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Muhammad Haikel (2105125117)

Melva Naura (2105126141)

Nabilah Eka Putri (2105134640)

Diannisa Divanauli (2105134641)

1. The board

It’s rare to find a classroom without any kind of board, whether it’s a regular whiteboard, a chalkboard or
a green one. It is also important to manage its use to get maximum results.

So what are the things that will be put on the board?

There are several categories:

1. There are permanent or reference materials.

For example, in elementary school, it’s great to list the days and dates this is the best way to help
students learn the days and dates.

2. It has notes and reminders

This is a reminder note for daily notices and announcements in class.

3. Then there are lesson development materials.

It can be a picture, a video, or a sound. Serves to train the grammar outline or expression of the

And this is an example of the use of the blackboard

2. The overhead projector

The overhead projector (OHP), Although it cannot replace the board, it is gaining popularity. Although it
cannot replace the board, it is gaining popularity

Then what are it’s benefit from OHP?

It can save learning time, the teacher does not need to write to inform the students, only with this tool it
can present a neat writing and picture at the same time. And in this way it can display complicated
pictures and diagrams from school textbooks.

So what are the drawbacks?

Because it is an electronic device it requires electricity to power it, if the room is too bright it makes the
projection invisible, or there is no suitable wall. And this OHP also tends to be expensive.


Visuals can take many forms but the most common are real objects (sometimes called realia) and
pictures or photographs.

Using visuals has a number of advantages:

- They often illustrate meaning more directly and quickly than through verbally

- They attract the students’ attention and aid concentration.

- They add variety and interest to a lesson.

- They help make the associated language memorable.

What are visuals used for?

- arouse interest and concentrate attention at the beginning of a lesson;

- elicit already known language;

- illustrates a new language item, often a vocabulary item;

- create a need for new language which the teacher then satisfies;

- set the scene for a story or roleplay;

- stimulate discussion.

Finding and Storing Visual

It is never too early to start collecting material that you think might be useful to show in class. The best
source is magazines, but pictures and posters can also be obtained from holiday brochures, tourist
information offices, catalogues, etc.

You can spend some time preparing visuals to keep and use again and you can also make effective use of
quick board sketches. You can ask the students to find visuals as part of their homework. You can often
provide visuals from objects commonly found in the classroom or on your person-examples of colors,
materials, clothes, etc. Work out a system for storing visuals you want to keep and organize them so that
they become a resource you can keep re-using and adding to.
Showing Visuals

When showing visual make sure that:

- it is big enough to be seen

- unambiguous

- steady

- showing visual for each student in turn

- sticking visual to the board


Why should you want to make your own worksheets?

- to photocopy a text or exercise from a book which the students would not be able to keep or write
in (but see the note below on copyright);
- to adapt published materials
- to write your own exercises to go with a piece of authentic material;
- to make cards for communication activities.

Making a worksheet or workcard

Attractive as possible:

- If you write by hand make sure the writing is legible and neat.
- If you use a typewriter or word-processor check for typing errors.
- If you photocopy from published material it is often better to photocopy the whole page, cut out
the part you want, glue it to a blank piece of paper and use that as your master.
- Don’t make the writing too dense
- Include illustrations in the form of simple line drawings or pictures cut out of magazines to add
- If you can, add color-by hand
- If you want to re-use cards, perhaps as part of a home-made game,


The cassette recorder is one of the language teacher’s most useful tools. Nearly all coursebooks and
many other published EFL materials are accompanied by cassettes. In addition, many teachers have
access to authentic audio material that can be brought into the classroom-most notably recordings made
from the radio, and songs.

Using the cassette recorder:

- Before you prepare your lesson make sure you know how to use the machine you’ll be using.

- Check the availability of the cassette you plan to use and give yourself plenty of time to find the excerpt
you want.

- Listen to the whole of the excerpt you want to use to make sure that it is complete and clear

- Before the lesson, put the cassette on, find the beginning of the piece you want to use and ‘zero’ the

- Make sure you rewind to the right place.


Video have several advantages in teaching practice:

- Because the students can see as well as hear what is being said the recording is much closer to real
- Video is much easier to understand; the facial expressions, the gestures and the physical
background all give additional information.
- The visual element is attractive and commands the attention better than audio alone.
- Videos are often instrinsically more interesting, as many people are more familiar with watching
television and vide than listening to audio material other than music and songs.
Using Video Machine

Back in the day, videos can be played using a video playback machine so it is important for the
teachers to know how to use the machine. Teachers also need to check the cassette before play it.
Meanwhile, video machine is not used anymore. To play the video, teachers and students can access by
using laptop, projector and smartphones. Teachers can also use online platform to provide the video
such as YouTube.

Producing Your Own Videos

Teachers in modern era need to know and able to produce and provide their own learning video.
Nowadays, making video is very easy as you can just press the record button and use the smartphone
camera. Teachers need to pay attention to clarity of voice, lighting of the video and the content of
learning material in producing own videos. Then, teachers can share it to students by uploading on
Google Drive or YouTube and hand over the link to students.


Computers provide interactive learning media that able to help students to comprehend more about the
learning materials and even achieve the learning goals. One main thing that need to keep in mind that
teachers need to understand how computers work and demonstrate it to the students.

Nowadays, the use of computers is decreasing. Gadgets are available in handy and easier to use such as
laptop and smartphone. The creativity to teach, learn and provide learning materials is unlimited to
increase the effectiveness in learning process.


The main purpose of using photocopier as teaching tool and aid is to multiply any teaching media used
by teachers such as worksheets and additional source of learning material. It can ease the students to
comprehend and focus the learning material deeper with having their own in front of their eyes, by their
own hands.

If there is no photocopier, teachers have to use ingenuity to compensate and being creative. The use of
board, flipcharts, large piece of card or paper, and of dictation can be just as effective. Furthermore,
nowadays in digital era, the use of photocopier is not necessary anymore. Teachers are able to hand over
the materials through soft-file or online to the students. It is more eco-friendly, accessible and
Published Materials



-Provides security for teachers and students

-Provides syllabus

-Provides a ready-made source


-It’s not always easy to find

-The students may not like the book


It is usually organized according to the topic. They contain authentic materials.

The problem is they graded according to the level of the materials, and it’s not always easy to asses


Readers are useful for practicing extensive reading skills

Reference books

If you good at it, u can develop your reference into lessons dealing with grammar vocabulary and other

Resource books

You may be able to pivk up ideas for lessons, but you have to be careful to make sure the activity justifies
its inclusion

Authentic Materials

CALL, Computer Assisted Language Learning

This materials designed to keep number of software packages for the English Classroom. You have to
familiarizing yourself with this software available in the instution you r doing TP

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