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Vigyan Varta An International E-Magazine for Science Enthusiasts E-ISSN: 2582-9467

Popular Article Vol-3, Issue-1 Lata and Mondal (2022)

Uses of Soya Pulp as Unconventional Feeds

for Animals Feeding
Manju Lata1* and B. C. Mondal2
Ph.D Scholar, 2Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, 263145, Uttrakhand, India

Corresponding Author
Manju Lata

Soy pulp, Trypsin inhibitor, Neutral detergent fibre, Milk yield, Growth performance

How to cite this article

Lata, M. and Mondal, B. C. 2022. Uses of Soya Pulp as Unconventional Feeds for Animals Feeding.
Vigyan Varta 3(1): 1-3.

Soya pulp is the byproduct generated during production of soya milk and soya curd (tofu).
These are much cheaper and less competitive sources of livestock feed and some have
been reported to play an important role in the maintenance of normal structure and
function of intestinal mucosa because of the high fibre content of most of these products.
Soypulp is a high moisture (82-86%), semi-solid and colloidal type of material. The soya
pulp contains 96.59% OM, 21.99% CP and 27.81% NDF. Trypsin inhibitor is one of the most
important factors that will probably limit the application of soya pulp in animal feed.
Drying process requires specialized equipment and is energy intensive.

INTRODUCTION foods of animal origin is showing an increasing

trend. Concentrates is the costly component in

griculture including the livestock as an livestock raring, not only due to costly feed
integral component plays an important ingredients used, but also due to food- feed
role in Indian economy. The total competition between humans and livestock.
livestock population is 535.78 million in the Keeping these in mind, farmers and researchers
country reflected an increase of 4.6% over have been trying to incorporate new and
livestock census 2012. Latest estimate on unconventional feed resources as livestock
demand-supply gap in fodder availability feed.
shows a net deficit of 30.65 % green fodder
and 11.85 % dry crop residues in year 2020 Soya pulp is the byproduct generated during
(IGFRI Vision, 2050). This deficit is expected production of soya milk and soya curd (tofu).
to increase in upcoming years as productive These are much cheaper and less competitive
livestock population as well as the demand for sources of livestock feed and some have been

January, 2022 1 |P a g e
Vigyan Varta An International E-Magazine for Science Enthusiasts E-ISSN: 2582-9467
Popular Article Vol-3, Issue-1 Lata and Mondal (2022)

reported to play an important role in the good quality and it has been reported that it can
maintenance of normal structure and function reduce cholesterol level, regulate blood sugar in
of intestinal mucosa because of the high fibre diabetic individuals and cure irritable bowl in
content of most of these products (Adesehinwa, human being.
2007). About 1.1 kg of fresh soya curd residue
is produced from every kg of soya beans FEEDING OF SOYPULP IN ANIMALS:
processed into soya milk or tofu (Khare et al.,
Soya pulp is a good source of protein and fibre
1995). Soya pulp is a by-product of soybean
and it is also palatable to animals. Therefore, it
during the production of soya milk or tofu.
can replace part of soybean in cattle, pig, goat,
About 1.1 kg of fresh soya pulp is produced
chicken and fish feeding. Soy pulp can be fed
from every kilogram of soybeans processed into
upto 20% of the DM intake to the cattle. It’s
soya milk or tofu. Soya pulp is mostly discarded
DCP and TDN contents were 25.33 and 80.87%
as waste by industries, which is a major
for growing crossbred calves. Wang et al.
environmental concern also, due to its
(2003) in China have tried to replace 50% of
susceptibility to putrefaction. Also, the high
soybean with soya pulp in HF cows, which
moisture (85%) presents in soya pulp makes it
maintained milk yield and milk fat percentage
difficult to handle and it decays quickly.
without affecting nutrient intake. Under Indian
Soya pulp is one such product, which has not conditions, Thakur et al. (2015) replaced soya
yet been explored fully. India produced 11.86 pulp with other soya by-products viz., soybean
million tons of soybean in 2013-14 meal and full fat soya in the concentrate mixture
(Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, up to 30% without any adverse effect on DM
Government of India, 2015) mostly from intake, milk yield and milk composition of
Madhya Pradesh (also known as soybean bowl dairy cows which indicates the importance of
of India), Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Andhra this product in livestock feeding. Dietary
Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and supplementation of soya pulp in organic pig
Chhattisgarh. Soybean is used in various forms diet has also been tried. Soya pulp as a cheaper
such as feed for livestock, source of protein and source of protein can be fed to goats. Supplying
oil by human beings and also it is processed into soya pulp in adult goats feeding @ 2% of
various products such as soya milk powder, BW/day on a dry matter basis resulted in higher
soya milk, tofu, soya sauce, soya flour, soybean intakes of DM, crude protein (CP) and
oil, tempeh etc. metabolisable energy (ME) and improved the
digestibility of DM, organic matter, CP and
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: neutral detergent fibre than low levels of soya
waste (Rahman et al., 2015).
Soypulp is a byproduct of soya sauce industry.
The composition of soya pulp will depend on Methionine and cysteine were the limiting
the variety of the crop used, harvesting time, amino acids while in vitro protein digestibility
processing methods and probably drying was reasonable (Ma et al., 1997). Although,
method. Soypulp is a high moisture (82-86%), raw soya bean contains a variety of anti-
semi-solid and colloidal type of material. The nutritional factors but Stanojevic et al. (2013)
soya pulp contains 96.59% OM, 21.99% CP reported that there is marked reduction in
and 27.81% NDF (Rahman et al. 2015). activity of trypsin inhibitors, contents of lectin
Soypulp contains 0.055% mono-unsaturated and urease activity of soya pulp. Soya pulp can
and 0.147% poly-unsaturated fatty acid replace other soya by-products viz., soya bean
(Asiamaya, 2003). Soya pulp is also found to meal and in the concentrate mixture up to 30%
contain isoflavones, but in comparatively lower on nitrogen basis without any adverse effect on
amounts than in soybean. The processing DM intake, milk yield, milk composition and
method employed for soybean governs amount blood parameters in dairy cows (Thakur et al,
of isoflavones left in soya pulp. The fibre is of 2015).
January, 2022 2 |P a g e
Vigyan Varta An International E-Magazine for Science Enthusiasts E-ISSN: 2582-9467
Popular Article Vol-3, Issue-1 Lata and Mondal (2022)

CONSTRAINTS OF SOYA PULP IN effect on growth performance, FCR and milk

ANIMAL FEEDING: yield of animals.

The moisture content of fresh soya pulp is REFERENCES:

around 80-85% which makes it difficult to
preserve. Consequently, soya pulp will Adesehinwa A.O.K. (2007). Utilization of palm
decompose rapidly once produced. To kernel cake as a replacement for maize
overcome these limitations fresh soya pulp in diets of growing pigs: effects on
must be dried as early as possible under performance, serum metabolites,
appropriate drying conditions. Drying process nutrient digestibility and cost of feed
requires specialized equipment and is energy conversion. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. 13:
intensive. The resultant costs can be extremely 593-600.
high relative to the value of the product. This is
IGFRI Vision, 2050: Indian Grassland and
the major factor limiting the commercial use of
Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi (UP).
soya pulp worldwide. However, for
economizing the feeding sun drying is the Khare S.K., Jha K. and Gandhi A.P. (1995).
method of choice. Citric acid production from okara (soy-
residue) by solid-state fermentation.
Bioresour. Technol. 54: 323-325.
Raw soybeans contain a variety of anti-
Thakur M., Pannu M.S., Singh P., and Kaur J.
nutritional factors, especially trypsin inhibitors
(2015). Influence of Replacement of
which are partially inactivated during the
Soya By- products with Soya Pulp on
solvent extraction and toasting process.
Milk Yield, Composition and Blood
Trypsin inhibitor is one of the most important
Parameters in Dairy Cows. In. J. Anim.
factors that will probably limit the application
Nutr. 32 (4): 379-382.
of soya pulp in animal feed. But the processing
method employed viz., soaking and grinding of Rahman M.M., Rahman M.R., Nakagawa T.,
soybeans, reduces the amount of trypsin Abdullah R.B., Wan Khadijah W.E.
inhibitor to a level which can be safely used in and Akashi R. (2015). Effects of wet
animal feeding. soya waste supplementation on the
intake, growth and reproduction of
goats fed Napier grass. Anim. Feed Sci.
Soya pulp is a cheaper source of protein and
Technol. 199: 104-112.
fibre to animal feeding. Different workers have
tried feeding soya pulp to various classes of Wang Z., Wang L., Chen Y and Wu Z. (2003).
animals. It can be used as a replacement to Contrast trial of substituting dried tofu
conventional concentrates or unconventional pulp for soybean meal in dairy diet.
feeds for economic feeding without any adverse China Dairy Cattle 2: 24-26.

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