Electrical Installation Contract Model

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According to Budget No. dated

In the city of a from of two

thousand .

On the one hand, D. of legalage,
residing in the town of street and
holder of tax identification number on behalf of (1)
hereinafter the (2)

And on the other hand, D.

of legal age, with Tax ID No. on behalf of the electrical
installation company with registered
office in the town of street registered
in the Industrial Registry of Alicante under No. 03/. and in possession of the
Authorized Low Voltage Installer Certificate nº , hereinafter referred to as the
Electrical Installation Company.

The first in the name and on behalf of (1)
of which he holds sufficient power of attorney; the second as owner/manager of the
Electrical Installations Company.
Both in the representation shown with the necessary legal capacity to grant the
present contract, freely and spontaneously, SAY:
That having agreed that the Electrical Installations Company shall carry out the work
indicated in Estimate No. hereby enter into this agreement subject to the


FIRST: The Electrical Installations Company undertakes to carry out the works indicated in the Budget
No. which serves as the basis for the present document, and which, signed by the
Contracting Parties, is attached to this Contract to form part of it for all legal purposes, for the agreed
upon lump sum price of Euros (3). Any variation
therefrom shall be accepted in writing by the contractor.

SECOND.- D. will pay to Empresa

de Instalaciones Eléctricas
the agreement price as follows (4):

THIRD: Once the works contained in the Budget have been completed, the Contractor shall sign the
agreement to the same within 10 days. If he does not agree with the work carried out, he shall submit
to the Electrical Installation Company, in writing and in an irrefutable manner, the objections he deems
FOURTH: The Installer undertakes to correct any anomalies attributable to him due to deficiencies in
his installation, and not those caused by breakage, misuse, theft or any other similar causes.
This warranty will have a duration of six months from the commissioning of the installation and will be
void if prior to the communication there has been an intervention of a third party in the installation.
FIFTH.- The attached Budget is subject to cost variations that may occur during the execution of the
works, both with regard to the materials and labor employed.

SIXTH: If, due to any provision of the competent body, modifications were to be made to the project
object of this contract, the variation involved will have repercussions on the price of the same, and the
contractor must accept it, prior justification of the difference.

SEVENTH: The projects and/or Certificates of Electrical Installation in LV. to be submitted to the
competent bodies, if necessary, as well as the costs of processing and diligence of administrative
documents related to the works shall be borne by the contractor, and the Electrical Installation
Company may do so, if the contractor entrusts it to do so, in which case it shall pay the costs, rights
and fees that have been generated. Electrical Installation Certificates at B.T. shall not be delivered by
the Electrical Installation Company to the Owner of the same until the total price agreed upon in this
contract and, if applicable, in the modifications that may have been agreed upon by the parties, has
been paid in full.

EIGHTH: The materials are in deposit as long as they have not been paid in full by the contractor, and
the Installation Company reserves the right to remove them from the work for lack of payment or for
any other anomaly, without the right of accession in favor of the owner of the land or property.

NINTH: The Electrical Installation Company shall be provided with a perfectly enclosed room or rooms
on the same site and of the surface necessary for the normal operation of its work, which shall also be
used as a warehouse for the materials to be used in its work, and the contractor shall be responsible
for the security of the same.

TENTH: If for any circumstance the work is stopped, the Contractor shall pay the Electrical Installation
Company for all the work it had carried out up to that date, as well as the work started and prepared in
its own workshop. In case of resumption of the work, the Installation Company may or may not
continue the work until its conclusion.

ELEVENTH - For the decision of all litigious matters arising from this contract or legal act, expressly
waiving their own jurisdiction, the parties submit to the institutional arbitration of the Arbitration Court of
Alicante, entrusting to the same the appointment of arbitrators and administration of the arbitration, as
well as the obligation to comply with the arbitration decision.

TWELFTH: Any other aspect not included in the present Contract shall be governed by the provisions
of Law 3/2004, of December 29th and Law 15/2010, of July 6th.

OTHERS - (5)

And in proof of conformity of the parties with what is stated in this contract, they sign the document in
the place and on the date indicated in the heading.

For the (2) By Empresa Instaladora Electricista

Fdo: Fdo:
D. D.

(1) The same, if a private individual. If you are a legal entity, please indicate: company name and VAT number .
(2) Indicate: Contractor, Developer, Owner, etc....
(3) Indicate the amount in letters.
(4) Indicate dates and quantities or percentages.
(5) Indicate those deemed appropriate.

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