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Name of subject

Management Competencies
Name of Bachelor's Degree
Lic. Human Resources Management

Student's name
Jose Roberto Chin Rosado
Task Name
Case analysis: Manager ricardo
Unit 2
Effective communication

Tutor's Name
Ángel Francisco Carrillo Hernández
January 22, 2018
Unit 2: Effective communication
Management Competencies



People commonly believe that communicating is as easy and natural as speaking and hearing,
when in reality communication is complex and challenging to manage efficiently. Many of the
problems of effectiveness and suffering that we face in today's world, both in organizations and
in our personal lives, are related to incompetencies in the way we converse and relate to others.
Many people suffer because of their inability to be heard, their difficulty to complain or their
difficulty to recognize the work of others and all of this is a consequence of poor communication.
This is why effective communication is an essential component for the success of an
organization, since it is not only interpersonal, person to person, but also intergroup,
organizational and external communication. We all need to have good communication skills to
be able to perform in each of them. But the most important thing is to be willing to collaborate
and to keep in mind that our words and actions are the key to the development of our
organization, company, or any workplace we represent.


Diagnosis of the situation

The verbal communication that the manager Ricardo has had with the psychologist gives us
clear information that there is no good communication because there is no teamwork, it is not
possible to exercise leadership, nor human relations inside or outside the company. What can
we say about the individual? Without communication, there is no self-esteem, family, self-control
or personal development. All of this is a reflection of his own job dissatisfaction and frustration.

Description of the problem

The manager Ricardo is not being an effective communicator so the reactions he is generating
with all his subordinates may not be as adequate as required to achieve the company's

Objectives / goals to be achieved

Unit 2: Effective communication
Management Competencies

Ricardo's manager must have the following objectives to achieve if he wants to get out of the
critical point where he is currently:
 Know and understand the basic components of communication (sender, receiver,
message, channel, interference and reinforcement).
 Develop and reinforce skills for greater effectiveness in their interpersonal relationships.
 Identify strengths and opportunities, essential for improving the level of communication in
the work environment.
 Discover the various barriers that impede communication, analyze the reasons for their
occurrence and take preventive measures to avoid the obstacles.

As for the goal to be achieved, it is very clear: it must develop and maintain an effective
communication system in the organization that promotes motivation by informing and clarifying
to employees about the tasks to be performed, how to perform the task and how to improve their

Justification / Consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the main


Communication in companies is one of the most important and critical points, since the
development of all activities and projects depends on it. If this is not effective and does not have
the correct and efficient methods, there is a risk of reaching critical points such as:
misunderstandings, inadequate notification of priorities, confusing orders or application of
misinterpreted personal criteria(I thought that...they told me that...I didn't know that...), all this
generates a tense and unproductive organizational climate. One of the main obstacles is not
recognizing that barriers exist. This goes hand in hand with a lack of awareness of the
complexity of interpersonal and organizational communication.

Action plan and implementation strategies or techniques

Unit 2: Effective communication
Management Competencies

Communication allows us to build teams, organize companies, design projects and build solid
relationships, which are fundamental to generate a climate of trust, effectiveness, respect and
In order to achieve the above, it is necessary to take into account the following:
 Define goals and expectations clearly at both the group and individual level, decipher
exactly what is required on a given project and ensure that all personnel are the
objectives of the project, the area and the company as a whole.
 Deliver the message clearly, bluntly and politely so that it is understood and does not
cause confusion or may be offensive.
 Choose the appropriate medium to convey the message. Although face-to-face
communication is undoubtedly the best way to build trust with employees, it is not always
the best option.
 Ensure that lines of communication are kept open at all times.
 Encourage 360° feedback.

It is also important to carry out effective communication techniques such as:

 Active listening, that is, listening and understanding communication from the point of view
of the speaker.
 Show empathy
 Paraphrase
 Issuing words of reinforcement or compliments
 Summarize


In this life almost everything is communication. We communicate every day and every moment.
During many moments of the day we are trying to achieve something through communication,
which is why effective communication on our part is so important to help us achieve our desired
objectives. To achieve this, it is necessary to transmit our ideas as clearly as possible and to
issue concrete orders on the activities to be carried out to all the members of the work team.

Unit 2: Effective communication
Management Competencies

By having an effective communication we will be able to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings,

resulting in successful projects, satisfactorily completed activities and the achievement of our
organization's objectives.

Bibliographic references.

Bermúdez, Lily; Gónzalez, Liliana (2011). Communicative competence. Venezuela.

Case: El Gerente Ricardo Mexico:
Aristizabal, Natalia (Business in Telemedellín, 2012). Tips for good communication in the

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