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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences


Since: 05/09 Until: 23/09

Grade: 6th grade only
Teacher: Mayra S. Céspedes
Area: Social Sciences


 Recognize the main characteristics of the National Constitution.

 Analyze and propose interactions about the legal framework of the law expressed in the

-Recognition of the National
Constitution and its parts.
-Respect and
Society -Analysis of the preamble
National appreciation for
through highlighting the meaning of
Constitution: its different cultures.
each of the sentences that
time parts. -Valuation and care
compose it.
of the work material.


 Listening and analysis of songs.

 Inquiry of previous knowledge.
 Selection and analysis of information.
 Guided conversation and exhibition.
 Formulation of assumptions and questions.
 Group techniques.


 Sequenced and graded activities.

 Songs.
 Photocopied activities.


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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences


We recall the video seen on Immigrants and tenements.

What situations show the violation of human rights?

In which document at the national and provincial level are the rights and obligations of individuals

The teacher will show the children the Constitution for them to explore.



The teacher will put together the following outline based on the students' observations of the

The following text is provided for reading:

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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences


The Preamble:

The preamble of the National Constitution was drafted in 1853 and was not modified in
any of the reforms it underwent. Following Osorio's definition, we observe how the
principles that founded the organization of the Argentine state and the objectives of our
constitution are present in it, that is to say, who sanctioned it and why.


Observe the following image on article 14 bis of the National Constitution. Then remember the
video you watched about immigration in Argentina. What rights were not fulfilled?

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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences

CLASS 2 and 3


The teacher will present a song by Fito Páez about the Preamble.


Delivery of the following copy:

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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences

One section of the following will be given to each student to read and then explain in their own
words the meaning.

A) We, the representatives of the people of the Argentine Nation. The union
of the provinces constituted the Nation, whose representatives sanctioned
the Constitution. It is the representatives of the People of the Nation who
ordain, decree and establish the Constitution. In 1853 only the will of the
people of Buenos Aires was missing.

B) Gathered in a General Constituent Congress. The Congress of Santa Fe

was general, because with the exception of the delegates from Buenos
Aires, the representatives of the other Argentine provinces were gathered. It
was constituent because in the Agreement of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, it
was agreed that the Congress would meet with the purpose of sanctioning
the Constitution in exercise of the constituent power.

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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences

C) By will and election of the provinces that compose it. The Congress met
by will of the provinces. Without this will, it would not have been possible to
organize the State, as happened in the failed attempts of 1819 and 1826.

D) In compliance with pre-existing agreements. Through these agreements,

the provinces recognized that they were autonomous entities of the Nation,
regulated their relations and solved common problems.

E) With the purpose of... The statement includes six purposes, goods or
values, condensing the ideology of the Constitution and the political project
that it structures, the same are:

1)To constitute the national union.Until 1853, national unity only existed as a
feeling; the Republic had not been constituted as a State. The Constitution
forms the federative unit with the historically pre-existing provinces.

2) To consolidate justice means to ensure justice as the supreme value of

the juridical-political world and to consolidate its administration as a
function of power, in charge of a special organ (the Judiciary).

3) To consolidate internal peace.It means avoiding and suppressing violence

and civil strife, in order to create a peaceful internal order.
Peace is a permanent value, to ensure freedom, justice, development and

4) To provide for the common defense. It is a fundamental objective of the

State. It is proposed to grant the federal power sufficient forces for the
defense of the State itself, the provinces and the population. It also means
the defense of the Constitution, of the community and, with it, of the human

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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences


5) To promote the general welfare. It is to promote the common good of all,

of society; that is, the welfare of the men and groups that coexist in our
State. This purpose takes into account not only the material or economic
aspect, but also all the elements necessary for the welfare of the
community, allowing man, through participation in the common good, the full
development of his personality.

6) To ensure the benefits of freedom.This freedom, not only for us but also
for all men of the world who inhabit our soil, needs the simultaneous
concurrence of other values such as order, security, equality, justice and
general welfare.
F) For us, for our posterity and for all men of the world who wish to inhabit
Argentine soil. It ensures the purposes and objectives of the Preamble for all
individuals who wish to integrate the population of our State, in a
humanitarian principle of openness. It also seeks to stimulate immigration.

G) Invoking the protection of God, the source of all reason and justice, it
places the State and its institutions under the protection of God. It
evidences the religious conviction of the constituents, which responds to the
tradition of the Republic and the feeling of the majority of the Argentine

H) We order, decree and establish this Constitution for the Argentine


Order: To direct a thing to a determined end.

Decree: To decide or order something [a person or body having authority to do so].
Establish: To express [a person in authority, or a law, regulation, etc.] what is to be done.


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Sequence N 8 Social Sciences

Conclusions are noted.

STUDY the Preamble by heart.


Oral lesson of the preamble.


1. Oral presentation

A. Pronounce correctly

B. Appropriate tone of voice

C. Clarity and fluency

D. Content


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