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Teacher Mr. ARTURO DELA CRUZ PARIÑAS Learning Area Programming (.NET)

Teaching Dates and Time September 18-22, 2023 Quarter Quarter 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the principles and concepts in leading in the dissemination and discussion of workplace ideas,
information, and issues.

Performance Standards The learners independently lead in the dissemination and discussion of workplace ideas, information, and issues based on TESDA Training

Learning Competencies Communicate information about workplace processes

Objectives At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
student should be able to: student should be able to: student should be able to: student should be able to:
1. Identify different 1. Define key 1. Define the concept of 1. Define the
communication components of organizing concept of
methods commonly effective verbal information.
used in the workplace. communication. 2. Identify different
meaning in
2. Evaluate various 2. Demonstrate methods of organizing
information. communication
workplace scenarios to empathy in verbal
3. Apply effective .
determine the most communication.
information 2. Identify
appropriate 3. Demonstrate
organization in a common
communication effective non-verbal
practical context.
method to use. communication barriers to
3. Apply effective techniques. understanding
communication skills intended
in a simulated meaning.
3. Apply
strategies to
meaning in
written and
II. CONTENT  Communication  Definition of  What is  Understanding
Method Effective Verbal Organizing intended meaning.
 Factors Influencing Communication Information?  Barriers to
the Choice of  Key elements of  Methods of understanding
Communication Effective Verbal Organizing intended meaning.
Method for Research Communication. Information  Strategies for
 Selecting an  Practical  Practical conveying
Appropriate Application of Application of intended meaning.
Communication Effective Verbal Information
Method for Research Communication. Organization

III. LEARNING  Blackboard and chalk

 Handouts with communication scenarios
 Projector for multimedia presentation
 Internet access for research examples


Teachers Guide Curriculum Guide in Computer Programming (.NET) NC III

Learners Guide Pages

Textbook Pages

Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)

Other Learning Resources


Review previous lesson or Begin by asking the students Jumbled letters game Start by asking students to Review Questions on
presenting the new lesson to recall any prior knowledge recall what they know Organizing
about different about the importance of Information.
communication methods. organizing information in 1 what is the primary
reading and writing. goal of organizing
2. Name three
common methods for
organizing digital files
and documents.
3. how does the use of
categories and tags
improve information
organization in digital

Establishing a purpose for The Communication Present the learning Engage the class in a brief Begin by asking
the new lesson Challenge: highlight the objectives for the lesson discussion about the students to share their
importance of selecting the challenges they face when understanding of what
appropriate communication dealing with disorganized it means to
method by demonstrating information. communicate
the consequences of effectively.
choosing the wrong method.

Presenting examples Present 3 different Define effective verbal Begin by explaining the Explain the concept of Demonstrate how to
instances of the lesson scenarios and do the communication as the concept of organizing understanding and use switch case
activities: ability to convey a information. conveying intended statements in simple
1. You are message clearly,
meaning. scenarios, such as
introducing concisely, and with
checking if a number
yourself to a new impact. programming
colleague in your is even or odd:
and how it is used to
workplace. execute different actions
Activity: start by based on specific
discussing the different conditions.
methods, including
verbal, written, non-
verbal, and digital
communication and
explain their key
2. Your best friend
has just had a
breakup, and you
want to comfort
Activity: Ask the
students to identify the
factors that influence
their choice of
communication method.
3. Your team needs
to collaborate on
a project, but
team members
are located in
different cities.
Activity: have the
students work in groups
to evaluate and
recommend suitable
methods, considering
the factors discussed
Discussing new concepts Concept: Present real- Present the key Discussion : Discussion:  Provide students
and practicing new skills#1 world scenarios and ask elements, such as tone, 1. Define with a list of
1. What is Organizing
students to identify the voice modulation, intended exercises that
context and determine clarity, active listening meaning as the require the use
which communication 2. How various message or of switch case
method would be most and non-verbal cues methods such as information statements, such
appropriate. Encourage (facial expressions, chronological that a speaker as:
them to consider how gestures). order, cause and or writer intnds  Checking if a
the context affects the effect, compare to user is logged in
choice. and contrast, and communicate and displaying
Skill: Show videos or problem-solution to the different content
clips of individuals differ? audience. based on their
demonstrating different 3. Why Organizing 2. Discuss status
non-verbal cues and ask Information is common  Displaying
students to analyze their barriers, such as different
meaning. Encourage ambiguity, messages based
them to practice cultural on the time of
conveying specific differences, day
emotions or messages assumptions,  Checking if a
through non-verbal cues and vague user's input is
in pairs or small groups. language. valid and
3. Present displaying an
strategies like error message if
using clear and it is not
concise  Calculating a
language, discount based
providing on the total
context, amount of a
considering the purchase
audience’s  Checking if a
background, user is old
and avoiding enough to access
jargon. certain content
A. Developing mastery Show video examples Group Activity: Group Activity: Divide the 4. Give students
(Lead to formative or conduct role-plays Disorganized Text Activity. class into small groups. time to work on
assessment) to illustrate how these Unscramble the following Provide each group with a the exercises,
sentences to make a handout containing
elements play a crucial and encourage
coherent paragraph about
role in effective ambiguous statements. In them to ask
the benefits of exercises.
communication. their groups, students questions if they
1. Increase your
energy and fitness must analyze the get stuck.
level. statements, identify the
2. Regular exercise potential barriers to
can help you understanding intended
maintain a healthy meaning and propose how
weight and reduce
to clarify them.
the risk of chronic
3. It can also
improve your
mood and reduce
4. Exercising with
friends can make
it more enjoyable.
5. Additionally, it
enhances muscle
and bone
1. Finding practical The teacher will give Group Activity: Divide Engage the class in a Class Discussion:Engage
application of concepts exercises/activities which the class into small discussion about the the class in a discussion
and skills in daily living. will help the students groups (3-4 students group activity. about the group activity.
connect theoretical per group). Distribute Encourage students to Encourage students to
share their insights about
knowledge of selecting handouts with share their insights
the strategies they used to
appropriate communication about the effectiveness
clarify the ambiguous
communication methods scenarios. In their of different methods in
statements. Discuss the
to real-life situations, groups, students must organizing information. importance of considering
enhancing their ability to analyze the scenarios the audience’s perspective
make informed decisions and discuss how they in communication.
in various personal, would apply the key
academic, and professional elements of effective
contexts. verbal communication
to handle situations.

Each group present their

analysis and proposed
solutions to the class.

2. Making generalization Effective communication Class discussion: Engage Effective organization of Effectively conveying one’s
and abstraction about isn’t just about what you say: the class in a discussion information is the intended meaning is a
the lesson it’s about how you say it. about the group activity. cornerstone of knowledge nuanced skill that
Selecting the appropriate Encourage students to management facilitating encompasses not only
communication method is a share their insights and clarity, accessibility, and clear and precise
critical skill that transcends strategies for effective the efficient utilization of communication but also a
personal academic, and verbal communication in data, which is deep understanding of
professional realms. It various scenarios. Discuss fundamental in both context, audience, and the
involves understanding your real-life examples where personal and professional subtitles of language and
audience, clarifying your effective verbal context. non-verbal cues, serving as
purpose, adapting to the communication was a cornerstone for
context, and leveraging a pivotal. successful interpersonal
variety of communication and professional
tools. In the end, the right interactions.
method enhances
understanding, fosters
meaningful connections, and
achieves desired outcomes,
while the wrong choice can
lead to confusion,
misinterpretation and missed
opportunities. Mastering the
art of selecting appropriate
communication methods
empowers individuals to
navigate diverse
communication challenges
and ultimately ensures that
their messages are not just
heard but truly understood.

3. Evaluating Learning Assign a short reflection Disorganized Paragraph Exercise: Clarity the
exercise where students Activity: Use the compare Ambiguity. In each
write about a recent and contrast method to sentence below, identify
personal experience reorganize it into a the ambiguity or
where they effectively or coherent and well- vagueness and rewrite the
ineffectively used verbal structured paragraph. sentence to convey the
communication. They intended meaning clearly.
should identify the key “I love animals. Dogs are
elements they applied or so loyal and friendly. Cats, 1. She saw the man
missed. on the other hand, are with the
independent and low telescope.
maintenance. They both 2. They are cooking
have their pros and cons. apples and
Dogs require a lot of potatoes.
attention and need to be 3. He hold her, he
walked daily. Cats, loved her with all
however, use a litter box his heart.
and are more 4. I saw the woman
self0sufficient. When it with the
comes to size, dogs vary binoculars.
greatly from tiny 5. She gave him a
Chihuahuas to massive book she
Great Danes. Cats are borrowed.
generally smaller. As for
temperament, dogs can
be trained to perform
tricks and protect your
home. While cats tend to
be more aloof and do
their own thing. In
conclusion, whether you
prefer the companionship
of a dog or the
independence of a cat,
both animals can make
wonderful pets.”

4. Additional activities for Assign students to find a Students need to observe Find an online article or Students need to find a
application or real-world communication a conversation (e.g. a essay and identify the news article, blog spot, or
remediation scenario and write a short news interview, a TED method of organization social media post with
reflection on the most
talk) and identify instanecs used in the text. unclear or ambiguous
suitable communication
of effective verbal language. They should
method for that scenario,
considering the factors communication elements analyze the
discussed in class. in practice. communication and
propose improvements.


7. No of learners who
learned in the

8. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

9. Did the remedial lesson

works? No of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson

10. No. of learners

who continue require

11. Which teaching

strategies worked well?
Why this these work

12. What difficulties

did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help me
13. What innovation
or localized materials
dis I use/discover which
I wish to share with
other learners?

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I
Assistant School Principal II Approved:


Principal IV

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