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Dialogue 1

Johan : Good morning, Sir. May I help you?

Mr. Andi : Yes, please. I cannot find the shoe store. Where is it?
Johan : The shoe store is on the second floor, Sir. It is next to the bag store.
Mr. Andi : Oh, I see.

Johan : Shall I take you there, Sir?

Mr. Andi : No, I’m fine. Thank you.

Johan : You’re welcome, Sir.

Dialogue 2

Luna : Hai Siska, What are you doing?

Siska : I’m cooking chicken stick.

Luna : Can I help you Siska?

Siska : Yes, please. Take knife on the table.

Luna : Ok Siska. Anymore?

Siska : Fillet the chicken breast and don’t forget slice the chicken.

Luna : Yes Siska, I have finished it.

Siska : Thank you my beloved friend.

Luna : You’re welcome Siska.

Dialogue 3

Dilan : This grammar homework is too hard for me. I can’t understand anything.

Milea : Is there anything I can do?

Dilan : Do you understand grammar? I would be happy if you can work on these problems with

Milea : Well, not much, but I think I can help.

Dilan : That’s great!

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