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The wind in the Willows

1. Choose the the endings for these sentences (you can choose more than one)
a) The wind in the Willows is a story...

● about an unreal world where strange things happen

● about animals who behave like people.
● about how animals and people can live together
● I think it will end sadly, with a death.
● I think it will end happily, with a party.

2. Choose the best question word for these questions, and then answer them.

what / who
a) ___________ had the Mole never seen before in his life?
b) ___________ came to join the Rat and the Mole at their lunch party?
c) ___________ saw the friends, but didn't join the lunch party?
d) ___________ did the friends see rowing very badly in the river?
e) ___________ had yellow and green sides and red wheels?
f) ___________ thought that the traveling life would be a great adventure?
g) ___________ came past the friends on the road in a storm of noise and wind and dust?
h) ___________ did toad do the day after the accident with the caravan?

3. Before you read chapter 3, can you guess what happens? Choose the names to complete the

the Rat / the Mole / Toad / the Badger / the Otter

a) ___________ goes for a walk in the Wild Wood and gets very frightened.
b) ___________ goes to look for him, but then both get lost.
c) In the end they find their way to the ________'s house.
d) ___________ also goes to look for them in the woods.
The Vesuvius Mosaic

1. Match the sentences with the people

Calus Lepidus / Spurius / Felix / Petrus / Cassia / Flavia.

a) He's Spurius's slave and he designs and makes mosaics.
b) He is a freed man who works for Spurius and makes mosaics.
c) He's a Roman senator, the owner of the house where Felix has just finished a mosaic.
d) She is Spurius' daughter and she's in love with one of the workers.
e) He owns a mosaic business and Felix and Petrus work for him.
f) She's Spurius's wife. She is often angry with her husband.

2. Are the sentences true or false?

a) The story starts in Rome in the home of a senator.
b) Spurius and Felix are working together to finish a mosaic.
c) Spurius and Felix are collecting Petrus when there's an earthquake.
d) Spurius gives Felix his freedom after the young man saves his life.

3. Choose an option to complete the sentences.

a) The next morning Cassia tells Flavia...

● that she can marry Petrus.

● that she must marry Felix.
● that she wants Petro to be her husband's business partner.

b) Felix thinks that Petrus is angry with him because...

● He saw the mistake in Petru's mosaic.

● they both want to marry Flavia,
● He doesn't like Felix's work.

c) After lunch, Petrus takes Flavia.

● to watch a gladiator fight.

● to see the graffiti he has written about Cassia
● to ask Spurius if they can marry each other.

d) The graffiti about Cassia...

● was written by Felix

● makes her angry with Petrus
● looks just like Felix's writing.
4. Guess what happens in the next chapter. Choose the correct word.
a) Bassus orders a statue / mosaic for his house from Spurius.
b) When Felix sees the mosaic / graffiti, he wants to know who did it.
c) Felix and Spurius / Petrus go to Pompei with Bassus.
d) On the ship, Petrus tries to push Spurius / Felix into the sea.

1. Choose the best words to complete each sentence.

a) Victor tells Robert Walton his story in the Arctic / Antarctic.
b) Victor's father, Alphonse, came from Paris / Geneva.
c) Alphonse married his best friend's sister / daughter, Caroline.
d) Victor was born in Naples / Milan.
e) Caroline took a poor girl / woman into her family in Italy.
f) Elizabeth Lavenza's father died at sea / in prison.
g) Victor had two / three young brothers.
h) Henry Clerval was Victor's best friend at work / school.
i) When Victor was seventeen, his mother died / ran away.
j) Victor was a science student at Ingolstadt / Milan University.
k) When his creature came alive, Victor felt afraid / excited.
l) Victor ran from his rooms, but the monster stayed / died.
m) After Clerval arrived, Victor was ill for days / months.
n) Later, he read his father's / Elizabeth's nice letter from home.
o) It spoke of Justine Moritz, the Frankensteins' new / old servant.

2. Use a set of words to complete the sentences.

life / ice / ship
alchemists / university / monsieur
marry/ cousin / death
fever / poor / looked after
storm / lightning / lake
creature / science / parts

a) On a ship in the ice, Victor tells the story of his life.

b) At fifteen, Victor saw a __________ with __________ on __________ Geneva.
c) When __________ Elizabeth was ill with a very bad __________, Mrs Frankenstein __________
d) Did Victor __________ his __________ Elizabeth after his mother's __________.
e) At Ingolstadt __________, __________ Krempe laughed at Victor because he found
__________ interesting.
f) Because he was interested in __________ , Victor made a __________ from dead body

3. Complete the sentences with the correct names.

Alphonse / Elizabeth / Henry / Justine / The monster / Victor / William
a) Victor begins to learn languages with __________- b) _________ and __________ go walking
in the mountains near Ingolstadt.
c) __________ writes a letter from Geneva about __________'s death.
d) __________ goes to Geneva and sees __________ at Plainpalais.
e) He's __________'s killer,' thinks __________.
f) __________ runs to the hills, and __________ goes to his family home.
g) __________ is in prison, __________ learns the next morning.
h) The day after __________ died, they found his locket in __________'s pocket.
j) __________ says nothing about __________ to his family.
j) __________ and __________ visit the prison that afternoon.
k) __________ speaks for __________ when the lawyers ask questions.
I) 'I was __________'s killer!' __________ tells the lawyers.
m) __________ says nothing, and so __________ dies.

4. Guess what happens in the next chapter

a) Victor ..

● goes back to university.

● tells Elizabeth about the monster.
● tells his father about the monster.
● meets the monster in the mountains.
b) The monster

● kills Henry Clerval in Ingolstadt.

● talks about its life and William's death.
● takes Elizabeth away to the mountains.
● kills Ernest in his bed.
Oliver Twist

1. Comprehension. Read Chapter 1 and classify the sentences as true or false.

a. Old Sally had fifteen children.
b. The young woman had a baby girl.
c. There was some hair in the locket.
d. The children at the workhouse loved Mr Bumble.
e. The food at the workhouse was not very good.
2. Read the rule and fill in the gaps with the correct word, where, which or who

We use:
• who when we talk about people,
• which when we talk about things and
• where when we talk about places.

a. Workhouses were special places __________ poor people lived.

b. The young woman gave Sally a chain __________ had a locket on it.
c. Mr Bumble was a man __________ worked in the workhouse.
d. Sally was the old woman __________ helped the doctor when Oliver was born.
e. The room __________ Mr Bumble locked Oliver was cold and dark.
f. The soup __________ the boys ate was mostly water.
3. Comprehension. Read Chapter 2 and put the following events in the correct chronological
a. Oliver ate the dog's food.
b. Someone kicked the door and shouted.
c. Mr Bumble took Oliver to Mr Sowerberry's shop.
d. Oliver stayed in the dark room for a week.
e. Oliver decided to run away.
f. Mr Bumble saw Mr Sowerberry in the street.
g. Noah tried to make Oliver cry.

4. Read and choose the correct item.

a. Mr Bumble__________ to the notice on the door.
bowed / pointed / tired
b. Oliver ate the dog's food __________
politely / hardly / hungrily
c. Mr Sowerberry was always __________ to Oliver and so Noah got jealous
kind / tall / horrible
d. Oliver stopped crying and __________ his eyes.
pulled / pinched / wiped
e. Oliver packed some __________ and left.
stairs / socks / shutters.
Moby Dick

1. Read Chapter 1 and write T (true) or F (false).

a. Ishmael is going to sea because he finds it difficult to live on land.
b. Ishmael doesn't think Manhattan Island is a pleasant place to live in.
c. Ishmael prefers being a passenger to being a sailor.
d. Life on board is always hard for a sailor.
e. Ishmael doesn't believe in fate.
f. Ishmael is aware of the dangers at sea.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

reward adventurous moody

seasick course limitless

a. Ishmael's __________ nature makes him leave the land and go to sea.
b. Need for money is another reason that calls Ishmael to the __________ blue sea.
c. Ship passengers often get __________.
d. Perhaps Ishmael's decision to go to sea is just fate deciding his __________ for him.
e. The Allantic can often be __________.
f. A sailor's life can be very hard but, as a __________, he breathes in fresh sea air and
glides on clear blue waters.

3. Read Chapter 2 and choose the correct answer.

a. The big whaling ships sail from ...
New Bedford / Manhattan / Nantucket
b. The 'Spouter Inn' seems like a good option because it is.
comfortable / not too expensive / strange
c. The 'Spouter Inn' reminds Ishmael of …
a coffin / a painting / an old ship
d. Ishmael is not thrilled about …
sharing a room / sleeping on a bench / having a large double room
e. In Queequeg's cloth bag there is…
an ebony statue / a human head / a black harpoon
f. Queequeg puts his harpoon away after…
Mr Coffin comes into the room / he finishes his prayer / Ishmael speaks in a
threatening voice,
4. Language Practice. Complete the sentences, using the following phrasal verbs in the correct

put away take off brush aside come across

wait around turn out sit up

a. Ishmael has to __________ New Bedford, as there is no boat to Nantucket until

b. Mr Coffin has a rough look but he __________ to be pleasant and helpful.
c. Ishmael doesn’t feel safe until Queequeg __________ his weapon__________.
d. Ishmael __________ some comfortable-looking places that are too expensive for his
e. After __________ his tall hat, Queequeg reveals his tattooed face.
f. Ishmael __________ in bed and tries to regain his sense of dignity.
g. Ishmael fears for his destiny at sea but quickly _________ his dark thoughts _________.

1. Rean Chapter 1 and match the beginnings and endings to make true sentences.
a. small baby entered
b. Mother Wolf and Father Wolf talked about keeping
c. The leader of the Pack was
d. Only the wolves and Baloo, the bear, could speak at
e. Bagheera bought Mowgli's life with
i. …the Pack Council.
ii. ... a bull.
iii. ... the baby
iv. ... the cave.
v. ... Akela.

2. Match the words from the box to the characters

a. Mowgli Father Wolf _________________
b. Shere Khan _________________
c. Akela _________________
d. Baloo _________________
e. Bagheera _________________

3. Comprehension. Read Chapter 2 and mark the sentences true or false.

a. Father Wolf taught Mowgli the sounds of the jungle.
b. Mowgli believed that he was a wolf.
c. Baloo taught Mowgli to hunt.
d. A cow was the price Bagheera paid for Mowgli.
e. In difficult times, food is more important than water.
f. Mowgli learned all the languages of the animals.

4. Complete the definitions below with the words from the box.

serious unhappy worried quiet

perfect kind tired naughty

a. If you do something you are not supposed to do, you are __________.
b. If you do something nice for another person, you are _________.
c. If you are very sad about something, you are __________.
d. If you think about problems or bad things that may happen in the future, you are
e. If you don't make any noise, you are __________.
f. If you do not laugh or smile, you are __________,
g. If you are as good as you can possibly be, you are __________.
h. If you feel that you need to rest, you are __________.

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