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Green Algorithms: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint

of Computation
Loïc Lannelongue,* Jason Grealey, and Michael Inouye*

1. Introduction
Climate change is profoundly affecting nearly all aspects of life on earth,
including human societies, economies, and health. Various human activities The concentration of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) in the atmosphere has a dramatic
are responsible for significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including
influence on climate change with both
data centers and other sources of large-scale computation. Although many global and locally focused consequences,
important scientific milestones are achieved thanks to the development of such as rising sea levels, devastating wild-
high-performance computing, the resultant environmental impact is fires in Australia, extreme typhoons in the
underappreciated. In this work, a methodological framework to estimate the Pacific, severe droughts across Africa, as
carbon footprint of any computational task in a standardized and reliable way well as repercussions for human health.
With 100 megatonnes of CO2 emissions
is presented and metrics to contextualize GHG emissions are defined. A freely
per year (Note S1, Supporting information),
available online tool, Green Algorithms ( is similar to American commercial aviation,
developed, which enables a user to estimate and report the carbon footprint the contribution of data centers and high-
of their computation. The tool easily integrates with computational processes performance computing facilities to climate
as it requires minimal information and does not interfere with existing code, change is substantial. So far, rapidly in-
creasing demand has been paralleled by
while also accounting for a broad range of hardware configurations. Finally,
increasingly energy-efficient facilities, with
the GHG emissions of algorithms used for particle physics simulations, overall electricity consumption of data cen-
weather forecasts, and natural language processing are quantified. Taken ters somewhat stable. However, this stabil-
together, this study develops a simple generalizable framework and freely ity is likely to end in the coming years, with
available tool to quantify the carbon footprint of nearly any computation. a best-case scenario forecasting a three-
Combined with recommendations to minimize unnecessary CO2 emissions, fold increase in the energy needs of the
the authors hope to raise awareness and facilitate greener computation.
Advances in computation, includ-
ing those in hardware, software, and

L. Lannelongue, Prof. M. Inouye J. Grealey, Prof. M. Inouye

Cambridge Baker Systems Genomics Initiative Cambridge Baker Systems Genomics Initiative
Department of Public Health and Primary Care Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
University of Cambridge Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia
Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK J. Grealey
E-mail:;; Department of Mathematics and Statistics La Trobe University
L. Lannelongue, Prof. M. Inouye Melbourne 3086, Australia
British Heart Foundation Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit Prof. M. Inouye
Department of Public Health and Primary Care British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence
University of Cambridge University of Cambridge
Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK
L. Lannelongue, Prof. M. Inouye Prof. M. Inouye
Health Data Research UK Cambridge National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research
Wellcome Genome Campus and University of Cambridge Centre
Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals
Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK
Prof. M. Inouye
The Alan Turing Institute
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
London NW1 2DB, UK
can be found under
© 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
DOI: 10.1002/advs.202100707

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (1 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

algorithms, have enabled scientific research to progress at un- need for both a general and easy-to-use methodology for estimat-
precedented rates. Weather forecasts have increased in accuracy ing carbon emissions that can be applied to any computational
to the point where 5-day forecasts are approximately as accu- task.
rate as 1-day forecasts 40 years ago,[3] physics algorithms have In this study, we present a simple and widely applicable
produced the first direct image of a black hole 55 million light- method and a tool for estimating the carbon footprint of com-
years away,[4–6] the human genome has been mined to uncover putation. The method considers the different sources of energy
thousands of genetic variants for disease,[7] and machine learn- usage, such as processors and memory, overhead of comput-
ing (ML) permeates many aspects of society, including economic ing facilities and geographic location, while balancing accuracy
and social interactions.[8–11] An example of the scale of compu- and practicality. The online calculator (
tational research in science is the Extreme Science and Engi- org) implements this methodology and provides further context
neering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) in the USA. In 2020 by interpreting carbon amounts using travel distances and car-
only, almost 9 billion compute hours have been used for sci- bon sequestration. We demonstrate the applicability of the Green
entific computing,[12] a pace of 24 million h per day. Yet, the Algorithms method by estimating the carbon footprint of parti-
costs associated with large-scale computation are not being fully cle physics simulations, weather forecast models, and NLP al-
captured. gorithms as well as the carbon effects of distributed computa-
Power consumption results in GHG emissions and the envi- tion using multiple CPUs. Finally, we make recommendations
ronmental costs of performing computations using data centers, on ways for scientists to reduce their GHG emissions as well as
personal computers, and the immense diversity of architectures discuss the limitations of our approach.
are unclear. While programmes in green computing (the study of
environmentally responsible information and communications
technologies) have been developed over the past decade, these 2. Results
mainly focus on energy-efficient hardware and cloud-related We developed a simple method which estimates the carbon foot-
technologies.[13–15] print of an algorithm based on a number of factors, including
With widely recognized power-hungry and expensive train- the hardware requirements of the tool, the runtime and the loca-
ing algorithms, deep learning has begun to address its carbon tion of the data center (Experimental Section). Using a pragmatic
footprint. ML models have grown exponentially in size over the scaling factor (PSF), we further augment our model by allowing
past few years,[16] with some algorithms training for thousands for empirical estimates of repeated computations for a particular
of core-hours, and the associated energy consumption and cost task, for example, parameter tuning and trial-and-errors. The re-
have become a growing concern.[17] In natural language process- sultant gCO2 e is compared to the amount of carbon sequestered
ing (NLP), Strubell et al.[18] found that designing and training by trees and the emissions of common activities such as driving
translation engines can emit between 0.6 and 280 tonnes of CO2 . a car and air travel. We designed a freely available online tool,
While not all NLP algorithms require frequent retraining, algo- Green Algorithms (; Figure 1), which
rithms in other fields are run daily or weekly, multiplying their implements our approach and allows users to evaluate their com-
energy consumption. Astronomy also relies largely on supercom- putations or estimate the carbon savings or costs of redeploying
puters to analyses data, which has motivated some investigations them on other architectures.
into the carbon footprint of the field.[19,20] For example, it has We apply this tool to a range of algorithms selected from a va-
been estimated that the usage of supercomputers by Australian riety of scientific fields: physics (particle simulations and DNA
astronomers emits 15 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, equivalent to irradiation), atmospheric sciences (weather forecasting), and ML
22 tonnes per researcher.[21] Cryptocurrencies, and their so-called (NLP) (Figure 2). For each task, we curate published benchmarks
“mining farms,” have also seen their environmental impact in- and use to estimate the GHG emis-
crease exponentially in recent years, and several reports have sions (Experimental Section). For parameters independent of the
shed doubts on their sustainability. A 2018 study estimated the algorithm itself, we use average worldwide values, such as the
yearly energy usage of Bitcoin to be 46 TWh, resulting in 22 Mt of worldwide average power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.67[26]
CO2 released in the atmosphere.[22] In March 2021, Bitcoin usage and carbon intensity (CI) of 475 gCO2 e kWh−1 .[27]
is estimated to be 130 TWh, which, if Bitcoin was a country, would
rank its energy usage in 28th highest position in the world, ahead
of Argentina and Ukraine.[23] Although crypto-mining relies on 2.1. Particle Physics Simulations
dedicated hardware (application-specific integrated circuits) in-
stead of usual processors; therefore, it does not compete directly In particle physics, complex simulations are used to model the
with scientific computing. Regardless, the magnitude of its car- passage of particles through matter. Geant4[28] is a popular toolkit
bon footprint needs to be addressed urgently. based on Monte-Carlo methods with wide-ranging applications,
Previous studies have made advances in estimating GHG such as the simulation of detectors in the Large Hadron Collider
emissions of computation but have limitations which preclude and analysis of radiation burden on patients in clinical practice
broad applicability. These limitations include the requirement or external beam therapy.[29–31] Meylan et al.[32] investigated the
that users self-monitor their power consumption[18] and are biological effects of ionizing radiations on DNA on an entire hu-
restricted with respect to hardware (e.g., GPUs and/or cloud man genome (6.4 × 109 nucleotide pairs) using GEANT4-DNA,
systems[24,25] ), software (e.g., Python package integration[25] ), or an extension of GEANT4.
applications (e.g., ML).[18,24,25] To facilitate green computing and To quantify the DNA damage of radiation, they run experi-
widespread user uptake, there is a clear, and arguably urgent, ments with photons of different energy, from 0.5 to 20 MeV. Each

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (2 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 1. The Green Algorithms calculator (

experiment runs for three weeks to simulate 5000 particles (pro- York to San Francisco. In terms of carbon sequestration (Experi-
tons) using 24 processing threads and up to 10 GB of memory. mental Section), it would take a mature tree 49 years to remove
Using the Green Algorithms tool, and assuming an average CPU the CO2 equivalent to the GHG emissions of this study from the
power draw (such as the Xeon E5-2680, capable of running 24 atmosphere (593 tree-months).
threads on 12 cores), and worldwide average values for PUE and A common way to reduce the running time of algorithms is
CI, we estimated that a single experiment emits 49 465 gCO2 e. to distribute the computations over multiple processing cores. If
When taking into account a PSF of 11, corresponding to the 11 the benefit in terms of time is well documented for each task,
different energy levels tested, the carbon footprint of such study as in[33] , the environmental impact is usually not taken into ac-
is 544 115 gCO2 e. Using estimates of car and air travel (Exper- count. GEANT4 is a versatile toolbox; it contains an electromag-
imental Section), 544 115 gCO2 e is approximately equivalent to netic package simulating particle transport in matter and high
driving 3109 km (in a European car) or flying economy from New energy physics detector response.[34] Schweitzer et al.[33] use a

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (3 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 2. Carbon footprint (gCO2 e) for a selection of algorithms, with and without their pragmatic scaling factor.

cores, distributing the computations will worsen the carbon foot-

print. In particular, scientists should be mindful of marginal im-
provements in running time which have disproportionally large
effects on GHG emissions, as demonstrated by the gap between
30 and 60 cores in Figure 3. For any parallelized computation,
there is likely to be a specific optimal number of cores for mini-
mal GHG emissions.

2.2. Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasts are based on sophisticated models simulating

the dynamics between different components of the earth (such
as the atmosphere and oceans). Operational models face strin-
gent time requirements to provide live predictions to the pub-
lic, with a goal of running about 200–300 forecast days (FDs)
in one (wall clock) day.[36] Neumann et al.[36] present the perfor-
mances of two models in use for current weather forecasts: i) the
Integrated Forecast System (IFS)[37] used by the European Cen-
tre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for 10-day
Figure 3. Effect of parallelization using multiple cores on run time and forecasts, and ii) the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON)[38] de-
carbon footprint using TestEm12 GEANT4 simulation. signed by the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst,
DWD) and whose predictions are used by more than 30 national
weather services.[39]
standardized example, TestEm12,[35] to compare the perfor- The configurations in daily use by the ECMWF include a su-
mances of different hardware configurations, from 1 to 60 cores percomputer based in Reading, UK, which has a PUE of 1.45,[40]
(i.e., a full Xeon Phi CPU). With the Green Algorithms tool, we while ICON is run on the German Meteorological Computa-
estimated the carbon footprint of each configuration (Figure 3), tion Centre (DMRZ)[41] based in Germany (PUE unknown). Neu-
which shows that increasing the number of cores up to 15 im- mann et al.[36] ran their experiments on hardware similar to what
proves both running time and GHG emissions. However, when equips both facilities, “Broadwell” CPU nodes (Intel E5-2695v4,
multiplying the number of cores further by 4 (from 15 to 60), the 36 cores) and minimum 64 GB memory per node. We utilize
running time is only halved, resulting in a twofold increase in these parameters for our CO2 e emission estimates. It is impor-
emissions, from 238 to 481 gCO2e. Generally, if the reduction in tant to note that ICON and IFS each solve slightly different prob-
running time is lower than the relative increase in the number of lems, and therefore are not directly comparable.

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (4 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

The DWD uses ICON with a horizontal resolution of 13 km[42] parameters search, we obtain a carbon footprint of 75 440 740
and generates a FD in 8 min. Based on the experiments run by gCO2 e.
Neumann et al.,[36] this requires 575 Broadwell nodes (20 700 While BERT is a particularly widely utilized NLP tool, Google
CPU cores). We estimate that generating one FD emits 12 848 has also developed a chatbot algorithm, Meena, which was
gCO2 e (14 tree-months). With a running time of 8 min per trained for 30 days on a TPU-v3 Pod containing 2048 Tensor Pro-
FD, ICON can generate 180 FDs in 24 h. When taking into ac- cessing Unit (TPU) cores.[51] There is limited information on the
count this PSF of 180, we estimated that each day, the ICON power draw of TPU cores and memory; however, the power sup-
weather forecasting algorithm releases ≈2 312 653 gCO2 e, equiv- ply of this pod has been estimated to be 288 kW.[52] Using a run
alent to driving 13 215 km or flying from New York to San Fran- time of 30 days, assuming full usage of the TPUs and ignoring
cisco four times. In terms of carbon sequestration, the emissions memory power draw, the Greens Algorithms calculator estimated
of each day of ICON weather forecast are equivalent to 2523 tree- that Meena training emitted 164 488 320 gCO2 e, which corre-
months. sponds to 179 442 tree-months or 71 flights between New-York
At ECMWF, IFS makes 10-day operational weather forecasts and Melbourne.
with a resolution of 9 km. To achieve a similar threshold of 180
FDs per day, 128 Broadwell nodes are necessary (4608 cores).[36,43] 3. Discussion
Using the PUE of the UK ECMWF facility (1.45), we estimate the
impact of producing one FD with IFS to be 1660 gCO2 e. Using The method and Green Algorithms tool presented here provides
a PSF of 180 for one day’s forecasts, we estimated emissions of users with a practical way to estimate the carbon footprint of their
298 915 gCO2 e, equivalent to driving 1708 km or three return computations. The method focuses on producing sensible esti-
flights between Paris and London. These emissions are equiva- mates with small overheads for scientists wishing to measure
lent to 326 tree-months. the footprint of their work. Consequently, the online calculator
Furthermore, we modeled the planned scenario of the is simple to use and generalizable to nearly any computational
ECMWF transferring its supercomputing to Bologna, Italy, in task. We applied the Green Algorithms calculator to a variety of
2021.[44] Compared to the data center in Reading, the new data tasks, including particle physics simulations, weather forecast-
center in Bologna is estimated to have a more efficient PUE of ing, and NLP, to estimate their relative and ongoing carbon emis-
1.27.[45] Prima facie this move appears to save substantial GHG sions. Real-world changes to computational infrastructures, such
emissions; however, it is notable that the CI of Italy is 33% higher as moving data centers, was also quantifiable in terms of carbon
than the UK.[46] Unless the sources of electricity for the data cen- footprint and was shown to be of substantive importance; for ex-
ter in Bologna are different from the rest of Italy and in the ab- ample, moving data centers may attain a more efficient PUE but a
sence of further optimizations, we estimated that the move would difference in CI may negate any efficiency gains, potentially mak-
result in an 18% increase in GHG emissions from the ECMWF ing such a move detrimental to the environment.
(from 298 915 to 350 063 gCO2 e). Our work substantially enhances and extends prior frame-
works for estimating the carbon footprint of computation. In
particular, we have integrated and formalized previously unclear
2.3. Natural Language Processing factors such as core usage and unitary power draw (per-core
or per-GB of memory). As a result, and as presented in the
In NLP, the complexity and financial costs of model training Experimental Section, the carbon footprint of an algorithm can
are major issues.[17] This has motivated the development of lan- be broken down to a small number of key, easily quantifiable
guage representations that can be trained once to model the com- elements, such as number of cores, memory size and usage
plexity of natural language, and which could be used as input factor. This reduces the burden on the user, who is not required
for more specialized algorithms. The BERT (Bidirectional En- to either measure the power draw of hardware manually or use
coder Representations from Transformers)[47] algorithm is a field a limited range of cloud providers for their computations. This
leader which yields both high performance and flexibility: state- makes the method highly flexible in comparison to previous
of-the-art algorithms for more specific tasks are obtained by fine- work. Besides drawing attention to the growing issue of GHG
tuning a pre-trained BERT model, for example in scientific text emissions of data centers, one of the benefits of presenting a
analysis[48] or biomedical text mining.[49] Yet, while the BERT detailed open methodology and tool is to provide users with the
model is intended to avoid retraining, many data scientists, per- information they need to reduce their carbon footprint. Perhaps
haps understandably, continue to recreate or attempt to improve the most important challenge in green computing is to make the
upon BERT, leading to redundant and ultimately inefficient com- estimation and reporting of GHG emissions a standard practice.
putation as well as excess CO2 e emissions. Even with optimized This requires transparent and easy-to-use methodology, such
hardware (such as NVIDIA Volta GPUs), a BERT training run as the Green Algorithms calculator (
may take three days or more.[50] and the open-source code and data presented here (see section
Using these optimized parameters, Strubell et al.[18] showed Code availability).
that a run time of 79 h on 64 Tesla V100 GPUs was necessary to Our approach has a number of limitations. First, the carbon
train BERT, with a usage factor of the GPUs of 62.7%. With the footprint estimated is restricted to GHGs emitted to power com-
Greens Algorithms calculator, we estimated that a BERT training puters during a particular task. We do not perform a life cycle
run would emit 754 407 gCO2 e (driving 4311 km in a European assessment and therefore, do not consider the full environmen-
car; 1.3 flights from New York to San Francisco; and 823 tree- tal and social impact of manufacturing, maintaining, and dis-
months). When considering a conservative PSF of 100 for hyper- posing of the hardware used, or the maintenance of the power

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (5 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

plants. Including these is impractical at scale and would greatly 3.1. Algorithm Optimization
reduce who can use the method. Besides, the conversion of the
impact of various GHG into CO2 e is commonly based on a 100- Increasing the efficiency of an algorithm can have myriad ben-
year timescale; however, this is now debated as it can misrepre- efits, even apart from reducing its carbon footprint. Therefore,
sent the impact of short-lived climate pollutants like methane[53] we highly recommend this and foresee algorithm optimization
and new standards may be needed in the future. Second, the TDP as one of the most productive, easily recognizable core activities
may substantially underestimate power draw in some situations. of green computing. While speed is an obvious efficiency gain,
For example, when hyperthreading is used, the real power con- part of algorithm optimization also includes memory minimiza-
sumption can be double the indicated TDP.[54] The TDP value tion. The power draw from memory mainly depends on the mem-
remains a sensible estimate of the base consumption of the pro- ory available, not the actual memory used,[63] and the memory
cessor in most situations, but users using hyperthreading should available is often the peak memory needed for one step of the al-
be aware of the impact on power consumption. Third, while the gorithm (typically a merge or aggregation). By optimizing these
power consumption from storage is usually minimal at the scale steps, one can easily reduce energy consumption.
of one computation, if central storage is constantly queried by
the algorithm (for example, to avoid overloading memory), this
3.2. Reduce the Pragmatic Scaling Factor
can be an important factor in power draw; however, there are re-
sources which can be utilized if the algorithm is designed to be
Limiting the number of times an algorithm runs, especially those
heavily storage reliant.[55] Moreover, at the scale of the data cen-
that are power hungry, is perhaps the easiest way to reduce carbon
ter, storage represents a significant part of electricity usage[55] and
footprint. Relatedly, best practices to limit PSF (as well as finan-
research projects relying on large databases should separately
cial cost) include limiting parameter fine-tuning to the minimum
acknowledge the long-term carbon footprint of storage. Fourth,
necessary and building a small-scale example for debugging.
while some averaging is necessary, the energy mix of a coun-
try varies by the hour. For example, the CI of South Australia,
which relies on wind and gas to produce electricity,[56] can vary 3.3. Choice of Data Center
between 112 and 592 gCO2 e kWh−1 within one day, depending
on the quantity of coal-produced electricity imported from the Carbon footprint is directly proportional to data center efficiency
neighboring state of Victoria.[57] Although most regions are rel- and the CI of the location. The latter is perhaps the parameter
atively stable, these outliers may require a finer estimation. Our which most affects total carbon footprint because of inter-country
online calculator uses averaged values sourced from government variation, from under 20 gCO2 e kWh−1 in Norway and Switzer-
reports.[46] Fifth, the PUE has some limitations as a measure of land to over 800 gCO2 e kWh−1 in Australia, South Africa, and
data centers energy usage,[58,59] due to inconsistencies in ways some states in the USA. To rigorously assess the impact of punc-
to calculate it. For example, reporting of PUE is highly variable tually relocating computations, the marginal CI, rather than the
from yearly averages to best-case scenarios, such as in winter average one, should be used.[64] The marginal value depends on
when minimal cooling is required (as demonstrated by Google’s which power plant would be solicited to meet the unexpected in-
quarterly results[60] ). Whether to include infrastructure compo- creased demand. Although it would ideally be used, it varies by
nents such as security or on-site power generation is also source the hour and is often not practical to estimate accurately at scale.
of discrepancies between data centers.[61] Although some com- When the marginal CI is unknown, the average one (presented
panies present well-justified results, many PUEs have no or in- in Experimental Section and Figure S2, Supporting information)
sufficient justification. Furthermore, PUE is not defined when can be used by scientists as a practical lower bound estimate to
computations are run on a laptop or desktop computer. As the assess the benefit of moving computations. Indeed, due to the
device is used for multiple tasks simultaneously, it is impossible low operating cost of renewable technologies, the marginal power
to estimate the power overhead due to the algorithm. In the cal- plants (which are the last one solicited) are generally high-carbon
culator, we use a PUE of 1 because of the lack of information, technologies such as fuel or gas[64] which leads the marginal CI to
but we caution this should not be interpreted as a sign of effi- be higher than the average CI. Besides, if the move is permanent,
ciency. Even though discrepancies will remain, the widespread by relocating an HPC facility or using cloud computing for exam-
adoption of an accurate, transparent, and certified estimation of ple, then the energy needs are incorporated into utility planning
PUE, such as the ISO/IEC standard,[62] would be a substantial and the average CI is the appropriate metric to use. Data cen-
step for the computing community. Sixth, the carbon emissions ter efficiency (PUE) varies widely between facilities but, in gen-
in the section Results are based on manual curation of the liter- eral, large data centers optimize cooling and power supply, reduc-
ature. When parameters such as usage factor or PUE were not ing the energy overhead and making them more efficient than
specified, we made some assumptions (100% core usage, or us- personal servers. Notably, a 2016 report estimated that if 80% of
ing average PUE) that can explain differences between our esti- small data centers in the USA were aggregated into hyperscale fa-
mates and the real emissions. For best results, authors should cilities, energy usage would reduce by 25%.[65] For users to make
estimate and publish their emissions. informed choices, data centers should report their PUE and other
There are various, realistic actions one can take to reduce the energy metrics. While large providers like Google or Microsoft
carbon footprint of their computation. Acting on the various pa- widely advertise their servers’ efficiency,[60,66] smaller structures
rameters in Green Algorithms (see Experimental Section), is a often do not. As highlighted here, cloud providers offer the oppor-
clear and easy way approach. Below, we describe a selection of tunity to use efficient data centers in low-carbon countries, and
practical changes one can make: they can be greener alternatives to local data centers.

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (6 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

3.4. Offsetting GHG emissions When estimating these parameters, accuracy and feasibility must be
balanced. This study focused on a methodology that could be easily and
Carbon offsetting is a flexible way to compensate for carbon foot- broadly adopted by the community and therefore, restricts the scope of the
environmental impact considered to GHGs emitted to power computing
print. An institution or a user themself can directly support re-
facilities for a specific task. Moreover, the framework presented requires
ductions in CO2 or other GHGs, for example by sponsoring fuel- no extra computation, nor involves invasive monitoring tools.
efficient stoves in developing countries, reduction in deforesta- Energy Consumption: An algorithm’s energy[81] needs were modeled
tion or hydroelectric and wind-based power plants.[67,68] The pros as a function of the running time, the number, type, and process time of
and cons of carbon offsetting are still debated due to the variety computing cores (CPU or GPU), the amount of memory mobilized, and
of mechanisms and intricate international legislations and com- the power draw of these resources. The model further included the effi-
ciency of the data center,[82], which represents how much extra power is
peting standards. Therefore, we only present here an overview
necessary to run the facility (e.g., cooling and lighting).
and point interested scientists at some resources. Multiple inter- Similar to previous works,[18,24] this estimate was based on the power
national standards regulate the purchase of carbon credits and draw from processors and memory, as well as the efficiency of the data cen-
ensure the efficiency of the projects supported.[69] Most of the ter. However, the formula was refined and flexibility was added by including
well-established standards are managed by non-profits and abide a unitary power draw (per core and per GB of memory) and the processor’s
by the mechanisms set in place by the Kyoto protocol (in partic- usage factor. The energy consumption E (in kWh) was expressed as:
ular Certified Emission Reduction)[70] and the PAS 2060 Carbon
E = t × (nc × Pc × uc + nm × Pm ) × PUE × 0.001 (1)
Neutrality standard from the British Standards Institution.[71] Al-
though the primary aim is carbon offsetting, projects are often
where t is the running time (hours), nc the number of cores, and nm the
also selected in line with the United Nations’ Agenda 30 for Sus- size of memory available (gigabytes). uc is the core usage factor (between
tainable Development,[72] a broader action plan addressing in- 0 and 1). Pc is the power draw of a computing core and Pm the power draw
equalities, food security, and peace. Amongst the most popular of memory (Watt). PUE is the efficiency coefficient of the data centre.
standards are the Gold Standard (founded by WWF and other The assumptions made regarding the different components are dis-
NGOs),[73] Verra (formerly Verified Carbon Standard),[74] and the cussed below. It is previously shown that the power draw of a server moth-
erboard is negligible[83] and in a desktop computer, the motherboard han-
American Carbon Registry (a private voluntary GHG registry).[75]
dles a multitude of tasks, which makes it impractical to assess the fraction
In addition to direct engagement with these standards, platforms of power usage attributable to a specific algorithm. For these reasons, it
like Carbon Footprint[67] select certified projects and facilitate the was decided not to include the motherboard’s power draw in this model.
purchase of credits. Power Draw of the Computing Core: The metric commonly used to re-
port the power draw of a processor, either CPU or GPU, is its thermal
design power (TDP, in Watt) and is provided by the manufacturer. TDP
4. Conclusions values frequently corresponded to CPU specifications which include mul-
tiple cores, thus here TDP values were normalized to per-core. While TDP
The framework presented here is generalizable to nearly any is not a direct measure of power consumption, rather the amount of heat a
computation and may be used as a foundation for other aspects cooling system dissipates during regular use—it is commonly considered
of green computing. The carbon footprint of computation is sub- a reasonable approximation.
The energy used by the processor was the power draw multiplied by
stantial and may be affecting the climate. We therefore hope that processing time, scaled by the usage factor. However, processing time
this new tool and metrics raise awareness of these issues as well could not be known a priori and, on some platforms, tracking could be
as facilitate pragmatic solutions which may help to mitigate the impractical at scale. Modeling exact processing time of past projects may
environmental consequences of modern computation. Overall, also necessitate re-running jobs, which would generate unnecessary emis-
with the right tools and practices, we believe HPC and cloud com- sions. Therefore, when this processing time is unknown, the simplifying
puting can be immensely positive forces for both improving the assumption was made that core usage is 100% of run time (uc = 1 in
Equation (1)).
human condition and saving the environment.
Power Draw from Memory: Memory power draw is mainly due to back-
ground consumption with a negligible contribution from the workload and
database size.[63] Moreover, the power draw is mainly affected by the total
5. Experimental Section memory allocated, not by the actual size of the database used, because the
load is shared between all memory slots which keeps every slot in a power-
The carbon footprint of an algorithm depends on two factors: the en- hungry active state. Therefore, the primary factor influencing power draw
ergy needed to run it and the pollutants emitted when producing such from memory is the quantity of memory mobilized, which simply requires
energy. The former depends on the computing resources used (e.g., num- an estimation of the power draw per gigabyte. Measured experimentally,
ber of cores, running time, and data center efficiency) while the later, called this was estimated to be 0.3725 W per GB.[63,84]
carbon intensity, depends on the location and production methods used For example, requesting 29 GB of memory draws 10.8 W, which is the
(e.g., nuclear, gas, or coal). same as one core of a popular Core-i5 CPU. Figure S1, Supporting infor-
There are several competing definitions of “carbon footprint,” and in mation further compares the power draw of memory to a range of popular
this project, the extended definition from Wright et al.[76] was used. The cli- CPUs.
mate impact of an event is presented in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent Power Draw from Storage: The power draw of storage equipment
(CO2 e) and summarizes the global warming effect of the GHG emitted in (HDD or SSD) varies significantly with workload.[55] However, in regu-
the determined timeframe, here running a set of computations. The GHGs lar use, storage is typically solicited far less than memory and is mainly
considered were carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide used as a more permanent record of the data, independently of the task
(N2 O);[77] these are the three most common GHGs of the “Kyoto bas- at hand. The power draw of storage was estimated to be 0.001 W per GB
ket” defined in the Kyoto Protocol[78] and represent 97.9% of global GHG (Note S2, Supporting information). As above, by comparison, the power
emissions.[79] The conversion into CO2 e was done using Global Warm- draw of memory (0.3725 W per GB) and a Core-i5 CPU (10.8 W per core)
ing Potential (GWP) factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate are more than two orders of magnitude greater. While the researcher over-
Change (IPCC)[77,80] based on a 100-year horizon (GWP100). head for approximating storage usage may not be substantial, it is unlikely

Adv. Sci. 2021, 8, 2100707 2100707 (7 of 10) © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

to make a significant difference to overall power usage (and GHG emis- fitting procedures, etc. It is important to include these repeats in the car-
sions) estimation. Therefore, the power consumption of storage was not bon footprint. To take into account the number of times a computation is
considered in this work. performed in practice, the PSF was defined, a scaling factor by which the
Energy Efficiency: Data center energy consumption includes additional estimated GHG emissions are multiplied.
factors, such as server cooling systems, power delivery components, and The value and causes of the PSF vary greatly between tasks. In
lighting. The efficiency of a given data center can be measured by the Power ML, tuning the hyper-parameters of a model requires hundreds, if not
Usage Effectiveness,[85,61] defined as the ratio between the total power thousands,[18] of runs, while other tools require less tuning and can some-
drawn by the facility and the power used by computing equipment: times be run a smaller number of times. As per published work or the
user’s own experience, the PSF should be estimated for any specific task;
Ptotal besides, in Green Algorithms it is provided for, and recommended that,
PUE = (2) each user estimate their own PSF.

A data center PUE of 1.0 represents an ideal situation where all power
supplied to the building is utilized by computing equipment. The global Supporting Information
average of data centers was estimated as 1.67 in 2019.[26] While data cen-
ters with relatively inefficient PUE may not report it as such, some data Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from
centers and companies have invested significant resources to bring their the author.
PUEs as close to 1.0 as possible; for example, Google uses ML to reduce
its global yearly average PUE to 1.10.[60,86]
Carbon Intensity of Energy Production: For a given country and energy Acknowledgements
mix, the carbon footprint in CO2 e represents the amount of CO2 with the
same global warming impact as the GHGs emitted, which simplifies the L.L. and J.G. contributed equally to this work. L.L. was supported by
comparison between different electricity production methods. The carbon the University of Cambridge MRC DTP (MR/S502443/1). J.G. was sup-
footprint of producing 1 kWh of energy (CI) varies significantly between ported by a La Trobe University Postgraduate Research Scholarship jointly
locations due to the broad range of production methods (Figure S2, Sup- funded by the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and a La Trobe Uni-
porting information), from 12 gCO2 e kWh−1 in Switzerland (mainly pow- versity Full-Fee Research Scholarship. This work was supported by core
ered by hydro) to 880 gCO2 e kWh−1 in Australia (mainly powered by coal funding from: the UK Medical Research Council (MR/L003120/1), the
and gas).[57,46] The 2020 CI values aggregated by Carbon Footprint[46] were British Heart Foundation (RG/13/13/30194; RG/18/13/33946) and the
used; these production factors take into account the GHG emissions at the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC-1215-20014). This
power plants (power generation) as well as, when available, the footprint work was also supported by Health Data Research UK, which is funded
of distributing energy to the data center. by the UK Medical Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Estimation of Carbon Footprint: The carbon footprint C (in gCO2 e) of Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Department of
producing a quantity of energy E (in kWh) from sources with a CI (in gCO2 e Health and Social Care (England), Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish
kWh−1 ) is then: Government Health and Social Care Directorates, Health and Social Care
Research and Development Division (Welsh Government), Public Health
C = E × CI (3) Agency (Northern Ireland), British Heart Foundation, and Wellcome. M.I.
was supported by the Munz Chair of Cardiovascular Prediction and Preven-
tion. This study was supported by the Victorian Government’s Operational
By putting together Equations (1) and (3), the long-form equation of
Infrastructure Support (OIS) program. The views expressed are those of
the carbon footprint Cis obtained:
the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the De-
partment of Health and Social Care.
C = t × (nc × Pc × uc + nm × Pm ) × PUE × CI × 0.001 (4)

CO2 e of Driving and Air Travel: gCO2 e was contextualized by estimat-

ing an equivalence in terms of distance travelled by car or by passenger
Conflict of Interest
aircraft. Previous studies had estimated the emissions of the average pas- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
senger car in Europe as 175 gCO2 e km−1[77,87] (251 gCO2 e km−1 in the
United States[88] ). The emissions of flying on a jet aircraft in economy class
were estimated between 139 and 244 gCO2 e km−1 per person, depending
on the length of the flight.[77] Three reference flights were used: Paris to Data Availability Statement
London (50 000 gCO2 e), New York to San Francisco (570 000 gCO2 e), and
The data that support the findings of this study are openly avail-
New York to Melbourne (2 310 000 gCO2 e).[89]
able in a GitHub repository at
CO2 Sequestration by Trees: Trees play a major role in carbon seques-
tration and although not all GHGs emitted could be sequestered, CO2
represents 74.4% of these emissions.[90] To provide a metric of reversion
for CO2 e, the number of trees needed to sequester the equivalent emis-
sions of a given computation was computed. The metric tree-months, the Keywords
number of months a mature tree needs to absorb a given quantity of CO2 ,
was defined. While the amount of CO2 sequestered by a tree per unit of climate change, computational research, green computing
time depends on a number of factors, such as its species, size, or environ-
ment, it was estimated that a mature tree sequesters, on average, ≈11 kg Received: February 20, 2021
of CO2 per year,[91] giving the multiplier in tree-months a value close to 1 Revised: March 22, 2021
kg of CO2 per month (0.92 g). Published online: May 2, 2021
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performed only once. Algorithms are run multiple times, sometimes hun-
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