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NAME: …................................................. .................................................. .............4°……….

I. Mark the alternative that completes the meaning, according to the text read:

1. The First Chapter is called: Which deals with the condition and exercise of the famous gentleman D. Don Quixote of
La Mancha
In this chapter, classic characters from Literature are named, such as
A. El Amadís de Gaula and Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar.
B. El Cid or The protagonist of the song of Rolando or Roldan.
C. Don Juan Tenorio and Gonzalo de Berceo
D. Only A and B

2. It is assumed that the reason why the protagonist decides to become a knight errant was because:
A. He reached an advanced age
B. He read many books of chivalry.
C. With his alcoholism he ended up not discriminating between truth and fantasy
D. He was convinced by the Barber and the

3. The main character's real name is:

A. Gonzalo de Berceo C) Sunday Sunday
B. Alonso Quijano D) Amadis of Gaula

4. The protagonist called himself:

A. Don Quijote of La Mancha C) My Cid Capeador
B. Amadis of Gaula D) Robin Hood

5. He named his horse:

A. Steed C) Rocinante
B. Unicorn D) Fury

6. According to his conviction at that moment, the only thing he lacks then is:
A. Go in search of a lady to whom you can dedicate your triumphs.
B. Go in search of adventure
C. Be armed knight errant
D. All

7. He then remembers that near his house there is a lady named _________ , but he changed her name to ________:
A. Marcela Dulcinea del Toboso
B. Maria Angel María de la Luz del Toboso
C. Aldonza Lorenzo Dulcinea del Toboso
D. Maria de Jesus Dulcinea

8. Chapter Two is called Which deals with the first departure that the ingenious Don Quixote made from his land.
Shortly after leaving his house without anyone noticing, the idea came to Don Quixote's mind that:
A. He had not been made a knight-errant
B. Should face Dragons and Giants
C. He had to get a squire at the level of his requirements
D. He had to look for a prettier lady because the one he found was not.

9. He arrived at an inn (inn) at the entrance there were two women who he imagined were:
A. Two princesses of the Nibelung and who were at the doors of a Castle
B. Two beautiful girls or beautiful maidens and they were at the door of a Castle
C. Two filthy prostitutes who were in front of an inn
D. Two little girls who were in their kindergarten

10. A swineherd passed by with his pigs and blew a horn and Don Quixote imagined that the sound was:
A. A jester who warned his King of his arrival
B. A Palace Trumpeter who gave notice of his arrival
C. A dwarf who gave signs of his arrival at the castle
D. An army of trumpeters who gave notice of their arrival

11. Then the innkeeper appeared who was a man of good character and Don Quixote thought it was good that he was:
A. The King of the Castle C) The Duke of Compostela
B. The Prince of the Castle D) Mayor of the fortress

12. The innkeeper offered him food, but not lodging, since there was none, they served him
A. Fish and wine. C) Bread and cheese
B. wine and cheese D) Bread and wine

13. But Don Quixote couldn't eat well because:

A. The shield was not very flexible and prevented him from eating
B. The helmet did not allow him to eat because it was tied with green ribbons that he did not allow to be cut.
C. His teeth were not good, in fact he was suffering from toothache, which he later pulled out with pliers.
D. All

14. A pig castrator came to the sale and blew a whistle a few times and Don Quixote imagined that he was:
A. In a splendid castle and farewell trumpets sounded because he had to leave
B. In a castle and what was playing was an orchestra and that the maidens invited him to dance
C. In a magnificent castle and that they were delighting him with music and that the prostitutes were maidens
D. In a cave where a fire-breathing dragon roared, that's why its great heat

15. Chapter Three is called Where the funny way that D had is told. Quixote in becoming a knight.
Once the poor dinner is over, the innkeeper takes him to the stable and there Don Quixote asks him on his knees:
A. I gave him the hand of one of the maidens
B. Let him kill a dragon in your name
C. Grant him some land to be a Noble
D. I ordered him knight errant.

16. The innkeeper asks him if he brings money to which Don Quixote answers that ______________________________
and the innkeeper tells him that he is wrong:
A. He never read in the books of chivalry that knights carried any cash.
B. He did not know that knights-errant used white (money) because they paid with deeds
C. You cannot fight a knight errant because his revenge can be horrible.
D. He does not use money because he is too rich to carry it with him, later his armor bearer will come to pay.

17. Even the innkeeper tells him that the knights-errant carry clean shirts and ____________________ in backpacks in case
of injuries and lack of doctors:
A. Medicinal ointments
B. Medicines and vitamins
C. Medicinal herbs and magic potions
D. Vitamins, cereals, corn and wheat

18. He also told him to get a ____________ to help him:

A. Servant C) A slave
B. a slave D) A squire

19. During that night, Don Quixote stayed awake taking care of his weapons to:
A. Veil your weapons and be knighted by the King
B. Take care of your weapons and be named King
C. Veil his weapons and marry his maid the next day
D. Guard your weapons during the night to be attacked knight errant the next day.

20. They approached where Don Quixote was and he hit them so:
A. Several went to hit him and the innkeeper defended him
B. He murdered several of them and the innkeeper threw Don Quixote out.
C. He got into a fight and was fatally wounded.
D. The prostitutes came to his defense because they felt sorry for “the poor crazy man”

21. To avoid more conflicts, the innkeeper tells Don Quixote that:
A. It's time yourefficient in guarding the weapons and that he is already knighted, that two hours was enough and he had
already been there for four hours.
B. He has already attacked him as a knight errant and King of the Castle and he has sufficiently veiled his weapons
C. Because he had fought, he was not worthy of being a knight and he should leave and go to another King.
D. All
22. Fourth Chapter called What happened to our gentleman when he left the sale
Outside the inn Don Quixote remembers the innkeeper's advice and decides to return to his house. On the way he hears
some screams and approaches and there he finds a:
A. Dirty and ragged man and he imagines he is a magician in disguise and charges him with his horse and almost kills him
B. Child stealing, he stops him and gives himself to his master so that he can whip him for his unworthy act
C. A woman being whipped and tied to a tree by a goatherd and she begged
D. Boy tied to a tree, being whipped by a muleteer and the boy begged and said he wasn't going to do it anymore.

23. Don Quixote has the person tied up untied and the master tells him that he also knows about chivalric novels and not to
worry, he will untie him and give him money and that he has no money there but he does have money at home and to
leave. and trust him, Don Quixote decides:
A. Go and trust the farmer master.
B. Take with you who was tied
C. Ignore the situation after your intervention
D. Pay a little money to the farmer so that he no longer spanks the child

24. When the farmer sees that Don Quixote has walked away:
A. He ties up the slave and whips her to death
B. He frees the boy for the money that Don Quixote has given him.
C. He ties up the boy and whips him so many times that he almost kills him.
D. He frees the slave because she is no longer of use to him due to how mistreated she is.

25. He continued on his way and met some merchants whom Don Quixote demanded to swear that:
A. He was the most daring Knight Errant they had ever met.
B. Dulcinea del Toboso, his lady, was the most beautiful
C. The Knights Errant were the most loyal and admirable beings who passed through there.
D. Their nag was the most gallant they had ever seen and they paid honor to the horse and to him.
26. However, the merchants refused and even:
A. They tried to kill with their golden swords
B. They ignored him, avoiding him in their walk, taking another path
C. They showed him a maiden in a painting they carried with them and explained that they adored that princess.
D. They hit him a lot and left him badly injured.

27. Despite what happened, Don Quixote felt very satisfied because he believed that:
A. He deserved it as a knight errant, which was part of what he who was one had to go through.
B. The discussion of the beauty of his lady confronted with another maiden was part of his work as a Knight Errant.
C. By ignoring it, these men confirmed that they had no arguments to deny the beauty of their lady.
D. The violence with which they acted and the attempt to kill him with noble swords is part of what must happen to him.

28. Fifth Chapter What is called: Where the narration of our knight's misfortune continues . In this chapter a neighbor
finds Don Quixote and he:
A. He takes him home on top of a donkey. Quixote was very badly injured.
B. He rushes to Don Quixote's hacienda and tells his niece and she comes looking for him.
C. He takes the opportunity to remove the few belongings that he could sell, throws it on top of his cart and takes it to his
D. He takes care of him because Don Quixote is badly injured and after a few days he takes him to the hacienda to his

29. When they arrived at Don Quixote's house they were there, apart from his family:
A. His niece and his Mistress
B. His wife and niece
C. The priest and the local barber who were his two great friends.
D. His niece and her animals because only they lived alone

30. Don Quixote's niece blames the _____________ for the change that has occurred in Don Quixote's personality:
A. Books of chivalry
B. Friends who advised him badly
C. Memories of his deceased wife who did not eat well, which triggered dementia
D. Days and nights of drunkenness, reading late into the night and eating little

31. Don Quixote's friend who was a barber was called

A. Nicholas C) Matías
B. Alonso D) Rocatagliata

32. Chapter Six is called Of the witty and great examination that the priest and the barber made in the bookstore of our
ingenious gentleman . Don Quixote's two friends and the niece, trying to make amends for the change that has occurred in
Don Quixote, take all the books and:
A. They throw into a corral C) They also hide the library in a false wall
B. They burn from the house

33. Seventh Chapter called Of the second departure of our good knight D. Don Quixote of La Mancha.
Finally the books had a sad ending, but Don Quixote decided to tell a lie, to avoid punishment, so they told him that the
books were:
A. He brought a charmer, even to the bedroom and everything.
B. They stole and the thief was a rebellious Biscayan
C. I carried a golden dragon that unexpectedly entered through the library window
D. He stole a demonic sorcerer who with his magic modified the structure of the house and took the Mistress.

34. Don Quixote believes in that lie and calls this character
A. Wise Fristón or Frestón C) The Amadis of Gaula
B. Sorcerer of Monte Cristo D) The Apocryphon of Macha

35. In this chapter he convinces his neighbor, a farmer, to serve as his squire. This is called
A. Mr. Castellano C) Master Nicolás
B. Sancho Panza. D) Pedro Alonso

36. Convince this farmer with the promise of being:

A. Owner of a Mediterranean Island
B. Governor of an island
C. Heir to his magnificent estate
D. Find great riches in the many adventures to come.

37. The squire and Don Quixote agreed. He on his horse _________and the squire on a donkey________:
A. Gray - Rocinante
B. Rocinante - Gray
C. Luscinda - Cardenio
D. Cardenio - Luscinda
38. Chapter Eight called Of the good success that the brave Don Quixote had in the frightening and never imagined
adventure of the windmills, with other events worthy of happy remembrance. Don Quixote and his squire were walking
through a field and they met:
A. A flock of 200 sheep or so
B. About thirty or forty windmills
C. Four Giant Mills
D. Thirty wind-powered propellers that looked like windmills

39. His squire saw them clearly, but to Don Quixote they appeared like one:
A. Thirty or forty giants
B. Thirty or forty magicians
C. Rebel Biscayans

D. Goatherds organized into an army

40. Then Don Quixote attacked his mirage and he:

A. When a group of men saw themselves attacked, they beat him and left him badly injured and his horse fled, his
weapons were broken.
B. A group of men saw him coming and fled from him, but not before damaging his weapons.
C. Molino, with the moving blade, broke his spear and threw him from the saddle of his Rocinante.
D. Giant attacked him strongly and damaged him and his weapons

41. His squire helps him, but Don Quixote, convinced that this was an adventure worthy of a knight-errant, justifies himself
by saying that:
A. Freston's magic helped his rivals that is why they were able to defeat him in battle.
B. The magician Freston with his magic had turned his attackers into windmills.
C. Because he is a novice knight, it is logical that he failed as part of his apprenticeship.
D. Many of the most renowned Knights Errant failed in their first battle and later became the most famous in the Art.

42. Having lost his spear in this adventure, he thought of getting another one, taking a branch from an oak tree just as
Diego Pérez de Vargas did, who from crushing Moors so much became known since then as:
A. Amadis of Gaula C) Machuca.
B. Crush Moros D) Apocrypha

43. Don Quixote warned his squire that if he found himself in a dispute with low and vile men he could help him, but if
those who attacked him were knights he could not intervene because that was what the laws of chivalry ordered.
Suddenly two friars from the order of Saint Benedict appear on the road. Behind them came a carriage with four or five
horsemen accompanying them, and two mule boys on foot. He came in the car:
A. A lady from Biscay who was going to Seville.
B. A bishop of the Catholic Church belonging to the Holy Inquisition
C. A princess kidnapped by some Moors
D. A little girl who was going to Madrid

44. However, Don Quixote imagined that those were some

A. Ruffians who kidnapped a maiden
B. Charmers who have some stolen princess in that car.
C. Rebels carrying a hostage to sell
D. Frestón's assistants stealing a damsel from another knight-errant

45. Ninth Chapter called Where concludes and puts an end to the stupendous battle that the gallant Biscayan and the
brave man from La Mancha had. In this chapter the struggle between Don Quixote and the Biscayan persists, but the
narrator uses the resource of verisimilitude to make the reader believe that what he is reading is not a literary work but has
been an episode of real life, so the narrator tells us that the end of this feat is found in a manuscript called: History of Don
Quixote de la Mancha, written by the author
A. Apocryphal Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda, native of the town of Tordesillas
B. Cide Hamete Benengeli Arabian historian.
C. Orlando Furious, a native of the town of Tordesillas
D. Don Álvaro Tarfe, Arabian historian.

46. Finally Don Quixote manages to win by giving him a blow to the head that makes him bleed from his nose, ears and
mouth. However, Don Quixote does not kill him because the two Biscayan maidens ask him to do so, and in exchange for
granting him the favor of not killing him, he asks them to:
A. Go to Toboso to pay your respects to Dulcinea del Toboso and tell her about the feat that the knight-errant had just
performed on behalf of her, his lady.
B. Write down your recently performed feat and spread it to make him and his lady Dulcinea del Toboso famous.
C. Go through life in peace and spread the word about the feat and do not forget his name and that of his lady Dulcinea
del Toboso
D. Publish in the newspaper for a month the feat accomplished and write his name and that of his lady Dulcinea del

47. Chapter ten called Of the graceful reasonings that passed between D. Quixote and Sancho Panza his squire .
Continuing on his way and seeing his master so badly wounded, Sancho suggested that he cure him. Don Quixote then
lamented that he did not remember the formula of the famous __________ balm, that with a single drop he would have
been cured:
A. Freston C ) Fierabrás
B. Miraculous of Andantes D)."Finite incantatem!"

48. Chapter eleven called Of what happened to Don Quixote with some goatherds . Welcomed by the goatherds, they
offer them food and the knight-errant offers Sancho to sit next to him, but he does not agree and prefers to eat standing,
but Don Quixote takes him by the arm and makes him sit down; For the goatherds this talk seemed like gibberish. For
dessert they offered him acorns that brought the knight's memory of the golden age. To finish the welcome, the goatherds
offer music to Don Quixote, performed by a singer accompanied by a musical instrument called
A. Rabel. C) Harpsichord
B. Lira D) Lute

49. Chapter twelfth called Of what a goatherd told those who were with Don Quixote. While still with the goatherds, a
young man arrived where they were and told that a famous student shepherd named had died.
A. Grisóstomo. C) Arthur
B. Ambrose D) Marcelo

50. The young man's story continues, saying that it is rumored that he has died in love with that devilish girl from the
village, the daughter of William the rich, the one who walks around in those fields in the habit of a shepherdess, called:
A. Marcela C) Dulcinea
B. Maria Soledad D) Geneva

51. The shepherd began to relate the misfortunes of those who fell in love with the Shepherdess, but she told the suitors
A. rejected C) He made them suffer and then despised them
B. cheated D) I was excited and then left them for others

52. Thirteenth chapter called Where the story of the shepherdess Marcela ends, with other events. In this chapter Don
Quixote remembers England, King _______ and the Round Table , even the wife of such a famous King, Queen ________:
A. Felipe, the Beautiful and Juana, the Crazy
B. Richard I "Lionheart" and Berenguela of Navarre
C. Arthur and Guinevere
D. William I "the Bastard" and Matilda of Flanders

53. This chapter concludes with the funeral of the unfortunate student and the last paper he wrote inspired by the
shepherdess, these words were titled
A. I sing from the heart C) Platonic Love
B. I'm leaving and forgive you, beloved D) Desperate song.

54. Chapter fourteen called Where the desperate verses of the deceased pastor are placed, with other unexpected events
. This chapter begins with the shepherd's song, which is read during the student's funeral. She was reading when the
shepherdess appeared and everyone who was there was impressed by her sublime beauty, however Ambrosio asks her why
she has come. The shepherdess tries to explain to those present that she is aware of her beauty, but she has never given
anyone any hope and in fact she, in her freedom, has chosen:
A. The solitude of the fields and the trees of these mountains are my company.
B. Solitude and total surrender to God and no man
C. Being alone and just studying and devoting yourself to reading and enlightening yourself
D. Being alone in the company of his little sheep, God and his books

55. The fifteenth chapter is called Where the unfortunate adventure that Don Quixote had in encountering some
heartless Yangese is told. This chapter begins with another stylistic device that consists of making the reader believe that
what is being related are not the occurrences of a madman but the true episodes related by a well-known person in
literature, in this case, of chivalry, then it says that the Cide Hamete Benengeli is the one who continues the story at this
It happened then that Sancho, who considered Don Quixote's nag to be a gentle character, let him loose and it turned out
that there were a herd of Galician nag mares walking around there that belonged to some:
A. Vizcaínos Yangüeses C) Yangüese muleteers
B. Yangese Seculars D) Yangese Moors

56. Rocinante was then very enthusiastic and was received with kicks and bites by the ponies and was left without a saddle.
Sancho and his master came and were received.
A. Insulting and expelling Sancho, Quixote and Rocinante
B. In a very good way, although it later turned into an argument and subsequent fight.
C. They were beaten and left very battered and badly injured by the beatings that the Yangese gave them.
D. Blocking their way and handing over the wounded Rocinante, so a fight broke out.

57. Chapter sixteenth called Of what happened to the ingenious gentleman in the inn that he imagined to be a castle.
Sancho and Don Quixote arrived at an inn, both badly injured by the misfortune of having encountered the Yangese
muleteers, however Sancho lied and told the innkeeper that what hit his body were not blows but rather that he had fallen
off a cliff and hit himself with the fall on the stones. The innkeeper and her daughter, and the good Maritornes, were
confused, hearing that Don Quixote gave thanks for having been welcomed in this castle, he and his squire. While Sancho,
Don Quixote and a muleteer were staying in the room late at night, the knight-errant began to conjure up a new fantasy in
his mind which consisted of:
A. With his great gallantry he would have conquered the very princess of the Castle so she wanted him and he had to
agree to her wishes like a true gallant.
B. He had to be awake because he would surely have to face a new Knight Errant adventure.
C. The daughter of the owner of the castle who had welcomed him, who had fallen in love with him, came to his bed.
D. Maritornes has entered the room to apply the Magical Balm of Fierabrás

58. Within his chimeras Don Quixote decides not to be unfaithful to his Dulcinea del Toboso and when Maritornes enters the
bedroom in search of the muleteer Don Quixote drags her towards him by a doll. Being close to the lady who seemed to
him to be a princess and not a girl from the inn, Don Quixote thanks her for the honor of her visit, but explains to her that
his heart is busy, but the girl becomes distressed when she sees herself seized by him. gentleman and in his desperation he
punches him and from all the commotion the innkeeper wakes up and goes in search of Maritornes, he calls her and she:
A. He faints and when he wakes up he blames Don Quixote for attempting to attack him.
B. He faints and when he wakes up he blames Sancho for attempting to attack him.
C. She starts and when she leaves she falls and her father hits her hard.
D. He hides in Sancho's bed and they both begin to hit each other.

59. Suddenly a person who was staying at the inn arrives in the room and identified himself as part of the ___________.
Sancho and Don Quixote believed that this man was a dead man in pain:
A. Holy Brotherhood
B. Sacred Congregation of Knights Errant
C. Phoenix Order Mage Sect
D. Rinlo Brotherhood

60. The seventeenth chapter is called Where the innumerable labors that the brave Don Quixote and his good squire
Sancho Panza underwent in the inn, which due to their evil thought was a castle, continue. The man came another day and
believing that he was a ghost, Don Quixote treated him badly and in response the man:
A. He explains who he is and asks him to leave him alone.
B. He hits him on the leg and leaves him quickly.
C. He hit him on the head with the lamp he was holding.
D. He excommunicates him from the Church and asks for his real name to put on his List.

61. Don Quixote asks him for a series of elements to make a healing balm to which the man agrees; The ingredients were a
little oil, wine, salt and rosemary, the idea was to create a potion that healed everything that was called “the balm of
Fierabrás”. When Don Quixote drinks this concoction:
A. He vomits everything and falls asleep.
B. Magically heals from his wounds
C. He defecates and can't stop doing it
D. It feels very good and then Sancho drinks it too and he also recovers.

62. According to Don Quixote, he feels relieved and healthy so he saddles his nag and wants to leave. The innkeeper
approaches him and charges him, but the knight refuses to pay him. As he was going after Don Quixote, Sancho charged
the innkeeper to him and Sancho responded that if his master did not do it, it is not his responsibility to pay. At this
response the innkeeper and some who were there took Sancho
A. They wrapped him in a blanket and began to throw him into the air.
B. And they hit him hard
C. They take him into custody and hand him over to the gendarmes.
D. And they stripped him naked to collect Don Quixote's debt.

63. The eighteenth chapter is called Where the reasons that Sancho Panza spent with his lord Don Quixote are told, with
other adventures worth telling. Suddenly they see two clouds of dust on the road that could be seen in the distance that
were actually herds of rams and others of sheep, but Don Quixote thought that they were without a doubt;
A. Millions of people had recognized him as the magnificent Knight Errant and came to receive him, and some wanted to
take him to each of their cities.
B. Two armies that came to attack each other and meet in the middle of that spacious plain.

C. Two groups of ferocious lions that had to be contained by a Knight like him: A new adventure
D. Two rivers that were forming and he was a privileged witness of the strength of the Magi who were doing that at that

64. He named thousands of illustrious people who were supposed to participate in this situation, but Sancho did not see any
of them and tried to explain to him that perhaps it was an enchantment. However, Don Quixote makes up his mind and
gallops his nag towards the center, but he was only pushed by the rams and sheep and fell badly injured. The shepherds
approached him and seeing him so hurt:
A. They helped him
B. They tried to finish him off and Sancho defended him
C. They laughed at him and kicked him on the ground
D. They abandoned.

65. Nineteenth chapter called Of the discreet affairs that Sancho spent with his master, and of the adventure that
happened to him with a dead body, with other famous events. Suddenly they saw some lights coming from afar and Don
Quixote immediately began to think about a new adventure, however Sancho felt very afraid and believed that they were
ghosts. It was a procession who, upon seeing Don Quixote charge, fled, however, when Sancho Panza fell after the
confrontation between Don Quixote and the encamisados of the procession, he called the knight-errant “The Knight of the
Sad Figure” by:
A. His pale face, due to his missing teeth and the appearance he had in darkness.
B. The pain that gives Sancho so much pain that Don Quixote goes through due to his hallucinations
C. Not having monetary reward again in this new battle

66. Chapter twentieth which is called Of the never seen or heard adventure that with the least danger was completed by
a famous knight in the world, as the brave D. Don Quixote of La Mancha . Where Sancho tells the misadventures of the
love of Lope Ruiz who was in love with a shepherdess named
A. Marcela
B. Sunrise
C. Maritornes
D. Torralva.

67. Some sounds were heard in the distance that frightened Rocinante and Don Quixote went after him and was also scared
by the sounds, but these turned out to be only the sounds of mallets that could be heard in the distance. Then Rocinante is
torn away from Don Quixote and he falls while going to look for him and Sancho starts laughing at him to which the knight-
errant responds with:
A. A couple of spanks in Sancho's mouth
B. Two blows of sticks on Sancho's back
C. He takes away his food and punishes him by telling him that he will not eat for three more days.
D. He ties him up and whips him on the back until he begs for forgiveness, then he releases him and tells him that it was
for his own good.

68. Once again Don Quixote quotes Amadis de Gaula and this time he names his squire, whose name was Galadin. To
finish, Don Quixote asks Sancho to mark the gap between knight and squire:
A. Do not speak to him before he speaks to you: The gentleman must initiate the conversation
B. Eat away from him
C. Don't talk to him anymore and let him dedicate himself to his things as a squire and wash his clothes.
D. Stay distant from him and talk to him less

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