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Social Media addiction is a big problem in our society it affects many

people that includes students in BIT International College. Social Media itself is

not a problem if used wisely it can help a person for the better but in the hand of

children it's a whole different story, children are curious, they try to find activities

for them to have fun which is good cause it makes them active and learn new

things, but when spending too much time on social media students become

easily distracted from their studies. Also, using social media too often can mess

up their sleep schedule, they stay up late scrolling which makes them tired and

less focused during class, until they becoming addicted which affect their present

future and academic performance in school, so it is important to address it to

help them stay focused and achieve academic success.

Excessive social media use has been tied to depression and anxiety. Teens are

particularly at risk, as one study showed that teens who spend five hours a day

on their phones are almost 50% more likely to experience depression. Spending

many hours a day on social media compulsively checking their phone feeling

anxiety when they don’t have their phone only expressing interest in social media

letting grades, relationships, and hobbies suffer. Social media addiction involves

the need to spend excessive amounts of time on social media, usually to the

detriment of other areas of life. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to

developing social media addiction because the brain is still developing during the

teenage years. This means that when social media addiction develops, it can lead

to lifelong issues without proper treatment. (1:2022)

This study is for individuals, students, respondents, and other people

to become knowledgeable about the impacts of social media addiction in BIT IC

International College. The researchers decided to conduct this study for the

respondents and soon to be searchers so that this study can be used in the

future and learn about the impacts of social media addiction on Junior High

School Students. This would help to bring awareness to the detrimental effect

that social media could give to the academic performance of junior high school

students, helping students with their problem with social media addiction.

Theoretical Background

Theory. This study is based on the theory of Lazarsfeld and

Stanton entitled, “Uses and Gratification Theory”. This theory stated that

Uses and gratifications theory asserts that people use media to gratify specific

wants and needs. Unlike many media theories that view media users as passive,

uses and gratifications sees users as active agents who have control over their

media consumption. Audiences choose and use a media for the following: 4

Media Purposes or Uses and Gratifications which is Diversion or Entertainment:

To get away from everyday problems and routine (escapism), Personal

Relationships: As a substitute for real emotional and interpersonal interaction,

Personal Identity: Association with characters in texts and TV programs and they

also learn behaviors and values from media, and Surveillance: To satisfy their

need for information (2:2019).

Legal Basis

This study is based on Republic Act no. 11036 known as “Mental

health legislation in the Philippines: Philippine Mental Health Act” by

Risa Hontiveros. The first mental health legislation in the history of the

Philippines. It provides a right based mental health bill and a comprehensive

framework for the implementation of optimal mental healthcare in the


Under its provisions, the Philippine Mental Health Act protects the rights of

patients as follows: ‘a right to freedom from discrimination, right to protection

from torture, cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment; right to aftercare and

rehabilitation; right to be adequately informed about psychosocial and clinical

assessments; right to participate in the treatment plan to be implemented; right

to evidence-based or informed consent; right to confidentiality; and right to

counsel, among others’. The Act also incorporates rights for ‘concerned

individuals’, incorporating patient relatives and mental health professionals. In

this context, a mental health professional refers to a medical doctor,

psychologist, nurse, social worker or any other appropriately-trained and

qualified person with specific skills relevant to the provision of mental health

services (section 4 of the Act). The Act highlights the need to provide

psychosocial support to family members of the patient if required and, with

informed patient consent, to include them in the planning of treatment for the

patient. It further recognizes the role of mental health professionals, protecting

their right to participate in mental health planning and development of services,

and ensuring that they have a safe working environment, access to continuing

education and autonomy in their own practice. Additionally, and with some

foresight, the Act seeks to integrate mental health into the educational system

by promoting mental health programs in schools and other organizations.


Theory: Legal Basis:

“Uses and Gratification “Mental health legislation in the
theory” Philippines: Philippine Mental Health
Lazarsfeld and Stanton Risa Hontiveros

The Uses and Gratification The Philippine Mental Health Act is

Theory posits that individuals the country's first legislation focusing on
actively choose and utilize media to mental health, providing a rights-based
fulfill their needs, such as seeking framework that protects patients' rights,
diversion, forming personal ensures the involvement of concerned
relationships, shaping personal individuals, and integrates mental health into
identity, and obtaining information. the educational system.

Theory is incorporated with Legal basis to add information which is essential for this study
to know the impacts of social media addiction on the academic performance of junior high
school students in bit international college, Tagbilaran.

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework

Related literature

This part of the study discussed the related literature that had been

published on a topic accredited scholars and researchers.

According to the article by Michael Steven entitled “Effects of Social

Media Addiction”, it states that social media has brought a huge change in the

communication system and has made easier to connect with anyone in the

world. Addiction to social media has been more since last decade. Though

majority of the people’s use of social media is not problematic but some users

get addicted to the social networking sites. According to recent studies 5-10%

meets the criteria of social media addiction. Addiction of social media has

significant effects on the brain. Social media affects both physically and

psychologically. Social media addiction leads to multiple interpersonal problems

and ignoring the other major responsibilities in the day-to-day life. The term

social media addiction is to describe that people spending a lot of time on social

networking sites. Social media addiction causes stress, anxiety and other health

issues. Excessive use of social media leads to decrease in academic

performances in students. Social media addiction has negative effect on

interpersonal relationships. Social media addiction also causes depression in

people who often gets addicted to social networking sites when compared to the

people who don’t. Social media addiction main affect was being able to

communicate with others in real life. It creates changes in socialization. In other

words social media addiction involves both tolerance and withdrawal. The main

outcome for social media addiction is the controlled use of internet and setting

up limits. Researches have shown that people who are addicted to social media

believe other users are more successful and happier. Social media creates an

environment where people compare themselves with each other, which can be

harmful for mental well-being. (4:2021)

In another article, entitled “Relationship between Social Media

Addiction, Game Addiction and Family Function” by Yayman, Ebro;

Bilgin, Okan, state that this study examined the relationship between social

media addiction, game addiction and family functions in adolescents. Respondent

of this study is 762 students studying at four different high schools of the

province of İstanbul. In the study, Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient was

found to determine the level of relationships between social media addiction,

game addiction and family functions in adolescents. The effects of social media

addiction and game addiction in adolescents on family functions were examined

with regression analysis technique. When the relationships between social media

addiction, game addiction and family functions in adolescents were examined, a

positive relationship was found between social media and game addiction, while

a positive significant relationship was found between both social media and

game addiction and unhealthy family functions. In addition, it was also concluded

that social media addiction and game addiction in adolescents were significant

predictors of all subdimensions of family functions. (5:2020)

Furthermore, according to the article of Oya Onat Kocabıyık, entitled

“The Role of Social Comparison and Rumination in Predicting Social

Media Addiction” states that the aim of this study is to determine the social

media addiction levels of university students and examine whether their social

comparison orientations and ruminative responses significantly predict social

media addiction. The study group consists of 261 university students. “Social

Media Addiction Scale”, “Iowa-Netherlands Social Comparison Orientation

Measure” and “Ruminative Response Scale, Short Form” were applied to the

participants. Frequency, percentage and multiple regression analysis were used

to analyse the obtained data. As a result of the study, it was found out that

university students were less addicted on social media. As a result of the

regression analysis, it was determined that obsessive thinking, deep thinking and

social comparison had significant effects in predicting social media addiction. It

was concluded that obsessive thinking and social comparison predicted positively,

whereas deep thinking alone was not a significant predictor. The obtained

findings were discussed in the context of the relevant literature and suggestions

were made for further research. (6:2021)


Related Studies

The researchers found several reliable studies that were analyzed and

reviewed in relation to the present study.

According to the study of Usman Habib and Muhammad Yousaf,

Robert S. Tokunaga entitled “correlation between social media addiction

and depression among university students”, stated this study is about the

Correlation between social media addiction and depression among university

Students. The aim of the study is to analysis the level of usage of social media

among the university students as well as to explore the factors that make the

university students social media addictive, and to measure the depression among

university students in relation to social media addiction. In this research, survey

method has been used. Quantitative Likert scale based close ended

questionnaire has been adopted, focusing or different categories; demographics,

social media addiction, depression, and other categories of depression

respectively. The results of the study indicate that there is equal level of social

media addiction among university students. The results of the study have proved

that there is a direct relationship between the social media addiction and

depression. As the level of social media usage increases, the social media

addiction increases and simultaneously the level of depression among the

University Students. Key Words: Social media addiction, Depression, University

students. (7:2022)

In another article, entitled “Social media addiction: Its impact,

mediation, and intervention” by Yubo Hou et al., states that this research

examined the relations of social media addiction to college students' mental

health and academic performance, investigated the role of self-esteem as a

mediator for the relations, and further tested the effectiveness of an intervention

in reducing social media addiction and its potential adverse outcomes. In Study

1, we used a survey method with a sample of college students (N = 232) and

found that social media addiction was negatively associated with the students'

mental health and academic performance and that the relation between social

media addiction and mental health was mediated by self-esteem. In Study 2, we

developed and tested a two-stage self-help intervention program. We recruited a

sample of college students (N = 38) who met criteria for social media addiction

to receive the intervention. Results showed that the intervention was effective in

reducing the students’ social media addiction and improving their mental health

and academic efficiency. The current studies yielded original findings that

contribute to the empirical database on social media addiction and that have

important theoretical and practical implications. (8:2019)

According to the study of Catedrilla et al., entitled “Loneliness,

boredom and information anxiety on problematic use of social media


during the COVID-19 pandemic”, states that this study used empirical

evidence from an online survey to investigate how psychological factors influence

the problematic use of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results

indicate that boredom and information anxiety relate positively to the

problematic use of social media following the Filipinos’ reliance on socially

enabled technologies to make informed health-protective decisions and to

connect to family and friends in a time where physical and social interactions are

significantly reduced. On the contrary, the Filipinos’ happy and resilient nature

reflects how loneliness did not influence the problematic use of social media

platforms during a worldwide health crisis. This finding may be limited to this

specific culture and future studies may investigate whether this is true in other

contexts. In addition, further studies could be done to explore intervention and

self-regulation strategies that would reduce the problematic use of social media

amongst individuals. It is also recommended that this study is replicated with a

larger sample size to increase its generalizability. Lastly, future research may

consider qualitative interviews, content analysis, or social media analytics

approaches to discover individual experiences and strategies in dealing with

information anxiety concerning the use of social media platforms. (9:2020)


Conceptual Framework

As part of the study, the theories and legal basis are presented to justify

the study and play as the basic structure that supports the study.

The input of the study was gathered from the responses of the

respondents regarding their traits related to impacts of social media addiction to

the academic performance of the students.

The process is regarding to the distribution and collection of data,

tabulation, statistical treatment, analysis, and interpretation of data, findings,

conclusions and recommendation.

The output will be the basis for awareness in connection to the impacts

of social media addiction to the academic performance of the students.



Data on:
1. Profile of the respondents
2. Background of the respondents
3. Perception on the impacts of social media addiction on
the academic performance of junior high school students
in Bit International College.


• Distribution/Collection of Data
• Tabulation
• Statistical Treatment
• Analysis and Interpretation of Data

• Findings

• Conclusions

• Recommendations


Basis For Improvement

Figure 2
Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of conducting this study is to assess and investigate

the impacts of social media addiction on the academic performance among junior

high school students in BIT International College Main Campus for the school

year 20232024 as a basis for proposing an awareness.

Specifically, its attempts to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Junior High School Students

a. Sex;

b. Age; and

c. Grade Level?

B. Teachers

a. Sex;

b. Age; and

c. Highest Educational Attainment

2.What are the perceptions of the respondents regarding the topic impacts of

social media addiction on the academic performance among junior high school


3.What are the responses of each respondents on the impacts of social media

addiction on the academic performance among junior high school students?


4. What program would be proposed base from the findings as basis for


Null Hypothesis
There is no significant degree of difference on the respondents’ responses

on the impacts of social media addiction on the academic performance among

junior high school students in BIT International College.

Significance of the Study

The researchers who are Senior High Students in Humanities and Social

Sciences in BIT International College- Tagbilaran, believed that this study would

be beneficial to the students, teachers, parents and researchers of BIT

International College- Main Campus.

To the Students. This study will provide awareness through ways and

strategies on how to deal with this problem. Also, help students see the negative

effects of spending too much time on social media. Explain how excessive social

media use can lead to decreased productivity, poor time management, and

difficulty focusing on academic tasks.

To the Teachers. This study will help school teachers in BIT IC to be

aware and understand social media addiction and its effect on junior high school

students and what they can do to help.

To the Parents This study can help parents understand how and why

their child should be supervised to prevent and to reduce the effects of social

media addiction and help them develop their performance in school.

To the Researchers and future researchers. This study is an avenue

for the researchers to apply their research and investigatory skills. This will also

serve as basis or reference for future researchers who may pursue parallel


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is focused on the Junior High Students in BIT International

College-Tagbilaran Main Campus. It specifically concentrated on the study of the

Impacts of Social Media Addiction among Junior High Students in BIT

International College that will be perceived by the teachers and learners in the

school year 2023-2024.The aspects looked into were the qualifications of the

respondents: teachers, learners.

The following limitations were also considered in the conduct of the study,

the sincerity of the respondents in accomplishing the questionnaire and the time

availability of the respondents to answer the questionnaire due to their busy

schedule. Moreover, the researchers also explained to the respondents the value

and importance of the output of the study and asked them to the questions

whole heartedly. Lastly is the availability of our groupmates in total we were 5, 2

were unreachable with probably with their own problem and excuses, but we

gave them one last chance, since their potential would be a waste, leaving only 2

members working with 1 on standby.



Research Design

The purpose of the study was achieved through the aid of the descriptive

normative survey which is a valuable method in gathering the desired

information from the perceptions of the respondents. The researchers gathered

data through the distribution of the questionnaires that depicts the present

situation for the needed information in order to know the feasibility of this study.

Research Environment and Subjects

The investigated study focused on the Junior High School Students in

Department of BIT International College, Tagbilaran Main Campus. It specifically

aimed on the purpose and possible benefit as well as the awareness of dealing

with social media addiction in school.

In order to get the necessary data on the topic effect of social media addiction

we are going to need the student to read and understand the question presented

in front, the participants qualified for sample selection must be part of BIT

International College in Tagbilaran city, The subjects of the study were

tentatively 237 respondents, comprising 229 learners and 8 instructors.


Research Instruments

A questionnaire was used to gather data in order to attain the essential

information for the success of this work. Part of the questionnaire is the

respondent’s profile as well as their perception about the subject. Suggestions

and recommendations from the adviser, principal, teachers, and co-researchers

were considered. There was part of the questionnaire that subjects to the impact

of social media addiction to the student’s academic performances. All the items

were constructed to give total picture of the perception of the principal, teachers,

and learners on the improvement of the quality education.

Data Gathering Procedure

The process of conducting the research started with asking consent from

the Basic Education Department Principal, Mr. Jessie G. Alde regarding the

research through a formal letter. With the permission from the school principal,

the researcher will cooperate and answer the questionnaire we prepared for

them. The data and information obtained will be computed, analysis and

interpreted to serve as the basis for conclusions and recommendations of the


Data Analysis

The data gathered where analyze and interpreted through projection and

deduction from the percentages. To obtain the percentages, the frequency of

responses of each item was divided by the total number of cases and then

multiplied by one hundred, thus: Percent = f x 100/N; where f stands for

frequency and N stands for number of cases.

Legend Description Meaning Code Range

To show one’s strong

approval or full support to
the items given about the
Strongly Agree Impact of Numerous Tasks to SA 3.36-4.00
the Academic Performance of
senior high school students
of BIT International College.

3 Agree To show one’s approval or A 2.51-3.25

support to the items given.

2 Disagree To show one’s disapproval or D 1.76-2.50

contradicting ideas of the
provided topic.
1 Strongly To show one’s strong disapproval SD 1.00-1.75
Disagree or having a diverse opinion of
the data given.
A. Impacts of social media addiction on the academic performance among Junior
high school students in BIT IC International College.

Statistical Treatment

This study will use the following statistical treatment of data in discovering

the importance of financial literacy and its impact to budgeting of senior high


a. Sloven’s formula. It is used to compute for sample size.

n= 2
1+ N e


n= sample size N= population size

e= desired margin of error

b. Simple Percentage. In the analysis and interpretation of data, the

percentage will be derived by dividing the response frequency by the number of

respondents and then multiplied by one hundred using the formula.

P= × 100
P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Number of Respondents

c. T-test of Difference. To determine the degree of difference in the


responses of the respondents.

x̄ 1− x̄ 2


x̄ 1 = Weighted mean of the responses of the students x̄ 2 =

Weighted mean of the responses of the teachers

S1 = Standard Deviation of the responses of the students

S2 = Standard Deviation of the responses of the teachers

N = the number of pair items

d. To determine the variance, the formula below is applied:

S =n¿ ¿


∞ = variance

N1 = number of cases for variable 1

N2 = number of cases for variable 2

S1 = sample standard deviation of the first sample

S2 = sample standard deviation of the second sample

Definition of Terms

To avoid conflict of the concepts of the whole study, the following terms

are defined by the researchers, as used in this research study.

Academic Performance

It is the student’s own attainment on engaging to every school activity to

cope up with the academic requirements.


The need or strong desire to do or to have something, or a very strong

liking for something.


Having an understanding or recognition of a particular situation, fact, or



Refers to the fundamental support or groundwork for an idea, arguments,

or process.


Entail the exerting a significant influence or effect on someone or


Social Media

Websites and uses that allow individuals to create and share content or to

take part in friendly socializing for professional or personal gain.



This research is composed of three chapters:

Chapter I. The Problem and Its Scope, contains the introduction,

background of the study, the rationale, the theoretical background, the

conceptual framework, the statement of the problems, the significance of the

study, the scope and limitation of the study, the research design which includes

the research methodology, the research environment and subjects, the research

instrument, the data gathering procedure, the statistical treatment and definition

of terms.

Chapter II. Presentation and Analysis of Findings, contains reports,

analysis, and clarification of the data of the problem to comprehend the problem

of the study.

Chapter III. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendation,

presents a summary of the problems, and findings, the research methodology,

the conclusions drawn from the recommendations which include a proposed

program for improvement.



1. FOOTHILLS at RED OAK RECOVERY “Facts about Social Media

Addiction” (2022).

2. ThoughtCo. “Uses and Gratification theory” (2019)

3. Mental health legislation in the Philippines: Philippine Mental

Health Act (2018)





5. “Relationship between Social Media Addiction, Game

Addiction and Family Functions”. (2020)

6. “The Role of Social Comparison and Rumination in

Predicting Social Media Addiction”(2021)



8. “Social media addiction: Its impact, mediation, intervention”

9. Loneliness, boredom and information anxiety on problematic use

of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, (2020)

BIT International College Tagbilaran City BASIC EDUCATION

To Our Dear Respondents,

The researchers are the Grade 11 students of BIT International College

Main campus. The objective of this study is to gather data from junior high
school students and junior high school teachers on BIT International College-
Tagbilaran Campus to determine the impact of social media addiction on the
academic performance. We kindly asked your approval to give your honest
assessment using the criteria stated below. The researchers recognize the value
of your time and sincerely appreciate your efforts on our behalf. Rest assured
that your answer will be treated with at most confidentiality.

Thank you so much for bearing with us!

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Direction: Please indicate with a checkmark (√) of your choice on the
space provided.

A. Junior High School Students

a. Sex:
[ ] Male [ ] Female

b. Age:
[ ] 12 years old [ ] 14 years old
[ ] 13 years old [ ] 15 years old
[ ] 16 years old and above
c. Grade Level:

[ ] Grade 7 [ ] Grade 8
[ ] Grade 9 [ ] Grade 10

B. Junior High School Teachers

a. Sex:
[ ] Male [ ] Female

b. Age:
[ ] 20-30 years old [ ] 41 years old and above
[ ] 30-40years old

c. Highest Education attainment:

[ ] Bachelor’s Degree [ ] Doctor’s Degree
[ ] Master’s Degree


Instructions: Please rate how you agree in the given statements by checking
the appropriate boxes found after each statement. Be guided by the description
above each column. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer.


(4) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree (3) Agree (1) Strongly Disagree

Items 4 3 2 1
1. Social media addiction negatively affects the time
management of junior high school students.
2. Social media addiction affects the mental health of junior
high school students
3. Junior high school students who are addicted to social
media are more likely to experience low self-esteem.
4. Social media addiction has a negative impact on the sleep
patterns of junior high school students.
5. Junior high school students who are addicted to social
media have difficulty focusing on tasks and assignments.

6. Social media can help junior high school students on their

task, assignments and other extracurricular activities.
7. Social media improves students intellect.
8. Social media can make students more productive.
9. Social media addiction helps in the ability to concentrate
on schoolwork
10. Social media is where students can be motivated.

Personal Data

Name : Karyle Noel Q. Avenido

Nickname : Noel

Home Address : Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Date of Birth : July 2, 2006

Place of Birth : Poblacion III, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Sex : Male

Name of Mother : Lodina Q. Avenido

Name of Father : Noel Rogelio G. Avenido

Educational Background

Elementary : City Central Elementary School

Poblacion III, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Junior High School : BIT IC International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Senior High School : BIT International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences


Personal Data

Name : Mike Argelou James G. Balili

Nickname : Rjlou

Home Address : Bool District, Tagbilaran City

Date of Birth : March 10, 2005

Place of Birth : Cantalid, Balilihan, Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Sex : Male

Name of Mother : Arcila B. Gingo

Name of Father : Michael S. Balili

Educational Background

Elementary : Bool Elementary School

Bool, District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Junior High School : Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

CPG North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Senior High School : BIT International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

Personal Data

Name : Mika B. Butchayo


Nickname : Kang

Home Address : Dauis, Bohol

Date of Birth : March 29, 2006

Place of Birth : Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Sex : Female

Name of Mother : Louella B. Butchayo

Name of Father : Mark Anthony P. Butchayo

Educational Background

Elementary : San Antonio Elementary School

: P-1 San Antonio, Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

Junior High School : Biking Technical Vocational High School

Biking, Dauis, Bohol

Senior High School : BIT International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences



Personal Data

Name : John Virgel Bentillo

Nickname : John

Home Address : Buenavista, Bohol

Date of Birth : September 9, 2005

Place of Birth : Buenavista, Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Sex : Male

Name of Mother : Evangeline Bentillo

Name of Father : Goerge Bentillo

Educational Background

Elementary : Lubang Elementary School

Buenavista, Bohol

Junior High School : Lubang National High School

Buenavista, Bohol

Senior High School : BIT International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences


Personal Data

Name : Christia Lou D. Guisihan

Nickname : Shalou

Home Address : San Isidro, Baclayon, Bohol

Date of Birth : June 26, 2005

Place of Birth : Valencia, Bohol

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Sex : Female

Name of Mother : Lucy D. Guisihan

Name of Father : Cresincio Jr. N. Guisihan

Educational Background

Elementary : Miguel Oppus Memorial Elementary School

Landican, Baclayon, Bohol

Junior High School : Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

CPG North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Senior High School : BIT International College (Main Campus)

200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Strand : Humanities and Social Sciences

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