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Dialogue 1:

Debora: Hey, Dan! Congratulations for your new castle. It looks much more amazing than the old one!

Daniel: Thanks, Deb. Let’s come inside and get something to eat.

Debora: Oh since when do you cook for your guests?

Daniel: What? No, I will never do that. This house comes with a lady in it. Here, Meet my woman, Delila.

Debora: Oh wow! The house isn’t the only amazing thing here. Where did you find this beautiful lady,

Daniel: She was the owner of this house. I bought the house and proposed to her at once. Killing two
birds with one stone, huh?

Debora: Of course, you did!

Dialogue 2:

Rita: What a gorgeous wedding Clara! You both are so gorgeous as well. Hope nothing can take you from
each other!

Clara: Oh thank you, Rita! Hope your boyfriend propose to you tonight and you’ll also have a beautiful

Rita: Well, I would be the happiest girl when it happens.

Clara: Where is him by the way?

Rita: Thanks to your amazing wedding organizer, he loves to stay close to the desserts table.

Rita: Oh this couldn’t be happening. Get him now, we’ll take some pictures together first!

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