of 4.3 words.
75.-Listens to stories and asks for repetition of the ones he/she likes.
76.-Knows the concepts "in front" and "behind".
77.-Construct sentences with their subject, verb and complementary.
78.-Responds to two unrelated orders (p. e.g., "leave the glass on the table and turn off the
79.-Initiate the "ask" stage using the words: "Why?", "Who?", "How many?" and "What?".
80.-Use the past tense of regular verbs.
81.-In most of the words he/she pronounces the final consonants properly.
2 to 48 months (3½ to 4 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
82.-Comprehends approx. 1,500 to 2,000 words.
83.-Use up to 1,000 words.
84.-Create sentences with an average of 4.4 words.
85.-Articulate consonants "b", "c", "d", "f", "j", "k", "ñ" and "t".
86.-Respond to three related orders (p. e.g., "pick up the spoon, put it in the cup and bring it
to me").
87.-Describe the use of common objects.
88.-Completes simple verbal analogies (p. e.g., "daddy is a man, mommy is _").

48 to 54 months ( 4 to 4½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
89.-Comprises approx. 2,000 to 2,500 words.
90.-Use up to 1,500 words.
91.-Create sentences with an average of 4.6 words.
92.-Use the future tense of verbs.
93.-Knows the concepts "between", "above", "below", "above", "bottom".
94.-Articulate the consonant "g".
95.-Makes few omissions or substitutions of consonants.
96.-Appropriately uses verb forms (p. e.g., the child's cat).

54 to 60 months ( 4½ to 5 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
Approximately 2,500 to 2,800 words.
98.-Use up to 2,000 words.
99.-Create sentences with an average of 5.7 words.
100.-Tells stories in simple language without using pictures.
101.-Develop cause and effect sentences (e.g., "they gave me a candy because I behaved
102.-.Generates compound sentences (p. e.g., "we went to the store and bought milk").
103.-Articulate the consonants "ch", "ll" and "y".
104.-Understands the concepts "heavy/light", "long/short", "strong/soft", "similar/different".
105.-Articulates with difficulty some letter combinations.

60 to 72 months ( 5 to 6 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
106.-Comprehends approx. 13,000 words.
107.-Create sentences with an average of 6.6 words.
108.-Use all pronouns consistently.
109.-.Use the superlative appreciative suffixes "isthmus", "isthmus".
110.-Establish the similarities and differences between objects.
111.-Understands the concept "contrary" (p. axis, "the opposite of hot is? _______”).
112.-Articulate the consonants "s", "r".
113.-Understands the concepts of "yesterday/tomorrow", "more/less", "some/many",
"several/few", "majority/minority", "before/after", "now/late", "tomorrow/afternoon".

72 to 84 months ( 6 to 7 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
114.-Comprehends approx. 20,000 to 26,000 words.
115.-Create sentences with an average of 7.3 words.
116.-Captures errors of others in the use of language.
117.-Use comparatives in an appropriate manner.
118.-Invent a story at the moment of telling it.
119.-Articulates all the sounds of the tongue.
120.-Knows the seasons of the year and their characteristics.
121.-Use the passive voice of verbs.
122.-Uses age-appropriate vocabulary.
123.-He says bad words.
124.-Vaguely understands time (p. e.g., the difference between day/week/month).
Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age:
X 100 / = % X 100 / = % X 100 / = %
Responses Total of Responses Total of Responses Total of
Correct Questions Correct Questions Correct Questions
applied applied applied applied applied applied


To obtain the percentage, it is necessary to always start from question one in order to count the total number of questions asked. In re-evaluations always start by applying the
items you failed last time and count from question one. Exem, Number of answers correctly answered X 100 ÷ No. From questions applied up to their chronological age.


0 to 3 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
1.- Shows the prehensile reflex (Ex. Grasps objects).
2.- Lift your head while lying on your stomach.
3.-Face down, extend arms and legs alternately and simultaneously.
4.- Lift your head 45° leaning on your elbows.

3 to 6 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
5.- Lying on the belly, turn over on your back.
Sits with support.
7.- Open your hand in anticipation of contact.
8.-Lying on his back, he holds his feet with his hands.
9.- Holds a small object.

6 to 9 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
10.- Remain seated without support.
11.- Lying face up, turn face down and vice versa.
12.- Reach for small objects with raking movements.
13.- Sitting, if you feel yourself falling sideways, you balance yourself by extending your arms.
14.- Repta on belly forward
15.- Picks up objects easily without the use of the thumb.
16.- Objects are changed from one hand to another.

9 to 12 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
17.- With support he leans down to a sitting position.
18.- With support he/she rises to a standing position.
19.- Grasp small objects using thumb and index finger.
20.- Walks if held by one hand.
21.-Press with your index finger.
22.-Moves around leaning on furniture.
23.-Stands momentarily upright without assistance.
24.-Alternates the action of crawling and sitting.

12 to 18 months ( 1 to 1 ½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
25.-Drop objects into a small container.
26.- Stack 2 to 4 objects.
27.- Hold the pencil in your fist with your thumb upwards.
28.- Go up and down a ladder, with help and resting both feet on each step.
29.- Starts and stops without difficulty.
30.- While seated, can stand without support.
31.- When walking, enjoys pushing or pulling a toy.
32.- Disassemble toys that have been designed to be assembled and disassembled.
33.- Take steps without help.
34.- Standing up, you can bend down and sit up again (bending your knees).

18 to 24 months ( 1 ½ to 2 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
35.- Vigorously scribbles with crayons or markers.
36.- Stack 4 to 6 objects.
37.- Fit rings randomly on the board.
38.- Throws balls forward.
39.- Walk without falling
40.- When listening to music, start dancing.
41.- Kicks balls forward.
42.- Squats to play.
43.- Crawl backwards down the stairs.

24 to 30 months - (2 to 2 ½ years) Only With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
44.- Climb the stairs alternating two feet on each step.
45.- Stack 6 to 7 cubes.
46.- Walk backwards.
47.- Run without falling.
48.- Jump with one foot taking several steps.
Hold the crayon with the fingers, keeping the back of the hand facing outward and the
forearm straight, so that the thumb is pointing downward.
50.- He constantly uses one hand in most of his activities.
51.- Manipulates, presses and spreads the plasticine.
52.- Jump with both feet in a space (without advancing).
53.- Imitates circular, horizontal and vertical strokes.

30 to 36 months (2 ½ to 3 years) Only With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
54.- Walk down the stairs alternating your feet on each step.
55.- Stack 7 to 8 cubes.
56.- Catches a ball by stretching out his arms and pressing it against his chest.
57.- Make cuts with scissors trying to follow a line.

36 to 42 months (3 to 3 ½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
58.- Hold the crayon between the index finger, ring finger and thumb without closing the fist.
59.- Handles pegs and pins.
60.- Kicks big balls.
61.- Pedal and ride a tricycle.
62.- When drawing, use circular, vertical and horizontal movements.

42 to 48 months (3 ½ to 4 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
63.- Cut out a circle with scissors.
64.- Model simple figures with mud, clay or plasticine, Ex. Balls, vipers)
65.- Runs dodging obstacles and turning corners.
66.- Walk on a straight line.
67.- Assemble a simple puzzle of 3 to 5 pieces.
68.- Climb small playground stairs.
69.- Supported on one foot, unaided, between 5 and 10 sec.

48 to 54 months (4 to 4 ½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
70.- Walks freely swinging arms and legs in a crossing or alternating pattern, similar to the
adult walking pattern.
71.- Copy figures of crosses.
72.- Jump over objects 12 to 15 centimeters high, landing with both feet.
73.- Skillfully strings small beads on a string.
74.- Rides a balanced bicycle with auxiliary wheels.

54 to 60 months (4 ½ to 5 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
75.- Jumps on one foot.
76.- Swings using his legs, keeping his own rhythm.
77.- Cut out paper following a continuous line.
78.- He is skillful in the use of the pencil. Fine hand movements are observed.
79.- Copies figures of squares.
80.- Holds papers with a paper clip.
81.- Performs maromas.
82.- Walk on a 10 cm balance beam. wide.
83.- Build 8-piece puzzles without trial and error.

60 to 72 months ( 5 to 6 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
84.- Jumps following a straight line.
85.- Cut out simple figures.
86.- Manual lateral dominance is established.
87.- He rides a bicycle without auxiliary wheels.
88.- Color figures without going out of the outline.
89.- Bounces and catches small balls.
90.- Gum and glue figures properly.

72 to 84 months ( 6 to 7 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Only With Does
y assista not y assista not assist not
nce succee nce succee ance succee
d d d
91.- Learn to paint.
92.- Throw the ball to a target.
93.- Draw without difficulty a line from beginning to end, by providing a simple maze on
94.- He strikes guided with one foot in front, transferring his weight in a smooth and
proportionate manner.
95.- Jump rope without help.
96.- Jump by alternating feet and keeping balance.
Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age:
X 100 / = % X 100 / = % X 100 / = %
Responses Total of Responses Total of Responses Total of
Correct Questions Correct Questions Correct Questions
applied applied applied applied applied applied


To obtain the percentage, it is necessary to always start from question one in order to count the total number of questions asked. In re-evaluations always start by applying the
items you failed last time and count from question one. Exem, Number of answers correctly answered X 100 ÷ No. From questions applied up to their chronological age.

0 to 3 months Onl With Does Only With Does Onl With Does
y assista not assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
1.- Observe the face of an adult.
2.- Stops crying when spoken to, held or comforted.
3.- Voluntarily directs attention to a person or situation.
4.-Willfully refuses to pay attention to a person or situation.

3 to 6 months Onl With Does Only With Does Onl With Does
y assista not assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
5.- Responds differently to a family member and a stranger.
6.- Responds with a smile to a smiling adult.
7.- Expresses its desire to be loaded
8.- Smile when you see yourself reflected in a mirror.
9.- Laugh out loud.

6 to 9 months Onl With Does Only With Does Onl With Does
y assista not assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
10.- Interact through smiles and chirps.
11.- Increased interactions with other infants.
12.- Expresses different physical states (p. e.g., anger, tiredness, excitement and hunger).
13.- Imitates facial expressions, actions and sounds.
14.- Becomes restless when the mother disappears.
15.- Rejects something that does not please him/her, with gestures and movements.

9 to 12 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
16.- He is rarely separated from his favorite blanket or toy.
17.- Participates in simple games: "hide and seek", "potatoes and potatoes", etc.
18.- Repeats actions that attract attention or are funny to others.
19.- Expresses two or more emotions (p. e.g., pleasure, fear, sadness).
20.- Responds differently to children and adults.
21.- Responds to scolding with crying and/or fear and anger.
22.- Reacts with distrust before a stranger.

12 to 18 months (1 to 1½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
23.- Recognizes him/herself in front of a mirror and/or portrait.
24.- Play only for short periods.
25.- Manifests jealousy.
26.- When driving independently, may need to return to parents for safety and attention (likes
to know that an adult is nearby).
27 - Shows first signs of independence by behaving in a playful and exploratory manner
(probably still requires some supervision and support).
Contact with other children is encouraged by an adult or a toy.
29.- When facing a new situation, they look to their parents for reassurance.

18 to 24 months ( 1½ to 2 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
30.- Enjoys simple simulation games (p. (e.g., the adult pretends that the spoon is an airplane
when feeding the child).
31.- Plays alone, even when other children are present.
32.- He often does the opposite of what is repeated to him.
33.- Frequently defiant: says "no" to many requests.
34.- It is curious he gets into everything.
35.- It is difficult to share.
36.- Helps to store things.

24 to 30 months ( 2 to 2½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
37.- Insists on doing things by himself (p. e.g., eat with a spoon, drink from a glass).
38.- Reacts with tantrums when frustrated.
39.- He is shy in front of strangers, especially if they are adults.
40.- He is impatient and demanding.
41.- He claims some objects as his own.
42.- With adults sing familiar songs.

30 to 36 months ( 2½ to 3 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
43.- Says "please" and "thank you" when reminded.
44.- Plays appropriately in groups of 2 or 3 children for short periods of time.
45.- Shows great insistence in getting what he/she wants.
46.- Starts with symbolic games pretending to be a certain character (p. e.g., Indians, cowboys
or children's movie characters).

36 to 42 ( 3 to 3½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
47.- Uses a complex style of speech when interacting with other children in social or play
48.- Shows affection towards younger children by hugging and kissing them.
49.- Seeks to attract the attention of others.
50.- Detects if the attention of others is faked.
51.- He shares his toys.
52.- He usually waits his turn.

42 to 48 months ( 3½ to 4 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
53.- Says "thank you" and "please" spontaneously.
54.- State whether it is a boy or a girl.
55.- Initiates cooperative play.
56.- Greet acquaintances with spontaneous hugs.
57.- Shows feelings of empathy for others.
58.- Separates from parents without crying.

48 to 54 months ( 4 to 4½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
59.- Ask for help when you need it.
60.- Shows pride in feeling satisfied with their achievements.
61.- Play dress-up.
62.- Expresses regret.
63.- Prefers to play with other children rather than alone.
64.- He likes to show his talents (p. axis, singing, dancing).

54 to 60 months ( 4½ to 5 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
65.- Shows interest and sympathy for others.
66.- Ask permission to use other people's things.
67.- Play in group respecting simple rules.

60 to 72 months ( 5 to 6 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
68.- He likes competitive games.
69.- Expresses his feelings.
70.- He consoles his friends in situations of distress.
71.- You drive safely when visiting your neighbors or relatives.
72.- Understands and respects the fair rules of a game.
73.- He deeply admires his parents.
74.- Collects objects (p. stones, cards, stamps, stamps, tokens).
75.- Explain to others the rules of the game.

72 to 84 months ( 6 to 7 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does
y assista not y assista not y assista not
nce succee nce succee nce succee
d d d
76.- Respect the turns and rules of the game.
77.- Accepts light and friendly jokes without being very worried.
78.- Accepts valid criticism without crying, pouting or refusing to continue.
79.- Select your friends.
80.- Your best friend is the one of the same sex.
81.- He is obedient and wants to please.
82.- Uses excuses to avoid punishment.


Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age:
X 100 / = % X 100 / = % X 100 / = %
Responses Total of Responses Total of Responses Total of
Correct Questions Correct Questions Correct Questions
applied applied applied applied applied applied


To obtain the percentage, it is necessary to always start from question one in order to count the total number of questions asked. In re-evaluations always start by applying the
items you failed last time and count from question one. Exem, Number of answers correctly answered X 100 ÷ No. From questions applied up to their chronological age.


0 to 3 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
1.- Sleep at intervals of 4 to 10 hours.
2.-Displays the sucking reflex.
3.-When touching his cheek, turn his head towards the cheek in question.
4.-Expresses displeasure when clothes are removed by the head.
5.-Enjoy the bath, keep your eyes open and show satisfaction when you feel the warm water.

3 to 6 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
Sleep during the night, take two to three naps during the day.
At the sight of his mother's bottle or breast, he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue,
anticipating the arrival of the food.
8.-Puts food in the mouth using the whole hand.
9.- Uses his tongue to reject his food.
10.-Accepts to eat porridge with a spoon.

6 to 9 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
11.- Sleep all night, take two naps during the day.
12.-Closes his lips when swallowing.
13.-He takes off his socks.

9 to 12 months Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
14.-Sleep all night, take only one nap during the day.
15.-Closes his mouth on the edge of a cup, spilling liquid through the corners of his mouth.
16.-Hold a cup and direct it to your mouth, taking 4 to 5 sips.
17.-Takes a cookie and eats it without help.
18.-Holds the bottle without help when drinking the contents of the bottle.
19.-Likes or dislikes certain foods.
20.-Starts to cooperate when being dressed.
21.-Evacuate regularly.
22.-Claims diaper change.

12 to 18 months ( 1 to 1½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
23.-Sleeps during the night, without the need to take a nap during the day.
24.-Eat with a spoon and drink from a cup without help, but spilling food frequently.
25.-Sits on the toilet for at least one minute and with supervision.

18 to 24 months ( 1½ to 2 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
26.-Start using the fork.
27.-Chewing food.
28.-Imitate various domestic actions (p. e.g., sweeping, washing, dustering).
29.-Stop the obstacle that prevents you from opening the door.
30.-He indicates or verbalizes his physiological needs 50% of the time.

24 to 30 months ( 2 to 2½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
31.-Shoes and socks and some kind of pants are removed.
32.-Cooperate to be clothed.
33.-Open the door by turning the knob.
34.-Try to wash your hands and face.
35.-Avises his physiological needs in time to reach the restroom without accidents.
36.-Has less-frequent bowel movements.
37.-Use the drinking fountain to drink water.
38.-Helps with household chores (p. e.g., helps to store things).

30 to 36 months ( 2½ to 3 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
39.-Pinch the food with the fork and put it in the mouth.
40.-You can wear simple garments such as: socks, shirt and coat.
41.- Begins to control his sphincters and daytime bowel movements, having occasional

36 to 42 months (3 to 3½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
42.-It is served from a pitcher, with help.
43.-Handles large buttons and snaps.
44.-Washes and dries hands without help.
45.-Controls sphincters and bowel movements.

42 to 48 months ( 3½ to 4 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
46.-Eats without help all his food spilling slightly the food.
47.-Brushes teeth as directed,
48.-He puts on his shoes without tying them.
49.-Wipes his nose by reminding him and showing him how to do it.

48 to 54 months (4 to 4½ years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
50.-Employs all its utensils when eating.
51.-Clean up any spills.
52.-Start knotting the ribbons of his shoes.
53.-Washes face and hands without help.
54.-Use the fasteners with ease.
55.-Dresses without help.
56.-Attends, without help, to his/her physiological needs, asking for privacy in the bathroom.

54 to 60 months (4½ to 5 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
57.-Serves self at table (parents hold serving dish).
58.-He brushes his teeth.
59.-Start combing or brushing your hair.
60.-Goes to the bathroom without help: undresses, cleans himself, goes down to the toilet
and gets dressed again.

60 to 72 months ( 5 to 6 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
61.-Cross the street safely.
62.-Knot the ribbons of your shoes without achieving the complete knot.
63.-Dresses and undresses without assistance, but requires assistance with straps and
buttoning the back of clothing.
64.-She combs her hair with satisfactory results.

72 to 84 months ( 6 to 7 years) Onl With Does Onl With Does Onl With Does not
y assista not y assista not y assista succeed
nce succee nce succee nce
d d
65.-Use the knife to spread the bread.
66.-Prepares simple sticks (p. e.g., cereal, chocolate milk).
67.-Bathes without help.
68.-Set and clear the table without help.
69.-Use the napkin.
70.-Shoes are tied with satisfactory results.
71.-Select appropriate clothing according to the occasion and temperature.
72.-Attends to his/her physiological needs before undertaking an activity.


Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age:
X 100 / = % X 100 / = % X 100 / = %
Responses Total of Responses Total of Responses Total of
Correct Questions Correct Questions Correct Questions
applied applied applied applied applied applied


To obtain the percentage, it is necessary to always start from question one in order to count the total number of questions asked. In re-evaluations always start by applying the
items you failed last time and count from question one. Exem, Number of answers correctly answered X 100 ÷ No. From questions applied up to their chronological age.

Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Age: Date: Discrepancy in % compared to the
1st. and 3rd. moment.
(average out) (average out) (average out) (average out) (average out)

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