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Title: Loneliness in The Room

Artist: Guadarrama Garcés David

Date: 10/01/2022

Material: Cardboard, colors, pencil and markers.

Art movement: Realism


In the foreground there is a boy front the computer, in the screen we can see the
reflect of his eyes and looks red. In the background there is a untidy bed with a ball
above. Around the bed there is a lot of things in the floor, it's a disorganized room.

On the right-hand side there is a open window, in this window we see that outside
it´s raining and water is entering the room. On the left-hand side There are people
looking out of the door, we didn´t know their intentions because of the darkness
around them.

I tried to represent the realism of this time, these are difficult times in which
technology has absorbed so much of our time that we can no longer do anything
else, the rain represents the depression that is present in some people and at the
same time the impossibility of going outside due to the pandemic. The people
looking out is the fear it will give most people when they leave the house, when
things return to normal, how difficult it will be to adapt.

And finally, this work is realistic because it represents the reality of today's society
and that is what we have had to get used to.

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