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Shipboard Contingency Plan for Small Work Boat

1. Introduction:

The Shipboard Contingency Plan for Small Work Boat provides guidance and procedures in the event of
unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that may occur onboard. This plan aims to ensure the safety
of crew members, passengers, and the vessel itself, as well as to minimize any potential environmental
impact. It should be made readily available to all crew members and regularly reviewed and updated as

2. Emergency Contact Information:

Maintain a list of emergency contact numbers, including local authorities, the Coast Guard or maritime
authority, as well as any relevant internal contacts within the company.

3. Emergency Notifications:

Establish clear protocols for notifying the appropriate personnel in the event of an emergency, including
the crew, passengers, and external authorities. Determine the responsible crew member or officer to
initiate the emergency notifications.

4. Emergency Equipment and Safety Measures:

a. Life-Saving Equipment: Ensure the vessel is equipped with sufficient life jackets, life rafts, and other
required life-saving equipment as per maritime regulations. Regularly inspect and maintain these items.

b. Fire Safety: Maintain a functioning fire detection and suppression system. Conduct regular fire drills
and ensure all crew members are trained in fire response procedures, including the use of fire
extinguishers and emergency exits.

c. First Aid: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit onboard and ensure designated crew members are trained in
first aid and CPR.

d. Communication and Navigation Systems: Ensure that all communication and navigation systems are in
good working order, including radios, GPS, and radar.

5. Man Overboard Situation:

a. Perform regular man overboard drills.

b. Immediately notify the rest of the crew and initiate search and rescue procedures.

c. Deploy lifelines and throw flotation devices to the person overboard.

d. If necessary, maneuver the vessel to safely retrieve the person.

6. Severe Weather Conditions:

a. Monitor weather forecasts regularly and inform the crew of any upcoming severe weather conditions.

b. Develop a storm avoidance plan to safely navigate around or seek shelter from severe weather.

c. Secure all loose equipment and ensure that all watertight hatches and doors are properly closed.

d. Brief the crew on safety measures during adverse weather, including the use of personal safety
equipment and proper boat handling techniques.

7. Mechanical or Equipment Failure:

a. Conduct regular maintenance checks on all equipment and machinery onboard.

b. Develop a maintenance schedule and ensure that it is followed diligently.

c. Provide training to crew members in basic troubleshooting and emergency repairs.

d. Establish communication protocols to report equipment failures and take appropriate action.

8. Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection:

a. Ensure compliance with all applicable environmental regulations.

b. Develop and implement procedures and practices to prevent pollution, including proper handling and
disposal of waste materials, oil, and hazardous substances.

c. Train the crew in spill response procedures and ensure the availability of appropriate containment and
cleanup materials.

9. Man-Made Threats or Security Incidents:

a. Establish security protocols in accordance with international regulations and local requirements.

b. Conduct regular security drills to train crew members in response procedures.

c. Maintain a clear chain of command and communication channels to report any security incidents or

10. Training and Familiarization:

Ensure that all crew members receive proper training in emergency response procedures, safety
equipment usage, and familiarity with the shipboard contingency plan. Conduct regular drills and
exercises to assess preparedness and identify areas for improvement.

Note: This contingency plan should be tailored to the specific vessel and its operations, while also
considering applicable maritime regulations and guidelines.

Remember, the safety of the crew, passengers, and the vessel is of paramount importance. Regularly
review and practice the shipboard contingency plan to maximize preparedness and ensure a prompt and
effective response to any emergency situations.

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