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EJE 2 - WEEK 4

Dear student, make sure to follow the steps indicated in this activity, it is important for any
• Check your recordings, remember that they explain in detail the topics that will help you
to develop the activity proposed here.
• Contact your tutor, do it before the delivery date of your assignments arranged in
MOODLE, do not forget that no activity will be received or graded by mail.
• Attend the tutoring sessions through the "Tutoring help" button that you will find in the
recordings section.
• Students are able to use FIRST CONDITIONAL and SECOND CONDITIONAL.
• They can differentiate between FUTURE REAL CONDITIONAL and PRESENT

Put the verb in the correct form to complete each sentence (in the first or second conditional).
1. If global warming continues, temperatures will rise (rise) even higher.
2. What would you do if you won (win) a million dollars?
3. If people stopped using cars completely, there will be (be) much less pollution.
4. When it rains (rain) again, I won't forget to bring my umbrella.
5. If I spoke English fluently, I won´t need (not/need) to take lessons.
6. If Siberia wasn´t (not/be) so cold, I'd go there in winter.
7. Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I will say (say) hello.
8. If it doesn´t rain (not/rain) so much in England, you wouldn't see so many umbrellas.
9. I will call (call) you when I get home.
10. Where will you live (you/live) when you move out of your flat?
In this speaking Activity, you will record A VIDEO. You have to answer the questions below
• If you won the lottery, what would you do? ,I would quit my job to travel
around the country

• If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?, I
would eat chiken rice

• If you could travel in time, would you prefer to see the future or the past? I would
travel to the future

• If you could have any job, what job would you like to have? I would like to work
as a food critic

• If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? I would use it for my own
benefit and my interests

You can use your mobile or your webcam. Save the video file in your Areandina account drive:

Right click on the video file and select “Copy Link” (Copiar enlace)

Paste the link here:
Fácil, F. O. I. [@Pacho8a_]. (2017, agosto 26). El condicional 1 en inglés - Con futuro WILL y MODALES |
Clases inglés. Youtube.

Fácil, F. O. I. [@Pacho8a_]. (2017, agosto 31). Así es la estructura del condicional 2 en inglés - Muy fácil |
Clases inglés. Youtube.

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