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1 Modern approaches to gene editing and reprogramming of the

Lecture 3 expression of master regulators allow the prospect of rapid,

New tools for engineering future crop traits targeted modification of plant architecture and other properties
(i) Complex traits and breeding for crop improvement and possible domestication of new
(ii) Reprogramming metabolic and regulatory processes species.
• Engineering new biochemical pathways Backdrop: Peru is home to over 4000 varieties of potato, with a
• Loss-of-function to correct pod-shatter
wide range of different morphologies and characteristics. (Image
• Re-wiring meristematic growth
• Selective amplification of pathways

2 Ancient species are provided raw material for domestication of

Originated in North Africa, used as a primitive crop plants. Domestication has occurred over millennia, and
water carrier. Selection for sweeter taste was
linked to pink colour of the flesh. often accompanied by substantial changes in phenotype. For
example, melons were thought to have been originally used in
prehistoric times as natural water carriers in northern Africa. The
wild melons have a high water content but are bitter. The
selection for sweeter tasting melons unintentionally produced
pink flesh, as the genetic loci for colour and sweetness are closely
positioned. In addition, bananas were first domesticated in Papua
New Guinea. These were diploid and contained seeds. Modern
bananas are triploid, sterile and seedless…and genetically
homogeneous. (Images from https://

3 Eggplants, or aubergine, have been grown in southern and

eastern Asia since prehistory. A relative of the nightshade family,
domestication has led to changes in size, colour, alkaloid content
and loss of spines.
Carrot was cultivated and used as a storage root similar to
modern carrots in Central Asia beginning in the 10th century. The
first domesticated carrot roots were purple and yellow, arriving in
Western Europe and finally in England between the 11th and
15th centuries. Orange carrots were not well documented until
the 15th and 16th centuries in Europe, indicating that orange
carotenoid accumulation may have resulted from a secondary
domestication event. (Images from https://
In each of these cases, centuries or even millennia of
domestication was required to produce the productive and more
palatable crop plants that we recognise today.
4 Plant genomes and morphology are highly plastic. For example,
here are crops of derived from plants in the Brassica family. Many
of these plants might be taken to be different species, however
observed morphological differences are often due to selective

Are these plants


Crops derived from wild mustard (Brassica oleracea)

5 For example, all of these recognisably different vegetables are

derived from the same ancestor species, Brassica oleracea or wild
mustard. Breeding has led to the enhancement or exaggeration
of particular features. For example the appearance of cauliflower
is due to over-proliferation of shoot meristems, broccoli has a
proliferation of floral buds, cabbage and Brussels sprouts have
exaggerated vegetative meristems, and kohlrabi has a swollen

Crops derived from wild mustard (Brassica oleracea)

6 Further, examples of convergent trait development can be seen

in two Brassica species. For both Brassica oleracea and Brassica
rapa, genetic variants have been selected independently for (i)
Convergent phenotypic changes during domestication
indeterminate vegetative meristems and proliferation of leaves,
and (ii) hyper proliferation of tissues at the base of the stem.

both due to domestication

Review Trends in Plant Science December 2013, Vol. 18, No. 12

7 Certain agronomic traits have common benefits in different

crops. As a result, domestication has seen the parallel and
Color Loss of
convergent acquisition of traits in different species. For example,
this diagram shows the benefits of similar traits in hypothetical
varia!on number
Loss of
dependence dicot and monocot species - such as determinant growth, larger
fruiting bodies and reduced fruit or seed loss.

More and
height even ripening for harvesting
bigger fruits


No fruit

TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 1. Convergent domestication. Convergent phenotypic changes are frequently observed in many different crops because systematic human cultivation often brings
about similar demands. Attempts to maximize yield cause selective pressure for an increase in size and number of edible plant parts on the one hand and for a decrease in
natural seed and fruit dispersal mechanisms to reduce yield loss on the other hand. Shifts in cultivation area often require changes in day length dependence or in the
vernalization requirement and a reduction in seed dormancy is needed for synchronous germination. Small plants with a determinate growth habit are often selected
because they are more robust, have a better yield to overall biomass ratio, and are better suited to mechanical harvesting methods. Finally, satisfying esthetic preferences
often drives convergent adaptations, a prominent example being changes in color. Stylized examples of the major angiosperm plant lineages from which current crops
originated are shown (eudicot, left; monocot, right) featuring traits of typical wild species. Characters that convergently evolved in various domesticated crops are depicted
in circles.

In recent years, our knowledge about the genes involved How molecular convergence contributed to crop
in crop domestication has increased dramatically, en- domestication
abling more in-depth questions to be asked regarding Our knowledge of the genetic loci controlling diverse do-
the molecular basis of domestication in a wide variety of mestication phenotypes in crops is increasing. However,
species. In this review, we try to incorporate such recent the picture is still far from complete, and the possibility of
molecular insights into the framework of genes that are bias owing to the preferential investigation of candidate
already known to control domestication traits in plants. genes has to be taken into account when trying to evaluate
Unlike previous review articles [1,4,5], we do not distin- the importance of molecular convergence in this context
guish between domestication and improvement genes [13]. In this section, we concentrate on examining a few
because classification can be ambiguous. Instead, we selected traits that have been characterized at the molec-
equally consider all loci that have been artificially selected ular level particularly well in several species in order to
to discriminate crops from their wild ancestors as deter- present a picture of the extent to which molecular conver-
mining factors of domestication. We discuss recent find- gence might contribute to shaping crop plants.
ings that suggest that convergent molecular evolution
played an important role in plant domestication and the Plant growth
suggestion that, as postulated for adaptive evolution, Controlling plant growth is an important aspect of domes-
certain genes are particularly likely to become the target tication. Under the influence of systematic nitrogen fertili-
of domestication-relevant mutations. An understanding of
the factors influencing this susceptibility in evolutionary
zation, most wild species would grow excessively tall,
making them more prone to damage by wind and rain. 8 Many, if not most, of the important traits introduced during
biology might enable the likely course of molecular domes- Moreover, the development of mechanized harvesting
domestication are the result of coordinated changes in plant
Crop traits
tication to be predicted and, thus, might have great poten-
tial in the facilitation of future crop domestication and
breeding procedures.
methods required the cultivation of plants of defined
height and stature. Thus, many crop species were conver-
gently selected for a determinate and ‘dwarfing’ growth growth and form. While there may be simple genetic triggers for
Traits that have been selected for by humans include: 705
these changes, the modified traits are the result of programmed
• Determinate growth habit (flowering occurs at the top of the alterations in complex developmental and metabolic pathways.
plant, preventing further growth)
What underpins programmed plant growth? Can these elements
• Synchronous ripening, shorter maturity
• Lower content of bitter tasting and harmful compounds
be easily reconfigured by human engineers?
• Reduced sprouting (higher seed dormancy)
• Improved harvest index (the proportion of the plant which is
used); larger seed or fruit size can inspire genetic engineering
• Elimination of seeds, such as in banana
• Retention of mature seed on the plant (loss of grain shattering)

Many of these traits are multigenic and affect the shape and
function of plant tissues and organs. If we want to engineer new
crop traits in the future, we will need to understand the way DNA
code is able to regulate plant growth and form.

9 As we saw in Lecture 1, work from John Doebley's lab has

mapped the genetic differences between teosinte and maize.
Genetic studies identified the relatively few gene loci account for
around 90% of the difference in form between teosinte and
maize. These cause differences in traits like vegetative branching,
morphology and floral architecture.

Major differences between maize and teosinte map to few loci

Doebley et al., PNAS (USA) 87: 9888-9892 (1990)

10 Crop plants sample a tiny fraction of total plant diversity. It
~400,000 plant species ( estimated that there are around 400,000 plant species on Earth.
Only around 20,000 of these have ever been used by humans as
food, and only 2000 plant species have any economic
importance as food crops. 30 species provide most of the world’s
food. Three species - rice, wheat and maize, provide 60% of
calories and over half of the protein in human food. A vast
potential reservoir of biological diversity remains untapped.

3 crop species (rice,

wheat and maize)
provide 60% of all
calories and 54% of
all protein in
human food

120 cultivated plant species

11 A major scientific challenge in the plant field is to better

understand the dynamic interactions that give rise to precise
developmental outcomes. In other words, to understand how
one dimensional DNA code can be translated into four
biotic interactions synthetic ecologies
dimensional outputs. Success in this task will allow new
approaches to the design and reprogramming of agronomically
relevant traits in plants.
in addition, a wide variety of biochemical pathways are unique to
organismal physics plant cellular forms plants, and produce secondary compounds, which often possess
useful properties and are difficult or costly to produce by
synthetic chemistry. There is much research activity aimed at
DNA code regulatory networks
both transferring plant-specific metabolic pathways to bacteria
and yeast, and to re-jigging pathways in plants for higher yields
and new products. Generally, plants can be grown for
engineered metabolism
bioproduction - at much higher scale and cheaper than
The plant-based production of chemicals, materials and fuels
figures prominently in plans for future models of the global
bioeconomy. These plans invoke not just large scale
bioproduction, but also systems for recycling of waste and
circular economies.

12 Chloroplasts are responsible for the bulk of energy production

Chloroplasts: platform for and biosynthetic capacity in plant cells. They have simple,
bioproduction in plants reduced genomes, yet are capable of prodigious levels of gene
expression. The engineering of plastids figures prominently in
current attempts to manipulate crop productivity and metabolic
properties. An example is shown - transfer of the astaxanthin
Chloroplast-based expression of the
astaxanthin pathway pathway into Nicotiana tabacum through chloroplast
(Bock lab)
transformation. Astaxanthin is normally produced in algae, and
contributes to the pink colour of some crustacea, flamingos and
• Bacteria-like control of gene salmon flesh. In transplastomic plants, levels of the pigment
expression accumulate enough to turn the entire plant pink. Lu, Y.,
• No gene silencing
• High ploidy (~1000 genome copies Stegemann, S., Agrawal, S., Karcher, D., Ruf, S., Bock, R. (2017).
per cell)
• Capable of producing 10-50% of Horizontal Transfer of a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway between
soluble protein from a single gene Plant Species. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.08.044
• Chloroplast genomes highly
conserved across the plant kingdom

Targeted loss-of-gene-function:
correction of pod-shatter through modified
cell differentiation and tissue architecture

14 In a first example, we will look at Brassica napus, which has given

Brassica napus rise to the oilseed rape crop, also known as canola.
Brassica napus is derived from a cross between Brassica oleracea
and Brassica rapa, and is thought to be a relatively new species,
since the earliest reliable record appears only 500 years ago.
Although feral populations are common, no truly wild
populations have been recorded. Both B. rapa and B. oleracea
have wide geographic ranges and geographically distinct centres
of diversity. Molecular studies suggest that the maternal parent
of B. napus was likely to be B. oleracea, due to similarities in the
structure of their chloroplast genomes.

Oilseed rape and Canola are derived from a cross

between Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa

15 Canola is an oilseed crop. After planting and subsequent

vegetative growth, the plants flower and set seed. The seed is
harvested at the end of the growing season and pressed to
extract oil.

Brassica napus seed have a 45% oil content

Seed Dispersal and Crop Domestication ! 241

16 Wild plants rely on seed dispersal to maintain their population. In

Crop domestication an agricultural context, this corresponds to seed shatter and
losses in yield. A feature of the domestication of many seed crops
An example of a is the selection for mutants that reduce seed shatter. Wheat seed
multicellular trait:
are held in an ear with a central axis, or rachis. The rachis of wild
reduction of
seed shatter and
type wheat plants contains abscission layers that result in
improved yield breakage of the rachis and seed dispersal. Domesticated wheat
wheat ear
at harvest (a)
have been selected for toughened rachis that allow retention of
seed for harvesting. Similarly, domesticated crops with pod-
borne seed are generally modified for reduced pod shatter and
seed retention.

rachis of domesticated wheat are selected to be tough

bean pod
reducing seed shattering
Figure 7.1 Comparisons between wild and domesticated plants in terms of seed
dispersal. (a) Comparison between a wild shattering wheat ear (left) and domestic wheat
ear with a tough rachis, which requires pounding to break apart (right). The form of
rachis segments that can be recovered archaeologically is shown in the middle. (b)
Generalized wild bean with pod that twists and opens, dispersing seeds (left) compared
with a domestic pod that remains closed (middle) and must be split open by human
force (right).

by the addition of human labour (threshing and winnowing) (Fig. 7.1). For
farmers, this increased the efficiency of harvest and thus yields. Higher yields
can be produced because the farmer could wait until all, or most, of the
grains on a plant have matured, whereas earlier harvesting would have had
to balance loss of grain through shedding, as they matured, with reduced
yields through grains harvested immature (i.e. before spikelets have filled
entirely). This would have been a particular problem with cereals such as

17 Oilseed rape is a relatively recently domesticated crop. Seed pods

are often fragile in the weeks leading up to harvest. During this
stage seed pods go through a process of dehiscence (splitting
open), commonly known as pod shatter.
This process can result in:
▪ substantial seed loss and decrease in yield;
▪ greater number of volunteers in next
season’s crop.
Pod shatter can result in substantial losses of yield (25-50%) for
Canola and rapeseed oil crops - in adverse conditions (such as
high winds) prior to harvest

Pod Shatter can result in substantial losses of yield (25-50%)

18 Plants within the Brassicaceae family share many common

features. The chart shows overall leaf and fruit structure across
the family. The seed pods of Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa
are similar to the model plant Arabdopsis thaliana - the world’s
best genetically characterised plant.
Arabidopsis seed are carried in siliques (pods) that are formed
late in flower development and expand after fertilisation and
seed growth. They are formed by fusion of two carpels, to create
joined chambers that contain multiple ovules - that after
fertilisation will each form mature seed. S = stigma, the pollen
receptive tissue at the apex of the female floral structure.
Replum, support structure at the point of contact for the two
valves. Analogous structures are found in Arabidopsis, Capsella
Pod Shatter at harvest of Brassica rapa (rapeseed)
and Brassica spp.
Seed pods are often fragile in the weeks leading up to harvest. During this stage seed pods
go through a process of dehiscence (splitting open), commonly known as pod shatter.
This process can result in:
▪ substantial seed loss
▪ decrease in yield;
▪ greater number of volunteers in next season’s crop.
In adverse conditions prior to harvest the potential loss can be as high as 50%

brassicacae are related to arabidopsis

drying causes tension in the pod -> weak points cause shattering
19 Coloured scanning electron micrograph of opening of an
Specialised cells and valve dehiscence in Arabidopsis Arabidopsis silique (fruit). At maturity, the silique and seeds
undergo desiccation. This causes a build up of physical tension
within the walls of the fruit. The junction between the valves and
replum is inherently weak (dehiscence zone), and eventually the
valves tear apart from the replum at this junction at valve
margins. The differentiation of specialised cells in the valve
margins ensures that valve separation (dehiscence) occurs
efficiently. In Arabidopsis, we see the presence of strong, lignified
cells (i) as a layer within each valve, and connected to this, (ii) a
strengthened layer at the valve margin. Desiccation causes tissue
shrinkage and build up of tension in each valve. The lignified
layers within the valves ensure that these forces are transmitted
efficiently to the margins. Eventually, the cellular connections
between valve and replum must give way, and the seed pod
shatters, releasing the seed.

separation layer is particularly weakly held

20 Genetic analysis of mutant plants, where seed shatter is

defective, has allowed identification of key gene regulators.
Notably, there are two MADS box transcription factors in
Arabidopsis that play a redundant role in precisely specifying the
lignified cells at the valve margins. If both genes are disrupted,
these few cells at the junction of the valve and replum tissue are
not specified properly. This precise and minor defect results in
siliques that do not shatter normally, and the genes have been
named Shatterproof 1 and 2.

Mutation of shatterproof1 and

shatterproof2 results in loss of
the lignified layer (LL) and
separation layer(SL) within the
dehiscence zone, and produces
a shatterproof silique.
Downloaded from by guest on October 9, 2016
Downloaded from by guest on October 9, 2016

21 1. There are regulatory genes expressed in the valve and replum

Fig. 2. Fruit lignification patterns of Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic that limit Shatterproof expression to the valve margin. These are
Fig. 2. Fruit lignification patterns of Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic
lines affected in dehiscence. Top right: transversal section of a mature the MADS box protein encoding gene Fruitfull (Ful) expressed in
lines affected in dehiscence. Top right: transversal section of a mature
wild-type ovary. Phloroglucinol staining reveals lignified cells in dark pink.
wild-type ovary. Phloroglucinol staining reveals lignified cells in dark pink. the valve, and the homeodomain protein encoding gene
Top left: close up of the DZ. The medial vascular bundle (MVB) appears
Top left: close up of the DZ. The medial vascular bundle (MVB) appears
heavily lignified, together with the endocarp (E) and the lignified layer (LL)
Replumless (Rpl), which is expressed in the replum.
heavily lignified, together with the endocarp (E) and the lignified layer (LL) Shatterproof gene expression is normally limited to the valve
of the DZ. The separation layer (SL) appears as parallel rows of small cells.
of the DZ. The separation layer (SL) appears as parallel rows of small cells. margin (C) in mature siliques. However, loss of Ful gene function
Middle left: shp1 shp2 double mutant. Note the absence of the lignified
Middle left: shp1 shp2 double mutant. Note the absence of the lignified results in expansion of SHP expression into the valve (G). Loss of
and separation layers. Middle right: ful mutant. The valves (V) are heavily
and separation
lignified layers. Middle
and composed right:
of small mutant.left:
cells.fulBottom The valves (V)
35S::FUL areThe
line. heavily Rpl gene function results in expansion of SHP expression into the
lignified andpattern
lignification composed of small cells.
is remarkably similarBottom
to that left: 35S::FUL
of shp1 line. The
shp2 mutants. replum (F). tldr Rpl and Ful expands SHP expression
Bottom right: pattern is remarkably
35S::SHP1 similar
35S::SHP2 line.toThe
of shp1
heavily mutants.
lignified as
Bottom right: 35S::SHP1 35S::SHP2 line. The valves are heavily lignified as
in ful mutants.
in ful mutants. 2. There are genes downstream of Shatterproof 1 and 2 that are
also required for formation of the lignified valve margin cells and
and lignified layer development, and ALC, required only for separation layer. Examples of these are bHLH-class transcription
the and lignified
separation layerformation.
layer development,
FULand ALC, required
is expressed at the only for
valves, factors, Indehiscent and Alcatraz. Strong mutant alleles of
and separation layer formation. FUL is expressed at the valves,
and where it represses SHP and IND expression, while RPL does Indehiscent (e.g. ind-2) cause marked disruption of of the valve
replum where
the same it represses SHP and
in the replum (the IND expression,
external domainwhile
of theRPL does
septum margin - with loss of lignified cells.
the same in the replum (the external domain
that divides the ovary in two chambers). Thus, FUL and RPL of the septum
2000b; that
SHP, ALC, the ovary in two
and IND chambers).
expression Thus, FUL
restricted to theand RPL
entified keep
strip SHP,
of cellsALC,thatand
willIND expression
differentiate restricted
into the DZto atthe
ortantly strip of cells that will differentiate into the DZ at the valve
ATRAZ margins.
Although the basic configuration of this genetic network
S (RPL) in Although
Arabidopsis thehas
known for some of this genetic
years, our network
iljegren in Arabidopsis
edge has been known
about the functional for some
conservation years,genes
of these our in
l which edge
withinconservation of these
the angiosperms hasgenes
l of
this tantly
scarce. related species the
Only recently, within the angiosperms
increase has been
in available reverse very
of this
e archi- scarce.
resources Only
andrecently, the increase
RNA interference or in available reverse
virus-induced genetic
gene silenc-
4506 | Ferrándiz and Fourquin

22 REPLUMLESS and FRUITFULL are expressed either side of the

Simplified genetic model for valve margin, and they act in concert to limit the domain of
the development of the expression of the SHATTERPROOF proteins. In turn,
dehiscence zone in SHATTERPROOF 1&2 regulate downstream functions required for
Arabidopsis. specification of the lignified cell layer and separation zones in the
valve margin. Mapping of the set of genetic interactions in
The diagram shows a transverse section
across a silique. Valves are shown green,
Arabidopsis has provided a map for rational approaches to
lignified zones: pink, separation layer: blue reduce seed shatter in Rape/Canola.
and replum: yellow.

Fruitful (FUL) and Replumless (REP) limit

action of Shatterproof (SHP) to the valve

Downloaded from by guest on October 9, 2016

margin. SHP induces Indehiscent (IND) and
Alcatraz (ALC) to trigger formation of
lignified cells and the separation layer in the
Fig. zone.
2. Fruit lignification patterns of Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic
lines affected in dehiscence. Top right: transversal section of a mature
wild-type ovary. Phloroglucinol staining reveals lignified cells in dark pink.
Top left: close up of the DZ. The medial vascular bundle (MVB) appears
heavily lignified, together with the endocarp (E) and the lignified layer (LL)
of the DZ. The separation layer (SL) appears as parallel rows of small cells.
Middle left: shp1 shp2 double mutant. Note the absence of the lignified
and separation layers. Middle right: ful mutant. The valves (V) are heavily
lignified and composed of small cells. Bottom left: 35S::FUL line. The
lignification pattern is remarkably similar to that of shp1 shp2 mutants.
Cristina Ferrándiz and Chloé Fourquin, Journal of
Bottom right: 35S::SHP1 35S::SHP2 line. The valves are heavily lignified as
ful mutants. Botany, Vol. 65, No. 16, pp. 4505–4513, 2014

Fig. 1. Simplified genetic model for the development of the DZ in and lignified layer development, and ALC, required only for
Arabidopsis. The cartoon represents a transversal section through the
mature ovary, where valves are coloured in green, the lignified layer and
separation layer formation. FUL is expressed at the valves,
the lignified endocarp in pink, the separation layer in blue, and the replum where it represses SHP and IND expression, while RPL does
in yellow. the same in the replum (the external domain of the septum
that divides the ovary in two chambers). Thus, FUL and RPL
spatial positioning of the DZ (Fig. 1; Ferrándiz et al., 2000b; keep SHP, ALC, and IND expression restricted to the narrow
Liljegren et al., 2000). Other genetic functions were identified strip of cells that will differentiate into the DZ at the valve
subsequently that completed the picture, most importantly margins.
the bHLH factors INDEHISCENT (IND) and ALCATRAZ Although the basic configuration of this genetic network
(ALC), and the homeodomain factor REPLUMLESS (RPL) in Arabidopsis has been known for some years, our knowl-
(Rajani and Sundaresan, 2001; Roeder et al., 2003; Liljegren edge about the functional conservation of these genes in dis-
et al., 2004), and currently, we understand quite well which tantly related species within the angiosperms has been very
are the main elements that ensure the development of this scarce. Only recently, the increase in available reverse genetic
important structure (Fig. 1). The components and the archi- resources and RNA interference or virus-induced gene silenc-
tecture of the network directing DZ formation have been ing (VIGS) methodologies in a wide number of species has
described in detail in several excellent reviews (Dinneny and allowed us to study whether these gene functions have equiv-
Yanofsky, 2005; Balanzá et al., 2006; Ostergaard, 2008) and alent roles in other species with similar (dry dehiscent) or
23 Understanding of the genetic and cellular processes involved in
are not the major focus of this paper, so the reader is referred highly different fruit morphologies (such as fleshy berries).
to these other works for more comprehensive information. In this review, we will try to summarize recent progress establishing dehiscence zone has led to the development of
Briefly, SHP genes are expressed at the valve margins from in this subject, mainly focusing on FUL and SHP, which in
the early stages of gynoecium development, where they acti- Arabidopsis are placed at the top of the regulatory hierar- engineering strategies for reducing pod shatter in rapeseed
vate the expression of IND, essential for both separation chy directing DZ formation. We will review the latest work
varieties. In this example from Bayer, Canola lines have been
selected with defects in the Indehiscent, IND gene. In addition,
Canola lines with reduced pod shatter have been produced
through expression of antisense genes and use of CRISPR/Cas9
induced gene knockouts.

how does exp of antisense genes work

24 Field trial of modified Canola with the “Pod Shatter Reduction”

trait from Bayer. Trait engineering requires the careful balance of
reduced pod shatter with the need for ease of seed separation
during harvesting. Further, engineering of the Brassica napus
genome can be complicated by its tetraploid (AACC) nature, and
this is being aided by highly efficient CRISPR/Cas9 techniques for
targeted mutagenesis.

Editing endogenous regulatory interactions:

reprogramming mechanisms for control of
meristem growth in tomato and related

26 New genome editing tools like CRISPR have established a new

CRISPR-mediated genome editing
class of genetically modified plants (and other organisms) which
contain gene modifications, but no foreign genes. CRISPR
technology allows the transient delivery of RNA-targeted
endonucleases which are capable of catalysing specific dsDNA
cuts in chosen sites within the host genome. The advent of these
targeted mutagenesis tools has enabled new approaches, which
do not depend solely on gene knock-out or loss-of-function.

more able to edit specific regulatory sequences

and not just coding genes?

27 The domestication of a crop plant like the tomato, has been

Overexp of WUS accompanied by the selection and breeding of a wide variety of
increases floral meristem size variants. These include plant varieties with profound differences
in fruit size and shape, and plant architecture.
For example, modern tomato varieties emerged from the wild
mutant Peruvian species (Solanum pimpinellifolium). Two mutant alleles
Sl wus which have played a major role in the breeding of large fruit sizes
are Locule number (lc) and Fasciated (fas). The conserved Clavata3
mutant (CLV3) - Wuschel (WUS) negative feedback circuit controls
Sl clv3 meristem and fruit size in plants. Fasciated encodes the Solanum
lycopersicum CLV3 gene, and locule number (Lc) encodes the WUS
Mutations in the fasciated (fas) and locule number (lc) fruit size
QTL both contributed to increased tomato fruit size and locule
number during domestication. Yellow arrowheads, locules.

what is the relationship between fas and wus?

clv3 g crease in fruit size, caused in large part by an inc
E number of carpels in flowers, and thus seed compar
et al., 2017; Soyk et al., 2017; Swinnen et al., 2016). Here, we
A B ules) in fruits. QTL influencing tomato locule num
designed a genetic ‘‘drive’’ system that exploits heritability of
CRISPR/Cas9 transgenes carrying multiple gRNAs
28 Duringin domestication:
‘‘sensi- genes involved in the classical CLAVATA-WUSCHE
Recreating known fruit size QTLs in tomato with tized’’CRISPR-Cas9
F1 populations to rapidly and efficiently generate dozens
1. The fas mutation was circuit
caused (CLV-WUS),
by an inversion whichwithcontrols
a meristem size
of novel cis-regulatory alleles for three genes that regulate fruit
breakpoint 1 Kbp et al.,
upstream 2016)of (Figure
SlCLV3. (D)1A). Mutations in CLV-WUS, su
F size, inflorescence architecture, and plant growth
p habit in
signaling peptide gene
tomato. By segregating away the transgene the Thefollowing
lc QTL (red rectangle) is associated with CLV3,
two SNPs can(incause meristem
C generation, we recovered a wide range of stabilized promoter due to stem cell overproliferation, leading to develo
alleles that provided a continuum of variation for allbold) three in a putative repressor motif (CArG, blue-dashed square)
traits. fects that include additional organs in flowers and f
For one of these genes, we found that transcriptional 1.7 Kbp change downstream of SlWUS.
was a poor predictor of phenotypic effect, revealing unexplored sich et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2015). The ancesto
Mutations that affect (S. the pimpinellifolium,
crop phenotype can be recreated
S.pim) produces andsmall bilocula
complexity in how regulatory variation impacts quantitative
traits. combined in differentthe (or fasciated
wild) varieties. CRISPR/Cas9-induced
(fas) and locule number (lc) QTL were m
D deletions
p 8.0x10in the CArGutors
9 repressor motif are shown
to increased locule (blue-dashed
number, and thus fruit size
RESULTS p 7.7x10
square) in Solanum pimpinellifolium ticated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, S.lyc) (Figu
Recreating a Fruit Size QTL by CRISPR/Cas9 (S. pim) and Solanumder lycopersicum
Knaap et(S. lyc).
al., The gRNA
2014). fas istarget
a partial loss of func
Mutagenesis of a CRE
The major feature of tomato domestication was a dramatic in-
sequence is highlighted by inanredinversion
and the PAM
thatsite underlined.
disrupts the promoter of to
crease in fruit size, caused in large part by anS.pim-lcCR increase in plants the (SlCLV3),
produce fruitsresulting
with moreinthan a moderate effect on locule num
two locules.
E number of carpels in flowers, and thus seed compartments (loc- and van der Knaap,
S.pim-fasNIL S.pim-lcCR double mutants synergistically increase 2011; Xu et al., 2015). In contrast
ules) in fruits. QTL influencing tomato locule number include gain-of-function allele previously shown to be asso
genes involved in the classical CLAVATA-WUSCHEL stem cell locule number.
circuit (CLV-WUS), which controls meristem size (Somssich two SNPs in a predicted 15-bp repressor element d
et al., 2016) (Figure 1A). Mutations in CLV-WUS, such as in the of tomato WUS (SlWUS), a conserved homeobox ge
F p
signaling peptide geneFruitCLV3, can causein meristems to enlarge
A Figure 1. Recreating a Known FigureSize2. QTL
Inducing Tomato
Mutations in the SlCLV3 motes stem cell proliferation (Somssich et al., 2016
due toCLV3-WUS Promoter Using
stem cell overproliferation, leadingCRISPR/Cas9
to developmental de-
(A) The conserved negative feedback circuit controls meristem
(A) Model showing how an allelic series of SlCLV3 functionally validated, this CRE shares similarity wi
fects that include additional
size. LP, leaf primordia. organs in flowers and fruits (Soms-
transcriptional alleles could provide a range of
sich et al., 2016; Xu etquantitative al., 2015). The
effects ancestor
on floral(arrowheads) of
organ number ac- tomato element of Arabidopsis that is bound by the MADS bo
(B) The fas and lc fruit size QTL increased locule number during
(S. pimpinellifolium, S.pim)
Yellow arrowheads,
to a simple small
of reduced and tion factor AGAMOUS at the end of flower deve
fasciated (fas) and locule expression
number resulting
(lc) QTL in were
major phenotypic
G CR downregulate WUS and terminate meristem activit
p (C) fas is caused byto anincreased
with severity.
breakpoint and 1 Kbp
WT, fas, and clv3 upstream ofrefer-
8.0x10 9
utors thus fruitare shown as
size, in domes-
p 7.7x10
(D) The lc QTL ticated
(red rectangle)
tomato is associated
ence points in this hypothesized continuous
lycopersicum, two SNPs
S.lyc) (in bold)
(Figure in
1B) a putative
(van 2011; Muños et al., 2011) (Figures 1C and 1D).
B C relationship.
repressor motif der(CArG,
et al., 2014). square)
(B) 1.7 ofKbp
is a partial loss
of function
promoter of SlWUS.
targeted by To determine whether induced mutations in know
by an inversion
(E) CRISPR/Cas9-induced deletions eight
that disrupts
in thegRNAs
the (numbered
CArG promoter
PCR primers.
tomato andCLV3 strong
(blue-dashed effects on flower
generate morphology
predictable and fruit sizevariation, we use
SlCLV3/fas allelic effects on flower square) and fruit
of S.pim morphology
and resulting
S.lyc. in a moderate
The gRNA
and van der Knaap, 2011;plants.
effect on locule
PCR showing
Xu etAmplicons
al., 2015).were In contrast,
number (Huang
were alleles 0
lc is a
in in
observed fourred
T andamong T0
Cas9 lines.
to Number
target theof floral organs
putative and CArG element
the PAM site underlined. obtained using primers
CRgain-of-function allele previously spanning theshown to be
entire target locules
region. are indicated.
with NIL see
(E) STAR Methods).
Quantification of The
floral effect
organ of lc is subtle (M
(F) S.pim-lc plants produce fruits with more strongthan effects
two locules. S.pim-fas
D E two SNPs in a predicted(D) 15-bp
Weak andrepressor element
on flowerdownstream
2011), withand11% of fruits producing three to fou
S.pim-lcCR double mutants synergistically
of tomato WUS (SlWUS), a conserved and fruitincrease
size were locule
observed (meanamong±T SD;
homeobox gene that pro-
0 lines.n>10) in T0, WT, fas, slclv3CR plants. (F)
SlCLV3 promoter alleles for all T0 plants. Deletions Consistent
S.pim near isogenic lines (S.pim-lc ).
Number CR of floral organs anddouble
locules aremutants
indicated. with
Figure 1. Recreating a Known Fruit Size QTL in Tomato (G) Locule
number is increased in
motes stem cell proliferation S.lyc-lc lines,
(E) Quantification
et al.,
of floral
number While
(A) The conserved CLV3-WUS negative feedback circuit controls S.lyc-fas
meristem arefunctionally
N, plant number;
thisSD;CRE n, fruit
shares number.
fas, andp:
similarity two-tailed,
with the CArGtwo- does not cause detectable changes in SlWUS expr
(–) and insertions (+) indicated by numbers or letters. T0-5 and
n R 10) 0 in T , WT, slclv3 plants.
size. LP, leaf primordia.
sample t test. element of Arabidopsis that is bound by
(F) Sequencing the MADS
of SlCLV3 promoterboxalleles
for all gesting lc weakly affects the level, timing, or patter
fruitsT0-6 contained
(+) indicated only WT alleles (data not shown). Blue
(B) The fas and lc fruit size QTL increased locule number (arrowheads) during
domestication. Yellow arrowheads, locules. Data in (F) and tion
(G)factor AGAMOUS
are presented asTatpercentage
0 plants. Deletions (–) and insertions
the end ofofflower development
per locule to
number sion (Muños et al., 2011). Notably, 10% of fruits
by numbers or letters. T and T contained only
arrowheads, gRNAs;
two- a, allele.
0-5 0-6
(C) fas is caused by an inversion with a breakpoint 1 Kbp upstream category. downregulate
of SlCLV3.N, plants WUS and
per genotype; n, WT terminate
fruit number.
(data not
shown). Table
(Liu S1.
et p:al.,
(D) The lc QTL (red rectangle) is associated with two SNPs (in bold) in a putative 2011; Muños et al., 2011) (Figures 1C and 1D). plants carrying a CRISPR/Cas9-induced 4-bp de
tailed, two-sample t test. Scale bars, gRNAs; 100 mm a, allele.
in (A) and 1 cm in (B), (F), and (G).
repressor motif (CArG, blue-dashed square) 1.7 Kbp downstream of SlWUS. To determine whether (G) induced mutations
PCR genotyping 1 of T inprogeny
0-1 CREs T and can CArG element developed three locules (S.pim-l
(E) CRISPR/Cas9-induced deletions in the CArG repressor motif (blue-dashed generate predictable quantitative T . UBIQUITIN
0-2 (UBI) served
variation, we used as an internal
square) ofF S.pim and S.lyc. The gRNA target sequence is highlighted in red and control. Absence of amplification for the target matching the weak effect of lc (Figure 1F). We previo
Cas9 to target the putative SlWUS CArG element (Figure 1E;
region of SlCLV3 indicated homozygous plants
the PAM site underlined.
see STAR Methods). The effectalleles
for hidden of lcin is subtle
both T0-1 and(Muños
T0-2. et al.,
(F) S.pim-lcCR plants produce fruits with more than two locules. S.pim-fasNIL
S.pim-lcCR double mutants synergistically increase locule number. 2011), with 11% of fruits producing
(H) Genome threeof to
sequencing T0-1 four locules
and T0-2 offspringin
(G) Locule number is increased in S.lyc-lcCR lines, and double mutants with
homozygous NILnon-amplifiable alleles. Vertical
S.pim near isogenic lines (S.pim-lc ). Consistent with this, lc Cell 171, 470–480, October
dashed lines show target region. Neighboring
S.lyc-fasNIL are enhanced. N, plant number; n, fruit number. p: two-tailed, two- does not cause detectable changes in SlWUS expression, sug-
genes, transposable elements, and repeats up-
sample t test. gesting lc weakly affectsstream
the level,
of the timing, or pattern
target region are shown. of See
Data in (F) and (G) are presented as percentage of fruits per locule number sion (Muños et al., 2011).
S2. 10% of fruits from S.pim
category. N, plants per genotype; n, fruit number. See also Table S1. p: two- (I) Floral organ quantification (mean ± SD; n R 5)
plants carrying a CRISPR/Cas9-induced 4-bp deletion in the
tailed, two-sample t test. Scale bars, 100 mm in (A) and 1 cm in (B), (F), and (G). from homozygous plants for each ofCR the four T0-1
CArG element developed three locules (S.pim-lc
and T0-2 alleles. Black arrowheads indicate WT
), nearly
G matching the weak effectvalues.
of lc (Figure
See also 1F).
S3. previously showed
Scale bars, 100 mm and 1 cm in (A) 1 cm in (D).

Cell 171, 470–480, October 5, 2017 471


neously maximize allele creation and effi-

ciently identify those with phenotypes, we
outcrossed only T0 plants with strong
loss-of-function alleles to produce a
sensitized population of heterozygous
F1 plants. In this way,With
30 a judicious
hundreds of F1 choice of regulatory gene targets, combinations
of CRISPR-Cas9
progeny carrying a CRISPR/Cas9 trans- agents could be used to modify shoot
gene, each also having inherited a stable
loss-of-function allele, architecture
could easily beand fruit properties. Here is an example of a tomato
generated and screened variety
for newthat is optimised for hydroponic growth in urban farming
generate one or more new alleles by targeting in trans the WT of-function alleles, including those causing subtle phenotypes
promoter introduced from the cross. However, determining that would otherwise be difficult to detect. conditions, with a highly compact vegetative structure and
which specific F1 individuals harbor new alleles that result in To test this approach, we crossed T0-2 to“bunch-of-grapes”
WT and gener- like fruiting structure with synchronised
phenotypic change can be difficult. A telling example is the ated 1,152 F1 plants that were heterozygous for either
complex rearrangement of the SlCLV3CR-pro1-2 allele, which SlCLV3 CR-pro2-1
or SlCLV3 CR-pro2-2 ripening.
and a WT SlCLV3 promoterThe technology is being further developed in the
had no effect on floral organ number, and thus complemented (see STAR Methods). PCR genotyping revealed commercial sector, notably through the establishment of the
nearly half of
and masked the effect of the strong loss-of-function large dele- the population (42%) inherited the CRISPR/Cas9 transgene
tion allele in the original biallelic T0-1 plant (Figure 2I). To simulta- (hemizygous Cas9-/+) (Figures 3A and 3B), and newphenotyping
biotechnology company, Inari.

Cell 171, 470–480, October 5, 2017 473

31 Thus, knowledge of the genetic changes that underpin valuable
traits can be used to recreate and extend selected phenotypes in
related plant varieties - and even in related species. For example,
Physalis (known as Cape Gooseberry or Ground Cherry) is
another crop from the Solanaceae, related to tomato. The
Lippman and Van Eck groups used similar approaches to modify
fruit size, shoot architecture and other traits in this relatively
unimproved crop. Targeted genome editing was used to create a
rich set of variants that could be fed directly into breeding


Rapid improvement of domestication traits


Rapid improvement of domestication traits in an The taming of the shrub

orphan crop by genome editing Can genomics, functional analysis and genome editing help build the bridge between orphan crops and modern

in an orphan crop by genome editing.

Zachary H. Lemmon" "1, Nathan T. Reem" "2,5, Justin Dalrymple1,5, Sebastian Soyk1,5, Luca Comai
Kerry E. Swartwood2, Daniel Rodriguez-Leal1, Joyce Van Eck2,3* and Zachary B. Lippman1,4*

he world’s food supply depends (Fig. 1)3 with alleles of other genes that make of genomics and gene editing of just a small
Genome editing holds great promise for increasing crop for gene editing, including the absence of reference genomes, lim- on a few crop species, such as rice, the fruit hard to bruise and rich in solids2. number of loci.
productivity, and there is particular interest in advancing ited information on gene content and function, and several archi- wheat, maize, soy and potato, on The availability of genomic information The study, as successful as it was,
breeding in orphan crops, which are often burdened by unde- tectural and fruit development traits that differ from the tomato which research and breeding efforts are and efficient genome editing tools also demonstrates the challenges
sirable characteristics resembling wild relatives. We developed (Fig. 1). However, considering its phylogenetic relationship with concentrated. In addition, small farmers represents a novel opportunity for crop that ‘domesticators’ will encounter.
genomic resources and efficient transformation in the orphan the tomato, its diploid genome and the fact that key developmen- grow a variety of orphan crops, a set domestication and improvement2,4. Wild Domesticating an orphan crop plant
Solanaceae crop ‘groundcherry’ (Physalis pruinosa) and used tal and productivity genes have similar functions across model of species that are tasty, nutritious and species and unimproved orphan crops requires multiple tools: a well elucidated
clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats Solanaceae8, we hypothesized that Physalis orthologues of select well adapted, but mostly unsuited for can now, in theory, be modified rapidly genome sequence, including the
(CRISPR)–CRISPR-associated protein-9 nuclease (Cas9) tomato domestication and improvement genes could be modified intensive agriculture because of their wild and in a targeted manner, to provide understanding of paralogue structure

Zachary H. Lemmon, Nathan T. Reem, Justin

(CRISPR–Cas9) to mutate orthologues of tomato domestica- through editing for immediate improvements. characteristics. In this issue of Nature Plants, novel and improved crops. Consider and gene expression, and a delivery
tion and improvement genes that control plant architecture, A major obstacle for CRISPR–Cas9 plant genome editing is lack Lemmon et al.1 edit the genome of orphan groundcherry (P. pruinosa), a solanaceous system for genome editing, the simplest
flower production and fruit size, thereby improving these major of efficient tissue culture and transformation methodologies9. For crop Physalis pruinosa (groundcherry) species that produces a small, but tasty being a transformation system. Just as
productivity traits. Thus, translating knowledge from model editing of P. pruinosa to be realized, we developed Agrobacterium to explore domestication of this species. berry. A garden curiosity5, groundcherry important is the ability to predict what
crops enables rapid creation of targeted allelic diversity and tumefaciens-mediated transformation modelled after our tomato Specifically, they modify genes whose cannot be grown on an agricultural scale targeted modification will achieve the ideal
novel breeding germplasm in distantly related orphan crops. methodology (Supplementary Methods), and evaluated editing orthologues control domestication traits because of wild characteristics such as phenotype. Target identity can be inferred
There has been extensive discussion on leveraging genome- by targeting the orthologue of the tomato leaf development gene in the close relative, tomato. The authors’ sprawling habit, small, husked fruit and by understanding the domestication history
editing technologies to improve staple crops1, yet their application Sl-AGO7 (where ‘Sl-’ relates to S. lycopersicum). This was previ- results demonstrate both the power of this strong fruit abscission. The growth habit of crops closely related to the orphan crop.
to regionally important plants grown for subsistence purposes is ously used to test CRISPR–Cas9 in the tomato, because mutations approach and the importance of identifying and production of small fruits unsuited Nonetheless, the structure of gene networks

Dalrymple, Sebastian Soyk, Kerry E. Swartwood,

equally exciting, especially in developing countries. Such ‘orphan result in conspicuous narrowing of the leaves and floral organs10. mechanisms and gene targets. Thanks to for agriculture resemble the characteristics varies according to node number, type and
crops’ are relatively unknown and typically have not experienced First-generation (T0) plants were chimeric for Ppr-AGO7 mutations genetic and genomic analyses2, the path of the wild ‘currant’ tomato Solanum connections6. A change yielding the desired
intensive selection for domestication and improvement. Thus, (where ‘Ppr-’ relates to P. pruinosa) and, like tomato Sl-ago7CR chime- to domestication from wild ancestor to pimpinellifolium, which was domesticated to outcome in one species may be too severe,
orphan crops are less productive, untenable at larger agricultural ric T0 plants (where CR indicates CRISPR–Cas9-induced), the leaves modern crop is becoming clearer for several become tomato. Lemmon and co-workers insufficient or completely devoid of effect
scales, and benefit less from basic research2. Genome-editing tech- and petals were narrower than in the wild type (Supplementary cultivated species. Evidence indicates that saw an opportunity: would modification in another. Breeders and geneticists have
nologies, such as the broadly successful clustered regularly inter- Fig. 1a,b), indicating efficient editing in the groundcherry. mutations altering the function of a few, of the known gene targets of tomato long known that genetic modifiers present
spaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)–CRISPR-associated To expand Physalis genomic resources beyond a leaf transcrip- selected loci, called domestication genes, domestication achieve corresponding gains in populations can dramatically alter a
protein-9 nuclease (Cas9) (CRISPR–Cas9) provide opportunities tome from the related Physalis peruviana, which lacked orthologues played a determining role. For example, in this sister species? Through gene editing, mutation phenotype. This was demonstrated
to address these deficiencies, with primary goals to increase qual- of several tomato domestication and improvement genes6,11–13, we

Daniel Rodriguez-Leal, Joyce Van Eck & Zachary B.

alleles at a few major loci are responsible they targeted repressors of the florigen here by the dwarfing effect of the SELF-
ity and yield, improve adaptation and expand geographical ranges generated Illumina whole-genome and RNA sequencing de novo for much of the difference between wild pathway to increase flower numbers and PRUNING knockout in groundcherry, or
of cultivation. The Solanaceae family contains many orphan crops assemblies from vegetative and reproductive tissues (Supplementary teosinte and modern maize2. Domestication delimit flowering time, both on primary by the inability to modify primary shoot
alongside several well-characterized model crops, such as the Methods). Analysis14 revealed 93 and 82% complete benchmarking genes have been identified in other key crop and axillary shoots. Knockout of SELF- flowering by SP5G manipulation. In many
tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and universal single-copy orthologues for the transcriptome and genome species: they control flowering and fruit PRUNING, a classical improvement cases, a knockout may be inadequate and a
pepper (Capsicum annuum). This strong foundation of genetic, assembly, respectively, and 12,993 orthologues of tomato genes were development, increase harvest index (more gene that controls indeterminate versus subtler allele may be needed instead, such
developmental and genomic knowledge makes the Solanaceae an reconstructed with at least 90% coding sequence coverage. product per plant), facilitate harvesting determinate growth in tomato, was too as altering promoter activity or protein
excellent platform for translating genome editing to orphan crops. With these tools, our first efforts focused on modifying ground- by inhibiting abscission of fruits, or make severe to be useful, resulting in extreme structure. Editing promoter segments should
We focused on the orphan crop Physalis pruinosa (ground- cherry shoot architecture to contain its weedy growth habit. In the the final product easier to store, chew and compactness. Knockout of another florigen facilitate the production of alleles with new

cherry), a wild Solanaceae that is more distantly related to the tomato, selection for mutations in florigen flowering pathway genes digest2. Manipulation of these traits stands repressor, SP5G, resulted in increased and useful expression properties7. Finally,
tomato than the pepper, and which is grown in Central and South allowed major improvements in plant architecture and yield15. In as one of the great human achievements. axillary flowering, although caused no the accelerated domestication envisaged
America for its subtly sweet berries3,4. Barriers to higher produc- particular, a classical missense mutation in the antiflorigen SELF- Some traits, such as loss-of-shattering, changes to the primary shoot; nonetheless, here may involve manipulation of several
tivity and wider cultivation include a wild sprawling growth habit PRUNING (SP) gene (spclassic) provided compact ‘determinate’ growth were unknowingly selected by Neolithic fruit density increased. The authors next genes with the connected combinatorial
and small ~1 g fruits that drop to the ground due to strong stem that translated to a burst of flowers and fruits, thereby enabling large-
gatherers. Other traits, such as branching targeted the CLAVATA pathway, which challenge of testing many variables.
abscission (Fig. 1a–g). These undesirable characteristics paral- scale field production16. SP encodes a flowering repressor that mod-
and determinate growth, required keen regulates shoot apical meristem size by the In fact, it is possible that domesticated
lel the wild ancestor of the tomato, Solanum pimpinellifolium, for ulates sympodial growth—a hallmark Solanaceae and many other
observation and intent to save the variant. interaction of a small peptide, CLV3, with species may owe their fate in part to their
which selection allowed major improvements in shoot architecture, plant species—and mutations in the pepper SP orthologue cause a
By increasing food availability, crop its receptors (CLV1 and others). Knockout relative ease of genetic manipulation: if
flower production and fruit size5,6 (Fig. 1h–m). Although ground- similar acceleration of sympodial cycling and shoot termination8.

Nature Plants 4: 766–770 (2018)

domestication has enabled the flourishing of CLV1 resulted in increased flower key domestication traits were monogenic
cherry and related Physalis species have the same chromosome We searched our groundcherry assemblies for SP homologues
of sciences, arts and technology. While meristem size, additional flower organs and variable in the ancestor, they would
number as most Solanaceae (n = 12)7, several challenges remain and related florigen family members, and phylogenetic analysis
the basic chassis of our staple species is and conversion from two-locule to a larger, have been easily apparent and selectable by
Neolithic, some improvements are recent, three-locule fruit. These manipulations breeders. Orphan crops, in contrast, may have
such as semi-dwarfism in wheat and rice. produced variants better suited to, although resisted domestication because of multigenic
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. 2The Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY, USA. 3Plant Breeding and Genetics Section,

School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring
Notably, tomato was radically altered to well short of, full agricultural exploitation regulation of the same traits8. All things
Harbor, NY, USA. 5These authors contributed equally: Nathan T. Reem, Justin Dalrymple, Sebastian Soyk. *e-mail:; enable mechanical harvesting by combining and constitute an impressive demonstration considered, what are the prospects for ‘taming
a spontaneous mutation in SELF-PRUNING of what is possible through a combination wild species’? The work by Lemmon et al.1
766 NATURE PLANTS | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2018 | 766–770 |
742 NATURE PLANTS | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2018 | 742–743 |


Pathway engineering in plants:

introducing ectopic positive-feedback
regulatory loops for hyper-expression of
existing pathways

33 Transcriptional cascades underpin gene regulatory networks.

Transcription factors (TFs), denoted as nodes in a network (red
and green circles), represent several entities (gene, mRNA, and
protein) and events (transcription, translation, degradation, etc)
that are compressed in both space and time. The series of
regulatory events can be conveniently represented as a node in
the network, although this does not capture the dynamics of
these entities and the biological processes.

Molecular Systems Biology 5; Article number 294; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.52

34 An example: hierarchical structure in the yeast transcription
regulatory network. The organization of transcription factors in
the network naturally clusters into three basic non-overlapping
layers: the top (red), core (green), and bottom (blue). Thirty-two
regulatory hubs are highlighted in bold and marked with a star
(*), and nine essential TFs are marked with an arrow.

Molecular Systems Biology 5; Article number 294; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.52


Molecular Systems Biology 5; Article number 294; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.52


Molecular Systems Biology 5; Article number 294; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.52

37 In this scheme, a gene from downstream in the regulatory
hierarchy is identified. Its promoter (blue) is fused to a copy of the
master regulator (red). Therefore when the master regulator is
switched on during the normal course of development, there is a
cascade of transcriptional control events that results in triggering
of housekeeping genes, and in addition, triggering of a new copy
of the master regulator. Results in expansion of the normal

positive feedback loop

Molecular Systems Biology 5; Article number 294; doi:10.1038/msb.2009.52

38 As an example, we will look at the engineering of transcription

factors to modify cell wall composition in plants. The
development of improved feedstocks for bioenergy production
has focused on maximising primary cell wall and cellulosic
material, and limiting amounts of lignin compounds during
secondary wall growth.

NAC SECONDARY WALL VASCULAR RELATED 39 The two “arms” of vascular cell development are regulated by two
transcription regulators, NAC Secondary Wall Thickening
Promoting Factor 1 (NST1) and Vascular Related NAC Domain 6
NST1 (VND6). These genes show expression patterns that are limited to
fibre and vessel cells, respectively.
In a two-way approach, Loque and colleagues interfered with the
synthesis and deposition of lignin. (i) The promoter of a key lignin
gene, C4H, was replaced by the vessel-specific promoter of
transcription factor VND6 in a c4h mutant. This rewired lignin
biosynthesis specifically for vessel formation while disconnecting
C4H expression from the fibre regulatory network. (ii) The
promoter of the IRX8 gene, a secondary cell wall
glycosyltransferase, was used to express a new copy of the fibre
transcription factor NST1, and as the IRX8 promoter is induced by
NST1, this creates an artificial positive feedback loop

vessels collapse under water stress w/out lignin

two NST1s; so lignin is expressed in vessels but not anywhere else
why doesn’t the new
NST promote lignin?
ption factors leads to ec- CW
y walls [68]. Hence, the L
ription factors specific for
present a viable strategy to
40 Engineering of increased cell wall density and decreased lignin in
ure 3 (b) Cell wall deposition engineering
The successful engineer- Arabidopsis. Schematic of simplified regulatory network
ity was achieved by over- NST1 controlling secondary cell wall biosynthesis in vessel and fibre
ter transcription wildtype
factor NST1 Vessel TF cells in plants and images from wildtype (a) and engineered (b)

biosynthesis in fiber
NST1 cells Vessel TF
T1 gene was driven by a Arabidopsis plants depicting interfascicular tissues composed of
ondary cell wall glycosyl- Lignin
fiber cells. Engineered plants were generated from a c4h
ectively generating a posi-
Xylan Cellulose Lignin Xylan Cellulose pVES::C4H defective mutant (mutant affected in the second lignin
ed a high level of NST1 biosynthesis step) that was transformed with the wild-type
eady expressing NST1 to
version of the mutated C4H gene driven by a vessel-specific
ducing this construct into L

engineered to have lowL CW

promoter which rescued the negative effect of low lignin
did not only have higher
content. Generated plants were further transformed with a
gher carbohydrate content construct (pIRX8::NST1) that led to higher expression of master
[15]. CW
CW transcription factor controlling secondary cell wall biosynthesis
CW in fiber cells (e.g. NST1).
hemicelluloses contain b-
y to cellulose and are often Current Opinion in Plant Biology
ologous to the (b) Cell
CesAs,wall deposition
be- engineering
amily 2 [69]. Consequent- NST1
Engineering of increased cell wall density and decreased lignin in
polysaccharides such NST1 as Arabidopsis.
Vessel TF Schematic of simplified regulatory network controlling

d-linkage glucans are syn- secondary cell wall biosynthesis in vessel and fiber cells in plants and
F/H proteins, respectively images from wildtype (a) and engineered (b) Arabidopsis plants
depicting interfascicular tissues composed of fiber cells. Engineered
CslA (ManS) in soybean plantsLignin
were generated from a c4h defective mutant (mutant affected in
mannan in soybean seedsCellulose
Xylan the pVES::C4H
second lignin biosynthesis step) that was transformed with the
tified as playing a key role wild-type version of the mutated C4H gene driven by a vessel-specific
ge glucan, a non-cellulosic promoter (pVES) which rescued the negative effect of low lignin
e walls of grasses, by L het- content.
L Generated plants were further transformed with a construct
41 Production of transgenic plants with increased xylan content and
(e.g. pIRX8::NST1) that led to higher expression of master transcription
rice and barley orthologs, CW
factor controlling secondary cell wall biosynthesis in fiber cells (e.g.
decreased lignin content.
2,73]. Arabidopsis does CW notL NST1). This approach has been described in Ref [15]. Scale is 2 mm;
kage glucans in its walls, CW: cell wall; L: Cell lumen.
esulted in the presence of CW

munolabelling techniques
wever, the level of mixed- overexpression utilizing the constitutive 35S promoter
tissue was estimatedCurrent to beOpinion often resulted in yellow, wilted leaves and plant lethality
in Plant Biology
he walls for the expression compromising plant biomass accumulation. Similar plant
tively. of
gineering A increased cell wall densitygrowth
more promising defects
and decreased were
lignin in observed when using the 35S pro-
arley CslF
bidopsis. (HvClsF6)
Schematic was regulatory
of simplified controllingexpression of OsCslF6 in tobacco or
for transient
in a cell wall biosynthesis
3–4-fold increase ininvesselstable
and fiber cells in plants and
transformation in Arabidopsis resulting in accumu-
ges from wildtype (a) and engineered (b) Arabidopsis plants
af tissue leading to a plant lation of mixed-linkage glucan at levels up to 13% and
picting interfascicular tissues composed of fiber cells. Engineered
nts were [74]. However,
generated from a c4hthisdefective respectively
6%,mutant [75]. Since
(mutant affected in the presence of b-glucan was
second lignin biosynthesis step) that was transformed with the
5, 25:151–161
d-type version of the mutated C4H gene driven by a vessel-specific
moter (pVES) which rescued the negative effect of low lignin
ntent. Generated plants were further transformed with a construct
g. pIRX8::NST1) that led to higher expression of master transcription
tor controlling secondary cell wall biosynthesis in fiber cells (e.g.
T1). This approach has been described in Ref [15]. Scale is 2 mm;
W: cell wall; L: Cell lumen.

erexpression utilizing the constitutive 35S promoter

en resulted in yellow, wilted leaves and plant lethality
mpromising plant biomass accumulation. Similar plant
owth defects were observed when using the 35S pro-
oter for transient expression of OsCslF6 in tobacco or 42 The biotechnology company AFINGEN® was set up to exploit the
ble transformation in Arabidopsis resulting in accumu- Positive Feedback Loop (APFL) platform - and they offer a robust
ion of mixed-linkage glucan at levels up to 13% and path to improve commercially competitive crops with minimal
%, respectively [75]. Since the presence of b-glucan was cisgenic/intragenic manipulation and improved genetic stability
compared to conventional bioengineering. By the selective
amplification and/or reduction of target genes with
unprecedented specificity and improved tolerance engineered
crops (e.g. rice, corn, wheat, soybeans, canola, alfalfa, and
sorghum) the modified plants can offer higher yields of biomass,
more cellulose, and less lignin with healthy and robust plant
growth. (Images from

Switchgrass Medicago
enhanced xylem formation enhanced root growth
1514 The Plant Cell


43 The history of crop domestication has demonstrated the genetic

plasticity of plants, and the benefits of manipulation of complex
traits (e.g. microarchitecture of plant organs to reduce pod
shatter). As our our ability to manipulate plant genomes
improves, along with our understanding of plant development
and growth - new possibilities for the rational design of plant
improvements become feasible. This is very timely, as there is
continued pressure to increase crop yields, due to constraints on
the availability fertile land and water, and pressure from
population growth and demand for improved food quality.

Figure 3. Important Historical Milestones in Plant Transformation.

Since its beginning in 1977, the pace of crop transformation technology development has not been linear. In recent years, the genome editing revolution begs
for crop transformation improvements to enable greater food security.

that automation would enable large-scale screens such as those transformation 15-fold (Sardesai et al., 2013, 2014). Conversely,
performed in the recent work by Wang et al. (2015) in which some host proteins are activated or produced in response to
CRISPR-mediated mutations were used to determine essential Agrobacterium. The bacterium likely subverts these proteins to
genes required for human cell proliferation. Using an automated facilitate infection (Zaltsman et al., 2010). Thus, it is likely that
cell screen, every gene could be knocked out sequentially in crop priming the host plant by downregulation of one or more of its
cells for a massive functional analysis. infection-responsive genes could enhance Agrobacterium-
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation consists of bacterial mediated transformation.
attachment, T-DNA and virulence (vir) effector protein transfer, Plant tissue browning and necrosis in response to Agrobacterium
cytoplasmic trafficking of T-DNA/protein complexes, nuclear entry, infection reduces transformation frequency. Antioxidants in the
removal of proteins from the T-strand, T-DNA integration, and infection medium can attenuate this reaction, but plant cells may
transgene expression. We have a basic understanding of the plant still respond to the Agrobacterium pathogen-associated molecu-
and bacterial virulence proteins that are important for these pro- lar pattern Ef-Tu (Zipfel et al., 2006) and perhaps bacterial surface
cesses (Figure 4; Gelvin, 2012; Magori and Citovsky, 2012; Lacroix molecules. Research is needed to identify bacterial-associated
and Citovsky, 2013). For example, altered production of the plant molecules that induce localized defense responses in crop
proteins has increased host susceptibility to transformation (Gelvin, plants and either eliminate or mask them, generating a “stealth
2010). In particular, an Arabidopsis MYB transcription factor (MTF) Agrobacterium” strain that does not elicit necrotic responses.
appears to function as a global negative regulator of transformation Particular combinations of Agrobacterium vir genes and bac-
susceptibility; downregulation of MTF can increase Arabidopsis terial chromosomal backgrounds influence virulence on different

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