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Michelangelo Buonarroti

He was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese
(Florence), near Arezzo. At the age of sixteen,
he had already made at least two relief
sculptures. His patron, Lorenzo the
Magnificent, died in 1492; two years later he
left Florence.

For a time he settled in Bologna, where

between 1494 and 1495 he sculpted three
marble statues for the Ark of St. Dominic in the
church of the same name.

He then traveled to Rome, where he studied the

ruins and statues of classical antiquity that were
then being discovered. He made his first large-
scale sculpture at the age of twenty-three.

Parallel to his work as a sculptor, he had the

opportunity to demonstrate his expertise as a
painter. In 1505 he interrupted his work in
Florence when he was called to Rome by Pope
Julius II to carry out two commissions.

He died in 1564, in Rome, at the age of 89,

being recognized in life and after his death as a
genius of the arts, in all its branches.

Opinion and Contributions

In my opinion I think that Michelangelo was a
great artist and contributed great things to
humanity since his works inspired the whole

Until this last century Michelangelo has been a

reference in many sculptures and paintings,
even in architectural works. Painters such as
Pedro Rubiales and Gaspar Becerra were
inspired by his works to paint their pictures.

In addition, he left great sculptural works such

as "David", "The Pietà", frescoes and paintings
such as The Vault of the Sistine Chapel, "The
Fall of Man, Original Sin and Expulsion from
Paradise" for us to observe today.
As a curiosity we can observe this photo of a
blind child, who was allowed to touch
Michelangelo's Pietà.

Jesús Savona Romero, No. 20, 2nd Bach C

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