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World Missionary Movement, Inc.


U ne powerful reason why almost every spiritual department (revival)

in the history of the Church has lasted a relatively short time is
because the hand of man has wanted to control and organize the work of
the Holy Spirit.
For this reason many movements, whose outstanding characteristic
was aggressive evangelism and missionary work, today are super
organized churches or denominations, therefore cold, formal and with
very little spiritual life.
On this, a high official of a well-known denomination in the United
States expressed, "The Church has an organization that can rival
General Motors." This is ridiculous. Another prominent evangelical
leader, also from the United States, said. "The Church listens more to the
voice of the organization than to the voice of God."
Because of this marked tendency to excessive organization, the
average vigorous life and spiritual strength of these spiritual departments
is forty years, and the fiftieth anniversary is almost always celebrated as
just another denomination, with very little of the work of the Holy Spirit
and with much of the human resources and the norms and politics of the
When this happens, human presence has postponed divine presence;
collective super-organization has suffocated individual conviction; the
letter that kills has supplanted the Spirit that vivifies: imperfect human
regulations have replaced perfect biblical principles; hierarchical
dictatorship has killed the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is why
history repeats itself. God must leave them in their false human
greatness, turning to the humble, to the little ones, to those who seek
Him and desire to serve Him wholeheartedly.
It is with joy that we can affirm that it is God who has placed in the
hearts of the initiators of these modest efforts, the call, the vision, the
burden, the spirit of sacrifice, for the sake of missionary work and world
evangelization, it is also God who has raised up this WORLD
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, for the glory of His name and for world
When others work to group all under the same false, system, council,
under the false and treacherous ecumenism. Thus flirting with the spirit of
antichrist and the False Prophet who will gather all churches and
religions into one apostate church, we, who in our honest estimation are
nothing, are working day and night, body, soul and spirit, doing our
utmost to see that the Gospel reaches the ends of the earth.We, who in
our honest estimation are nothing, are working day and night, body, soul
and spirit, doing our utmost to see that the Gospel reaches the ends of
the earth.
The World Missionary Movement is not a sectarian, hierarchical,
coercive, arbitrary organization; nor a council in the usual and traditional
style, which postponing the supreme task of the Church, which is the
evangelization of the world, is devoted to the hunt for human greatness,
to the deification of the name of its denomination or council, to the
enrichment of the organization in funds and real estate.
The World Missionary Movement is what its name suggests. It is a
Movement. Movement is an effect. The great cause of this movement is
the action of the Holy Spirit with His gifts and fruits operating through
men and women with a clear, broad vision of the need of lost souls, with
a recognized spirit of faith, sacrifice and a clean testimony, who imitating
the Great Missionary, our Lord Jesus Christ, place in second place all
material, personal, religious, denominational interests, to give first place,
priority to the supreme interest of the fulfillment of the Great Commission
which is the evangelization of the world in our generation.or Jesus Christ,
place in second place all material, personal, religious and denominational
interests, to give first place and priority to the supreme interest of the
fulfillment of the Great Commission, which is the evangelization of the
world in our generation. He is a missionary. Its objective is the promotion
and extension of the missionary work, evangelization and the salvation of
souls. It is worldwide. Its vision and action is worldwide. "To the ends of
the earth".
For legal reasons established by the Government and so that all may
know the nature and projection of these efforts: by the Lord's direction,
we have adopted the name: World Missionary Movement, as well as
these statutes and rules, not as something rigid, but always giving place
to the irreplaceable direction of the Holy Spirit.
The first edition of these statutes was published in 1963, when the
World Missionary Movement, Inc. was founded. The second edition was
published in 1971.

As we publish this third edition at the end of 1981, these concepts of
the Work of God, the biblical principles and the vision that God gave us
from the beginning, from the beginning of this Work, have not changed at
It has been just the opposite, as we have seen the spiritual decay, the
failures of individuals, churches and councils by reason of their failure to
maintain or abandon biblical and spiritual principles: and also as we see
the disastrous results of some among us, who were skillfully and slowly
deceived by Satan, followed carnal motivations, material interests,
disobedience and ambitions of greatness, deviated from these principles,
from this vision, from this work and sinned and defrauded the
inheritances of the Lord: We, the ones that the Lord used to initiate this
work, as well as all the others that God has integrated and that remain
faithful and loyal, after almost two decades, we reaffirm ourselves in
these principles, concepts and vision, finding ourselves very happy with
the results of our work.We are very happy with the biblical physiognomy,
of faith, of intense work, of sacrifice, of clean testimony, of holiness, that
the Holy Spirit has given to this work.
We thank and honor God for such glorious results. In 18 years (1963-
1981). God has us working in 25 countries with more than 450 churches,
almost all of them built by the Work and workers of the World Missionary
Movement, and more than 525 workers of the Lord.
The joy we feel is even greater because of the glorious and positive
testimony that the Holy Spirit himself continues to give about this Work,
not only to us, but also to many brothers and pastors of other
congregations and councils.


Many of us regret that there are currently so many Pentecostal
councils that have declined so much morally and spiritually. They now
have formality in worship, modernism in preaching, psychology in
ministry, worldliness in practice.
In the meantime, we lift our soul and spirit in praise and worship to
God, because after almost 25 years, even in the midst of a progressive
spiritual deterioration around us. God has helped us to firmly maintain the
same biblical principles as always; not only written, but also lived. Praise
We also thank the Lord, because we can see that the Work continues

to grow.
In this year of 1986, we are in 32 countries in four continents, with
more than 600 congregations and a ministerial body of more than 900
companions; the radio program "Evangelistic Impact". Reaching 87
countries in 5 continents
Some duly approved amendments are being included in this 1986


In this 1993 edition, some duly approved amendments are being
included to further reaffirm the biblical principles and postulates that God
has helped us to firmly maintain for more than 30 years since the
founding of these modest efforts of the World Missionary Movement. Inc.
In this year of 1993, we are in 40 countries on six continents, with
more than 1,000 congregations, a ministerial body of more than 1,500
companions. The radio program "Evangelistic Impact". It is reaching over
one hundred countries on five continents: with more than half of the
world's population.
We lack words to express to the Lord our gratitude for all that He has
done, is doing and will do through this glorious work of the World
Missionary Movement. To God be the glory!


Since the first edition of this Constitution and Bylaws of the World
Missionary Movement, Inc. in 1963, when the World Missionary
Movement, Inc. was founded and registered, amendments have been
made to it in 1986 and 1993 for the better development and
advancement of the Work of the Lord. In this 1995 edition, amendments
duly approved by the Board of Directors this year are being included.
Very necessary for the good functioning, impulse, development,
advancement and healthy growth of this Work of the World Missionary
Movement, Inc. around the world
To the Glory of God this year of 1995, we are in 44 countries on every
continent, with more than 1,600 congregations, a ministerial body of
almost 2,000 companions, and we continue to move forward as long as
the day lasts.

We recognize that all this has been done by the owner and Lord of
this Work, our beloved and adored Savior Jesus Christ, who receives all
the credit, all the honor, all the glory and all the praise. Amen.


The World Missionary Movement is a movement of evangelization,
and considering that the world is to be truly evangelized through the
manifestation, power and supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, we
firmly adhere to the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, such
- The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures - (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1
Peter 2: 2).
- The adorable deity in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit -
(Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; Genesis 1:26; 3:22, 11:7; John 17:5,24,
26; 16:32; 14:16,23; 2 Peter 1:17-18; Revelation 5).
- Salvation by faith in Christ - (Romans 10:13,15; Titus 2:11;
Luke 24:47; Titus 3:5-7).
- The new birth - (John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9).
- Justification by faith - (Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7).
- Water baptism by immersion, as commanded by Christ -
(Matthew 28:19).
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit, subsequent to salvation, speaking
in other tongues according to Acts 2:4 - (Luke 24:49).
- Divine healing - (Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 16:18;
James 5:14-15).
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit - (1 Corinthians 12:1-11).
- Sanctification - (Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16; 1
Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23,24; 1 John 2:6).
- Ministry and evangelism - (Mark 16:15-20; Ephesians 4:13).
- Tithing and support of the work - (Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Leviticus
27:30; Numbers 18:21-26; Malachi 3:7-10; Matthew 23:23; 10:10;
1 Corinthians 9:7-14).
- The rise of the church - (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17;
Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
- The second coming of Christ - (2 Thessalonians 1:7; Titus 2:3;
Zechariah 14:1-9; Jude 1: 14-15; Matthew 24:14).

- The millennial kingdom - (2 Thessalonians 1:7; Revelation 19:20;
- New heavens and a new earth - (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:
22) .

The burden and projection of the World Missionary Movement, Inc. is
directed and focused towards the whole world.

The purposes for which this corporation was formed are religious,
missionary. Evangelistic, educational and charitable, and shall include
the following:
1. To propagate and teach the Holy Bible, the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus
Christ and Christian worship throughout the world.
2. To carry out this missionary, evangelistic, educational and charitable
work, by means of evangelistic campaigns, conventions,
conferences, courses, or any other similar activity in temples, tents,
parks or any other place, as well as by means of the printed page,
radio, television, internet or any other lawful means.
3. To found and organize Christian churches and evangelistic centers
throughout the world; to found and support Bible institutes or
seminaries for the biblical and spiritual preparation of Christian
preachers. Where possible, to establish and support educational
institutions (colleges), institutes of higher learning, universities,
homes for the aged, and orphanages for the care, education and
training of orphaned children.
4. To receive offerings, contributions and donations for the realization of
these purposes.
5. To recognize for preaching those ministers, pastors, missionaries,
teachers, evangelists who merit it, for the realization of these
6. To accept into its bosom or communion all eligible individuals and
congregations who, as such, wish to unite their efforts for the
realization of these worldwide purposes.

7. To purchase, own, use, accept gifts, transfer, sell, donate, convey or
otherwise dispose of such equipment and real and personal property
as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this

Functions, duties, responsibilities and obligations of the Pastor:

A. Spirituals
1. Maintain a life of daily communion with God through prayer and
the reading of the Word.
2. It must be removed at least three times a year. to seek the face
of the Lord (Exodus 34:23-24).
3. Schedule and carry out campaigns, vigils, fasts and
congregational retreats in accordance with the annual program
that promotes the revival and spiritual growth of the
4. To provide counseling to the members of his church in those
areas in which he is properly trained.
5. Maintain a visiting role in: homes, hospitals, prisons, etc.
6. Keep a record of church membership.
7. Keeping a record of persons baptized in water (Name
and date of baptism;
8. To promote unity and spiritual strengthening within the
group of collaborators (leaders) with defined training guidelines,
letting them know what is expected of them.
9. Communicate any anomalies in your life to your supervisors.
marital, family, spiritual and/or economic,
10. To promote the vision of the World Missionary Movement among
11. To watch over the spiritual growth of the church, maintaining
sound doctrine.
12. Motivate and support |support with the congregation all the
activities organized at national and zone level.
13. To administer discipline in the congregation to the extent that his
or her faculties permit.
14. Motivate the congregation constantly to be trained in different
areas for service in the Lord's Work (Bible Institute, courses and
training organized by the presbytery, etc.).
15. Encourage secular study within the youth of the church for
personal development.

B. Administrative
1. Ensure that the accounting books (tithes, receipts and
disbursements) are
church outlets) are up to date and in order.
2. Submit the monthly income and expense report outlets at
(If there is no Presbyter, the report should be sent to the National
3. To ensure the maintenance of the infrastructure of the place of
worship. (Painting, cleaning, presentation, etc.)
4. Maintain an annual inventory of church assets (furniture,
equipment, vehicles, etc.) and ensure their maintenance and
proper use.
5. Maintain up to date the payment of the municipal taxes of the
church premises, the Social Security fee, the pension plan, as
well as any other tribute and/or tax required according to the
laws of each country Present to the National Overseer copies of
the municipal and real estate receipts at the first zonal meeting of
the year.
6. To negotiate exonerations and/or any benefit in favor of the
Corporation before the State, as long as it is for the purpose of
fulfilling the purposes of the Corporation.
7. Develop or participate in special projects with projection to the
community, without engaging in political issues.
8. Maintain the register of blank fields and cards up to date.
9. Channel through the presbyter any request for assistance.
to the National Fund.
10. He/she may be visited by any higher authority of the mission
without prior notice.
11. Support along with the congregation the guidelines established
by the Board of Officers, the Overseer and the Presbyter.
12. Organize working groups within the local church to achieve its
13. Establish the annual schedule of special activities, such as
congregational retreats. of marriages, young people, ladies and
gentlemen, as well as vigils and evangelistic campaigns).
Respecting the agenda of national and zone activities Once the
agenda is established according to the respective form, a copy
shall be given to the Presbyter and any changes shall be

communicated to him.
14. He shall be required to attend the National Convention, monthly
Confraternities, and zone and national workers' retreats.

C. Legal
1. Previously request the corresponding permits for construction,
expansion or remodeling of the church premises. In all these
cases, you should request, if available, that legal advice be
arranged prior to any action being taken. It is an indispensable
requirement that the pastor requests counseling, regardless of
whether or not counseling can be offered at that particular time.
2. Request the board of National Officers and legal advisors to
from the Mission its
intervention for the study
The corresponding procedure in special cases such as:
expulsion of members, cases of incest, rape, etc.
3. Guide the church member to seek counseling before
discontinuing or modifying medications.
4. To make all purchases, accept donations, transfers and/or
adjudications of land or real property in the name of the World
Missionary Movement. Inc.
5. Comply with all their duties and obligations to the State.

1. Membership shall be open to all individuals, congregations,
associations, who voluntarily and generously wish to unite their
spiritual, fraternal and economic efforts in favor of the missionary
work, the evangelization of the world and the realization of all the
purposes of this institution.

2. As individuals, they should be persons of recognized moral solvency

or good testimony, possessing the Christian experience of the new
birth, and with the flame of world evangelization burning in their

In 1993, strict compliance with the biblical texts cited below was
agreed upon:
•not inherit
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the unrighteous shall
kingdom of God? Do not err, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers,
shall inherit the kingdom of God."
• Revelation 21:8 - "But the cowardly, and unbelieving, and the
abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and
idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
• 2 Timothy 2:19 - But the foundation of God standeth sure, having
this seal: The Lord knoweth them that are his: and: Let every one
that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
• 1 Corinthians 6:18-19 - "Flee fornication. Any other sin
that a man commits, it is out of the body: but he that committeth
fornication sinneth against his own body. Or do you not know that
your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you
have of God, and that you are not your own?" Consequently, persons
who are polygamists, adulterers, fornicators, lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender (LGBT), sexual harassers, pedophiles, pedophiles,
pedophiles, zoophiles, persons with any sexual deviance or
perversion, persons who use alcoholic beverages, tobacco or illicit
drugs shall not be eligible for membership in full communion in any of
our churches or any of their fellowships.Membership shall be denied
or withdrawn from any person who practices any of the things listed
in this subsection 2. A, since it is against and detrimental to the
principles, doctrine and interests of the World Missionary Movement.
Inc. and is not in conformity with what is established in the
aforementioned Holy Scriptures.
3. As for religious organizations, they should be groups of recognized
Christian seriousness, of good testimony and sound biblical doctrine,
that make the Great Commission of Christ to the Church (Mark
16:15), its passion, commitment and enterprise
4. All members, whether individuals, congregations or associations,
shall be accredited as such.
5. Requirements in dress and bearing for all members in full
communion of the congregations of the World Missionary Movement,
Inc. Our organization teaches, adopts and requires holy dress in both
women and men, because we are a holy people, kept holy and set
apart unto God (Deuteronomy 26:18-19): therefore, the following

requirements are established in dress and bearing:

A. Las Hermanas:
1. They should dress honestly, modestly and modestly.
2. They will wear skirts or suits below the knee, mid-calf, or mid-calf
3. Blouses and suits may not be sleeveless, nor may they have
4. Pants will not be allowed.
5. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing.
6. They shall not wear see-through clothing, or short blouses or
sweaters that show the navel."
7. The use of garments such as: chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.
will not be allowed. Only wedding, engagement or special use
rings will be allowed.
8. No lipstick, nail polish, make-up of any kind, false hair, false
eyelashes, or colored contact lenses will be allowed.
9. Extravagant, sensual or provocative fashions will not be allowed.
10. They should have their hair long, unstyled and unpainted.
11. Eyebrows may not be plucked or groomed.

B. Los Hermanos:
1. They should dress honestly with modesty and modesty.
2. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing.
3. Do not wear transparent clothing.
4. They shall not wear tennis shoes or sneakers to take part in the
altar and worship.
5. They shall not wear open shirts that show the chest.
6. Sleeveless shirts and sleeveless sweaters will not be allowed.
7. The use of garments such as: chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.
will not be allowed. Only wedding rings and special use rings will
be allowed.
8. You may not have plucked or groomed eyebrows.
9. They will wear their hair short and no fashionable or
inappropriate haircuts will be allowed.
10. No to will allow the use of beard: deberán
estar debidamente
11. No to will allow the use of fashions
extravagant, sensual or
12. Painted hair will not be allowed.

6. They may not be members in full communion, nor may they
participate in the churches of the World Missionary Movement. Inc.
nor in any area worship activities, fellowships, conventions or
retreats, all persons who do not comply with the requirements of
these bylaws.

1. The Christian Ministry is not a human profession, but a divine
vocation. Therefore, each aspirant must give proof of his vocation
and calling by being an example in life and conduct, it is
indispensable that he receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (1
Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9; Acts 2:4). (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5,6;
Romans 7:23; 1 Corinthians 7:10,11, Luke 16:18; Mark 10:12).
a. In 1993. it was agreed that they may not be ministers under any of
the classifications, as described in Article V. paragraph 2. a, b
and c persons who go against the biblical texts cited in Article IV,
Members, paragraph 2 A will be denied admission and will be
removed from the ministry to any person who practices
any of the behaviors indicated in that subsection, whether
polygamists, adulterous fornicators, lesbians, gays, bisexuals,
bisexuals, transgendered (LGBT) sexual harassers,
pedophiles, zoophiles, persons with any sexual deviation or
perversion, persons who make use of alcoholic beverages,
tobacco or illicit drugs, since such practices are against and
detrimental to the principles, doctrine and interests of the World
Missionary Movement. Inc. and is not in conformity with what is
established in the Holy Scriptures cited therein.

2. Three classifications are recognized in the Ministry:

a. Lay Preacher: The credential of Lay Preacher shall be extended
to any applicant who has given evidence of his call to the
ministry and who is doing Christian work, and has been
accredited by the Board. The Lay Preacher may officiate at the
presentation of children to the Lord, funeral services and
b. Licensed Preacher: The credential of Licensed Preacher shall be
extended to any aspirant who has had experience and evident
fruits in the Work of the Lord, either as pastor, evangelist,
teacher, or in some other capacity, and who has been a Lay

Preacher for at least three years. To the duties and prerogatives
of the Licensed Preacher are added the power to officiate at
baptisms in water and at the holy supper.
c. Ordained Minister: Any aspirant who has been a Licensed
Preacher for at least three consecutive years, with a proven
ministry, whose faithfulness and loyalty are real and evident,
shall be promoted to Ordained Minister; that shows
evidence of mature experience, sound judgment and capacity to
assume the responsibilities of the full ministry of the Gospel,
being granted the corresponding credential. The following are
added the prerogatives of officiating at weddings, and to be
considered for official responsibilities.

3. Ordained ministers of the World Missionary Movement will not marry

same-sex couples, as this conduct is not in accordance with the Holy
Scriptures. (Romans 1:24-28).

4. We recognize the ministry of women. If a woman (Eve) was the first

used by the serpent in the plan of the fall. another woman (Mary)
was the first woman used by God in the plan of redemption, and it
was another woman (Mary) who served the apostles by bringing
them from the lips of Christ the first news of the resurrection. (Judges
4:4,5; Exodus 15:20,21; 2 Kings 22:14; Luke 2:36: John 20:17;
Romans 16:1). Those sisters who meet all the requirements may be
recognized as workers and promoted to any of the ministerial
degrees. However, and as has been practiced from the beginning as
spiritual and biblical norms and principles of this Work, they shall
refrain from officiating at the Lord's Supper. Weddings and

Water Baptisms. Exodus 29:9; Mark 3:13-19; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1

Corinthians 14:34-38; 1 Corinthians 11:3.

The World Missionary Movement proclaims a firm and sincere
spiritual communion fostered and maintained by the Holy Spirit for the
evangelization of the world.
1. The domestic congregations and missionary works in the various
countries, raised up, supported and organized directly under the
auspices of the World Missionary Movement, shall be under its

responsibility in all their affairs.
2. When a duly constituted church wishes to join the work of the World
Missionary Movement, it shall be a requirement that before a
decision is made, the officers of the World Missionary Movement and
the National Overseer shall carefully study the case with regard to
doctrine, name, type of government, testimony, its property, etc.
Regarding the title to property, Article IX of the Constitution should
be read.
3. To all the churches belonging to the World Missionary Movement, it
is will issue the corresponding Certificate
Communion, which will be placed inside the worship space and in a
visible and easily accessible place to the parishioners and the
general public.

Local missionary services, local fellowships, regional gatherings,
national conventions and world congresses, all of a missionary character,
shall be held for the promotion and realization of the purposes of the
World Missionary Movement. Inc.

In 1983 it was agreed to appoint Missionary Supervisors.
Appointments of National Officers. Missionary Overseers, Presbyters and
Legal Mission Representatives are made by the International Board of
Directors of the World Missionary Movement. Inc.
Appointments of National Officers. Missionary Supervisors. National
Supervisors and Presbyters are appointed for a period of three years and
the Legal Representative of the Mission for a period of one year,
renewable at the JUDGMENT of the International Board of Directors, and
may be appointed for consecutive terms or removed from office.
1. Any ordained minister of sufficient ministerial and spiritual maturity,
who is fulfilling all the requirements and duties established in the
statutes and internal regulations of the World Missionary Movement,

may be appointed as National Officer, Overseer or Presbyter.
2. Candidates for National Officers or Presbyters shall be
recommended, in accordance with Articles IV, V and VIII of the
W.M.M.M. Constitution, by the National Overseer and the National
Board and appointed by the International Board of Directors of the
World Missionary Movement.
3. Candidates for National Overseers shall be recommended and
appointed, in accordance with Articles IV, V, and VIII of the
Constitution of the World Missionary Movement, by the International
Board of Directors of the World Missionary Movement.
4. The candidates he legal representatives of the mission will be
recommended, in accordance with Articles IV and VIII of the
M.M.M.M. Constitution. and the requirements of the laws of each
country for such office, by the National Board and appointed by the
International Board of Directors of M.M.M.M.
5. Any National Officer, Overseer, Presbyter, Pastor, Worker or Legal
Representative of the Mission may be evaluated as to the fulfillment
of his duties and responsibilities inherent in his office or position and
if necessary removed from his office or position, at the discretion of
the International Board of Directors of the W.M.M., for the good of
the Work (W.M.M.).

1. Develop in coordination with the National Supervisor the short,
medium and long term plans and goals of the Work at the national
2. To provide spiritual, administrative and legal advice and counseling
to the National Overseer, presbyters, pastors and new workers.
3. Accompany the Overseer in visits to churches nationwide, when
4. Support the development of the activities established at the national
level that guarantee the progress of the Work and ensure the
adequate management of the material and economic resources of
the national Work.
5. Perform duties delegated by the Supervisor and/or the Board.
National and represent them in the legal and spiritual fields.
6. Motivate and inspire the workers to support the program of the
work established by the Supervisor for the fulfillment of the objectives
of the National Work.
7. To ensure that the workers are aware of the policies, laws and
decrees of the country, which directly or indirectly affect the M.M.M.
8. Notify the National Supervisor of any anomaly found in the

administrative, moral, doctrinal or spiritual area.
9. Participate in commissions that facilitate the development of the
Work at the national level and in the follow-up of the activities in the
different established departments (children, youth, ladies, gentlemen,
10. Attend meetings called by the supervisor and support the Mission's
11. The National Board of Officers, in agreement with the Supervisor,
may appoint assistant priests when necessary for the development of
the Work.


1. By express delegation of the Council Chairperson, the National
Overseer shall preside at the Annual Convention of his or her
country, or the Chairperson's designee.
2. It shall promote, guide, direct and represent the work of the M.M.M.
in the country it oversees.
3. He shall preside over meetings of workers, presbyters and the
National Officers' Corps, which he shall convene when necessary.
4. He shall offer and receive advice and recommendations jointly with
the presbyters regarding appointments or changes of pastors in the
5. He shall administer the disciplinary process, in consultation with the
President of the World Missionary Movement.
6. Establish the date and place of fellowship services.
7. After consultation with the President of the Missionary Movement
World, shall indicate the date and place of the Annual Convention.
8. Organize the planning and development processes of the work to be
carried out.
national level, in coordination with the officers and presbyters of the
9. Establish and analyze compliance with short, medium and long-term
plans and goals established at the national level.
10. To favor the development of a national agenda that favors the
search, direction and support of God in the definition of all spiritual
and material matters that are undertaken in the Work.
11. Promote and motivate in coordination with the national officers, when
necessary, the organization of commissions in the administrative,
legal, spiritual, etc., areas that facilitate the development of the Work
at the national level.
12. To promote and maintain sound doctrine by encouraging the

development of missionary work.
13. Advise workers on spiritual, legal, economic and administrative
14. Encourage the development of training and refresher courses in the
handling of current national laws and in the area of accounting.
15. To authorize the integration of new churches into the M.M.M. in
accordance with Article VI, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the M.M.M.M.
Constitution. in consensus with the presbyter and the local pastor.
16. To transfer, install and remove pastors taking into account the
recommendations and advice of the National Board of Officers and
17. To recommend the recognition, promotion and appointment of
officers, elders and workers for the approval of the International
Board of Directors.
18. Visit each area of the country to ensure compliance with the
objectives and programs of the Work.
19. Represent the Work of their country in international events.
20. With the approval of the Board of National and International Officers
keep the manual of functions and responsibilities updated as the
need arises.
21. Send the monthly financial and spiritual report, prepared in
conjunction with the National Treasurer, to the Central Offices in
Puerto Rico.
22. It is the Supervisor's responsibility to attend to the International
Officers during their stay at the National Convention or any other
activity of the Work.
23. Send annually to the International Offices in Puerto Rico, the
Financial Statements prepared by an auditor or accountant
authorized by the state.
24. Send to the International Offices in Puerto Rico a report of its
supervisory work during the year.
25. All these responsibilities will always be discharged with the guidance
and advice of the President of the World Missionary Movement.


Will always work in cooperation with the National Supervisor for the
advancement of the Work. In the absence of the Supervisor, he shall
attend to the affairs of the Work and continue with the work program.

1. The zone Presbyters will be appointed by the National Overseer with
the advice of the President of the M.M.M., who in addition to the
responsibilities as presbyters, contributing their advice and
collaboration in the official meetings, will carry out all that work that
tends to the advancement of the Work in their respective zones of
work such as opening new Works, celebrating Missionary Worship of
the zone, and sending the missionary offering of that activity to the
offices of the W.W.M., encouraging the workers, and any other work
that may be indicated by the Overseer or the President of the World
Missionary Movement.
2. He shall make it a priority of his work, role and responsibility to
maintain and cultivate harmony with all council workers, including
those in his area of responsibility.
3. Any change, transfer or installation of herders in their work area shall
be carried out by the National Supervisor or by the person delegated
by him for such responsibility.
4. Organize and consolidate those activities that motivate the
search of God among the workers and the unity in the
congregations, within its area of operation.

5. To watch over the spiritual growth of the area by maintaining sound

6. Motivate and inspire the workers in the area to support the work
program established by the Supervisor and the National Board of
Officials to achieve the objectives of the project.
7. Visit workers and congregations in the area to ensure compliance
with established activities.
8. Inform the Supervisor about the progress of the Work in the area
and/or problems that are difficult to solve.
9. Submit suggestions to the National Supervisor for the promotion
and/or transfer of workers.
10. Advise the new pastors, in their area, for an adequate work, behavior
and performance in the Work.
11. Organize retreats and training seminars in the different areas, and
hold a monthly fellowship.
12. To officiate or delegate the Ministration of Holy Communion,
Marriages and Baptisms in churches that do not have workers
qualified for such functions, upon request of the pastor.
13. Send to the National Treasury within the first ten days of each month,
the financial and spiritual reports corresponding to the churches in
their zone.

14. Know the reports of the activities carried out with the youth, ladies,
gentlemen, etc., in your area.
15. Conduct meetings with the pastors in the area to ensure compliance
with plans and to learn about the achievement of goals.
16. Motivate each church in the area to develop participatory leadership.
That in the organizational structure of each church, work
departments be established according to local needs.
17. Ensure that each church has trained personnel to keep a faithful,
reliable and verifiable record of the church's income and expenses.
18. Corroborate the veracity of the data in the monthly report sent by the
church pastor,
19. Ensure that the purchase, construction or remodeling of temples is
under the advice of qualified personnel.
20. Inform the Supervisor and the National Officers of the legal
conditions of the properties, prior purchase authorization.
21. Establish a training program (seminars, lectures, conferences) for
pastors in the area, in order to advise them in the handling of
accounting books, tithes and offerings of the church, receipts,
invoices, etc., based on the administrative skills of the personnel
under their charge.
22. Conduct coordination meetings with the work group leaders in the
area (youth, ladies, gentlemen, Sunday School).
23. Visiting herders and correcting irregularities such as: debt
commitments, or other expenses
unnecessary expenses assumed by the workers, which put the good
testimony of the Work of God in question.

Legal Aspects:
a. Ensure that workers in the area are informed and updated on the
laws, especially those related to the Christian faith.
b. Inform workers of their legal rights and responsibilities.
c. To develop refresher courses on the management of national
laws in force
d. Coordinate with the local pastor and the corresponding
authorities so that the land of each church in the area has a plan,
land registry and deed in the name of the World Missionary
Movement and send it to the central offices.
e. Keep the National Supervisor informed of developments and/or
problems in the legal field.

1. Participate with the presbyter in the design and execution of plans for
the development of the area.
2. Visit churches in conjunction with the area presbyter.
3. Perform and collaborate in the tasks delegated by the presbyter for
which he is qualified (visitations, Holy Communion, Marriages,
Baptisms, etc.).
4. Keep the presbyter informed of any anomalies found in the churches
in the area.
5. Motivate and inspire the workers to support the work program
established by the presbyter and the National Board of Officers for
the achievement of the objectives of the Work.


1. They shall perform all work that contributes to the progress of the
Work in their respective work areas.
2. They shall always work under the guidance and counsel of the
President of the World Missionary Movement, and in agreement with
the National Supervisors of the countries in the zone of work under
their charge.
3. He/she shall make it a priority of his/her work and responsibility to
maintain and cultivate harmony with all the National Supervisors in
the work area under his/her charge.
4. Report to the President of the World Missionary Movement on the
work carried out in each of his travels through the countries under his

It has been proven that the safest way to have an honest pastor, a
loyal congregation and a dignified and witnessing Mission is to have the
property titles of the temples, pastoral houses and other real estate in the
name of the Mission. While the Mission protects the property, it also
protects the pastor, the congregation and the entire Mission.
Therefore, the property titles of the temples and other real estate must
be exclusively in the name of the Mission.

As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Holy
Bible, we recognize Human Government as an institution established by
God (Romans 13:1). We declare our loyalty to the government (1 Peter
2:13), as well as our gratitude for the freedom we enjoy to worship God:
however, and on the same doctrinal basis, we also declare that our
Christian conscience does not allow us to participate in the shedding of
blood in the case of war or warlike conflict (Exodus 20:13; Matthew
5:39,44). However, we are willing to cooperate in those activities or tasks
that are in harmony with our faith.
This article has been drafted in accordance with the laws of the
country of origin of the Mission, but may be modified in
accordance with the laws of the country where this Mission is to
be registered.

1. This constitution may be amended whenever the Board of Directors
deems it necessary due to the development of the work.
2. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Board
of Directors for a thorough study. The majority of the Board of
Directors shall decide.
3. No amendment may be approved that alters the nature of the World
Missionary Movement, Inc. in its missionary, evangelistic, doctrinal
projection; nothing that deviates it from its biblical and spiritual goals.


Section. 1. Name:
The name of this organization will be the World Missionary
Movement. Inc., (World-Wide Missionary Movement. Inc.), hereinafter
referred to in this document as the "Corporation".
Section. 2. Location:
For registration purposes, the Corporation's office will be located at
4201 Linnean Ave, N.W., Washington. D.C. 20008 and its principal office
shall be located in Puerto Rico, or at such other place as the Board of
Directors may designate when it deems appropriate.
Section. 3. Purposes:
The Corporation is organized and shall be operated solely for
religious, charitable, missionary, evangelistic, teaching, educational and
benevolent purposes. No part of its earnings or assets shall inure to the
benefit of any member in its private capacity. Nor shall such earnings be
used to participate in or intervene in political campaigns on behalf of any
candidate for public office, nor shall any substantial part of its activities
consist of campaigning or otherwise attempting to influence the specific
purposes of the Corporation as described in the Articles of Incorporation
filed in the District of Columbia.The Corporation shall not engage in
propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence the specific purposes of the
Corporation as described in the Articles of Incorporation filed in the
District of Columbia.

Section. 4. Principles:
The World Missionary Movement. Inc. recognizes and adopts for all
its activities, the biblical principles of brotherly love, spiritual unity,
fellowship, mutual respect, cooperation, communion, fellowship and
equality with all God's people.
Section. 5. Nature:
1) The World Missionary Movement Inc. is a spiritual communion
that fosters and provides a united and generous effort in favor of
the missionary work and the evangelization of the world. It
emphasizes the full fulfillment of the great commission of our Lord
Jesus Christ to His Church, to: "Go ye into all the world and
preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15).
2) This communion and this effort is based on mutual agreements
adopted by its members, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for
the evangelization of the world.
3) It is a non-profit corporation.

Section. 1.
No dues shall be paid by members of the Corporation.

Section. 1. Board of Directors:
The affairs of the Corporation, including all property matters, shall be
managed and controlled by the Board of Directors, which shall consist of
not less than three persons and not more than nine persons, always in
odd numbers and as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section. 2. Election and Terms of Service of Directors:
At the first meeting after these bylaws are adopted. The Board at its
Annual Meeting shall elect Directors for staggered terms of one, two or
three years. Thus, one third of the Board shall be elected each year for a

term of three years or until their successors are elected and take
office.Upon nomination by the Nominating Committee, or by resolution of
the Board of Directors, any candidate shall be eligible for reelection to the
Board of Directors for successive three-year terms.
Section. 3. Vacancies:
The person selected to fill a vacancy arising in the Board of Directors
by reason of death, resignation, inability to act or any other circumstance,
shall be elected by a majority of a quorum of the Board of Directors, until
the expiration of the current term. Subsequent terms of service may be
carried out in accordance with Article III. Section 2 of these regulations.
Section. 4. Increase in the number of Board Directors:
The composition of the Board of Directors may be increased or
reduced according to the processes stipulated in these regulations,
maintaining the concept of an odd composition and as agreed upon by
the Board.

Section. 1. Executive Committee:
The Board of Directors shall elect from among its members an
Executive Committee which shall be not less than four and not more than
five members, and shall include the elected officers of the Corporation.
The President shall serve as rapporteur of the Executive Committee. This
Committee shall have and exercise in the absence of specific directions
given by the Board of Directors, all the powers of the Board of Directors
in the management of the affairs of the organization The President shall
serve as a member and speaker of the Executive Committee during the
term of his office. In the event of death, resignation, inability to act,
removal for cause, or any other circumstance, the next officer of the
Corporation or Vice President shall fill the vacancy. For the purpose of
filling this vacancy only, the following organizational hierarchy will prevail:
1. Chairman
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary
In the event that the term of the Board member selected to fill this
vacancy expires, his/her term shall be extended for a period of one year,
notwithstanding the provision of Article III Section 3 of these bylaws. This
provision shall not apply in the event that an officer whose term on the
Board of Directors has expired continues to serve as an officer of the
Board. The intention of this Section is to provide continuity for the newly
elected Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be elected
at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. In the event that he/she
is not elected, and/or any vacancy occurs in such Committee, the
members of such Committee shall be elected and/or the vacancy filled at
any meeting of the Board of Directors, after proper notice has been given
in the notice of the meeting.
Section. 2. Nominating Committee:
The President shall appoint from the Board a Nominating Committee
of not less than three and not more than five members at each scheduled
Annual Meeting. The Chairman of the Board shall be a voting member of
this committee, therefore, the Committee shall consist of the Chairman
plus two other members, or the Chairman plus four other members,
depending on the number of members the Chairman assigns to such
committee. The Nominating Committee shall present at the next annual
meeting of the Board of Directors the names of candidates for Officers
and for the Board of Directors.
Section. 3. The Board of Directors:
It shall function as a Credentials Committee and shall examine
candidates for the ministry, as well as approve and ordain those who
merit it. It shall issue Credentials and shall reserve the right to withdraw
Credentials when it deems it advisable for the good of the Work
Section. 3. The Board of Directors:
A. Causes of non-compliance with duties, as well as lack of
obligations and responsibilities that motivate removal from office,
demotion to ministerial level, discipline or dismissal.
1. Failure to attend the National Convention (except for good
2. Non-attendance at workers', national or zone retreats (without
justified cause).
Note: Consideration will be given to the situation of absence of
pastors' wives to the convention, activities and retreats with a
written excuse.
3. Non-attendance during the year at three or more local presbytery

activities per year (meetings, zone services, evangelistic
campaigns). retreats, confraternities, united vigils, etc.). without
just cause.
4. Schedule regular worship services or other activities in your
church on the same date that united activities are scheduled for
your area or at the national level.
5. Share, receive, support, want to be in agreement with those who
seek or promote divisions in the Work.
6. Failure to submit monthly reports on a timely basis for any three
months of the year.
7. Failure to pay your tithes faithfully and failure to send the offering
monthly mission during any three months in the year.
8. The failure to identify the church with the general purposes of the
Work, its doctrine and corresponding activities.
9. Demonstrating insubordination to the superior authorities in the
10. Committing abuse of authority in the exercise of his or her office
11. Repeatedly disrespecting a fellow student.
12. Express yourself inappropriately of a co-worker, worker or
member of the church, denigrating or defaming such a person
13. Committing embezzlement.
14. Committing a moral offense: fornication, adultery, sexual
15. Failure to duly comply with their personal financial commitments,
incurring in delinquent payments or total non-compliance of
16. Being convicted in a court of law of a felony or a crime against
B. Sanctions
1. In the first three points, will be sanctioned at through
verbal and written reprimand before the National Board of
Directors. The second time will be applied the
suspension of charges if it is
Presbyter or Official and thedecrease in its grade ministerial
a shepherd.
2. In points 3 to 12, the first time the lacking will be
The first penalty shall be a verbal and written reprimand by the
Presbyter, the second penalty shall be a written reprimand by the
National Board, and the third penalty shall be suspension from
office if a Presbyter or Officer and demotion to a lower level if a
3. In point one after one and the other admonition, the first one

verbally and in writing by the Presbyter. The second in writing
from the Official Board and if it persists, the guilty party will be
dismissed from the ministerial ranks.
4. In items 13 to 16. The suspension of credentials will be applied
and he will be dismissed from the ministerial ranks.
5. The Board of Directors of the World Missionary Movement by a
vote of 2/3 of the Board may withdraw the credentials of any
pastor or minister whose actions, conduct and testimony, in the
judgment of the Board of Directors, are detrimental to the
principles, doctrine and/or interests of the WMM.
Section. 4. Other Committees:
The Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, by majority vote,
may create other special or standing committees with such powers,
responsibilities, and number of members, as may be deemed necessary
or proper by the President. Members of such Committees must be:
Directors or Officers of the Corporation. Committee members shall be
appointed by the President. The President, at his discretion, shall serve
on such Committees as an ex-officio member or voting member of such
standing Committees, except for the Nominating Committee and the
Executive Committee, of which he shall be a voting member.
Section. 5. Terms of Service and Committee procedures.
Members of the various Committees shall serve on them in
accordance with the terms of their election or appointment and until their
successors are elected and qualified or they have been relieved.
A majority of the members of each Committee shall constitute a
quorum, and the acts of a majority of the quorum present at the meeting
shall constitute the act of such Committee, except in the case of the
Nominating Committee. In such Committee, only the act of a majority of
the full Committee shall constitute the act of such Committee. Meetings
of each Committee may be called by its Chairman with not less than five
days notice. Committees shall have minutes of their meetings, which
shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at its next meeting.
Section. 1. General:
The Officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice President,
a Secretary, a Treasurer, as elected by the Board of Directors All Officers
shall be chosen from among the Directors.

Section. 2. Choice and Terms of Service:
Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at its annual
meeting and shall be installed at the annual meeting of the Board of
Directors. If for any reason, such meeting is not held, the Officers shall be
elected at the next meeting of the Board of Directors. Each Officer shall
hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors or until
his or her successor is elected and qualified, or until his or her death,
resignation or removal.
Section. 3. President:
The President shall be the chief representative and spokesperson for
the Corporation: shall be responsible for stimulating public understanding
and support for the Corporation; and shall assist in fostering leadership
for the mission of the Corporation. The Chairman shall preside at all
meetings of the Board of Directors. He/she shall, with the Treasurer or
Assistant Treasurer, sign and execute all authorized bonds, mortgages,
contracts, contracts, checks, notes or other obligations in the name of
and on behalf of the Corporation, except in cases where signature and
execution is expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these
by-laws to an Officer or Agent of the Corporation. He/she shall have
general supervision of the Mission and affairs of the Corporation, and
shall do and perform such duties as may be determined by the Board of
The President shall preside over those fellowships, national
conventions and world congresses called by the World Missionary
Movement. Inc.
Section. 4. Vice-president:
At the request of the President, or in the event of the President's
absence or incapacity, the Vice President, may fulfill any or all of the
President's responsibilities, and shall have such other responsibilities as
the Board of Directors may direct.
Section. 5. Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of each meeting of the Board of
Directors and the Executive Committee and shall keep the records of the
Corporation, showing the place of residence, and shall, in general,
perform all duties incident to a Secretary; and shall have such other
powers and perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may
determine. The Secretary, at the direction of the Board of Directors or the
President, shall call meetings, fellowships, conventions and congresses.

He will sign the credentials.
Section. 6. Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall maintain the funds of the Corporation as directed
by the Board of Directors; shall provide financial reports periodically to
the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors; and shall perform
such duties incident to the Treasurer and shall have such other powers
and perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may determine.
Section. 7. Basis for dismissal:
The Board of Directors, by a 2/3 vote of the Board, may remove a
Board member for cause.

Section. 1. Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting for the purposes of
electing the function of
Officers, assemble Committees and conduct the
business transactions necessary to manage the Corporation, and all
business transactions necessary to your
issues relevant. The meeting was will no longer fix
ninety days after the first day of the calendar year.
Section. 2. Other Meetings of the Board of Directors:
Other meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the
Chairman or by one third of the members of the Board of Directors.
Section. 3. Notification of Board Meetings:
Notice of each meeting, stating the time and place, shall be sent to
each Director by mail to the last known mailing address at least ten days
prior to the meeting or by facsimile or personal delivery at least five days
prior to the meeting.
Such notice may be waived by consent to, or by attendance at, the
meeting unless attendance at the meeting is for the purpose of
challenging such notice.

Section. 4. Quorum - Meetings of the Board of Directors:
At meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority plus one of the
Directors shall constitute a quorum. Less than such 55% of the quorum
may adjourn such meeting until a quorum is present.
Except as otherwise provided by law or in these bylaws, any matter
may be discussed and resolved at any meeting of the Board at which a
quorum is present, and the act of a majority of the quorum of the
Directors present at the meeting shall constitute the minutes of the Board
of Directors.

Section. 1. Authority to receive and disburse:
The Corporation may receive and disburse contributions, gifts,
bequests of real estate, inheritances and donations for such purposes as
the Board of Directors may decide.
Section. 2. Promotional funds:
Funds for the promotion and realization of the objectives of the World
Missionary Movement, will come from:
a. Tithes from the tithes of local or affiliated member churches.
b. Tithes of the general offerings of each church

c. A monthly mission offering from each member church.
d. Personal tithes of pastors working secularly or receiving any type
of compensation.
e. Voluntary donations.
f. Legitimate activities.
g. Fellowship offerings shall be missionary in character, and shall be
sent to International Headquarters.
h. When a national fund is established in the various countries, the
tithe of such fund shall be allocated to the international
Disposition of church funds:
In the disposition of funds of each church, after covering the
expenses, the support of the pastor, and the monthly commitments with
the Mission (according to Article VIII. Section 2). The surplus of the
church entrances, if any, to be used for the advancement of the Work.
With the guidance of the Board of Directors, the national fund in each
country can also be used for the promotion of the missionary work in
other countries where there is a need.
These funds will be administered by the Board of Directors.
The World Missionary Movement Inc, nor its national affiliates, do not
contemplate the acquisition or distribution of profits, benefits or dividends
for any of its members; since the pastors and churches are autonomous
in the distribution of their local funds, sending to the national or general
office the tithe of the tithe, the tithe of the regular offerings, the monthly
missionary offering, and the personal tithe of the pastor; therefore, it
cannot be held responsible for any kind of social benefits or claims. Its
efforts and activities are irrevocably of a religious, missionary,
evangelistic, educational, social, philanthropic and volunteer nature
Section. 3. Annual Budget:
The Board of Directors must formulate and approve an annual budget
to be followed.
Section. 4. Deposit and Investments:
The funds of the Corporation shall be deposited in such banks or
other financial institutions as may be designated by the Board of
Directors Such funds, to the extent not required for current needs, may,
subject to the limitations and conditions contained in any gift, bequest, or
devise of property, be deposited in such banks or other financial
institutions as may be designated by the Board of Directors .
invested in such mortgages, bonds, certificates of refunding, and other
securities, and in such other manner as the Board of Directors may
direct, in conformity with law. However, no purchase, sale, mortgage or
lease of real estate may be conducted without being authorized by less
than a majority of the total number of Directors. The Board of Directors
shall prescribe appropriate procedures for the safekeeping of such
Section. 5. Audit:
The transactions of the Corporation and its books and accounts shall
be audited at least annually by a certified public accountant selected by
the Board of Directors.
Section. 6. Checks:
All checks, withdrawals, and orders for the payment of moneys of the
Corporation shall be signed by the Treasurer or by such Officers and
Agents with such number of signatures as may, by resolution, be
required by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
Section. 7. Withdrawal of Securities:
Securities of the Corporation deposited in any safe depository or held
by a custodian shall be subject to withdrawal for corporate purposes by
the Treasurer or such other person or persons as may be determined by
resolution of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

Section. 1. Fiscal year:
The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on January 1 and end
on December 31 of each year.
Section. 2. Notification of resignation:
Any notice of waiver may be rejected by the person to whom it is
Section. 3. Annual Report:
The Board of Directors shall prepare an annual report verified by the
President and Treasurer, or by a majority of the Directors, itemizing the

total amount of the Corporation's properties, where they are located and
where they are invested during the year immediately preceding the date
of the report.The report shall detail the manner of acquisition; the amount
applied, appropriated or invested during the past year Such report shall
be filed in historical form to provide continuity for the Corporation. Unless
the Board of Directors decides to disseminate such report, it will be kept
in the Corporation's historical archives under the management and
control of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws
may be adopted by the Board of Directors by a vote of not less than 2/3
of the members of the Board of Directors. Notice of any proposed
amendment to the bylaws shall be sent to the members of the Board of
Directors at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting of the Board at
which such amendment is to be considered.


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