Stage 1 Talent Machine Setup

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Stage 1 talent machine setup ​(instructions)

What is a talent acquisition machine?

A talent acquisition machine is a system for recruiting employees efficiently. It’s a combination of
software tools and processes integrated together and optimized for hiring employees. There are
three stages of evolution, you can see an ​overview of all three here​. You should start with Stage
1 for your first few hires, when the system meets its limits, graduate to Stage 2, and finally when
you max that out, it’s time to move to Stage 3 (a serious machine). This cheatsheet compliments
Uplevel Consulting, Week 8, ​“4. Tools, systems, and workflows”​.

Stage 1: Customers + ClickFunnels, Trello, Calendly

● Stage:​ Beginner (first few hires)

● Price:​ Free (assuming you have ClickFunnels)
● Tools:​ ClickFunnels, Trello, Calendly
● Traffic:​ Customer community, social media
● Demo:​ ​View stage 1 demo here
● Setup:​ Instructions are below:

Stage 1: Setup instructions

1. We use ClickFunnels landing pages for job description pages and application forms instead
of signing up to an expensive applicant tracking system (ATS). Hopefully, you already have a
ClickFunnels account, if you don’t you can get one here: ​​.

2. Download the “Hiring Funnel” ClickFunnels template using ​this link here​.

3. Edit the landing page within the “Hiring Funnel” called “Job description page”. Put your company
logo up the top, change the position title, location, company description, and all job details. Once
you’re happy with how it looks, save it and then test it on both desktop and mobile. Note: the CTA
button “Apply for this job” opens a popup with an application form on it, to edit the form (step 4).

4. To edit the job application form, create a free CognitoForms account here:​. Use the “Individual Plan”, it’s 100% free. We use
CognitoForms because ClickFunnels, ActiveCampaign, and Infusionsoft don’t offer a “file upload”
field with their web forms, and that’s important for Resume/CV uploads. Once you’ve created your
account, download the “JobAppForm” template I’ve setup for you ​with 1-click here​. Once it’s

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loaded into your account you can change the name from “JobAppForm: FB Media Buyer” to
“JobAppForm: Your Job Title”. Save it and publish.

5. Click the “Publish” tab up the top of the screen when editing/viewing your “JobAppForm”, on the
left-hand side you will find the form embed code, select “Iframe”, copy the form code, go to your
ClickFunnels “Job description page”, view the popup, click to edit the custom code in the popup,
delete the existing form code, paste your form code. Save your page, preview it, test it.

6. Make sure you edit the “Submission settings” for your “JobAppForm” in CognitoForms so that all
notification emails are going to your email address. (important).

7. Create a free Trello account using this link: ​​. If you already have a
Trello account, perfect. Open this public Trello board called “Template: Hiring Pipeline” using this
link: ​​. Copy the board to your Trello account.

8. Now you have your job description and application page setup using ClickFunnels, your
application form setup using CognitoForms, and your Hiring Pipeline setup using Trello. Now we
need to connect CognitoForms to Trello using Zapier so that new job applications get
automatically fed into your Hiring Pipeline!

9. If you don’t already have a Zapier account, create a free one here: ​​.
Once you’re logged into Zapier, create a new Zap called “Hiring: CognitoForms and Trello”.
Watch this tutorial video​ for Zap setup instructions.

10. Congratulations! Now you should be able to create job descriptions using ClickFunnels,
people can apply using CognitoForms by entering their info and uploading their resume/CV, you
will get an email notification automatically, and all applicants will appear as cards in your Trello
“Hiring Pipeline” under the first column “Apps (resume screen), ready for you to process through
your workflow/interview process.

11. You can use Gmail for communication with candidates, if you don’t already have GSuite
setup, I highly recommend it, you can get an account here: ​​.
Remember to leave notes in the candidates “card” in Trello for reference.

12. To supercharge your scheduling workflow and eliminate unnecessary communications,

create a free account with Calendly here: ​​. We use Calendly instead
of ScheduleOnce because it’s free, easier to use, less friction, and it keeps your hiring activities
separate from your sales activities. ScheduleOnce is best for strategy sessions/sales, Calendly
for recruitment. Use the right tool for the job.

13. Congratulations, you now have a powerful, streamlined talent acquisition machine. This
system has more bang than most $100+ /month applicant tracking systems (ATS), and it's free!

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