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Chapter I


This chapter contains the background and rationale of the study, general and specific

statements of the problem, hypotheses of the study, theoretical and conceptual frameworks. In

addition, this chapter also includes the scope and delimitations of the study, significance of the

study and the conceptual and operational definition of terms used in the study.

Background and Rationale of the Study

Digital Instructional Materials (DIM), as defined by Garzon, Kim, and Kim (2019), are

any type of instructional resource that is delivered electronically integrated in the curriculum and

pedagogy. This includes the following: E-textbooks, Online courses, Educational games,

Educational simulations, Interactive learning modules, and Online assessments.

International schools have gathered teachers’ perspectives on Digital Instructional

Materials (DIM) in the classroom particularly during foundational stages of our learners, and

evidences have shown various studies and researches that it is overwhelmingly positive. DIM has

emerged as a valuable resource that can significantly impact the teaching and learning process,

providing a wide range of benefits to both teachers and students (Mishra & Koehler, 2006;

Graham et al., 2013; Koehler & Mishra, 2005).

Furthermore, research indicates that DIM can lead to improved learning outcomes

(Graham et al., 2013; Koehler & Mishra, 2005). By providing access to a wealth of information

and interactive activities, digital materials can facilitate better comprehension and retention of

subject matter. Students can revisit content at their own pace, reinforcing their understanding of

key concepts.
In the Philippines there is a significant transformation on the educational landscape in the

recent years. With the advancement of technology there has been an emphasis on the integration

of digital instructional materials in the classroom. This shift towards digital learning materials

has been driven by the recognition of their potential to enhance the teaching and learning

process. In particular, digital instructional materials are seen as a means to engage students more

effectively, provide diverse learning resources, and align with the needs of the 21st-century

learner (DepEd, 2019).

In response to the increasing demand for digital integration, the Department of Education

(DepEd) in the Philippines has been actively promoting the use of digital instructional materials

in schools. The DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, titled "Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment

for the K to 12 Basic Education Program," emphasizes the use of technology in assessment and

learning. Additionally, the K to 12 Curriculum Guide, as stated in DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2017,

emphasizes the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in various

subjects to improve teaching and learning outcomes (DepEd, 2015; DepEd, 2017).

The perception of teachers regarding the use of digital instructional materials is a critical

factor to consider when implementing educational technology initiatives. Teachers' attitudes and

beliefs about technology can influence their willingness to incorporate digital materials into their

teaching practices (Ertmer, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, & Tondeur, 2015). To understand this dynamic

in the Philippine context, it is essential to explore teachers' perceptions regarding the adoption of

digital instructional materials.

Additionally, DIM supports differentiated instruction, allowing teachers to tailor their

teaching to meet the diverse needs of students (Garzon et al., 2019; Javier, 2020). Learners

requiring additional support can use DIM for remediation, while those seeking more challenging
content can access advanced materials. This adaptability fosters inclusivity in the classroom and

ensures that no child is left behind (Act of 2001).

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