Solving Quadratic Equation Worksheet

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Classwork: 6 September 2023

Solving Quadratic Equation

1. Solve the following quadratic equation using factorisation method:

a. 3x2 - x = 0 f. 4x2 - 29x + 7 = 0

b. 21x2 + 7x =0 g. 36x2 + x - 2 = 0

c. x2 =
4 h. 10x2 + 19x - 2 = 0

d. 4x2 = 1 i. 2x2 + 7x = 15

e. 12x2 - 16x + 5 = 0 j. 3x2 + 10x = 8

2. Solve the following quadratic equation using formula, give answers to two decimal
places when necessary:

a. 2x2 + 11x + 5 = 0 d. 12 - 5x2 - 11x = 0

b. x2 - 7x + 2 = 0 e. 10 - x - 3x2 = 0

c. 3x2 + 8x - 6 = 0

3. The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 143. Find the numbers

4. The area of the rectangle exceeds the area of the square by 24 m2. Find x
5. Sang Jae walks a certain distance due North and then same distance plus a further 7
km due East. If the final distance from the starting point is 17 km, find the distances
he walks North and East

6. A farmer makes a profit of x cents on each of the (x+5) eggs her hen lays. If her total
profit was 84 cents, find the number of eggs the hen lays

7. An increase of speed of 4 km/h on a journey of 32 km reduces the time taken by 4

hours. Find the original speed

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