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The global economic crisis exerts extreme pressure on the world commerce and throws
professionals and business firms into a den of stress and strife. Several business firms fail to establish
themselves in the midst of the tough competition that takes place. The flourishing advertising industry
owes much to the severe competition that keeps the world commerce lively and stressful, as most of the
firms desperately seek to advertise and promote their products in the most professional way possible.


The image given is an advertisement of Gucci products which include bas, shoes and executive
costumes. The target audience of the advertisement is men who wear executive costumes and women
who use handbags and wear executive clothes. The image contains the figure of a woman with blonde
hair, leaning on a rock, wearing winter clothes and holding a Gucci handbag up. He eyes are closed as if
she is in a dream. The image also depicts a man wearing executive suits and looking at the woman. The
setting seems to be a warm desert in the background of clear blue sky.

The central themes of warmth and mutual subordination blend in the advertisement. The
warmth is that of youth as well as that of the desert setting. The advertisement invokes the audience to
use Gucci products to look warm and attractive as the models in the image look. This theme, in
connection with the theme of subordination, suggests that both men and women feel subordinate to
each other due to the attraction of the Gucci products. the woman seems to be mesmerized at the
presentable look of the man in the suit and the man seems to be attracted to the woman who looks
proud to feel confident by using Gucci products. The clear blue sky in the background suggests the
theme of innocence and freshness and the rock suggests the roughness of the global crisis in commerce
in which professionals undergo extreme pressure and stress.

The tone of the image is freshness and positivity. The freshness is achieved from the high quality
Gucci products and the clear blue sky in the background. The advertisement makes the audience feel
that Gucci products are essential to gain the virtue of positivity, freshness and confidence.

The stylistic devices used in the image are lighting and contrast of colour. Light falls on the
woman’s face, the handbag and the man’s clothes. It also falls on the rock and makes it stand out as a
vice on which professionals lean on. The dark colours of the rock, clothes and the handbag are placed in
complete contrast with the sky behind.

The advertisement makes the audience feel the necessity of gaining confidence by using Gucci
products. The freshness of the advertisement imparts positive attitude to the executive professionals
who require being confident enough to face the challenges of the globalized economic issues.


The advertisement is an excellent creation, blending several themes that are relevant to the
individuals who work in the midst of the current global crisis. The aim of the advertisement is to market
the product of Gucci Company, and it is very effectively met in the creation of the advertisement. The
positive tone that the image exerts on the audience is the aura that the advertisement spreads around.

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