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Rosary and Novena

to St. Jude


Hail Mary Most Pure...Conceived without sin

By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, O
Lord our God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. Amen


Come holy spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in
them the fire of your love, send your spirit lord and all will be
created and the face of the earth will be renewed.
Holy Spirit, source of all light....illumine us

Style (67) Time (165) Tone (Do-6)

My St. Jude, today we thank you Our offerings that between your

Because you have allowed us to hands,

meet We want you to take it as a gift.

Before your precious, sacred Our rosary and our songs,

image The prayers we give to you,

Welcome to this, your home. They are little stars for your


To you today we present,

All these people, my San Trusting always in your

Juditas, intercession.

Under your protection today it is



Jesus my Lord and Redeemer, I repent of all the sins I have

committed until today, it weighs on me with all my heart,
because with them I have offended such a good God. I firmly
propose not to sin again and I trust that with your infinite
mercy, you will grant me the forgiveness of my sins and lead
me to eternal life. Amen.

To you, Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Brother, we offer
our prayers today. We recognize the special friendship that
your apostle St. Jude has with you. To your love and
friendship we unite our prayers intimately with your generous
death on the Cross. To this constant act of praise to God
through which we make ourselves pleasing to the Father, we
ask that our prayers be united. Be with us today and every day
of our lives. It intensifies our love for God and our neighbor.
Grant that these graces and favors for which we pray may be
granted to us through You, who live and reign with the Father,
in unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.

V. Open my lips, Lord

R. And my mouth shall declare your praises
V. My God come to my aid
R. Hurry, Lord, to my rescue
Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever and ever


St. Jude Thaddeus, Apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you
with all the strength of my heart to intercede with your divine
master on behalf of my home. Enter this house that belongs to
you. Pour out upon us the blessings you reserve for your best
children, for here in this home we are all your children. Bless
and guard our house. Preserve us from fire, from pestilence,
from lightning, from ungodly men and from all other
calamities. Take part in our joys and sweeten our bitterness,
prevent the sinner from crossing our threshold and when
death comes to fill us with mourning, be the one to fill the void
left in the family: O St. Jude Thaddeus stay with us and may
your blessing be with us today and forever. Amen.

St. Jude Thaddeus and St. Simon, pray for us who have
recourse to you. (3 times)

THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES: (Monday and Saturday).

1.- The Incarnation of the Son of God.

2.- The visit of the Blessed Virgin to her cousin St. Elizabeth.
3.- The birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem.
4.- The presentation of the child Jesus to the temple.
5.- The child Jesus lost and found in the temple.

THE PAINFUL MYSTERIES (Tuesdays and Fridays).

1.- Prayer in the garden.
2.- The flagellation of the Lord.
3.- The crowning of thorns.
4.- Jesus with the cross on his back.
5.- The crucifixion and death of Jesus.
1.- The Resurrection of the Lord.
2.- The ascension of the Lord to heaven.
3.- The coming of the Holy Spirit.
4.-The assumption of Our Lady into heaven.
5.- The coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth.


1.- The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan.
2.- Jesus' Self-revelation at the Wedding at Cana.
3.- Jesus announces the Kingdom of God and invites us to
4.- The transfiguration of the Lord.
5.- The institution of the Eucharist as a sacramental
expression of the Paschal Mystery.


After the announcement of each mystery, an Our Father will
be recited and instead of the Hail Mary, the following will be
said 10 times. Jaculatory for each of the tens

"St. Jude Thaddeus, succor our needs."

At the end of each mystery, glory will be said and the following
will be said. Jaculatories:

O glorious apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, for the love of Jesus

and Mary, hear my prayer, protect my family and all those
who fervently invoke you.

V. Holy Apostles
R. Pray for us.
V. St. Jude Thaddeus, glorious Apostle.
R. Turn my sorrows into joy.



I believe in God the Father almighty creator of heaven and

earth, I believe in Jesus Christ his son our Lord who was
conceived by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, born of
the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
died and was buried, descended into hell, on the third day,
rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven and is seated
in heaven. under the power of Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
died and was buried, descended into hell, on the third day,
rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is seated at the
right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall
come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the holy
spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and eternal
life. Amen.

SALVES (prayed or sung)

Hail most blessed St. Jude Thaddeus, I greet you benignly and
I adore in your name the Most Holy Trinity because it gave
you being and brought you closer by the bonds of blood, with
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Hail most blessed St. Jude Thaddeus, I greet you kindly and
adore in your name the Most Holy Trinity because it chose you
to be the Apostle of Jesus Christ and witness of divinity. Our
Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Hail most blessed St. Jude Thaddeus, I greet you kindly and
adore in your name the Most Holy Trinity because it granted
you the blessed Palm of Martyrdom and eternal rest in glory.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Hail Mary Most Holy, temple, throne and tabernacle of the

Most Holy Trinity, Virgin conceived without original guilt, as
Mother we beg you to look upon us with mercy.

Hail Queen and Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our

hope, Hail to thee we call the banished children of Eve, to thee
we sigh groaning and weeping in this vale of tears, Hail, then
Lady, our advocate turn to us those merciful eyes of thine and
after this exile show us Jesus, blessed fruit of thy womb, Oh!
clement, oh! pious oh! Sweet ever Virgin Mary, pray for us,
Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy to receive the
divine graces and promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Holy prodigious, glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, honor and glory

of the apostolate, consolation and protection of afflicted
sinners, I beseech you by the crown of glory that you enjoy in
heaven, by the singular benefit of being a close relative of our
Savior and by the love that you had for Mary Most Holy, grant
me what I ask of you. Just as I am certain that Jesus Christ
honors you and denies you nothing, so may I experience your
protection and comfort in this urgent need. Amen.


Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, hear us.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Most Holy Trinity, who art one God, have mercy on us.

St. Jude, relative of Jesus and Mary (Pray for us).

St. Jude, raised to the dignity of Apostle (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who had the honor of contemplating your Divine
Master humbling himself to wash your feet (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who at the Last Supper received the Holy Eucharist
from the hands of Jesus (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who after the deep sorrow caused you by the death of
your beloved Master, had the consolation of contemplating
him risen from the dead and of attending his glorious
Ascension (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who was filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of
Pentecost (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who preached the Gospel in Persia (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who worked great miracles by the power of the Holy
Spirit (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who restored to health of soul and body an idolatrous
King (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who silenced the demons and confounded their
oracles (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who foretold to a weak prince an honorable peace
with his powerful enemy (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who took from the deadly serpents the power to
harm Man (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who, despising the threats of the wicked,
courageously preached the doctrine of Christ (Pray for us).
St. Jude, who gloriously suffered martyrdom for love of your
divine Master (Pray for us).

O Blessed Apostle with confidence we invoke you! (3 times)

O St. Jude, hope of the desperate, help me in my affliction! (3

Through your intercession, may both priests and the faithful

people of the Church receive an ardent zeal for the Faith of
Jesus Christ. (We beg you, hear us).
May you defend the Sovereign Pontiff and bring peace and
unity to the Holy Church. (We beg you, hear us).
Let the heathen and unbelievers be converted to the true faith.
(We beg you, hear us).
May faith, hope and charity increase in our hearts. (We beg
you, hear us).
May we be free from all evil thoughts and from all the snares
of the devil. (We beg you, hear us).
May you keep us from all sin and from every occasion to sin.
(We beg you, hear us).
May you defend us at the hour of death against the fury of the
devil and his evil spirits. (We beg you, hear us).

That before death we may atone for all our sins by sincere
repentance and the worthy reception of the Holy Sacraments
(Pray for us).
That we may reach a favorable judgment (Pray for us).

That we may be admitted into the company of the blessed to

enjoy the presence of God eternally (Pray for us).

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Forgive us
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Hear us,
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Have pity
and mercy on us.

Pray for us, St. Jude Thaddeus, that we may be worthy to

attain the promises and graces of our Lord Jesus Christ.


God, almighty and eternal! You made your name known

through the Apostles. Through the intercession of St. Jude,
grant that your Church may continue to grow stronger and
increase the number of its faithful. We ask this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure

Sinlessly conceived

By the sign † of the Holy Cross, from our † enemies deliver us,
† Lord our God. In the name of the Father, † of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen


We trust that the Father will hear all prayers offered in the
name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we now join in prayer the
Apostle St. Jude, who rejoices in heaven in the triumph of
Christ's death and resurrection. United to the prayers of praise
and petition of St. Jude to God we pray these devotions.


St. Jude, Apostle of Christ and glorious Martyr, I wish to
honor you with special devotion. I welcome you as my patron
and protector. I entrust to You my soul and my body, all my
spiritual and temporal interests and those of my family. I
consecrate to you my mind so that in everything it may
proceed in the light of faith; my heart so that you may keep it
pure and full of love for Jesus and Mary; my will so that, like
yours, it may always be united to the will of God.
I beseech You to help me to master my evil inclinations and
temptations by avoiding all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the
grace never to offend God, to fulfill faithfully all the
obligations of my state in life and to practice the virtues
necessary for my salvation. Pray for my Patron Saint and my
help, so that, inspired by your example and assisted by your
intercession, I may lead a holy life, die a blessed death and
attain the glory of Heaven where God is eternally loved and
thanked. Amen.


Apostle and martyr of the faith with Jesus Christ, admirable

and glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, for the great love you
professed for the Divine Master, for your docility and courage
in proclaiming the Gospel, for your intense dedication in
fulfilling your apostolic mission, and for the fortitude with
which you shed your blood for the cause of faith in Jesus
Christ, we beg you to obtain for us from him the graces that we
ask of you in this novena, if it is for the glory of the heavenly
Father, if it is for the glory of the Father.We beg you to obtain
for us from him the graces that we ask of you in this novena, if
it is for the glory of the heavenly Father and the salvation of
our souls, we ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord and
the maternal intercession of his most holy mother, the Virgin
Mary. Amen.

Omnipotent and everlasting God, who in the depths of your
inexhaustible wisdom deigned to arrange that St. Jude
Thaddeus should bear such mysterious and meaningful names
as suited him by the sincere confession he made of your
divinity, by the praises he paid to you in the August Ministry
of the three persons in one essence and nature, and by the
ardent charity with which he cared for men; grant me by his
mighty power, that, uniting my weak faith to the great fervor
of our Holy Apostle, I may confess with him wholeheartedly
and with all my soul your holy name, believe in the august and
sacred mysteries of the Redemption which the Church
proposes to me, and bless and rejoice in your mercy.

Eterno y soberano principio de las inteligencias que te
dignasteis disponer que Judas Tadeo tuviese la dicha de ser
sobrino carnal del Señor San José y primo estimativo de
Jesús, permitiendo igualmente que procediese de la sangre del
Santo Rey David, de ese justo que fue hecho a la medida de tu
corazón, y del que anunciaste por la boca de tus profetas que
habíGrant, through your powerful intercession, that by
restraining my flesh, turning away from the world and fleeing
from the devil with prayer and humanity, I may be just to my
neighbor, indulgent to those who wrong me, and long-
suffering in adversity, so that I may draw near to you and live
with you in glory.

O God of infinite goodness and mercy, who deigned to favor
St. Jude Thaddeus, giving him Joseph, Simeon and James as
brothers, whose names and virtues the Church respects and
venerates, and favored him with the happiness that while your
son St. James was hanging and nailed to the Cross, full of
bitterness and opprobrium and denied by men, those whom
he was going to redeem by his death, they were the mother
and sister of our Holy Apostle, two of whom were the mother
and sister of St. Jude.and nailed to the Cross, full of bitterness
and opprobrium and denied by men, those whom he was
going to redeem by his death were the mother and sister of our
Holy Apostle, two of the three devout and compassionate
Marys who followed him and accompanied him.and
accompanied him fervently on Mount Calvary, thus
manifesting the Divine predilection that you had for him;
grant me through their powerful intercession that my relations
may be persons of known piety, and that they may encourage
me by their example on the path of virtue and pilgrimage in
this life, so that, leaving behind me the path of virtue and
pilgrimage in this life, I may be able to live in the same way
that I have lived in this life, and that I may be able to live in
the same way with them.May I leave the path of vices and
direct my steps to You, and may I, ashamed and contrite, love
You, follow You and accompany You on the Cross with that
love and firmness with which Your chosen ones did it.

O most loving Father of mankind, who at every step deigns to
manifest your love for St. Jude Thaddeus, for not satisfied that
he was the son of the pious souls who accompanied your most
holy Son to the foot of the cross and of those who contributed
to spread and confess your holy name, you stilln todavía lo
estrechas por los vínculos de la sangre con la Madre del
redentor, María Santísima con Santa Isabel, que dio a luz al
precursor de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y que anunciaron las
profecías, con Santiago que confesó la Misiówith St. John the
Evangelist who merited from his Master to recommend you as
son to the Queen of Heaven, and with Jesus Himself who by
His death erased sin and opened to men the doors of bliss
which were closed to them because of Adam's guilt, grant me
by His powerful power to grant you, through His Son Jesus
Christ, that you may be the Son of the Savior.Grant me,
through his powerful intercession, to reform my habits in such
a way that I may merit your divine grace, so that the purity
with which I receive you in the Holy Eucharist may be such
that, becoming one flesh with you, I may live in you and
accompany you eternally.

O God immense and incomparable in your judgments, who
deigned to set ways unknown to men, to set in the Apostle St.
Jude Thaddeus, allowing the Only Begotten of the Father, the
Redeemer of the world to descend from the immense height of
his glory, and giving his sublime example of goodness, to delay
on the eve of his passion to the extreme of washing the feet of
our Holy Apostle, and that he might receive the salutary
waters of baptism so that, being reborn by them in the Holy
Spirit, he might have part with Jesus Christ and enter the
kingdom of heaven.Grant, through his powerful intercession,
that, recognizing my wanderings, I may humble myself and
abase myself with compunction in your presence, and that by
ways unknown to me I may come to you, remain in you, and
obtain your grace forever.

O most loving Father and Sovereign Creator of all things, who
deigned to enter into friendly conversation with St. Jude
Thaddeus, and in it to instruct and teach men that in order to
merit the communications of Thy grace, it was necessary to
dispose our souls, and that this was obtained by keeping the
express and clear word of Thy commandments.and that this
was obtained by keeping the express and clear word of Thy
commandments; grant me, through his powerful intercession,
that by detaching myself from the idle and worldly
companionships of my souls, I may be able to be free from
theand worldly companionships which precipitate me in your
anger, that I may deal with you in prayer, and in this way
prepare my soul to receive your intimate, friendly and
affectionate communications, that loving my neighbor as a
creature born of your love, my soul may be prepared to receive
you as a creature born of your love.that, loving my neighbor as
a creature from thy hands, faithfully keeping thy holy law,
honoring and adoring thy ineffable being and infinite
perfections, I may come to me, and may the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit dwell in me.

O God of consolation and infinite charity, who, because of the
great love and confidence that you had in St. Jude Thaddeus,
deigned to elevate him to the apostolate and allowed him to be
present at a great part of the Savior's actions so that, as an
eyewitness to them, he might confirm them and preach them
to the world by his word and example; as an eyewitness of
them, to confirm them, to preach them to the world by his
word and example; that for your better glory you arranged
that our Holy Apostle should have no other recommendation
for planting the faith than his natural timidity, his profound
ignorance in the sciences of men, and an extreme poverty and
an obscure and humble condition in the estimation of men,
and that he should have no other recommendation for
planting the faith than his natural timidity, his profound
ignorance in the sciences of men, and an extreme poverty and
humble condition in the estimation of men.I have no other
recommendation for planting the faith than his natural
shyness, his profound ignorance in the sciences of men, and
his extreme poverty and obscure and humble condition in the
estimation of the world, no less than an education formed
according to the laws of Moses; grant me by your powerful
intercession that, coming out of the shameful state of the
faults to which my ancient customs have subjected me, I may
be made docile to your calls, that my soul may be made worthy
of your callings.May my words and examples be such that I
may be persuaded by them of the divinity of the religion you
have revealed, and always keeping your goodness in view, may
I keep your holy commandments, so that by this means I may
have the happiness of belonging to the number of the elect.

O God of infinite wisdom, who deigned to permit St. Jude
Thaddeus to write an epistle addressed to warn thy faithful of
the danger in which their souls were placed, following the fatal
errors which were beginning to spread in thy church,
reminding them in it that there is no power but thine, and that
it is in thy name that they perform the wonders which thy
apostles worked in proof of the doctrine which they
preached.In it you reminded them that there is no power but
yours, and that it is in your name that they perform the
wonders that your apostles worked in proof of the doctrine
they preached; that you ordered me to repeat to the believers
that whoever does not know you will be buried, confounded
and tormented, and that he who does not know you will be
buried, confounded and tormented.I beseech thee by thy
mighty intercession to enlighten my understanding, and not to
give me a new understanding of thy mission, that I may not be
deceived, but that I may be saved, and that I may be saved
from the evil which thou hast destined for the just, and that I
may be saved from the evil which thou hast destined for the
just.I beg you through your powerful intercession to enlighten
my understanding and not to let me fall into the abyss in
which those who do not know you find themselves; make me
edify by charity, to cry out and pray in the Holy Spirit, to go
forward in your love and to implore your mercy from my
O God of time and eternity, you deigned to grant to St. Jude
Thaddeus that after having contributed to establish your cult,
after having traveled through innumerable fields and cities
preaching the Gospel, and after having converted to the holy
religion of Jesus Christ, your son, a multitude of souls who lay
in the darkness of gentility, you gave him as a reward for his
labors and efforts, the glorious crown of martyrdom, so that
he might be martyred.Jesus Christ, your son, a multitude of
souls who were lying in the darkness of gentility, you gave him
as a reward for your labors and sleeplessness the glorious
crown of martyrdom, so that with it he might not only confirm
his preaching but also bear witness to your divinity.and bear
witness to your divinity, but that he might obtain in reward
the beatitude he enjoys in the triumphant choir of the
apostles; grant me, through his powerful intercession, that by
his martyrdom he may come forth from the darkest darkness
of the earth and be a witness to your divinity.Grant, through
his powerful intercession, that coming out of the darkness of
sin, I may walk steadfastly in the paths of your law, that I may
endure adversity for your love, so that at the end of life's
arduous race, free from remorse, I may die a peaceful death
that will lead me to you and make me enjoy the happiness that
you have promised to the righteous.

St. Jude Thaddeus and St. Simon, pray for us who have
recourse to you (repeat five times with Our Father, Hail Mary
and Glory be).

St. Jude Thaddeus and St. Simon, pray for us who have
recourse to you. O glorious apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, for the
love of Jesus and Mary, hear my prayer, protect my family and
all those who fervently invoke you.

O glorious, Holy Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant

and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has been the cause
of many to forget you, but the Church honors and invokes you
universally, declaring you as the patron and advocate of
difficult and desperate cases. Pray for me who am alone and
helpless; I implore You to make use of the special gift granted
to You, to come to my aid quickly and visibly when all hope is
almost lost. Come to my aid in this great need, that I may
receive comfort and succor from heaven in all my necessities,
tribulations and sufferings, that I may praise God with you
and with all the elect forever. I thank you glorious St. Jude,
and promise never to forget this great favor and to honor you
always as my special and powerful protector and gratefully do
all I can to foster your devotion. Amen.


Good and merciful Father, whose will is that all men be saved
and come to the knowledge of the truth for which you sent us
your son Jesus Christ incarnating himself in the most pure
womb of Mary.I am the Virgin Mary, and thus related to the
human family, especially to her holy family of Nazareth,
together with Mary Most Holy and St. Joseph, in whom I trust
as great intercessors. We thank you infinitely for having
chosen St. Jude Thaddeus, so close to your holy family and to
the other apostles, relatives of this great apostle, whose names
shine in heaven like stars and are for us valuable intercessors
to obtain the grace that today we place in the hands of our
advocate for difficult causes, St. Jude Thaddeus. O glorious
apostle, intercede for all those who humbly, in this novena,
place their intentions and petitions in your hands, with the
confidence of achieving what we ask for, if it is for the honor
and glory of god and the salvation of our souls, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.


Blessed be your purity and eternally be so because a whole
God is recreated in such a graceful beauty, to you celestial
Princess sacred Virgin Mary I offer you in this night soul, life
and heart, look at us with compassion do not leave us my
Mother and in my last agony give me your blessing.

Hail Mary Most Pure
Sinless conceived (3)
Long live Jesus, long live Mary, long live grace, long live sin,
long live Jesus sacramentalized, long live the glorious
patriarch, St. Joseph, St. Joachim, St. Anne, to whom we
entrust our heart, body and soul, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.

In heaven and on earth be forever blessed and praised, the

divine heart of Jesus sacramentalized.
With you I go pure virgin and in your power I go trusting, for
in your protection my soul will return safe.
Sweet Mother, do not go away, do not take your eyes off me,
come with me everywhere and never leave me alone, you who
protect us so much as a true Mother, may the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit bless us. Amen.

O glorious apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, for the love of Jesus

and Mary, hear my prayer, protect my family and all those
who fervently invoke you.

V. Holy apostles
R. Pray for us.
V. St. Jude Thaddeus, glorious Apostle.
R. Turn my sorrows into joy.

May God's help be with us always.

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