Assessment Analysis - Past Test Sonja Kelly

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Sonja Kelly

Assessment Analysis Part 2 PAST Test

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When and what did you do to achieve clarity of assessment instructions?

At 0:15 I explained the ice breaker activity to him. I explained that it was a game of this or that,
where he must choose which thing he likes more. This correlates directly to what they are
learning because they are learning about greater than and less than in their class. At 1:20 I
explained to him that he is going to be doing a little assessment and then told him to try the best
he can. I also then used the example on the PAST test. At 4:30 I then go into the connecting
activity and explain that to him. To introduce it I ask him if he knows his abc’s and the alphabet
song and he said yes. That’s when I knew to go into my original plan and ask him to order the
alphabet scoops.

When and what did you do to promote continuous engagement?

At 0:30, I asked him about which ice cream flavor was his favorite. I wanted to be able to grasp
more about him but also encourage him to open up about his answers. Various times at 4:02 to
4:14, he would get distracted and I tried to reel him back into the assessment by asking him the
next question. This somewhat helped him a little bit.

When and what words of encouragement did you offer to the student?

At the end of the connecting activity at 11:24 after we went over the alphabet and he got it right,
I gave him a high five, told him he got it all right and that I was proud of him. At 1:38 I also gave
him words of encouragement after he got the first answer on the PAST test correct. I said “good
job” for the rest of the PAST test I did not use much more words of encouragement because I
didn’t want him to know when he got an answer right or not.

When and what did you do to conclude the session?

At 11:26 is when I finished the session. I ended the session by saying “we are done here, thank
you so much for helping me.” I am happy I got the thank you on camera this time and had a clear
ending to this session.

What is your professional goal for the next assessment session? (This could be related to any of
the threads of thinking in the questions above or related to other observations of your interactions
with your student. Your goal should be realistic and actionable.)

I think the next thing I want to work on is trying to get him to be less distracted and when he is
distracted I need to keep him more on task in a better way. I feel like I don’t want to upset him or
have him be distrusting towards me if I tell him to pay attention. I feel like a good solution for
this problem would to just say it as nicely as I can to try to keep him on track. I feel like he gets
very engaged with the activities and when he is looking at something versus when it is just an
assessment that is out loud.

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