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The Professional Interests Test will allow you to reflect on your degree of interest in different professions or activities.
This test consists of a list of phrases. Each phrase relates to an activity for which you have to choose between four
A) I like it a lot:
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labor. Something you would like to make a living with. And something you would like to study and dedicate time to
B) I like it:
Choose this alternative if the mentioned activity is something you like to do, however you would not want to depend on it to
earn a living. It's simply something you do in your free time.
C) It does not matter to me:
Choose this alternative if you are not sure how intensely you like the mentioned activity.
D) I'm not interested in anything:
Choose this alternative if you do not like the mentioned activity, do not know it or are not interested in it.

Names and surnames: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Section………………………………………………………. TO b c d
Like very I like indifferent like
II.EE…………………………...……………………………………………… much nothing
1 Read news about political, economic and social events.
2 Imagine the distribution of furniture and accessories in a space
3 Carry out a study on economic development in a company.
4 Imagine figures in three-dimensional space
5 Invent motors based on solar or wind energy.
6 Research mathematical theories and their application in the scientific world
7 Make innovations to what you constantly do
8 Study the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance
9 Think about the origin of thought
10 Being in charge of a historical program on the radio
11 Organize theatrical or musical groups
12 Make medical appointments
13 Reflect on the problem of freedom
14 Create cosmetics or perfumes
15 Enter documents or files
16 To organize events
17 Research about women's rights.
18 Know about animals
19 Optimize communication technologies.
20 Investigate the contribution of engineering to solve traffic problems.
21 Be in charge of distributing benefits to people in need
22 Face the death and pain of others
23 Read.
24 Direct the construction of major highways
25 Understand medical information
26 Be in charge of keeping accounts, lists of attendees, correspondence, etc.
27 Train young people and prepare them for the future.
28 Analyze information about population growth.
29 Teach important subjects for the insertion of people into society
30 Act as secretary of a group or institution
31 Being in charge of a national park
32 Have interest in the relationship between crime and social policies
33 Visit a language laboratory
34 Participate in a literary workshop
35 Study irrigation methods (agriculture)
36 Do business
37 Understand the causes and effects of global warming.
38 Investigate the roles of men and women in some societies
39 Improve family relationships
40 Work outdoors and in contact with nature.
41 Study people's ways of life
TO b c d
Like very I like indifferent like
much nothing
42 Develop my musical talent
43 Being in charge of recreational activities at a school camp.
44 Manage databases.
45 Repair appliances
46 Solve conflicts between neighbors
47 Be precise in the language you use in discussions or debates.
48 Make artistic presentations
49 Work in charitable institutions
50 Be the director of a movie
51 Study the influence of genetic inheritance on diseases
52 Read current news in newspapers
53 Study the distribution of vegetation in different landscapes.
54 Visit a children's home
55 Be the representative of a public figure.
56 Prepare reports about something that has been observed or studied
57 Attend a conference about the native forest.
58 Listen to people's problems
59 Travel.
60 Make models or crafts
61 Design web pages
62 Help people feel better
63 Incorporate anti-seismic technology into buildings
64 Visit a written press or a television channel
65 Design models, packaging or advertising
66 Invent creative designs for everyday products
67 Calculate profits and losses from sales of a product
68 Be interested in many different topics
69 Understand the reasons for a legal verdict or legal sanction
70 Handle money.
71 Study and understand volcanoes and earthquakes
72 Collect money for social works.
73 Investigate the causes of cancer.
74 Write stories, letters, news.
75 Investigate how a company is managed
76 Know the origin and meaning of words
77 Create welcoming and harmonious environments or environments
78 Visit a bank
79 Visit an industrial design workshop
80 Identify the different species of animals and plants
81 Build timelines
82 Analyze the spatial and social discrimination of certain human groups.
83 Reflect on social relationships and power
84 Participate in volunteering
85 Speak and understand other languages
86 Know what remedies work for certain diseases.
87 Understand that there are many points of view to understand a phenomenon
88 Use the computer as a work organization tool.
89 Do chemical analyzes of different products
90 Learn different plastic creation techniques, such as screen printing, lithography,
91 Visit a cellulose or dairy products industry
92 Memorize and retain a lot of information
93 Being the protagonist of a play.
94 Develop my body expression
95 Work in a zoo.
96 Caring for the sick
97 Visit an exhibition of paintings.
98 Visit construction sites of a hydroelectric plant
Like very I like indifferent like
much nothing
99 Study material objects from other cultures
100 Write down all the expenses you make in the month.
101 Do scientific experiments
102 Sing or play a musical instrument
103 Lead a group
104 Juggling or acrobatics
105 Study the resistance of different construction materials
106 Make maps.
107 Communicate through singing or music.
108 Investigate statistical methods, procedures or techniques
109 Be famous for my work
110 Create robots
111 Read
112 Learn folk dances or study ballet.
113 Play sports and take care of your body
114 Visit a fishing factory and learn about the production process implemented
115 Create posters to advertise
116 Visit a scientific laboratory
117 Repair electrical appliances
118 Visit an astronomical observatory
119 Find out information about measures to control economic inflation
120 Tell stories.
121 Organize musical events.
122 Reflect on immortality and the mystery of God
123 Know and understand different religions
124 Serving people so that they enjoy and feel good
125 Be a sculptor.
126 Direct a theater performance
127 Know the stories and ways of life of important people
128 Write poetry, novels or a play
129 Defend the care of the environment
130 Work in a national park
131 Study the relationship between unemployment and years of schooling
132 Read articles that are related to companies and the way they are organized n
133 Caring for sick or needy people
134 Show interest in the applications of electronics in medicine
135 Evaluate numerically the effects of medical or dietary treatments
136 Understand the use of hormones in chicken production
137 Create a plan of a house or building
138 Invent new ways to teach mathematics
139 To help people.
140 Be in charge of classifying important documents
141 Use the Internet and manage blogs, web pages, or digital platforms.
142 Understand the theory of relativity
143 Help people
144 Learn about the customs of other peoples
145 Overcoming poverty through education
146 Help people find their calling
147 Worry about the territorial distribution of poverty in cities
148 Read reviews about newly published books
149 Know how to give injections or do cures
150 Know different computer tools to edit web pages.
151 Project or build the facilities of an industry
152 Visit a hospital to see an operation
153 Help people quit smoking
154 Work in television
155 Teaching illiterate people to read and write.
156 Study the relationship between aerosols and the ozone layer
Like very I like indifferent like
much nothing
157 teach others
158 Learn about different literary styles
159 Visit horse farms
160 Be concerned about the problem of childhood obesity.
161 Help children with learning difficulties
162 Speaking in front of a group of people
163 Prepare the annual balance sheet of a company
164 Analyze blood samples
165 Use microscopes and laboratory materials to do research.
166 Calculate the cost of manufacturing a product
167 Maintain strict records of books, CDs, DVDs, etc.
168 Prevent the appearance of cavities and tartar on teeth
169 Decide between two positions using good arguments
170 Develop technology for cell phones
171 Take photos at events
172 Learn to take x-rays and be able to interpret them
173 Organize the operation of a practice
174 Classify books in a library
175 Rehabilitate injured people
176 Worry about poverty levels in the country
177 Wondering about the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.
178 make comics
179 Explore the behavior of colors in different textures
180 Learn to repair heavy machinery
181 Interpret maps.
182 Visit agricultural crops or forest plantations
183 Understand how bridges are built
184 Direct and supervise office employees
185 Understand the behavior of liquids and gases
186 Manage a business.
187 Organize my expenses throughout the month
188 Write a column on international relations
189 Learn genetics
190 Study the customs, legends and traditions of the inhabitants of a region
191 Work with money.
192 Know the different living conditions of people
193 Think about the concepts of divinity, humanity and nature
194 Meet people from other countries
195 Help others solve their personal problems
196 Create images or sequences that convey an idea or emotion.
197 Handle industrial devices and machines such as presses, lathes, cranes, etc.
198 Organize tasks that you then distribute to others
199 Be an excursion guide
200 Worry about human problems.
201 Search for minerals in different natural environments
202 Marvel at the stones and rock formations.
203 Make medical examination reports
204 Grow a garden or orchard
205 Show others how interesting certain school subjects can be
206 Identify and quantify accident risks.
207 Teach how an airplane engine works
208 Compare the prices of a product on the market before buying it
209 Recommend summer places
210 Create a new insecticide or products to control pests.
211 Be the sales manager at a kiosk
212 Listen to people and find practical solutions to their problems
213 Direct the production of good quality fruits.
214 To compose music
Like very I like indifferent like
much nothing
215 Worry about the quality of the air we breathe.
216 Earn money with an agricultural or forestry plantation.
217 Write comments about books you have read.
218 Think about the distribution of spaces in the city.
219 Mix and match colors
220 Be in charge of a Red Cross group for accidents and illnesses
221 Discover the numerical behavior of some situation or fact
222 Communicate through dance or theater.
223 Analyze the causes of social problems
224 Be up to date on the latest news in computing.
225 Heal and cure dogs, cats and domestic animals or pets.
226 Study the effect of radiation on genes
227 Know how to assemble and disassemble computers
228 Do manual labor
229 Solve math problems
230 Use your creativity to teach something difficult or difficult
231 Speaking to a large group of people
232 Know about forest management
233 Convince others.
234 Debate using good arguments
235 Sell things
236 Help people be happier in their lives
237 Know about international cuisine and wines.
238 Preserve historical documents or archives
239 Promote studies on the ecology of a place.
240 Investigate which businesses I should participate in
241 Do statistical analysis in an investigation
242 Understand the financial part of agricultural production
243 Make reports on different aspects of the life of certain groups.
244 Learn to program in computers
245 Express myself through painting or drawing
246 Understand the origin of life
247 Do interviews
248 Being in charge of recreational activities at a school camp
249 Translate and write international trade documents
250 Being on stage.
251 Understand the organization of time and space in other communities.
252 Analyze the quality of land for agricultural purposes
253 Read news about political, economic and social events
254 Organize, plan and evaluate health campaigns
255 Belong to a musical group
256 Do scientific experiments
257 Conduct opinion polls on topics
258 Communicate ideas through literature
259 Watch the news to find out what is happening in the country and the world
260 Intervene in a family conflict before the courts of law
261 Know where to invest money
262 Learn how electrical, hydraulic, mechanical mechanisms, etc. work.
263 Being in charge of labor relations between the staff of a company.
264 Raise or care for animals
265 Find out about ancestors
266 To learn other languages
267 Earn money by exploiting a farm or plot
268 Resolve economic, legal, family or work problems
269 Visit a mechanized dairy
270 Learn to cook delicious things.
271 Create electric motors for cars
272 Discover new vegetable or plant production techniques

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