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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics 2018; 3(2): 581-587

ISSN: 2456-1452
Maths 2018; 3(2): 581-587
© 2018 Stats & Maths Statistical inference in nonlinear sure model
Received: 02-01-2018
Accepted: 04-02-2018 A Chinna kesavulu, C Mani, SS Rajkumar, B Mahaboob, P Sri Vyshnavi,
A Chinna kesavulu P Manohar and P Balasiddamuni
Research Scholar, Department of
Statistics, S.V. University, Abstract
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India The seemingly unrelated Regression equations (SURE) model is a generalization of a regression model
that consists of several regression equations, each having its an dependent variable and potentially
C Mani different sets of exogenous explanatory variables. The SURE model approach for estimating system of
Head, Department of Statistics,
linear regression equations in which the errors are contemporaneously corrected across equations across
S.V. Arts College, Tirupati,
Andhra Pradesh, India
equations but not auto correlated. The SURE model is containing to receive wide spread attention in
terms of both theoretical developments and empirical applications. In the present study, a Nonlinear
SS Rajkumar SURE model has been specified and a feasible generalized least squares (GLS) estimator for the
Block Health Statistician, Govt parametric vector has been developed along with its asymptotic variance covariance matrix. Further a
primary health centre, Kolathur, consistent estimator of the dispersion matrix has been derived and it will be the nonlinear maximum
Salem, Tamil nadu, India likelihood estimator.

B Mahaboob Keywords: Statistical inference, nonlinear sure model

Department of Mathematics,
Swetha Institute of Technology
and Science, Tirupati, Andhra
1. Introduction
Pradesh, India In Econometrics, the seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) model is a
generalization of a linear regression model that consists of several regression equations, each
P Sri Vyshnavi having its own dependent variable and potentially different sets of exogenous explanatory
Senior Assistant Professor, variables. The Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SURE) model approach for
Department of CSE, SPMVV
Engineering College, Tirupati,
estimating a system of linear regression equations in which the disturbances are
Andhra Pradesh, India contemporaneously correlated across equations but not autocorrelated. Finally, a common
situation which may suggest a SURE specification is where regression equations explaining a
P Manohar certain economic activity in different geographical locations are to be estimated. The SURE
Dept of Statistics, Sri model is continuing to receive widespread attention, in terms of both theoretical developments
Vidyanikethan, A. Rangampeta,
and empirical applications.
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Further, many Non-linear models can often be rearranged to be in a linear form. A Non-linear
P Balasiddamuni model is one in which at Least one of the parameters appears non-linearly. More formally, in a
Rtd. Professor, Department of nonlinear model, at Least one derivative with respect to a parameter should involve that
Statistics, S.V. University, parameter.
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

2. Non-Linear Statistical Model

The general Non-linear regression model can be written as

yi  f  xi ,   zi , i  1, 2,..., N (2.1) (2.1)

Where f is the expectation function and xi is a vector of associated regressor variables for the
ith case and zi the error terms follow N (0, σ2). This model is of exactly the same form as linear
regression model except that the expected responses are nonlinear function of the parameters.
Correspondence Consider the vectors xi, i= 1, 2… N as fixed (observations) and concentrate on the dependence
A Chinna kesavulu
Research Scholar, Department of of the expected response on  . We create the N-vector    with the i th
Statistics, S.V. University,
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics

    f  xi ,  , i  1, 2,..., N

The model can be written as

Y      z

With z assumed to have a spherical normal distribution. That is

E  z   0 and
Var  z   E  zz I    2 I

3. Estimating in the Parameter 

The Least square principle is used to estimate the parameters in non-linear regression model. The residual sum of squares of ˆ
denoted in the matrix notation is

Y  ˆ Y  ˆ
SS (Res ( ˆ )) = ,

Where   the nx1 vector of f  x ,ˆ  is evaluated at that n values of x . The solution to the normal equation gives the least
 ˆ i n

square estimate of  . Then the General normal equation is written as

       y  ˆ   ˆ   0

 SS Re s ˆ n
ˆj  ˆj 
i 1
 

  
  ˆ

Where     f  xi ,  , i = 1, 2… N and  ˆj  is the partial derivative of the functional form of the model.
 
The five important computational methods given in the literature for finding a solution to the system of normal equations are:
1) Newton-Raphson method
2) Steepest descent and ascent methods
3) Gauss-Newton method
4) Marquardt-Levenberg method
5) Derivative-free methods.

The first four methods require the partial derivatives of the model with respect to each of the parameters. The Fifth method, a
Derivative-free method can be used in which numerical estimates of the derivatives are computed from observed shifts in ŷ as the
values of the ˆ j are changed.

4. Inference in Sure Model

SURE is based on the idea of a set of equations of the form:

yi  X i i   i , i  1, 2,..., N (3.1) (3.1)

Where yi and  i are T-dimensional vectors, X i is T x ki and  i is a ki-dimensional vector.
The Set of equations may be written as

International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics

 y1   X 1 0 . . . 0   1   1 
y   0 X2 . . . 0    2    2 
 2 
 .   . . . .  .   . 
     Or
 .   . . . .  .   . 
 .   . . . .  .   . 
      
 yN   0 0 . . . X N    N   N 

y  X  (3.2) (3.2)
Where  is a K-dimensional vector of unknown parameter that needs to be estimated and k   ki .
i 1

1. E (  ) = 0
 i j I  ij IT ,
2. E ( )= i,j = 1,2, …, N

Where IT is a T x T identity matrix. The assumption i = j gives the disturbance in any equation as homoscedastic and non
autocorrelated. When i  j the assumption gives a non-zero correlation between contemporaneous disturbance in the ith and jth
equations. But zero, correlation between all lagged disturbances. Thus the full covariance matrix of  is given by    IT

where    ij  is the N x N contemporaneous covariance matrix and  denotes the kronecker product. Each of the N
equations is individually assumed to satisfy the classical assumption associated with the linear regression model and can be
estimated separately.

5. Estimation of Sure Model

Generalized Least square estimator is defined as

ˆ      X I (1 IT ) X  X I   I IT  y



 11 I . . .  1N I 
 . . . 

  I  IT   . . .  (3.3) (3.3)
 
 . . . 
  N 1 . . .  NN I 

Here  denotes Kronecker’s product. The covariance matrix of ˆ () given by

 
V ˆ      X I ( I IT ) X 
(3.4) (3.4)

To construct a feasible GLS estimator by estimating each of the N equations separately by Ordinary Least squares when:
1) There is an absence of contemporaneous correlation  ij  0, i  j  (or)

2) The same set of explanatory variables are included in each equation  X1  X 2  ...  X N  .
6. Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimator
Consider the class of feasible GLS estimators that differ only in the choice of estimator used for the contemporaneous covariance

International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics

   
ˆ   X I (
ˆ  ˆ 1 I ) X  X I 
ˆ  I I y (3.5) (3.5)
 T 

And inference is based on the estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix of  

̂  given by

    
ˆ  X I (
V ˆ  ˆ  I I ) X (3.6) (3.6)

ui u j I
An estimated covariance matrix obtained by using Ordinary Least squares residuals is S   Sij  where Sij  and
uiu j I   yi  X ibi   yi  X j b j  and bi is the OLS estimator of  i . S Has been referred to as the restricted estimator of

 , but estimator can also be based on the unrestricted residuals derived from OLS regression which include all explanatory
variables from the SUR system.

7. Inference in Nonlinear Sure Model Using Student zed Residuals

Generally, the specification of Linear Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SURE) models may be unduly restrictive. In
the estimation of the System of equations model underlying certain optimization problems, the Non-Linearities may be a feature
of the model. Nonlinearities in the variables often may be eliminated by an appropriate transformation of the model or renaming
the variables. In this situation, the model is inherently linear.
Consider the Nonlinear models which are inherently Nonlinear and the errors are additive as

Yti  fi  X ti ,i    ti , i  1, 2, ,M 

 (4.1) (4.1)
t  1, 2, ,n 

Where X ti is a  Ki 1 vector containing the t th

observation on each of the independent variables in the i th equation; i i

is a  qi 1 vector of unknown parameters in the i th

equation; and f i   ,  refers to the ith dependent variable function. Thus,

the Nonlinearities behavior may differ from equation to equation in the model.
In the matrix, more compactly, the model may be expressed as

Y  f     (4.2) (4.2)

Such that E    0 (4.3) (4.3)

And  
E  I  I n (4.4) (4.4)

 Y1   f1 1    1 
Y     
 2  f 2  2    2
 .   .   . 
Where, Y    , f     ,    
 .   .   . 
 .   .   . 
     
YM   f M  M    M 

M 
Here, fi i  is a (nx1) vector with an element fi  X ti ,i  ,  is the  i  q  1 vector formed by stacking the elements of
 i 1 
the i ' s .
International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics

Further, f is a function of the data as well as of  . Using the Nonlinear Ordinary Least Squares (NOLS) estimation and treating
each equation of the system separately, the NOLS estimators for i ' s ay be obtained by minimizing the quantity

Yi  fi i  Yi  fi i  , i  i
(4.5) (4.5)

Let the NOLS estimator of i as ˆi , i  1, 2, , M . If the errors  i ' s follow the normal distribution then ˆi will be the
Maximum Likelihood Estimator of  i . By stacking the estimator ˆ ' s the NOLS estimator of  may be obtained as ˆ .

Defining the NOLS residuals as

  
ei  Yi  fi ˆi 

and hence the Studentized residuals for each equation as

ei* , i  1, 2, , M , One may obtain the estimates of the elements of  as

   ij     S   S *
(4.6) (4.6)

ei* e*j
Where Sij  i, j  1, 2, ,M (4.7) (4.7)

The Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) estimator for  can be obtained by minimizing

Y  f    S *  I n  Y  f  
I 1
(4.8) (4.8)
n  

With respect to  over the parametric space

  1  2   M 

The minimization of (4.8) or (4.5) can be performed by using Numerical analysis methods.

Let the FGLS estimator of  be ˆF . It can be easily shown that

ˆ and ˆF* will the strong consistent estimators for  ; and

n ˆ    and n ˆ *
F   follow asymptotically the multivariate normal distributions with the null mean vectors and the
asymptotic variance-covariance matrices  and  respectively, by using the methods given by Gallant (1975) [7].

 11 . . . 1M 
 . . 

Here,  . .  (4.9) (4.9)
 
 . . 
  M 1 . . .  MM 

With ij   ij Vii1VijV jj1  , i, j  1, 2, ,M (4.10) (4.10)

  11V11 . . .  1M V1M 
 
 . .
 
And (4.11)
. . (4.11)
 
 . .
 M1 
 VM 1  MM
. . . VMM 

International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics

Where 
Vij is the qi  q j  matrix which is given by
 f  X ,    f j X j , j
Vij    i i i  
   d  (4.12) (4.12)
i  j
   

If  is diagonal and/or fi  f j , i, j  1,2, , M then the two estimators ˆ and ˆF are equally asymptotically


Otherwise, it can be shown that ˆF is asymptotically efficient relative to ˆ . For the practical purposes, the consistent estimator of
 is given by

 
1  ˆ I *1
*  F S  I n Fˆ  (4.13) (4.13)
n  

Where, 
Fˆ  diag Fˆ1, Fˆ2 , , FˆM  (4.14) (4.14)

 fi  X1i ,i  

 
 iI 
 . 
 
And Fˆi   .  (4.15) (4.15)
 . 
 
 fi  X ni ,i  
 
 iI  ˆF

Under the assumption of normality distribution of errors  i ' s , it can be shown that ˆF* is the Nonlinear Maximum Likelihood
estimator of 
Remarks: 1. the tests of General Nonlinear restrictions on the parameters can be carried out by generalizing the applications of
usual tests on linear restrictions about the parameters such as Wald, Lagrange Multiplier and Likelihood Ratio tests.
2. Since, the estimators ˆ and ˆF* cannot be expressed in closed form, generally their finite sample properties are unknown.
Gallant (1975) [7] exhibited a limited amount of Monte Carlo evidence for the finite sample properties of the estimators.

8. Conclusions
The Classical Statistical models and its various extensions have perhaps been the most widely used technique in analyzing the
research problems in different fields of Applied Science. Inferential problem in statistical model is an old and important problem
in Statistics as well as in any other field that uses applied regression analysis.
In the present research study, the nonlinear SURE model has been specified and a feasible GLS estimator for the parametric
vector has been developed along with its asymptotic variance covariance matrix. Further, the consistent estimator of the variance
covariance matrix has been derived and it will be the nonlinear maximum likelihood estimator.

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