Classroom Policy 22-23

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Department of Education
San Isidro North District

S.Y. 2022 - 2023

1. One person rule.

A. Use classroom facilities in turns. When someone is using the lavatory, wait for your turn.

B. Pay attention to the teacher, listen and do not talk to others.

2. The pupil is excused when he/she is sick and when the reason for absence/s is valid.

3. Show respect to school and personal property of the teacher and other pupils.

4. Throw trash in proper garbage bin.

5. No vandalism on chairs or in any part of the classroom.

6. No bullying of classmates and schoolmates.

7. Work quietly and do not disturb others.

8. Work and play in a safe manner. Avoid quarrels among peers.

9. No cellular phones during class hours unless necessary.

10. Dress Code: Wear proper clothes in class.

A. Girls: No sleeveless top, tank top, shorts and mini skirts

B. Boys: No sleeveless top/sando, No jersey shorts

11. Obey and follow school policy at all times.

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