Victory Over Sin

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As children of God, we can live above sin! ( 2 Cor 5: 21; Rom 6: 14 ) 5. The weapon of praise 6. Prayer and intercession in the Spirit
In Christ we are an overcomer (1 John 5: 4) more than a conqueror 7. The nine supernatural gifts of the Spirit
(Rom 8: 37) we have been redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus and
God looks upon us as righteous, pure and holy. (1 Cor 1: 30) ; 4. God’s goal for our lives as Christians. (Eph 2: 10; Rom 8: 29)
1 Thess. 5: 23 ; James 4: 17 The goal of the Christian life is that every child of God be conformed to
the image of Jesus Christ. Our entire lifestyle and our whole being must
Sin is falling short, missing the mark, failing to do what God has told us reflect Jesus. We are to walk, talk and act just like Jesus!
to do. All sin involves a matter of the will and a matter of choice! All sin Genesis 1: 26-28 ...outlines God’s original plan for man:
starts in the mind and then manifests in the flesh. * God’s image in man was marred by sin
James 1: 14-15 * Man, who was destined to be a ruler, became a slave - the slave of sin
and Satan.
1. How to overcome sin and live above sin When we are born again as new creation in Christ, we receive:
1. We must remember that God has specifically promised us and * Restoration to God’s image and God’s likeness
provided us a way to escape in every temptation. * Divine authority to rule and reign on earth as kings and priests unto
(Jude 24; 1 Cor. 10: 13) God
2. We must read our Bible habitually every single day, letting God’s As born-again-new creations in Christ, we are to:
Word live in us by consistently feeding on it (John 15: 7) * Show God to the world
3. We must stay off the devil’s territory and not compromise with the * Exercise God’s authority in the each and walk in dominion
world. If we play with fire, we will be burnt (1 John 2: 15-17)
* We must guard our thought life. TV programs, movies, video and 5. Speak Words of Victory
magazines can influence our mind and cause us to sin. Our Lord Jesus Christ when he walked this earth, always watched His
* We must be selective with our friendships and the people with words and maintained a positive confession of faith. Jesus always spoke
whom we associate. We must avoid ungodly relationship. faith-filled words. He used the spoken word of God to overcome Satan
* We must avoid places that negatively affect our spiritual life or and walk in victory (Luke 4: 1-13)
that dishonour the Gospel of Christ. Remember, the Bible says, (Proverbs 18: 21)
“Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thess 5: 22). We should
not go any place that dishonours the Gospel of Christ. There is a law of increase or decrease in our tongue. Speak life not
4. We must have a consistent prayer life and build up our inward man death; speak words of victory and faith not fear, failure or defeat.
by praying in tongues (Jude 20) ; Matthew 26: 41
5. We must resist the devil with the weapons of God: the Word, the These are some statements we can boldly make based on what God’s
Blood and the Name of Jesus. James 4: 7 word says about us:

2. The Armour of God * “I’ve got the mind of Christ” * God’s grace and favour are upon
God’s Word reveals that we are: * “Jesus has been made unto me my life and make me a
* Spiritual soldiers in God’s spiritual army with the assignment of wisdom” blessing everywhere I go.
reaching the world for Jesus (2 Timothy 2: 3-4) * “The greater one lives inside of me” * No weapon of the devil formed
* In spiritual army training, learning how to be overcomers in this * “A good man out of the good treasure against me will prosper, because I am
life (Eph. 4: 11-12) of his heart brings forth good things” an overcome in Christ.
* Equipped with spiritual armour and spiritual weapons to fight the * “The steps of a righteous man are * The Holy Spirit is my teacher, my
good fight of faith and defeat our enemies in spiritual warfare ordered by the Lord. My steps are guide, my helper and my constant
(2 Cor. 10: 4-5; Ephesians 6: 10-18) ordered by the Lord.” companion and comforter.
Remember, the armour of God does not protect us * “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not * By the stripes of Jesus Christ I am
automatically. We have to put it on! live in lack” healed and walk in divine health.
* The Lord is my shepherd. He guides * The angels of God daily surround
There are three reasons for putting on the whole armour of God. me, He protects me and He provides me, protect me and make my way
1. We can fulfill Eph 6: 10 and be strong in the Lord. We for me. prosperous.
walk in the ability of God by wearing the armour of God. * My God supplies all my needs in Jesus
2. We can successfully resist, defeat and overcome all of Satan’s Name - every one of them!
flaming arrows aimed at us (Eph 6: 11, 13, 16) * Through the blood of Jesus I am forgiven,
3. We can stand, praying effectively - (for example, how can we redeemed and in right standing with God.
pray effectively if we’re not wearing the breastplate of
righteousness?) 6. Is your soul Prosperous?
3 John 2 - A prosperous soul: by and brought under subjection to
3. The Believer’s Spiritual Armour and Weapon * Thinks like God think the Word of God.
Eph 6: 10-18, lists spiritual armour that God has given us: * Meditates on the things that are
1. Belt of Truth 2. Breastplate of Righteousness found in the word (Phlp 4: 8) The Bible tells us:
3. Gospel shoes of Peace 4. Shield of Faith * Has a mind that is received, * Adam walked with God
5. Helmet of Salvation 6. Sword of the Spirit converted, revived and healed by * Enoch walked with God
7. Prayer the Word of God * Abraham was called the friend of
II Cor 10: 4-5 instructs us to use the spiritual weapons that God has * Has a will that is conformed to God
given us. God’s will * Elijah knew the intimate presence
1. The blood of Jesus 2. The spoken word 3. The name of Jesus * Has emotions that are controlled of the Lord
4.The indwelling Holy Spirit as protector. He builds a protective shield
When our souls are prospering and we are daily walking close to God, then
around us at salvation (1 John 4: 4)
we will be aware of God’s presence, know His Voice and walk in His perfect

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