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Mustafu Hyper Tech Internet Cafe: Welcome to Origin

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: F/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Academia (Anime & Manga), Black Tech Internet Cafe System
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko &
Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko,
Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Izuku & Sasaki Mirai |
Sir Nighteye, Midoriya Izuku & Tokage Setsuna, Kaminari Denki &
Midoriya Izuku, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner & Midoriya Izuku, Hagakure
Tooru & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Hisashi, Aizawa Shouta |
Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Hagakure
Tooru, Hatsume Mei, Melissa Shield, Eri (My Hero Academia), Tokage
Setsuna, Kaminari Denki, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Iguchi Shuuichi |
Spinner, Tomura
Additional Tags: BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a
Ray of Sunshine, Sad Midoriya Izuku, Gamer!Izukiu, Izuku Runs a Cafe,
Advanced System, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, but not really, Adopted
Eri (My Hero Academia), Eri is a Ray of Sunshine (My Hero Academia),
Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Soft Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of MyWebAcademia
Stats: Published: 2023-04-11 Updated: 2023-07-17 Words: 14,811 Chapters:

Mustafu Hyper Tech Internet Cafe: Welcome to Origin

by FrozenCog


Welcome to Origin, the hottest new Mustafu Gaming Cafe.

With Tech so advanced you'll feel like you're there as you game. Gaining skills and
strength as you level up but remember it's pricy.

Run by a small boy with a green bush for a head but be wary he maybe hiding a plethora of

Littered with rumors and good times people rave on how magical the cafe is and the
owner's lightning quirk.

Plot and Concept of Story is mine and if you feel like you want to write a spin off based off
mine, please ask first.
0001: A New Start

Izuku Midoriya sat in his room feeling sombre as he browsed the hero forums scouring for any
rumours or information to add to his ever growing list of hero notes. Though his pen which once
felt lighter than a feather had begun to feel like lead ever since that day.

It was a day like any other, from the jeers of classmates to Bakugo beating him up. Yet that day
took its first step towards a long downward spiral when his teacher declared his intention of
applying to UA. The number one school in the country. From its engineering revolutionaries, to
some of the world’s leading entrepreneurs and most prominent of all was its hero course. Entering
UA only happens twice for most people once in high school and a second for university if they can
even manage to snag an application to the university courses run by the institution. His prized
notebook he had been working on was scorched and thrown out a window as Bakugo uttered those
idiotic words.

“Maybe you should take a swan dive and pray for a quirk in your next life Deku!” Was what he
had shouted at him in the classroom. The teacher had only bothered to glance up before dismissing
it once he realised it was Izuku being targeted.

It lit a fire of spite in his heart. He would prove to him that he was going to be a hero no matter
what. Until he walked under that overpass, mumbling his hopes for the future he was caught off
guard by a large mound of sentient sludge that tackled him and begun trying to breach any orifice
on Izuku while telling him how he would a nice akin suit. Only for him to be narrowly saved by
All Might!

All Might had been the top hero for practically decades at this point. Everyone looked up to him
and knew his iconic catchphrase ‘I AM HERE’ who preached in every interview that what
mattered most to becoming a hero was not a quirk but the determination and effort to become a

Yet as he grabbed onto the leg of his hero and faced him with his question on that rooftop all he
was left with was broken dreams. ‘Realistic’ Izuku knew what he meant but it was unfair. There
were heroes like Snipe, Lady Nagant, Eraserhead and hell even Nighteye when it came to his
active duty work essentially could all be replicated using weapons or simply fought quirkless. Lady
Nagant had a rifle for an arm and that was it, it was all up to her skill whether she landed her shots
or not.

Though he knew he was not hero material. His body held little muscle he built from his meagre
attempts at training but any definition to his body would leave him beaten by Bakugo ruining his
hard work as he spent time recovering.
So he instead focused on his wits so he could use his plan to get in through the Sports Festival as
his attempt. But he just did not feel motivated anymore to become a hero. Even when his body
moved on its own to save Bakugou from that sludge monster he let fall out of All Might’s pocket.
In the end the heroes berated him and it finally ripped out anything it had left so he ran home not
wanting to be reminded of his failures anymore.

It had been three weeks since he had withdrawn his application from UA which thankfully meant
Bakugo left him alone so he could focus on his own training to be a hero. Spent more time cooped
up in his room than chasing heroes and found he had a knack for something he never tried before,
video games. Being the protagonist in his own story relying on his choices and skills to become the
best in RPGs and working with others in FPS games felt just as fun. No one would curse him for
being quirkless (they would yell slurs but it seemed they yelled those indiscriminately.) So he
indulged himself in all sorts of video games finding he had a couple favourites at the moment.
Resident Villain and Hero Strike each having their own charm as games and he loved watching
game play to analyse himself.

Inko was not too happy her son had been spending more time in his room but he did leave plenty of
time where they would watch films together and the sort. Frankly she was glad he moved on from
heroes and chasing villain fights, they would make her so worried as she waited at home fearing he
may have become collateral in some brutal fight he chased after. It did pain her to watch him sell so
much of his merchandise thinning out his collection. Izuku was planning on getting her something
but she insisted he kept it for himself. Her son had made a large amount from the fact they were all
mint condition and some of them rose exponentially since he was gifted them. Yet despite this she
did wonder why he stopped talking about heroes and little Katsuki. But that was a mystery for a
different day.

Quickly the eight months went past and Izuku grimaced looking at his letters he had already
received from the schools across Mustafu so far. That damned school Aldera littered his report with
slander and so many black marks he only remembered a big reason why UA was his top choice.
The entrance exam and personality interview allowed students who may be subjected to
discrimination a chance to enter the school. Yet he threw that away with his dreams. Exhaling he
walked up to his mother and just quietly cried into her shoulder as she ruffled his hair. His dad
talked to him on the phone and had suggested some ideas for what to do after school ends. A big
idea his dad was pushing for was to have Izuku try running a business something small like a start
up. Izuku’s dad Hisashi was a good man, a little distant only ever talking on phone calls but he
supported his family well. Having offered Izuku a decent sum of money he left it open for
suggestion of usage whenever he wanted. With that their late night phone call ended and Izuku fell

“Beep.” Izuku could not tell whether that was his alarm or not. “Welcome User Midoriya Izuku, I
am the HyperTech Internet Cafe System. You have one mission pending.” Then came a voice
startling Izuku up. The voice was somewhat monotone and leaning towards a more feminine sound
though it could also very well just be androgynous. Looking around he saw no one and feeling
confused rubbed his eyes thinking this may still be a dream till he was greeted by a screen in front
of him.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

I am the HyperTech Internet Cafe System. Congratulations on your selection to be the current host
of this system.

You have [ 1 ] Mission Pending…

Do you open the mission file? [Yes] [No]


Izuku just sat there stunned and clicked onto the ‘Yes’ button.

Then came a new screen with more information.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Beginning Anew

Time Remaining for completion: 6 Days 23 hours

Description: You are the new host of this system. With that comes the need for a few required
facilities to ensure that the system can be utilised properly.

Criteria: [ ] Obtain a building with functioning electricity and water

to convert into a cafe.

Rewards: 3 x Hyper Tech Certified Immersion Rigs

Access to Resident Evil 1: HyperTech Edition

Access to User Functionality Privileges - Tier 1

Renovation of Facility within Tier 1 Options

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: Removal of Memory of System.

[ Accept ] or [ Deny ]


Izuku looked at it and read the penalty. If this was a dream or not it seemed he really had nothing
to lose so he clicked accept.
0002: Owning a Cafe

Izuku looked at the timer and then realised this was real. But then what was ‘HyperTech’ and
‘Resident Evil’? The latter sounded a lot like the game Resident Villain but was it some kind of
upgrade to it?

His head was flooded by more questions like ‘Was this his quirk?’ and more. Yet it now seemed he
had a goal to set up a gaming cafe, judging by the fact it offered a game with the cafe. His dad did
suggest it as an idea and to be honest running a cafe where he can play games with others seemed

So he got out of bed and cleaned himself up and checked his phone. Selling his merch had given
him quite the ample fund excluding what his dad also offered. As he sat eating cereal that morning
his mum walked in yawning.

“Morning, Izuku. How did you sleep sweetie?” She asked half asleep.

“I slept alright. But I had an idea for what I want to do as a business.” He replied by taking the
kettle from his mum to fill at the tap.

“Is that so, what do you plan?” She asked curiously.

Taking a deep breath he spoke. “I want to open an internet cafe.”

He looked back into his mother’s emerald eyes and watched the gears in her mind spin trying to
find a response. “Are you sure?” was what she came up with.

“Of course, they are generally self sufficient besides managing something. We don’t really have
something like that in Mustafu and besides this is the city of UA there will definitely be plenty of
highschoolers and the like as customers.”

“Izuku, that's wonderful. But we need to plan this first and definitely talk to your father first. After
all, we need to make sure you have all the needed credentials and registrations.” She said
resolutely. Looking him in the eye she saw the determination in that focus.
Izuku smiled and nodded. Thankfully it was a weekend which meant he could spend some time
looking at buildings and planning. Although he would need to find an excuse for where his
computers are coming from. At that moment he heard a familiar beep as a voice spoke in his head.

“You didn’t think this glorious system had not prepared an alibi.” came a haughty female voice.
“For your cafe you can explain it as a franchise sponsored by the system. Since we do have an
official website you can use to cover your tracks for this just search it up. The website is…”

Izuku hastily picked up his phone. “”

Once he hit enter he was presented with a very well formatted website with bold lettering of
‘HyperTech’ in the centre. Quickly browsing the website it looked like it was legitimate.

“Of course it's legitimate, there is nothing but the best which is produced by the system after all.”
Came the voice, reading his thoughts once again. It really sounded like a feminine Bakugo.
Especially with its ego. “Don’t worry we sent an email to your account to state you have been
accepted as a franchisee once you obtain a location.”

Izuku decided to show this to his mum so he could possibly speed up the establishment of the

“Uhh, mum. I do have the site of the company that runs the franchise on hand. Also I do have the
email. I was thinking of this a little while back so I tested my luck with an application for franchise
ownership.” He told her the email and then the website. He had lied a little but nothing that would
be harmful.

Inko was stunned looking at her son having already been so thoroughly prepared despite him
seeming to have just decided the idea first thing this morning.

“Okay, Izuku if you are serious and already have this confirmation. We can start looking at
properties since it’s my day off. But even though you are already considered an adult, next time tell
me when you sign a contract.” She scolded lightly.

“Got it.” He responded meekly.

Then they called up Hisashi who seemed ecstatic at the idea of Izuku attempting to break into a
niche business for a startup. Hisashi was the kind of person that loved taking long shots and for
him that always seemed to work. Even though it did end up with him having to run his business in
person in America. It did not help that he was in the hospital a few years ago from an accident
when a villain attacked the company while he was talking to them. When Izuku brought up how
the franchise had ‘Resident Evil’ he seemed ecstatic talking about how his little brother had loved
that game and it was technically considered ‘retro’ to most.

After that talk his dad sent a little more than what he promised to give Izuku saying he would love
to visit when he can. Soon he and his mother were spending time at the table looking at spots they
thought would be best for the cafe.

Eventually they found a location for sale quite close to UA with an apartment on the top. So they
decided to contact the seller to check it out.

Getting to the cafe was a relatively quick train ride around thirty minutes away. They were soon
greeted by the two story building which peering in was hollowed out for the most part. The
contract was discussed and they were happy to allow Izuku to have the store registered with
documents byMonday. Yet once Izuku signed the contract handing ownership on that table he
heard a ding.

Once he had gotten home he had called up the screen to see it had some updated information.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Beginning Anew

Time Remaining for completion: 5 Days 10 hours

Description: You are the new host of this system. With that comes the need for a few required
facilities to ensure that the system can be utilised properly.
Criteria: [Done ] Obtain a building with functioning electricity and

water to convert into a cafe.

Rewards: 3 x Hyper Tech Certified Immersion Rigs

Access to Resident Evil 1: HyperTech Edition

Access to User Functionality Privileges - Tier 1

Renovation of Facility within Tier 1 Options

Note: With User’s highly efficient speed at obtaining the cafe they are given three stat points.


Izuku looked at the stat point note and then clicked the menu tab in the corner and saw he had a
few options and moved over to the ‘STATS’ tab.


Name: Midoriya Izuku (User 0002)

Current Privilege Rank: Tier 1

Privileges Noted:

Can View Stat Page

Renovation Access (T1)
Access to Resident Evil
Can add stat points to Stat sheet

Current Accessible Game Library:

Resident Evil 1

STATS: [3 points to add]

[ + ] Strength: 6 ‘Barely able to do a push up’

[ + ] Dexterity: 14 ‘Can thread a needle most of the time’

[ + ] Intelligence: 18 ‘Smarter than most without intelligence quirks’

[ + ] Constitution: 7 ‘Standing in the rain will make you ill’

Skills: High Speed Speech, Rapid Analysis, Low Tier Parallel Processing

Inventory Items:


Looking over his stats he was surprised by them. Though he did look sadly at how low his
Constitution and Strength was. He remembered how each stat in most games were important and
he decided that he would like to be a little stronger and less frail so he put two points into strength
and one in constitution. Then looked over his stats again


Name: Midoriya Izuku (User 0002)

Current Privilege Rank: Tier 1

Privileges Noted:

Can View Stat Page

Renovation Access (T1)
Access to Resident Evil
Can add stat points to Stat sheet
Current Accessible Game Library:

Resident Evil 1

STATS: [0 points to add]

Strength: 8 ‘Can do a few push ups, probably’

Dexterity: 14 ‘Can still only thread a needle most of the time’

Intelligence: 18 ‘Smarter than most without intelligence quirks’

Constitution: 8 ‘Can run a third of a mile, hopefully’

Skills: High Speed Speech, Rapid Analysis, Low Tier Parallel Processing

Inventory Items:


Izuku felt his breathing easier a bit more than it normally did. Nothing major but it was a lot more
comfortable after all Bakugo left his lungs ridden with smoke inhalation from burning most of his
things everyday. While he poked his arm and felt how they were firmer than before and when he
flexed his arm he could actually see the bicep raise a little. His eyes lit up at the potential of this,
his quirk, this system could make him stronger.

“User, can you please check the new mission logs.” The system asked.

“Okay, also System?”

“Are you a girl?”

It paused for a while. “I think so? I never really thought about it. But yes this glorious system will
declare themselves as a woman.”

‘Yep, definitely a girl Bakugo.’ Izuku thought.

“Noted.” Then Izuku went to open the mission interface.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Opening Week

Time Remaining for completion: 7 days 5 hours

Description: You now have a store which the system will be renovating tonight. Open the store
within a week and ready for business.

Criteria: [ 0/1 ] Obtain 1 paying customer

[00000/60000 ] Earn 60000 Yen

Rewards: 2 stat point

Drink Unlocked: Coca-Cola Price: 400 yen per bottle

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: User will lose allocated stat points.
[ Accept ] or [ Deny ]


Izuku gulped looking at the risk of losing his stat points and groaned at how he realised he had no
other choice and clicked on ‘Accept’.
0003: Opening Day Start
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Izuku was home later that night as the system told him it was currently renovating the cafe for
operations. So he did what he had been doing for the past six months and sat at his computer and
booted up Counter Heroes. He was happy to see his four friends all online: Shockz420, DustyBoi,
ScalesandBlades and Splitter. Sending a message he waited in voice chat for them to join and was
greeted by the first ping.

“Hey, Green how come you’re on? You basically never play on a Sunday.” Shockz asked, happy
his friend was on.

“I needed to unwind, afterall I’m going to be a lot busier and might not be able to…” As Izuku was
about to finish, another two joined.

“Sup/Hey y’all” The two said in unison. Dusty and Scales join at the same time.

“We’re doing good, just Green was about to say something.” Shockz responded.

“Yea, I may not be able to play as much starting from tomorrow. Going to be busy.”

Then the final ping of the group joined being Splitter. “Guys, sorry I was late just finished training.
What did I miss?”

“Green apparently has more important things than us.” Dusty remarked.

“The betrayal of Green.” She gasped.

Izuku sighed at Dusty’s antics. “No it’s just I’m going to be opening a cafe soon, as in a gaming
cafe. So it’ll take a lot of time managing it.”

“How the hell do you have a cafe? You’re like fourteen.” Scales shouted into his mic.
“Yeah, I know surprise. Got accepted into running a franchise’s cafe where I live since I’m not
going to high school after all.”

“Hold up, why are you dropping out of school?” Shockz asked. “I’m bad at school but even I’m

“Most schools won’t accept me because Aldera basically put every blackmark and disciplinary
action they could on it. Also I’m quirkless.” Izuku froze at the realisation he just revealed he had
no quirk. His heart thumped in anticipation only to be greeted by the same statement by all of them.

“Why does being quirkless matter?” They replied in unison.

He began to laugh as tears came up to his eyes in joy.

“Green you okay?” Splitter asked.

“Yea, I’m just happy. Everyone in my school sucks, they all hate me because I’m quirkless.”

“That’s stupid. But I can relate. I have a complex mutation and that made getting jobs nearly
impossible.” Scales replied.

“I get bullied when practising my quirk since if I overload it, I basically go blank and just have to
stand there as people laugh at me.” Shockz responded in solidarity.

“Hell, my quirk is the worst. I have to wear gloves or everything around me breaks. I basically can
never go out since my… dad doesn’t want me to get in trouble.” Dusty said.

‘Dusty’s dad might be super controlling or strict.’ Izuku thought.

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for the fact my parents are well off. I would have gotten bullied a lot more than
I already did for my quirk. So many people make creepy comments or just say it’s not a strong
quirk.” Splitter grumbled.
“We feel ya.” Dusty replied. “Anyways how about we play some matches and try to rank out of

“God, I hate the ranking system, it's such a damn screw up.” Scales said.

A few hours had gone by into the night till it was around three in the morning when they came off.

“Thank god we finally ranked up. That was painful.” Dusty groaned.

“At least we are in Gold.” Shockz said optimistically.

“That’s fair.” Scales replied.

“Oh yea, Green before we log off, mind telling us where that cafe you plan to run is?” Splitter
asked to bring the attention onto Izuku.

“Might as well tell you since it’s a cafe. It’s in Mustafu on Hiro Street, when it’s open you should
see it easily.” Izuku responded.

“Wait, you live in Mustafu?” Splitter asked.

“Yes, I do?” Izuku asked why she needed the confirmation.

“Dude, I’m applying to UA. I’ve got my recommendation exam soon.” Splitter shouted back

Izuku winced at the words ‘UA’. “If you get in does that mean you’ll be able to visit?”

“Of Course!” Splitter replied.

“Wait, you two are also heading into Mustafu? I’m planning on taking the normal entrance exams
for UA.” Shockz joined in.

“Does that mean we can all hang out after classes at Green’s cafe?” Splitter asked.

“I guess so?” Izuku replied.

“Damn, you two are off to be heroes. Make sure you save people like us, unlike all those other
fakes.” Scales said.

“You got it boss!” The two aspiring students replied.

“I ain’t happy you guys are aiming to become heroes but I won’t stop you.” Dusty said. “Make sure
you guys can fight villains and not just run from them. But if that’s it I’m going to head to bed.”

With that everyone logged off and Izuku fell asleep wondering why Scales and Dusty seemed to
not really like heroes.

A beeping noise rang and he groggily turned to see a blue screen shaped like an alarm clock blaring

He got up and looked straight and was greeted by a new screen accompanied by the system.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya. (User 0002)

The renovations are completed by this generous system. Everything has been set up so please make
your way to the cafe to see if it’s to your liking.

He groaned and began to prepare himself. Seeing his mum also awake he smiled.

“Morning mum.” he said, yawning a little.

“Izuku I need to mention this but you don’t have school this week. Something to do with a villain
attack on the school.” Inko replied.

“Okay, I was going to check out the cafe today so I might do that after breakfast.”

“So eager to start a business. If you want we can probably get you tested out of middle school

“That could work, how long would it need to take to be booked?”

“A couple days we can get you to do the test by Thursday.”

“That would work great!” Izuku responded eagerly. Happy to avoid ever going back to Aldera. He
knew the material already after all the teachers were too busy sending him to detention for him to
learn anything in most classes.

With a quick breakfast he left the house around seven and was heading to the cafe, he started a
conversation with the system.

“So, System, what are you?” Izuku asked in his head to the system.

“I am the best system, of course.” She announced proudly.

“No, not like are you any good. I mean you are my quirk right?”

“I’m not your quirk.” She responded flatly.

Izuku stopped walking mid way. “What?”

“I’m not a quirk as you put it. A genetic mutation in which expresses itself in a large variety of
traits generally confirmed by an emission of Quirk Factor Radiation. I am the System a general
help tool created by it’s parent branch the Black Tech Internet Cafe System.”

“Wait, what is Quirk Factor Radiation and the Black Tech System?” Izuku asked even more

“Quirk Factor Radiation or QFR is a passive energy emitted from people with quirks. It meshes
with the environment and is what allows you to use quirks without them hindering your biology.
While Black Tech System is what created me after testing and seeing success in its user’s world.
Rather than processing crystals I simply process passive radiation in small doses to refine into

“So, I have no QFR and you are actually a system in a system.” Izuku summarised.

“Pretty much.” She responded apathetically.

Izuku continued his walk to the cafe, a little dazed at the information he heard. There is more than
one world, quirks work through radiation they emit and his system was a second generation of a
previous one.

He decided to shelf that to the side of his mind for later. As he finally approached his cafe. Greeted
by sleek glass doors and a large sign that said ‘Origin Gaming Cafe’ on the front. Walking in he
felt the blast of warm air from the air conditioning, a welcomed feel from the cold December air.

Greeting him was a reception area with a screen behind it and computer up front. While he peered
in, the back wall was lined by three identical set ups. Each with a desk, computer, peripherals and
what looked to be a VR headset at one side.

Inspecting the reception area he saw a board listed with a set of rules on the front of it reading:


Opening Times:
Mon: 8am to 10pm

Tue: 8am to 10pm

Wed: 8am to 10pm

Thurs: 8am to 10pm

Fri: 8am to 12am

Sat: 8am to 12am

Sun: 8am to 12am

Rules of Origin Internet Cafe:

1. If you want to play then play.

2. Troublemakers will be dealt with accordingly.
3. Pay upfront and if you cannot pay then leave.
4. Prices listed are non-negotiable.
5. Signing up for a card allows you to keep track of unused time and replacements will cost
6. Maximum of six hours of game time a day

Prices of Origin Internet Cafe:

Membership Cards (Hour Allowance Per Month included):

Iron (0 hours) - Free for signing up, 750 yen to replace

Bronze (10 hours) - 7250 yen per month, 1000 yen to replace

Silver (25 hours) - 17500 yen per month, 1500 yen to replace

Gold (40 hours) - 27500 yen per month, 3000 yen to replace

First Hour Activation - 500 yen for non members and 250 yen for members.
Hourly Rate for Usage (Outside of member allowance): 750 yen

Game Activation Costs:

Resident Evil 1: 1250 yen

Food and Beverages:


Those opening times will be the end of him. But the system seemed to have thought of everything
but snacks.

“You will unlock snacks later, just make sure you actually are earning money first.” The system
remarked at his thoughts.

“Guess I better set myself up for opening today.” He said to no one but himself. Hopefully he got
some customers.

Chapter End Notes

Made some minor changes to prices so from 6250 to 7250 and 18000 to 17500
0004: First Customer

Izuku sat at the reception desk as the clock ticked past ten in the morning. Realistically he should
have expected most people would not be playing till after three or four when school ended. Yet the
system insisted eight in the morning was the optimal start time. Deciding to alleviate some of his
own boredom he sat at one of the rings.

“System, do I have to pay to use the system?” Izuku asked.

“Do you want to?” It bit back a little snarky.

“I’m taking that as free.” Izuku huffed.

With that he sat in the comfortable chair reclining it a little and sitting in. Then he went to the
headset at the side of the desk and put it on.

His body relaxed in the chair and he was suddenly immersed into the system. Looking in front he
saw the screen displaying ‘Games’ with Resident Evil being the only option and selected it. Soon
he was brought into the game and was faced with two options.


Select your Character:


Special Operations Agent

Note: Stats will be adjusted accordingly

Looking at the discernable face of Chris at the side of his choice, Izuku assumed it must be the
main character of the story and selected it.

Soon he was greeted by Raccoon City.

Time ticked by as he got used to the immersion, he was moving according to his body and it
seemed and felt like he was there. He could hear subtle sounds and the stench of the mansion he
was faced with was pungent. Seeing what he thought was a person he began approaching them.

“Is this the tutorial?” He asked towards the figure.

Only for it to turn to him and reveal a grotesque and gnarled look. It growled and started to lunge at
him. Izuku managed to barely avoid its wildly swinging attacks and managed to grab his knife
from his side and stab it. The motion was fluid and Izuku felt as if a hand was guiding him till he
saw a small prompt below in his field of view.

[Note: Playing as Chris at early levels you will be guided by the system till you are capable of his
techniques. Happy Fighting!]

“Zombies, why would it be anything else but zombies?” He muttered.

Then Izuku began to focus on the fact the game was letting him learn the character’s skills. He
wondered if these techniques would translate later on to himself.

With that he began playing again till his first death at a dog that went and ripped at him.

“Ah!” He yelped, taking the headset off with a hand to his throat. The pain was so surreal and he
was feeling as if his heart was beating at full.

“System, what was that?”

“Hmm, the death replication system is working well. The game is ensured to be as realistic as
possible to ensure maximum learning potential. It is possible to lower the pain sensitivity but it’s
ill-advised for the User if they intend to learn rapidly.” She chimed.
Izuku thought about it. The pain of dying was definitely a shock but he had nearly died before and
spent a decade being beaten. He wanted to be stronger as fast as he could.

“Got it.” Izuku responded by slipping the headset back on.

By the time Izuku was done it was already around six in the afternoon without a customer on his
first day. Getting up he was proud of his progress and how his muscles twitched in memory of each
technique he took to heart. But then he began to flex his muscles and felt them bulge a lot more
than they should.

Quickly he navigated to his status window and looked.


Name: Midoriya Izuku (User 0002)

Current Privilege Rank: Tier 1

Privileges Noted:

Can View Stat Page

Renovation Access (T1)
Access to Resident Evil
Can add stat points to Stat sheet

Current Accessible Game Library:

Resident Evil 1

STATS: [0 points to add]

Strength: 12 ‘Can do push ups, easily’

Dexterity: 16 ‘Can thread a needle all of the time’

Intelligence: 18 ‘Smarter than most without intelligence quirks’

Constitution: 12 ‘Can run a full of a mile with ease’

Realm: Early Body Forging ‘Beginning of this Sprout’

Realm Progression: 13.3 ‘Just starting out’

Skills: High Speed Speech, Rapid Analysis, Low Tier Parallel Processing, Mid Level CQC, Mid
Level Knife Combat, Low Level Firearm Usage

Inventory Items:


He saw the new status information about skills and he was confused. His new skills made sense as
he played the game but he had no clue what ‘Realm’ could possibly mean.

“System, what is this Realm on my Status Tab?” Izuku asked.

“It is a method of training to gain strength and abilities. You are currently in the ‘Early Body
Forging’ realm of Warrior cultivation. Now even a string bean like you can put up a fight,

“How do I improve then?” Izuku was curious about it.

“Simply training in these games allows you to cultivate energy to refine your body whilst learning
techniques can help with intelligence and dexterity that require practice. This system feels bad so
here's some advice, to reach Peak of Body Forging you will need around forty in Strength,
Constitution and Dexterity. Afterall you have just about reached the basics of normal people. The
Realm points is essentially the average score of these values and that’s technically what needs to
reach forty itself. Though I recommend having a balance of stats before you specialise or you may
bottleneck later on.”

“So keep grinding. My life has become a glorified RPG.” Izuku groaned as he heard the door

Turning he greeted the person. “Welcome to Origin Gaming Cafe.” Then he took in the look of the
person. She was a little taller than him with blonde hair and glasses.

“Hi, I was just looking around. What kind of games do you have here?” She asked.

“Well currently we have one game in the library due to more being in development for the systems
we run.”

That caught her curiosity as she tilted her head a little. “Why is that?”

“Due to the realism factor of these systems, making games with full range of freedom and making
them realistic can be difficult. If you like you can try.” He suggested hoping to make his first sale

“How much is it to try?” She said her eyes were lighting up eagerly.

“It depends on whether you want to sign up as a member or not. Members get things a little cheaper
and get to keep track of time they pay for on their card if they end a session earlier than paid for.”

“Got it, that makes sense.” She then turned to the board he pointed at with the prices.

“I’ll try just an hour today so I can get an Iron card.”

Izuku nodded making his way to the computer at the reception and opened up to be greeted by the
membership creation page.
“I’m going to need a name and any ID if you can. This is just so you can make a new one in case
you lose your old one. Also an email and phone number.”

“My name is Melissa Shield.” She said she followed up with her information and an ID she had.

Izuku’s face remained stoic as his brain began to go blank for the sheer shock. ‘Shield, like David
Shield the creator of All Might’s costumes? No that can’t be it has to be a coincidence.’

“You aren’t related to David Shield are you?” He joked handing her the membership card. The
card was a sleek black with a grey triangle in one corner. The system told him to just input the card
in the device besides the computer to upgrade or downgrade the cards whenever.

She looked a little surprised. “How did you know?”

“Uhh, you do have the same last name after all.” He responded.

This caught her a little off guard. “That… makes sense. Also how much for an hour of Resident
Evil then?”

“For the first hour, 2250 yen. You can continue to pay more hours by coming up to the reception
and asking me to add them on. Though if you do plan on playing a lot an upgraded membership
gets you a set amount of hours at a discounted price.” He said handing her the card device.

“Mhm, if I like it I’ll definitely take a look.” She said smiling as she paid her first hour and headed
to a seat.
0005: Closing time

Melissa reclined into the seat and felt as if she was on a cloud with how comfortable it was. Then
at the side was a small slot with an indicator for the card and she put it in. On the screen was a
prompt ‘For Full Immersion please relax into your seat and place the headset on.’ So she did just
that and immediately was greeted by an array of colours and then a start screen for Resident Evil.
Clicking start she faced two options.


Select your Character:


Special Operations Agent

Note: Stats will be adjusted accordingly


Clicking on Jill she began her game.

Izuku watched as she played, thinking it maybe in bad taste to play games while he had customers
so he decided to ask the system a few more questions once her headset was on.

“System, what is the point of stat points as a reward when I gain more from gaining?” Izuku asked.

“Well, you are only gaining a rapid amount since you are building your earliest foundations. Think
of it like ‘newbie gains’ in the gym where you gain the most early on. When you are lacking in
overall points of development in some aspects those points can help cover your weakness. Also I
shouldn’t mention this but loose stat points can be turned into currency for you to spend. It’s why
I’ll offer a few every now and then.”
“That makes sense, thanks for answering the questions.”

“Anytime, Izu-User.” She quickly corrected herself. Thankfully Izuku did not hear that, slip up
already mumbling.

Izuku was thinking about whether he would want to develop faster or save them for later. But he
should worry about that later so he had opened up his mission tab to check his current one.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Opening Week

Time Remaining for completion: 6 days 6 hours

Description: You now have a store which the system will be renovating tonight. Open the store
within a week and ready for business.

Criteria: [ 1/1 ] Obtain 1 paying customer

[2250/60000 ] Earn 60000 Yen

Rewards: 2 stat point

Drink Unlocked: Coca-Cola Price: 400 yen per bottle

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: User will lose allocated stat points.


He smiled having taken his first steps into his business. Though he had been worried the coke
price may end up a little high.

Then he heard a yelp and turned to see Melissa take her headset off a little pale.

“W-what was that?” She questioned turning to him.

“Oh, did you die? The game is a little too realistic for most at times. Gave me a good scare too.”
Izuku chuckled at his own death.

“That was horrifying. How is this so realistic?”

“Not sure, my sponsor made the technology. They wanted me to set this place up.”

“Is it always that painful?”

“Not every time. But if you would like you can reduce the sense of immersion but it does kind of
dampen the overall experience.”

Melissa debated it in her head whether she wanted that or not.

“No, it’s fine, I'll bear it.”

“Then happy gaming, But be aware you do have about twenty minutes left since you spent forty in
there already.”

He heard her click her tongue.

“Can I get a silver membership?” Melissa knew she was gonna play a lot more of this. The story
was so enticing and its gripping immersion made it feel like its own world. But it helped she felt
like she was the protagonist of the story with Jill also being quirkless.

“Alright that’ll be 17500 yen and is paid each month for twenty five hours.”

“Okay,” she replied, swiping her card to pay for the new one.

Izuku took her card and placed it in a small scanner-like device and it returned with a silver card
with white lines in the design and her name in the bottom.

Smiling, she took her new card. “Thanks!”

“Just remember we have about four hours left till closing.”

“Okay!” She made her way back to the set up.

Izuku was happy he made around twenty thousand yen for the day already. Deciding to kill time he
went on his phone and opened up his messenger and started talking to everyone in the group chat.


GreenMight: Sup, guys!

Splitter: Green, you’re alive. Are you up for some games?

GreenMight: Sorry, currently working right now. Got a customer on day one.

DustyBoi: Nice, anyways Green what games do you have in the cafe?

GreenMight: I’ve only got like one game. RIP. It’s Resident Evil.
ScalesandBlades: Only one game?

GreenMight: Yep, it’s because they need to be made compatible with the current systems I use and
also licensing stuff.

ScalesandBlades: So it’s just a trial for the opening?

GreenMight: Pretty much.

DustyBoi: Green, what is Resident Evil?

GreenMight: It’s basically a zombie horror game. Gotta make your way through the missions and
story. It’s pretty good though dying hurts like hell.

Shockz420: You died? WTF! What did I miss?

Dustyboi: Green, talking about the game in his cafe. What did you mean ‘hurts’?

GreenMight: Well the game is super immersive and that means all senses. Unfortunately that also
means pain gets transferred over too.

Dustyboi: NGL that sounds badass and terrifying. Send me your address. I need to see this.

ScalesandBlades: Same here!

Shockz420: I’d make it but I live too far for a day trip especially with training for the exam.

Splitter: I can make it. I live like an hour by train from Mustafu.

GreenMight: Alright, the address is 27 Hikoto Street, Mustafu West District.

Dustyboi: Aight that’s actually pretty close since I live in Kamino so wanna meet in two days or

GreenMight: Yeah that’s cool. @ScalesandBlades and @Splitter What about you guys?

Splitter: I can make it, I’ll just ask my tutors if I can have the day off since I’m already ahead in my

ScalesandBlades: Tutors? Damn, that's rich people stuff. Anyways, I can make the Wednesday.

GreenMight: Nice, see you guys then!


With that he decided to hop on his computer at the reception which unfortunately did not have a
headset and started working on his latest Hero Analysis. He started getting back into them since he
actually loved doing them; it was just a painful reminder of that day. Browsing hero forums and
the sort he saw a video of Eraserhead and began diving into it. But as he worked he slowly realised
he was seeing every subtle movement and detail recognizing them as the same fighting style as
Chris when he got in close while at range using his scarf. Though Izuku began picking up his hair
it was acting as a tell for his quirk and it started to irritate him that the man had not decided to tie

As he sunk into his work and notes he realised it was already ten and he needed to close up. Just as
he looked up he saw Melissa take her headset off.

“It’s closing time.” Izuku said.

“Well, that’s fair. I need to call my uncle to pick me up. Is it alright if I stay inside while I wait.”
Melissa asked.

“That’s alright.”

With that she had gone and made a quick call to her uncle and sat in the lounge area by the
reception. Izuku himself got up and stretched as he went around just tidying the area little by little.

“I know it’s a little late but what’s your name?” Melissa asked as he just began sweeping. He
looked at her like a deer frozen in headlights.

“Oh my god, I never told you. The name is Izuku Midoriya.”

“Nice to meet you Izuku.” She said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you too.” He said shyly, placing a hand to the back of his head.

“So how come you running a cafe? You look about the same age as me.”

“Eh, it’s a circumstance thing. I needed to do something after middle school and I made sure to get
tested out this week. My sponsor offered me this as an opportunity and I took it.”

“So it’s not your dream to run a cafe?”

“No, to be honest I wanted to be a hero.” Izuku sighed a little solemnly.

“How come?” Melissa asked curiously.

“I’m quirkless.” He revealed, wincing at the possibility of disgust from her. “Told I couldn’t be a
hero and that it was unrealistic.”

“I get that.” Izuku looked at her curiously. “I’m a late bloomer myself. I only realised I had a quirk
when my uncle mentioned it may be similar to his own.”

“Really that's kind of wild, never heard of a late bloomer in their teens.”

“Yep, the doctors were surprised to hear there’s a good chance I’m a late bloomer too. Anyways
who said you couldn’t be a hero or is that me prying too much?”
“Nah, I’ve made peace with it. It was Al-” As he was about to finish his sentence Melissa’s phone

“So sorry Izuku.”

“That’s fine.”

She picked up the phone and began to talk to the person over the phone. “It seems my uncle is

“Got it, hope you get home safe.” He said with a smile that Melissa felt briefly blinding her.

As she headed out he went to lock the door and saw what seemed to be a very familiar emaciated
man in the front seat.

‘All Might?’ He thought. ‘Nope, probably a coincidence.’

Quickly dismissing the thought he quickly messaged his mother he may be late due to closing a
little late on the first day and checking the upstairs apartment.

Heading upstairs after Melissa left he was greeted by a very modern kitchen and dining area. The
entire place felt incredibly sleek and cosy at the same time. He began to head towards what he
assumed was the bedroom and was greeted by a king sized bed. Exhausted he sent one message
saying he was going to stay in the upstairs apartment for the night and fell asleep.
0006: A quiet day, for once
Chapter Summary

Hey Guys I made a discord y'all can join.

I may post Early drafts for you guys to check out and do polls on new story ideas to
work on.


“Kurogiri, where are my jeans and t-shirts?” Tomura asked his long term assistant and caretaker.

“Tomura in the wardrobe to the left, why?” Kurogiri questioned.

“I need an outfit that looks decent since I’m meeting up with some friends.” Now this made
Kurogiri stop polishing the glass he had in his hand as he quickly turned to face Tomura.

“You are meeting up with friends?” He said, baffled.

Clicking his tongue, annoyed. Tomura replied “No need to sound surprised. But I’ve got some
friends to meet up with this Wednesday.”

“Where are you meeting?” Kurogiri pressed further.

“Just a gaming cafe run by a friend of mine.”

Kurogiri set down his glass on the counter top. “We are getting you an outfit sorted now.”

With that Tomura was then subjected to an hour and a half of Kurogiri having him trying numerous
different outfits till he found one that looked nice.

A set of grey jeans, with a black turtleneck to hide his scratchmarks and a red hoodie to match his
red high tops. From out of nowhere Kurogiri provided him with leather gloves that had been made
to cover two fingers to avoid him disintegrating.

The misty man wiped a non-existent tear from his eyes at the outfit he managed to concoct from
Tomura’s lack of selection. Realising how monumental this was he decided to inform the Master.

“Tomura, I'm going to speak with the Master now but could you quickly tell me where the cafe

“Alright, it’s on Hiro Street in Mustafu.”

“Thank you. Now make sure not to ruin that outfit or you will have to wear one of Master’s ironic
shirts as punishment.” Kurogiri shuddered at the memory of Master’s shirts with statements like
‘Pants’, ‘Running Clothes’ and ‘Villain Outfit’.

Stepping through a portal he was greeted by a well lit room where his Master sat working on
documents and the sort to manage his companies out of Japan. He turned to greet Kurogiri as he

“Kurogiri, what brings you here today?” The Master said.

“I’m here to inform you it seems Young Tomura is going out on an excursion to meet his friends
on the upcoming Wednesday. It seems that he’s slowly building some social skills.”

“That’s wonderful news. Better late than never but pray tell where he plans to go?”

“It seems like a gaming cafe in Mustafu.”

“The one on Hiro Street?” The Master asked.

“That is the exact one. Is there an issue with the venue?”

“No, it’s fine. Just make sure he gets there safely and does not use his quirk in the venue
whatsoever. We cannot have him risk being found too soon.”

“Understood.” With that Kurogiri headed back out to the bar.

All for One smiled at the thought. ‘It seemed my boys were already acquainted with each other. I
should go see Inko that day then.’

Izuku’s Tuesday had gone by quite quickly as it was Melissa there again. Though there were a
couple students that tried it out, unfortunately getting too scared by the immersion mode and
sticking to its normal version. They enjoyed it but it did not look like they planned on coming back
anytime soon so he quickly checked his mission status.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Opening Week

Time Remaining for completion: 5 days

Description: You now have a store which the system will be renovating tonight. Open the store
within a week and ready for business.

Criteria: [ 1/1 ] Obtain 1 paying customer

[24250/60000 ] Earn 60000 Yen

Rewards: 2 stat point

Drink Unlocked: Coca-Cola Price: 400 yen per bottle

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: User will lose allocated stat points.



He was wondering what to do to get more customers, at least he would finally meet his friends
tomorrow. Getting up he decided to start cleaning up the shop so he could close and leave without
anything else to do. But as he was sweeping he heard someone entering. As he turned around he
saw his mother smiling.

“Mum,” he said, going to hug her.

“Why can't I visit my own son while he’s working?” She fake pouted at him.

He chuckled. “No, it's fine. I was cleaning up since we close in an hour or so. Melissa left earlier.”

Inko’s eyes narrowed slyly. “Izuku, who’s Melissa?” She had a grin on her face.

“U-uh she’s just a customer that came here consistently for the past two days. That’s all.”

Inko hums with a tone of ‘Suuure.’

Fumbling in his pocket he pulls out a key loop. “This is for the apartment upstairs. The franchise
group had it furnished as a part of the contract and because I got a property quickly.”

“That’s nice of them. Let me just put these dishes I made upstairs.” With that she headed to the

Soon it struck ten and he decided to close the shop for the night. Going upstairs he could smell the
food that his mother had made being heated up on the stove with a couple plates set.
His mouth started to drool a little at the scent of Katsudon in the air.

“Mum, that smells great. How long till it’s heated.”

“Just a couple minutes.” At that moment her phone began to ring. “Izuku, can you answer the call,

Reaching for the phone he saw it said ‘Hisashi’ and he answered. “Hey dad.”

“Izuku, how are you? Also where is your mother?” His father asked.

“I’m fine. We are in the cafe apartment about to eat dinner.”

“The cafe had an apartment? That’s nice. Anyways, I need to tell your mother something quickly.”

“Okay, can we talk a little later when you are done?”

“Of course.”

With that he passed the phone to his mother. “Hisashi, what did you need to talk about darling?”

While his parents talked he decided to get changed into some clothing that he had brought with him
in case he needed to stay in the apartment more often. While he was pulling on a t-shirt his mother
made an excited shrill. Panicking, t-shirt half on he appeared in the main living area and looked at
his mother.

“Mum, what happened?”

“Izuku, your dad is visiting tomorrow he’ll be here for a few days.”

“Really!” Izuku was incredibly excited at the prospect of seeing his father. He knew his dad had
been recovering in America and he lost his sight from the accident. Somehow dad managed to get a
friend of his to use his quirk on him that allowed him to see albeit in only a small radius around
him. Izuku didn’t care about the logistics even if he was curious about a quirk that could partially
solve blindness. He was happy his dad could still see.

“Izuku, Hisashi wants to talk to you.”

He took the phone and his dad started asking him about his day and how the cafe was. Slowly time
ticked by as he and his father discussed the struggles of his newly opened cafe and the fact his
father was planning to try out the game system.
0007: A family reunion of sorts
Chapter Summary

Hey Guys I made a discord y'all can join.

I may post Early drafts for you guys to check out and do polls on new story ideas to
work on. Also currently planning on deciding what new games and items Izuku will be


Izuku’s alarm began to beep flashing ‘07:00’ into his face as he squinted at the harsh red. Knowing
he had to get up he jumped out of bed and stretched his joints clicking in response. Getting up he
headed to the bathroom greeting Inko who had begun to make some breakfast for the both of them.

“Morning Izuku, breakfast will be done in a second. Just clean up and we can eat.” She chimed
from the kitchen.

“Okay, mum.” He said groggily.

After brushing his teeth and taming his hair into a slightly less unruly bush he sat down and ate his
breakfast. Checking his watch he realised opening was in about ten minutes and he needed to get to
the store.

“Mum, I’m going to head down to open up for the day.”

“Okay, I’m going to head to call Hisashi. He should be off the plane by now.”

With that he headed downstairs watching the room illuminate and unlocked the front door. With it
being so early in the morning it should be pretty quiet so he decided to play some Resident Evil,
afterall he needed to refine his knife skills.

Once he was Chris he felt the knife in his palm and began to go through a few drills till he was
mentally ready. Then he began to play slicing zombies and hounds that lunged at him by ducking
and weaving through. As they lunged or swung at him they would be his for the taking, getting in
close to deal a fatal blow. Sometimes he would switch to his pistol aimed only ever at the head to
conserve bullets and make his fights a little easier. That was till he faced his first hunter. The beast
was burly and much taller than him and it came towards him with speed. It’s claws slashing the air
infront inches from his face as spit flung from it’s maw. Fear shook him look at the reptilian
creature he went to get in close and was simply greeted by…

‘ GAME OVER ’ He just was not fast enough to even hit it.

Taking his headset off for a breather he was greeted by a smiling face of a man with a stature
almost as tall as All Might, ivory curls like clouds, ruby eyes and a face littered with freckles like
his own.

“Dad!” Izuku shouted, jumping up into his father’s arms.

“How are you doing, little sprout?” His father teased.

“I’m not a sprout. But I’m doing good.” He replied back jokingly pouting at his father’s nickname.

“Now, is this the little cafe you’ve been working on? It’s nice and from what I see that’s Resident

“You know Resident Evil?”

“Of course I do. Me and your uncle used to play it when we were little.” His father chuckled. Uncle
Yoichi apparently died when he was young because of his health according to his father. “I
remember when I got my hands on a copy when our parents told us we were not allowed it. He
adamantly chose to play and was left unable to sleep that day. Acting like I was a teddy bear he
clung to me so he could actually fall asleep.”

“All I knew about Resident Evil was that it sounded like Resident Villain and that the game was
super realistic in this version.”

“Really?” His father sounded amused. “Let me try the game.”

Izuku scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “You still need to pay.”
“Cafe Policy?”


“How much is it?”

“Well I’d recommend the Iron if you are trying out but if you want to play for a while then Silver
at least since you get some hours at a discounted price.”

“Always the salesman, good to see you have my qualities in making deals.”

“Thanks Dad.”

“I’ll get a Gold Membership. Afterall a good father supports his son’s endeavours and I have more
than enough money to spare at this point.”

“Okay, 1 Gold membership and 1 game activation is 28750 yen.”

With that Hisashi swiped his black debit card on the scanner and paid.

“Now let’s see what it’s like.” He said sitting excited in the chair.

“By the way dad it is really realistic as in you can feel pain and also a lot of close quarters

“Izuku, I’ll be fine. I was watching you play so I should have this down.”

“Got it.”

With that he watched his father place the headset on with the eagerness of a child on Christmas
Hisashi had entered the game and was greeted by the same screen as Izuku but chose his own
character. The character was a mirror of himself in reality but with tactical gear and a knife in his
hand alongside a pistol in a holster.

To say his father was good at the game would be a gross understatement. It was as if he had held a
knife his entire life; the fluidity of each slice held precision a surgeon would be tough to beat and
had the agility to duck and weave each attack. At times his father would stutter or trip but it seemed
more as if his father expected more out of the body than it was performing. Almost as if he was
limited by the body and not himself. Within an hour of playing he hacked and slashed his way to an
explosive finale with the Rocket Launcher. It all took no more than maybe fifty minutes.

Taking his headset off he had the smuggest grin alive. “Not my best time for Resident Evil but that
was amazing Izuku. It felt real and my senses tingled at the sensation of the environment. You
really are lucky to have scored this.”

“Dad, how?”

“Son, did you forget your old man is a certified professional in CQC. I trained in it to better analyse
fighting skills to apply them to my analysis works. Also I’ve played the game before, it’s good to
see it ironed out the bugs and kept itself true to the original. I wish your Uncle could see this.”

“Hisashi?” Came a voice from the back near the stairs to the upper floor.

“Sweetie, I’m here. Surprise!” He waved his hands at the end. “I got a little excited trying out the

“I missed seeing you so much.” Inko cried, tackling her husband who fortunately braced himself
for it.

“Now my dear, how about we go out on a date today. We can go shopping for some clothes for my
stay and then grab lunch. Maybe a movie and then some more shopping along with finally
grabbing dinner.”

“That would be lovely. Let’s head to the apartment so I can grab something nicer to wear.”
“Darling you would look wonderful in anything you wear.”

“Oh shush. I’m not as great as I used to be.”

Izuku slowly began slinking back to his desk while they flirted. However it seemed his parents
realised he felt awkward and started laughing.

“Okay Izuku we will be back later. Anything you want us to grab for dinner to bring you?”

“Some Katsudon, please?”

“Izuku, you need to learn to like more things. You’ve loved Katsudon since you could eat it. But
that’s fine, we will be back around ten tonight.”

Izuku waved them off as he watched them head out. Checking his phone he was greeted by a few
notifications from his friends. With a smile he opened up the app.

Greenmight is now online…

Splitter: Green, see you at 1 pm.

ScalesandBlades: May run a little late but around 1pm too.

Dustyboi: I may get there a little early but yea same here. See you at 1pm.

Shocks420: I’m so jealous. Guys make sure to post a selfie in the chat so I can see what you all
look like.

Splitter: Got it.

Greenmight: See you at 1pm.

He glanced at his stat sheet marvelling at its growth.


Name: Midoriya Izuku (User 0002)

Current Privilege Rank: Tier 1

Privileges Noted:

Can View Stat Page

Renovation Access (T1)
Access to Resident Evil
Can add stat points to Stat sheet

Current Accessible Game Library:

Resident Evil 1

STATS: [0 points to add]

Strength: 14 ‘Can do push ups, easily’

Dexterity: 17 ‘Can thread a needle all of the time’

Intelligence: 18 ‘Smarter than most without intelligence quirks’

Constitution: 15 ‘Can run a full of a mile with ease’

Realm: Early Body Forging ‘Beginning of this Sprout’

Realm Progression: 15.3 ‘Just starting out’

Skills: High Speed Speech, Rapid Analysis, Low-Mid Tier Parallel Processing, Mid Level CQC,
Mid Level Knife Combat, Mid Level Firearm Usage

Inventory Items:


Then his current quest progression.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Opening Week

Time Remaining for completion: 5 days

Description: You now have a store which the system will be renovating tonight. Open the store
within a week and ready for business.

Criteria: [ 1/1 ] Obtain 1 paying customer

[53000/60000 ] Earn 60000 Yen

Rewards: 2 stat point

Drink Unlocked: Coca-Cola Price: 400 yen per bottle

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: User will lose allocated stat points.



Grinning, he was so close to unlocking his first drink. Afterall killing zombies and dying is thirsty
work. Then he might begin getting more quests as well.
0008: Meeting with the Friends
Chapter Summary

Hey Guys I made a discord y'all can join.

I may post Early drafts for you guys to check out and do polls on new story ideas to
work on. Also currently planning on deciding what new games and items Izuku will be


Eagerly he waited for his friends by killing time doing some light revision for his exam.
Thankfully he had already covered the curriculum in his own time due to the absolute
incompetence of his teachers. It irritated him and annoyed him to no end but it atleast allowed him
to become better.

Soon he heard the door open and was greeted by a taller teenager who almost looked a little too
much like dad. Honestly if he had freckles and did not have eczema he could pass off as a younger
version of his dad with long hair that was tinted light blue. On his hands were a pair of specially
made five point contact gloves that covered his pinky and middle finger. Then it struck him, Dusty
had a five point contact quirk.

“Dusty?” He asked curiously.

“Rude.” The teen snorted, making Izuku panic. “Greenie, it’s me.”

“You ass, scaring me like that. God if I called an actual customer dusty they might smack me.”

“Wow, calling a paying customer an ass, how professional.”

“Shush. Anyways my name is Izuku Midoriya AKA Greenmight.”

“Midoriya, that’s almost too perfect a last name. Well my IRL tag is Tomura Shigaraki. But that’s
a little too edgy so call me Tenko.”
“Got it, Tenko.” Izuku said with a grin. At that moment the door opened again and they were
greeted by a girl with green hair and a sharp grin.

“Green, Dusty, you guys?” She asked in anticipation.

“Splitter?” They both asked.

Her smile widened as she tackled them both in a hug. “It is you guys. The name’s Setsuna

“Nice, I’m Izuku and he’s Tenko.”

“Are we waiting on Scales?” Almost as if by magic the door opened again.

Greeting them was a lizard with purple hair tied into a ponytail wearing jeans and an Edgeshot T-
Shirt. “You guys who I think you are?”

“Yep, Dusty is Tenko, Greenie is Izuku and I’m Splitter AKA Setsuna.” She finished by pointing
at herself.

“Well the name’s Shuichi Iguchi but I do go by the nickname Spinner.”

With that they began to talk for a little while getting to know how old everyone was and what they
did. Tenko was under an apprenticeship with his ‘Dad’ and Iguchi was a medical student having
been taking a break after getting his medical degree and looking for a job, which was quite difficult
for him as a complex mutant. Setsuna was a middle schooler like Izuku about to go into her
recommendation exam having been recommended by her Uncle Eco who she liked to hide his
identity because he was fond of his private life staying private. She was staying with him as she
prepared for the recommendation exam in a couple weeks.

“So Izuku can we try out the games then?” Setsuna asked.

“Yeah, we currently have one game available. It's a single player game called Resident Evil. The
first hour is 2250 yen if you choose to get a membership.”

“I’ll probably just get an Iron membership and an hour.” Iguchi replied, heading to the counter to

“Same here,” Setsuna responded.

“I’m going to get a Silver Membership. If this mis any good as the original I’ll probably be here
for a while.” Tenko remarked.

“You played the original?” Izuku asked.

“Yeah, only a little though. The game scared me as a kid and I accidentally destroyed a controller
and Dad suggested I play when I’m a little older. Mainly because the controllers are super rare.”

“That’s fair. Did you not have gloves back then?”

“I did but if I got scared enough my quirk could trigger through gloves. It’s a stress factor thing
because of how I developed my quirk before my dad found me.”

“Found you?”

“I’m adopted.”


With that they ended the conversation and the three having paid all sat at their respective booths
and put on the headset.

As they loaded up the game and got comfortable Izuku looked happily at his menu and saw his

Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Opening Week

Time Remaining for completion: 5 days

Description: You now have a store which the system will be renovating tonight. Open the store
within a week and ready for business.

Criteria: [ 1/1 ] Obtain 1 paying customer

[60000/60000 ] Earn 60000 Yen

Rewards: 2 stat point

Drink Unlocked: Coca-Cola Price: 400 yen per bottle

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: User will lose allocated stat points.



“Congratulations Host you finished the quest and the secondary objective as well.” The system

“The secondary objective?” Izuku questioned.

“Fill all three seats at once.”

“Can I see the quest for that?”

“Of Course.” The system then displayed it infront.


Hello, Izuku Midoriya (User 0002)

Mission(s) Pending:

Mission Name: Full House

Time Remaining for completion: 4 Days

Description: You have opened the cafe, now try and get all seats filled at once at least once this

Criteria: [ 3/3 ] Seats Filled

Rewards: 2 x Hyper Tech Certified Immersion Rigs

Membership Discounts: Drink Discounts

Game Unlocked: Destiny 2: HyperTech Edition

Penalty for the denial or failure of the mission: No Penalty


“A new game already?” Izuku asked.

“Of Course, variety is needed to make the cafe enjoyable. This one you can play with friends as

Izuku’s eyes shone. “That’s so cool! Wait, how are we gonna sell the coke?”

“Simple the cooler by the reception. People can pay at the till and take a bottle. It’s also only 250
yen for members. Also I updated the board. Aren’t I great?” She remarked.

“Ahh!” Screamed Setsuna taking off her headset. Her face pale with shock looking over at Izuku.
“The hell was that?”

“I forgot to mention. The game is calibrated to be as realistic as possible. That includes dying.
Though you did last quite a bit longer than I did, do you feel any different?”

She clenched her fists together and her eyes shone. “I feel stronger.”

“Bingo, basically in order to get that realistic feeling it also stimulates the body and that leads to it
getting stronger.”

“Izuku, that is so overpowered what the hell?”

“It’s how it is. Now you wanna play or watch Spinner die?”

“Shit!” Spinner shouted, taking his headset off. “What the hell man? Could you warn me.”

“Surprise!” He said snarkily.

“Spinspin you feel any different?” Setsuna asked.

“Spinspin? But wait.” With that his eyes also shone. “Dude, I feel stronger. Not a lot but I can feel

“It’s so cool. Izuku said it's how the game works to make you feel the realistic sensations.”

“That is unnaturally overpowered. What the hell but hey I’m gonna get another hour and keep
playing.” With that Spinner jumped back in.

Tenko was still focused and Izuku was surprised he kept his focus even after dying. Whenever he
started to focus he went silent and all he thought about was winning. So Izuku chose not to disturb

Everyone was focused on their own games and Izuku chose to try and fight the hunter like his dad
had. Slowly sinking into the game for an hour. Until he was notified that Spinner wanted to talk to

Taking his headset off he looked at him. “Sup, Spinner what's wrong?”

“I’m going to headout since I need to get a train. But I want us all to take a selfie quickly.”


With that Izuku got the others’ attention and together took a selfie posting it onto the group chat to
Shockz envy.
Major Announcement

Hey Guys!

Frozen here with some news for all fics being released. They will all be released on a
monthly/bimonthly schedule aiming around one or two chapters with at least a thousand words
minimum a chapter.

The reason for this is simple… I am happy to announce a few new fics that will be in the works
and planning on releasing them in the next couple months at most.

1. Heroic Model Creator - MHA x Godly Model Creator

2. My Pocket Dimension Academia - MHA x Pocket Hunting Dimension
3. I’m Not The Bad Guy - Izuku being mistaken for AFO online
4. Blink and he’s gone! - Izuku has a teleportation quirk
5. Diablo Academia Rewritten - A Rewrite of Diablo Academia

The first two will belong to a newly released series called ‘My Web Academia’ based around
Webnovel x MHA Crossovers.

If you want to Beta Read or get an early glimpse alongside other bonuses including deciding what
appears next in some fics. Join my discord:

Hope to see you in the server and happy exam season.

0009: Cola and Guests

Izuku waved at his friends as they used their time allowances for the day and decided to head
home, smiling at Setsuna promising to show up at least weekly once she was in UA and Tenko
promising to visit as many times as he can. He had gotten hooked onto the game and said he felt
like the ‘benefit of levelling up IRL’ was too good to skip. Iguichi would try to visit monthly but as
a recent graduate struggling to find a job it was difficult.

“Once the cafe reaches the total of fifteen computers the host will be permitted to hire a
receptionist if they choose to do so.” The system chimed, reading his mind.

Izuku hummed in acknowledgement, he was worried however at the slow pace his cafe was
growing at. Thankfully adding the drinks he had unlocked would mean he could earn some more
revenue as well as the larger seating availability he would get tomorrow with the new game
release. Sitting at the desk he started drawing in his notebook till he heard the door open again a
little while later.

His lips curled into a small smile seeing Melissa here again. “Afternoon, Melissa what do you plan
on doing today?”

She smiled back at him. “I’ll just play Resident Evil again. I think I’ll be able to pass where I’m
stuck today.” Looking at the sign her eyes trailed to the bottom of it. “You’ve got drinks on sale

Izuku nodded in response. “We only have Coca-Cola available. For members it’s three hundred yen
instead of the usual four hundred yen. Do you want a bottle?”

“Yep, I’ll get that and my usual activation of Resident Evil on Computer 1.” She swiped her card
onto the scanner and smiled, taking the bottle of coke and sitting at her seat. Once she took a sip of
the coke her eyes widened as she seemed to try and suppress a squeal of glee.

Her head whipped around so fast Izuku was almost afraid it would fall off as she looked at him.
“Izuku, what’s in this coke it tastes amazing?”

Izuku looked at her a little confused as he made his way to the mini-fridge. “It should just be
normal coke, let me try a sip.” Taking a bottle he popped off the cap and took a sip.
The bubbles of the cola tingled his tongue as he felt the sweet and tangy flavour of the lemon and
sugar mix along with the other flavours. Whatever was in this made it taste divine as the sensation
of it made his body feel electrified.

“System, what the hell is in this coke? Is it actual coke?” He questioned in his head.

The system seemed to huff. “This system would never resort to putting drugs into their drinks for
taste. I did not even bother putting in the caffeine. But no the flavours you are tasting are all
sourced from high-grade ingredients produced by the system. Honey from the Hives of Aether
Bees in the Celestial realm and the spring waters of Sorellia. Drink enough of this and you’ll
slowly begin feeling its passive regenerative properties. It is essentially a medicinal drink at the
level it’s been produced.” She seemed proud of the cola she had made.

“This won’t have any negative impacts, right?” Izuku questioned hearing it being considered

“Of course not this beautiful system put in all the right measures to prevent such a thing. Including
limiting it to a single drink per person each day.”

Izuku regained his focus from talking with the system in his head to be greeted by Melissa waving
a hand in front of his face. “Midoriya, you awake?” She asked a little too close to his face.

He yelped and bounced back. “Sorry my sponsor has a telepathic quirk. When I started wondering
about the coke it sent me a message about it. It does leave me zoned out.” He quickly shot out the
lie to cover the fact he was talking to the system.

Melissa took a step back, no longer leaning over the counter near his face. “That makes sense. But
what did they say about the coke?”

Izuku shrugged, not wanting to say the whimsical truth behind the drink. “It’s simply my sponsor’s
company's personal cola brew. The ingredients are honestly a little excessively high quality but
they do love perfection.”

“That I do.” The system chimed in his head.

“Oh, that does explain how good it is. Well I’m going to continue playing then.” She slips on her
headset and continues to play, occasionally sipping at her drink, while Izuku is there bored he
decides to kill some time till closing by playing as well.

Eventually the time slips past the both of them as it’s ten o’clock at night when the system reminds
Izuku he should close for the night. Taking his headset off he sees Melissa just about taking her
one off as she seems to be clenching her fist almost surprised. It seems she’s been levelling up and
had only just realised it. He smiles as he waves her off only to collide into a mountain of a man at
the door.

Melissa looks up to see a man holding a little girl identical to him with white hair and red eyes but
while his hair is curly the little girl’s is straight. She seemed scared of Melissa who crashed into
what she assumed to be her dad and held onto him tightly.

“Sorry, for bumping into you miss.” The man apologised.

“It was my fault, I should be more careful.” She then wondered why the man was entering the cafe
with a child at closing time. “You do know it’s about to close?”

The man chuckles as his wife, a viridian hair and eyed woman looking a lot like Izuku appears.
“We know, our son runs the place.” He points to Izuku who is scrambling to get to his parents from
behind the counter.

“Nice to meet a clearly dedicated customer of the cafe. I am Midoriya Hisashi.” He put his free
hand out for a handshake.

Melissa replied, “nice to meet you. I’m Melissa Shield.” However as she shook his hand One For
All resonated in her body sparking up as it seemed determined to crush the man’s hand. Panicking
she pulled away. “Sorry, quirk troubles.”

She saw he was unfazed by what was essentially One For All crushing his hand and seemed
unharmed. “I can imagine, little Eri here has a similar problem. Don’t you, little unicorn?” The
little girl seemed embarrassed by his teasing and hid her face against his shirt.

“It’s embarrassing but I was a late bloom-” She was cut off by a notification. “Oh my uncle is here
to pick me up, it was nice meeting you.” As she walked away to her uncle’s car she pondered why
One For All acted as it did. But she was happy because after playing the game she felt herself
actually feel much stronger and even Grandpa Torino agreed she was building strength quickly in
the past couple days above average.

“Nice meeting you dearie.” Replied the lady who Melissa assumed to be Midoriya’s mum.

Eventually Melissa is heading out of the store and once she's gone in her uncle’s car, Izuku breaks
the ice.

“Dad, who is that?” He says pointing to Eri.

“Your new little sister!” He says proudly showing Eri off to Izuku as she giggles.

“Izuku, it's a long story.” His mum interjects.

0010: Confessions of a Father
Chapter Summary

Trying out a new writing style and basically Izuku getting some new information

Inko took Eri from Hisashi and carried her upstairs to tuck her into bed and so the two of them
decided to sit at the dining table in the apartment.

“Dad, are you going to explain how I ended up with a new sister?” Izuku was a little overwhelmed
by everything.

Hisashi smiled and sighed with a sorrowful gaze, “she was running away from a bad man. A
yakuza member that I recognized from some old connections. You remember me talking about

“That he was always sick and frail growing up before he died?” He knew this was a subject his
father hated bringing up.

“Eri had those same eyes that wanted to live, know more than a hospital bed to grow up happily.
Izuku was covered in scars across her body that were things a child should never know.” Hisashi's
voice shaked with disdain throughout.

“So you saved her from him.” Izuku was wondering why the tone was so sombre.

“I did.” He answered with a soft smile.

“So isn’t the yakuza going to be after you because of this?” Realisation hit him as he wondered
how his father would deal with angering the Yakuza.

“Izuku, he won’t be a problem.” There was a grim chuckle that brought an assurance to a
permanent solution.
“Dad, what did you do?” Izuku felt a seed of dread grow in throat as his father’s red eyes flashed
with a cruel glimmer.

“Promise you won’t be afraid?” His face turned to one of hope and caution.

Izuku gulped nervously and nodded. “Okay.”

“I killed him Izuku. That’s the truth of the matter.” The bluntness almost made it seem like Hisashi
joked about it.

His brain went blank, his father the kind man who loved to laugh and share stories of his
childhood… killed a man?

“Does mum know?” Izuku asked, wondering how he would have been able to save his new sister
and kill the Yakuza.

Hisashi just nodded.

“H-How can you both come home so easily knowing that you killed a man?” His voice trembled at
the prospect that he may have never known who his parents actually were.

“Because there’s things so much worse that your mother knows about me.” Hisashi locked eyes
with Izuku and then took a deep breath. “So you are using HyperTech, I’ll be honest I didn’t think
you would receive a ‘system’ as well. Do you want to talk about the day you got yours?”

Izuku’s blood went cold and the colour drained from his face. “What do you mean ‘system’?”
Trying his best he feigned ignorance.

“Izuku, don’t lie to me. You had always been a careful child even if you had a reckless streak that
contradicted it. Choosing a cafe out of nowhere doesn’t make sense.” Hisashi seemed adamant to
extract the truth from him.

“I-I…” Izuku bit his lip not wanting to admit the truth of that day. “I wanted to die. Everything felt
hopeless and being rejected from every school just felt like it locked out any hope. Then I woke up
and that-” He’s cut off by a jolting pain in his head.

“Host is not permitted to talk about the system with others!” The system rang out.

Hisashi placed a hand on his shoulder and soon a warm feeling soothed the shock he felt. Then
Izuku realised he had not even seen his father get up from his chair. “I forget new users cannot talk
about their systems. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to be by your side when you felt like that.” He
wrapped his arms around Izuku and just hugged him.

It felt like the emotions he kept holding into lies to himself and to others that he was distracted with
the system came washing over him. Inko stood at the door frame with a sorrowful expression not
daring to step into the movement. She had her suspicions but she would rather not confirm them
after all the ‘system’ only latches on those in despair. If Izuku was pushed to that brink, she failed
her role as a mother.

Slowly the tears stopped and he wiped away the rest of them. “I’m sorry for crying dad.”

Hisashi just gave a comforting smile and ruffled his hair. “Even the strongest have to cry
sometimes. But is your system just focused on the cafe, at least see if you can confess that.”

Hesitantly he nodded and Hisashi seemed to relax. “I was scared that you may have in fact gained
the cafe as a simple step into the next stage.”

Izuku was confused at first because his father knew about the ‘system’ but it seemed he knew so
much more. “What do you mean next stage?”

“I guess I better share the system that I’m assigned to… ‘Monarch of Villainy’ it’s been this way
for two hundred years.” Hisashi said with a grim expression.

“‘Villainy’ what do you mean? Are you a villain?” His father was not only a ‘system’ user but also
a villain.

“Izuku tell me if you recognize the name ‘All For One’?” Hisashi held only the utmost sincerity in
his question as if already knew the answer.
Izuku growing up quirkless in a place filled with quirks and where he as an outlier was desperate to
fit in tried every method to be a hero. Scouring the internet growing up there were tales amongst
the quirkless of a ‘paragon’ or ‘devil’ a being that if you made a deal with you could get a quirk
and finally be… normal. The name of that entity was ‘All For One’ a being who at a touch could
deprive a person of a quirk and grant one for another. A boogeyman inscribed into the old wives
tales and warnings given to children…. After all imagine the chaos a man who could take quirks
could cause.

“What does that have to do with everything?” He asked not wanting to know his father’s reply.

“You can already guess.” Hisashi stood up and went to the kitchen and put the kettle on as they
stayed where they were for a few moments. Then Izuku felt a softer hand on his shoulder and his
mum looked at him with sympathy.

“Zuku, I know you must be feeling overwhelmed but your father isn’t a bad man.” Inko reassured
him as Hisashi placed a cup of tea beside the two of them. “He just had a lot of difficult choices to

Hisashi sat back down with his own tea. “I’m telling you all of this because I need you to know
that no matter the assignment you’re given I want to help you. I know how cruel the missions can

“Dad… if you could give quirks why did you never give me one?” Izuku thought he had accepted
his quirklessness but it was apparent that was another lie. “I could have been normal, I could have
played with the other kids…” He had been interrupted by a small hiccup. “Kacchan would still be
my friend.”

“Izuku I wanted to but the fact is your body is completely incapable of handling a quirk.”

Guess he really was a ‘Deku’ afterall…

“Izuku stop that, I can see what’s happening. You aren’t useless or lesser because you have no
quirk. You’re my baby boy and you’re perfect as you are.” He was kneeled down by Izuku and put
a hand to his cheek. “Besides you have a ‘system’ you’ll be better than any quirk no matter what
you do.”

Izuku smiled a little at his father’s words. “Thanks dad. I’m just trying to process everything. You
have a ‘system’, are two hundred at least, a villain, killed a man today, adopted a new child and my
body is literally physically incapable of even obtaining a quirk through means that sound like

Hisashi chuckled, not a grim one but one of pure amusement. “You say that like, humanity had not
spent millennia seeing supernatural powers like quirks themselves as fiction. Now what do you say
you sleep on this new information and we call it a day?”

Izuku nodded the violent amount of emotional stress was too much but one question did sit in his
mind. “Dad, what’s my sister’s name?”

Hisashi looked at him dumbly before bursting out laughing. “I can’t believe I forgot to tell you her
name. She’s Eri and she’s the newest Midoriya.”

Izuku happily went to his room to sleep and process everything he was told as Hisashi and Inko
looked at each other.

“You haven’t told him any of the things he needed to know and just threw all the most obscure
things about you at once. You’ll need to tell him about Tomura or how you are dying.” Inko had
tears in her eyes as she held her husband.

“I’ll tell him in time… just let him keep the innocence of his new friend and let him be happy. He
needed to know he would not have to persist with the whims of the system on his own. You
remember how many times it ruined our date nights.” He joked as he hugged his beloved wife.

“Don’t remind me.” Inko laughed crying in his arms as they enjoyed each other’s presence. Her
husband was still with her and all that dread she felt in the last five years after his battle was gone.
For now she would happily enjoy the fact her family had gotten a little larger and now they could
be a proper family. Afterall Eri had mistakenly solved the injuries of her husband and that little ray
of sunshine would make a wonderful addition to the overly emotional family of six. Even if two of
them did not even know they were in the family.

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