CHAPTER 21 The Auditory System

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Chapter 21

The Auditory System

C.K. Henkel

with other signs and symptoms. Central lesions seldom result in

Overview-306 complete deafness in one ear. These three types of hearing losses
Properties of Sound Waves and Hearing-306 are considered in more detail when we discuss the external and
middle ear, the cochlea and cochlear nerve, and the central audi-
Processing of Sound: The Ear-307 tory pathways, respectively. To understand the neurophysiologic
External (Outer) Ear-307 and audiologic methods used in assessing peripheral and central
Middle Ear-307 auditory disorders, it is essential to understand the structure and
Conduction Deafness-307 function of the cochlea and central auditory pathways.
Inner Ear: Structure of the Cochlea-307
Mechanoelectrical Transduction-309 PROPERTIES OF SOUND WAVES AND HEARING
Tuning of the Cochlea-310 Complex sounds are mixtures of pure tones that are either har-
Primary Afferent Innervation and Function-310 monically related, thus having pitch, or that are randomly related
Sensorineural Deafness-310 and therefore called noise. The cochlear apparatus is designed
Weber and Rinne Tests-311 to analyze sounds by separating complex waveforms into their
individual frequency components.
Overview of Central Auditory Pathways-311 The frequency of audible sounds is measured in cycles per
Vascular Supply of the Auditory second, or hertz (Hz). A simple sine wave (Fig. 21.1) depicts
Brainstem and Cortex-312 the cyclic increase and decrease in the compression of air mol-
Brainstem Auditory Nuclei and Pathways-313 ecules that constitutes a pure tone. The time interval between
Cochlear Nuclei-313 two peaks is the period, the distance traveled is the wave-
Superior Olivary Complex-314 length, and the number of cycles per second is the frequency.
Lateral Lemniscus and Its Nuclei-315 The intensity is the peak-to-trough amplitude of force at the
Inferior Colliculus-315 eardrum.
Medial Geniculate Nucleus-317 The normal frequency range for human hearing is commonly
Central Deafness-317 described as between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Most human speech
takes place in the range of 100 to 8000 Hz, and the most sensi-
Auditory and Related Association Cortices-317 tive part of the range is between 1000 and 4000 Hz. Exposure to
Descending Auditory Pathways-318 loud noise can result in selective hearing loss for certain frequen-
Olivocochlear Bundle-318 cies, and normal aging may reduce the range.
The hearing apparatus is exquisitely sensitive to sound
Middle Ear Reflex-318 intensity (perceived as loudness) over an enormous dynamic
Acoustic Startle Reflex, Orientation, range. Intensity is related to a measure of sound pressure
and Attention-319 level at the tympanic membrane and is usually expressed on
a logarithmic scale in units called decibels (dB). A sound that
is 10 times more intense than a just audible sound is said
to have a 10-dB sound level, and a sound one million times
Hearing is one of the most important senses. In combination greater, 60-dB sound pressure level. Normal conversational
with vision and the ability to speak, it contributes, in a significant levels of sound are about 50 dB. In our industrial society, we
way, to the quality of life. In our daily routine, we unconsciously are exposed routinely to noise in the 85- to 100-dB range,
sort out meaningful sounds from background noise, localize the such as city traffic, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, and even
source of sounds, and react (many times in a reflex mode) to a portable music player’s headphones. Other common exam-
unexpected sounds. About 12% of people in the general popula- ples of noises above 120 dB that may cause varying degrees of
tion experience a diminution or loss of hearing during their life- discomfort include rock concerts, thunderclaps, firecrackers,
time, which in some cases may represent a significant disability. and jet engines.
The brain derives the location of a sound by computing dif-
OVERVIEW ferences in the shape, timing, and intensity of the waveforms
The auditory apparatus is adapted for receiving sound waves at that reach each ear. The path of the sound is affected by the
the tympanic membrane and transmitting auditory signals to distance to the ears and by obstacles such as the head (Fig. 21.1).
the central nervous system. Injury to elements of the peripheral Thus interaural time and intensity differences are related to the
apparatus, such as the ear ossicles, may result in conductive deaf- angle between the direction in which the head is pointing and the
ness. Alternatively, damage to the cochlea or the cochlear portion direction of the sound source. Interaural time differences are
of the eighth cranial nerve may result in sensorineural (nerve) more important for localizing low-frequency sounds, whereas
deafness. When central auditory pathways are injured, the appar- interaural intensity differences are more important for localiz-
ent hearing dysfunction (central deafness) is usually combined ing high-frequency sounds.

The Auditory System 307

optimal transfer of energy between the two media. The stiffness

of the ossicle chain can also be modified by two muscles of the
Peak 2
Peak 1 middle ear, the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles (middle
ear reflex). Diseases such as otosclerosis and otitis media result
in conductive hearing loss by affecting the efficiency of the ossi-
cle movement. Otosclerosis, the cause of middle ear conductive
hearing loss in about half of cases, may be an inherited disease
Trough 1 and is characterized by tissue overgrowth and resultant fixation
Trough 2
of the stapes in the oval window. Otitis media is an inflammation
of the middle ear and may be accompanied by the accumulation
ITD = D1/V–D2/V
of pus or exudate. In addition, fractures of the temporal bone
with direct damage to the ossicles, or indirect damage by bleed-
ing into the middle ear, may result in a conduction deafness.

Conduction Deafness
D1 A conductive deafness is a deficit related to an obstructed, or
altered, transmission of sound to the tympanic membrane or
D1 through the ossicle chain of the middle ear. For example, damage
to the pinna results in a failure of sound waves to be properly con-
D2 ducted to the auditory meatus. In addition, infection involving
the auditory canal (otitis externa, sometimes called swimmer’s
ear), inflammation of or trauma to the tympanic membrane, and
even the excessive accumulation of cerumen (wax) in the audi-
tory canal are other causes of conduction deafness. The deficit
experienced by the patient may range from decreased hearing
to total deafness in the affected ear. Depending on the cause,
Time conduction deafness may resolve with medication or by removal
of the obstruction.
Fig. 21.1 Upper panel shows the cyclic changes in a simple, pure tone. Lower
panel shows that the arrival of a tone at right (D1) ear and left (D2) ear is affected
by the distance traveled and shadowing effect of the head (center panel) when Inner Ear: Structure of the Cochlea
the source of the sound is displaced from the midline. Time for a sound to travel The cochlea is the coiled portion of the inner ear and is named
to each ear is calculated by the formula T = D/V, where T is time (ms), D is for its similarity to a conch shell (Fig. 21.2). Its main elements
distance to the ear (meters), and V is speed of sound (m/s) The interaural time include a labyrinth of fluid-filled canals, specialized sensory epi-
difference (ITD) is calculated by the equation ITD = D2/V−D1/V. ITD is usu-
ally expressed in microseconds.
thelium of the organ of Corti, and neurons of the spiral ganglion
with their peripheral and central axonal branches.
The bony cochlea encases a fluid-filled labyrinth with a vesti-
PROCESSING OF SOUND: THE EAR bule common to both the cochlear and vestibular osseous laby-
External (Outer) Ear rinth, and spiraling fluid-filled canals (Fig. 21.2B). It surrounds
Sound waves are captured by the external ear (pinna) and chan- the membranous labyrinth of the cochlea. The central bony core
neled through the external auditory meatus to the tympanic around which the canals spiral is the modiolus. The canals of the
membrane (Fig. 21.2A). Resonance features of the pinna and osseous and membranous labyrinth of the cochlea spiral two- and
meatus enhance some frequencies more than others in a direc- two-third turns from base to apex over a length of 34 mm. In
tion-dependent fashion. For example, sounds coming toward the cross section, the osseous and membranous labyrinth comprise
back of the head are baffled compared with those coming toward three canals. Uncoiled, the outer canals of the osseous labyrinth
the side of the head. Monaural (single-ear) localization depends resemble a U-shaped tube and thus essentially are one canal. Scala
on such cues, and accuracy in localizing sound is impaired by vestibuli, the upper chamber in cross section, begins at the vesti-
damage to the pinna. bule of the inner ear opposite the oval window and spirals from
its base to the apex of the coiled cochlea (blue line in Fig. 21.2B).
Middle Ear Scala tympani, the lower chamber in cross section, is continuous
The middle ear or tympanic cavity is an air-filled space in the with the upper chamber at a hair pin curve, the helicotrema, at
temporal bone that is interposed between the tympanic mem- the apex of the cochlea. It returns to the base of the cochlea,
brane and the inner ear structures (Fig. 21.2A). Sounds are where the round window separates it from the middle ear (tym-
transmitted across the space from the tympanic membrane to panic) cavity (red line in Fig. 21.2B). The fluid with which the
the fluid-filled inner ear by a chain of three bony ossicles: the vestibule and scala vestibuli and tympani are filled is perilymph.
malleus, incus, and stapes. On one end of this chain, the arm of The middle canal of the cochlea is the cochlear duct or scala
the malleus is attached to the tympanic membrane, and at the media (Fig. 21.2B). It comprises the membranous labyrinth and
other end, the footplate of the stapes fits into the oval window at at its base is connected by ductus reuniens to the saccule of
the interface with the fluid-filled vestibule of the inner ear. The the vestibular membranous labyrinth. In cross section, the scala
three bones act as levers to reduce the magnitude of movements media is pie shaped (Fig. 21.3). Its upper boundary, the Reiss-
of the tympanic membrane while increasing their force at the ner membrane, separates it from the scala vestibuli. The basi-
oval window. In this way, air pressure waves striking the tympanic lar membrane, extending from the spiral osseous lamina of the
membrane result in plunger-like movements of the stapes against modiolus (as from threads of a screw) to the spiral ligament at
the oval window that have the necessary force to produce fluid the outer wall of the canal, is the lower boundary separating the
pressure waves in the cochlea. scala media from scala tympani below. Stria vascularis (Fig. 21.3)
The mechanical stiffness of the ossicle chain acts to compen- forms the outer wall of the scala media. The endolymph, which
sate for the difference in impedance between air and fluid envi- fills the cochlear duct, is elaborated by the cells and rich capillary
ronments (a function called impedance matching) so that there is bed of the stria vascularis.
308 Systems Neurobiology

Helicotrema Frequencies
Cochlear nerve Low
Blood vessels
Stapes in Cochlea
oval window Vestibule Middle
Scala vestibuli
Pinna Malleus
Scala media

meatus High
Aud Modiolus
Oval window Scala tympani
Round window Base
Spiral ganglion

Eustachian tube

External Middle Inner Base Basilar membrane Apex

Region ear ear ear
Narrow (stiffer) Wide (more flexible)
Function Collection Impedance Transduction
of sound matching and signal
and analysis Base Hair cells/stereocilia Apex
A amplification
Shorter Taller

Base Apex
High Mid Low
Fig. 21.2 A, The path of auditory signals from the external ear, through the middle ear, and into the inner
ear. B, The cochlea is shown in cross section from apex to base. The blue and red lines represent the spiral
course of scala vestibuli and scala tympani, respectively, from base to apex of the cochlea. C, The basilar
membrane functions to separate waves of different frequencies within a sound. This membrane is narrow
and stiff at its base and becomes wider and more flexible toward the apex, and the hair cell stereocilia
increase correspondingly in height. These features “tune” the membrane so that each frequency of sound
in the audible range will cause a wave in the basilar membrane that has its peak amplitude at a unique spot
(near the base for high frequencies and near the apex for low frequencies). At this spot, the hair cells are
excited most intensely, producing a peak in neural output.

Type I cell afferent

Type II cell afferent
Medial olivocochlear efferent
Lateral olivocochlear efferent
ne media
m bra
r me
vestibuli ne Stria
Re Endolymph vascularis

Tectorial cell Outer
Osseous membrane sulcus
lamina Inner
Limbus sulcus
Tunnel Supporting
of cells
Spiral Corti
artery Spiral
Basilar membrane ligament
Inner hair cell Inner Outer
pillar pillar
cells cells

Fig. 21.3 Cross section through a typical turn of the cochlear labyrinth.
The Auditory System 309


Type I
Spiral ganglion
Type II

Radial fibers

Outer spiral bundles


Tectorial membrane

Potential difference between Hair bundle

endolymph and perilymph = +80 mV

high [K+] Outer
Reticular hair
membrane cells

–70 mV
Tunnel Supporting
Inner of Corti cells
Ca2+ cell

terminal Pillar cells

Type II cells Olivocochlear

Basilar membrane efferent
Type I cell terminals
terminals Perilymph:
high [Na+]
Fig. 21.4 The structure and function of the organ of Corti (lower) and the relation of type I and type II
afferent fibers to the spiraling ranks of inner and outer hair cells (upper). Note that the designation lateral
or medial olivocochlear efferents refers to their origin in the superior olive, not to their target in the organ
of Corti.

The organ of Corti is the specialized sensory epithelium rest- spiral lamina (Fig. 21.4). The taller stereocilia in each hair bun-
ing on the basilar membrane in the cochlear duct (Fig. 21.3). It is dle are in contact with or embedded in the tectorial membrane.
composed of inner and outer hair cells, supporting cells, and the Consequently, movement of the basilar membrane and the organ
tectorial membrane. The inner hair cells are separated from the of Corti will bend the stereocilia against the tectorial membrane
outer hair cells by the tunnel of Corti (Fig. 21.3). This tunnel is and cause a graded depolarization of the hair cells.
formed by the filamentous arches of the inner and outer pillar The hollow of the modiolus of the bony labyrinth houses the
cells and is filled with fluid similar to perilymph. spiral ganglion (Figs. 21.2 and 21.3). At the edge of the osseous
Inner hair cells form a single line spiraling from base to apex, spiral laminae of the modiolus, the peripheral processes of the
and the outer hair cells form three parallel lines that follow the bipolar ganglion cells lose their myelin and pass through perfora-
same course (Fig. 21.4). Once damaged, human hair cells do not tions to the basilar membrane, where they synapse on the base of
regenerate. Research has not yet found a way to augment this. It the inner and outer hair cells (Fig. 21.4). The central processes
is uncertain how many of the inner (about 3500) or outer (about of the spiral ganglion cells form the cochlear portion of the ves-
12,000) hair cells must be lost to disease, trauma, or aging before tibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII). Efferent fibers to the
a just-noticeable sensorineural hearing loss ensues. Projecting cochlea either spiral along the inner part of the basilar membrane
from the apical surface of each hair cell is a hair bundle consist- to synapse on inner hair cells or travel radially across the tunnel
ing of 50 to 150 stereocilia arranged in curving rows (Fig. 21.4). of Corti to contact outer hair cells (Fig. 21.4).
Each hair bundle is polarized so that the longest stereocilia are
on the outer border (Fig. 21.4), and the rows of stereocilia are Mechanoelectrical Transduction
linked by filamentous material at their tips. Inner hair cells are extremely sensitive transducers that convert
The tectorial membrane is a gelatinous arm that extends out- the mechanical force applied to the hair bundle into an electrical
ward over the sensory epithelium from the limbus of the osseous signal (Fig. 21.4). At their apical surface and hair bundle, inner
310 Systems Neurobiology

hair cells are bathed in endolymph. Endolymph, like intracel- In patients with profound sensorineural hearing loss, some
lular fluid, has a high concentration of potassium and low con- audible sensation may be regained with cochlear implants having
centration of sodium ions. At the basilar membrane inner hair a number of fine wire electrodes. Each wire is tuned to a broad
cells oppose the perilymph-filled scala tympani. In contrast to frequency band from an electrical receiver, and the wires are
endolymph, perilymph, like cerebrospinal fluid, has a high con- implanted so that each stimulates nerve terminals at the appro-
centration of sodium and low concentration of potassium ions. priate tonotopic point along the cochlear spiral.
As indicated in Fig. 21.4, the potential difference between the
endolymph and the perilymph is +80 mV. This endolymphatic Primary Afferent Innervation and Function
potential appears to be due to the selective secretion and absorp- The spiral ganglion is made up of two types of bipolar sensory
tion of ions by the stria vascularis. At the same time, ion pumps neurons. Type I cells make up 90% to 95% of the cells in the spi-
in the hair cell membrane produce a resting intracellular poten- ral ganglion and have radial branches that synapse with only one
tial of about −70 mV (Fig. 21.4). or two inner hair cells (Fig. 21.4). As many as 20 or more type
As the basilar membrane moves up in response to fluid move- I radial fibers converge on each inner hair cell. As a result, type
ment in the scala tympani, the taller stereocilia are displaced I cochlear nerve fibers respond to a narrow frequency range. In
against the tectorial membrane. This causes ion channels at the contrast, type II ganglion cells have widely distributed periph-
tips of the stereocilia to open, allowing potassium flow along the eral processes that traverse the tunnel of Corti and synapse with
electrical gradient to depolarize the cell (Fig. 21.4). The large more than 10 outer hair cells (Fig. 21.4). Thus type II cochlear
potential difference between the endolymph and the hair cell fibers are more sensitive to low-intensity sounds than are type I
interior creates a force of 150 mV that drives potassium into the cells, but they may be less precisely tuned to frequency.
cell and that increases the range of the cell’s graded electrical Frequency is coded in the cochlear nerve by the position
response to mechanical displacement. Damage to the stria vascu- of afferent fibers along the cochlear spiral. For loud sounds,
laris results in loss of the endolymphatic potential and failure of each afferent fiber responds over a range of frequencies. As the
mechanoelectrical transduction. intensity of the sound drops to near threshold, the frequency
When a hair cell depolarizes, voltage-gated calcium channels response range narrows. A tuning curve can be constructed
at the base of the cell open, and the resulting influx of calcium that plots the threshold intensity for each frequency that will
causes synaptic vesicles to fuse to the cell membrane and to elicit a response (Fig. 21.5A). The characteristic frequency is
release a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft between the the frequency at which the fiber has the lowest threshold. The
hair cell and the cochlear nerve fibers (Fig. 21.4). The trans- discharge pattern of primary afferents over time to pure tone
mitter causes depolarization of the afferent fiber, and an action bursts is shown with poststimulus histograms of the number of
potential is transmitted along the cochlear nerve fiber. action potentials summed over many presentations (Fig. 21.5B).
The stimulus-related changes in the electrical potential between Stimulus onset produces an initial high-frequency discharge fol-
the perilymph and the hair cells can be recorded anywhere in the lowed by a lower sustained discharge level that is related to
cochlea. Electrocochleography measures patterns of fluctuation stimulus intensity. When the tone ends, the fiber drops back
of electrical potentials in the cochlea to monitor effects of inner to a low, spontaneous discharge rate. For low-frequency fibers,
ear fluid changes or of surgery on cochlear function. the timing of each impulse is phase locked with the stimulus
cycle, so that the fiber output preserves the timing information
Tuning of the Cochlea of the signal.
The cochlea acts as a frequency filter to separate and analyze The enormous dynamic range of the human ear to intensity
individual frequencies from complex sounds. These tuning prop- cannot be coded in the response of single nerve fibers. Inten-
erties result from anatomic and physiologic characteristics of hair sity is coded both by the discharge rate of cochlear nerve fibers
cells and the basilar membrane (Figs. 21.2 and 21.3). and by recruitment of activity in additional afferents as stimu-
The plunger-like motion of the stapes in the oval window lus intensity increases. The discharge rate for the cochlear nerve
compresses the perilymph. In the fluid medium of the cochlea, fibers increases proportionally with intensity over a range of
this pressure variation imparts motion to the basilar membrane, about 40-dB sound pressure level and then plateaus (Fig. 21.5C).
causing a wave to travel along it (Fig. 21.2C). The basilar mem- At higher stimulus intensities, additional cochlear nerve fibers
brane is stiffest at its base and becomes progressively more having sequentially greater thresholds are recruited.
flexible toward its tip. Therefore any given frequency of sound
(pure tone) will cause a wave in the basilar membrane that Sensorineural Deafness
has maximum displacement that is precisely timed and spaced Sensorineural deafness (this may sometimes be called nerve
along the membrane. For high tones, this point is close to the deafness) results from damage to the cochlea or to the
base of the cochlea, and for lower frequencies, it is more distal. cochlear root of the vestibulocochlear nerve. The causes of
The response of hair cells to the tone is strongest at the point sensorineural deafness are varied and may include repeated
of greatest displacement. Therefore the position from base exposure to loud noises, treatment with certain antibiotics,
to apex along the spiral of the basilar membrane and organ of infections (such as rubella, mumps, or bacterial meningitis),
Corti is directly related to the frequency of the tone that will and tumors at different levels of the neuraxis. When the cause
elicit a response. This relationship of frequency and cochlear is infectious or inflammatory, it is called labyrinthitis or otitis
position is the basis for the place theory of cochlear tuning. interna. As is the case with the middle ear, trauma in the form
The cochleotopic order and thus tonotopic representation are of skull fracture may also result in sensorineural deafness. The
highly conserved throughout the auditory pathways. Impor- deficits experienced by the patient are deafness in the ear on
tantly, passive tuning of the cochlea is enhanced by active tun- the affected side, varying degrees of tinnitus, a perception of
ing that is dependent on function of outer hair cell stimulation. ringing in the ears if the cochlea is damaged, and additional
When outer hair cells depolarize, changes in conformation of signs and symptoms indicative of damage to the adjacent ves-
lateral membrane proteins result in changes in the height of the tibular root. Repeated exposure to sounds above 85 dB (e.g.,
cells and stiffness of their stereocilia. These physical changes industrial noise or loud music) may cause sensorineural hear-
effectively impart energy to movement of the basilar mem- ing loss over time. Immediate sensorineural hearing loss may
brane, thereby enhancing sensitivity and precision of tuning of occur after even a single exposure to a sudden loud blast (e.g.,
inner hair cells. explosion).
The Auditory System 311

bone conduction and is produced by damage to the auditory hair

Intensity (dB sound pressure level)

cells in the cochlea or to auditory nerve fibers (auditory portion
of cranial nerve VIII).
Both the Weber test and the Rinne test use the principles
described above to differentiate a conductive deficit from a sen-
sorineural deficit as illustrated for a normal subject (Fig. 21.6A,
B) and a subject with a unilateral hearing loss in Fig. 21.6C. Ide-
ally, both the Weber test and the Rinne test should be adminis-
tered to each patient, and the observations from the Weber test
should correlate with those of the Rinne test. In the Weber test,
a vibrating tuning fork is placed at the vertex of the skull. In a
0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 patient with normal hearing, the sound (vibration) is perceived
A Frequency (kHz) to be located in the midline, that is, it will be heard equally in
both ears (Fig. 21.6A). If the sound is perceived to be louder in
one ear (left ear in Fig. 21.6C in this example), there is either a
conductive deficit in that ear (Fig. 21.6E) or a sensorineural defi-
Number of discharges

cit in the opposite ear (illustrated in Fig. 21.6D). That the sound
would be perceived as louder in the defective left ear seems para-
doxical but, although not fully understood, is probably due to
masking of ambient room noise in the left ear.
The Rinne test uses a vibrating tuning fork to compare the
patient’s ability to distinguish between air conduction and bone
conduction. In this test, the tuning fork is first placed behind
the ear in direct contact with the mastoid process of the skull
0 100 200 300 400 500 (left ear in Fig. 21.6B). The tuning fork is then turned and
Milliseconds placed in front of the external acoustic meatus of the left ear.
With normal hearing (positive Rinne), air conduction is louder
Tone duration
B (and longer) than bone conduction. It may also be noted in the
Rinne test that the duration of audible sound is normally longer
for air conduction than for bone conduction (i.e., when sound
Discharge rate (spikes/sec)

200 is no longer perceived with the tuning fork on the mastoid, it

is still audible after the tuning fork is placed in front of the left
external acoustic meatus). With conductive hearing loss, there
is a reversal, with bone conduction being louder than air con-
100 duction (negative Rinne for left ear in Fig. 21.6E). The findings
for normal hearing and for conductive hearing loss reflect the
50 efficiency of conduction of sound from air to fluid by the mid-
dle ear. For purposes of further description, our patient exhib-
30 40 50 60 70 80 ited normal hearing in the left ear (Fig. 21.6G). However, with
C Intensity (dB sound pressure level) Rinne testing in the right ear, a sensorineural hearing deficit
Fig. 21.5 Typical response characteristics of type I cochlear afferent fibers. Fre- was revealed when both air and bone conduction were dimin-
quency tuning curves (A), poststimulus time histogram of discharges through the ished in the right ear (Fig. 21.6F) at the same time. Sound
duration of a tone burst at the characteristic frequency of a primary afferent fiber was not perceived by air conduction when sound perception by
(B), and rate-intensity curve illustrating how a limited range of intensity can be
bone conduction ceased.
coded in the response of primary afferent fibers to increasing intensity of a tone
at its characteristic frequency (C). In summary, in this example, the vibrations (sound) of the tun-
ing fork lateralized to the left ear with the Weber test (Fig. 21.6C).
WEBER AND RINNE TESTS This indicated the presence of either a conductive deficit in the
As described earlier, conduction deafness and sensorineural deaf- left ear or a sensorineural deficit in the right ear. Finding air con-
ness typically have different causes and can be assessed by two duction to be louder (and longer) than bone conduction in the left
tests that take advantage of the difference between sound con- ear with the Rinne test (normal hearing, compare Fig. 21.6B with E)
ducted directly to the cochlea via bones of the skull and sound indicated that lateralization of perceived sound to the left ear with
transmitted through air. To test bone conduction, a vibrating Weber testing was not the result of a conductive hearing loss in the
tuning fork (256- or 512-Hz frequency) is placed directly on left ear. However, a sensorineural deficit in the right ear (opposite
the vertex of the skull or the mastoid process. Perceiving these the side to which sound lateralized with the Weber test) was con-
vibrations as sound means that the sound (or vibration) bypasses firmed by Rinne testing in the right ear, where it was revealed that
the external and middle ear and is transmitted through bones both air and bone conduction were diminished (Fig. 21.6F ). There
of the skull directly to the cochlea in the inner ear. To test air is no reversal of air and bone conduction loudness in the left ear, as
conduction, a vibrating tuning fork, is held about 1 inch (2.5 cm) would be seen with a left conduction deficit.
from the opening of the external auditory canal. Perception of
the vibration (sound) requires that the sound waves generated OVERVIEW OF CENTRAL AUDITORY PATHWAYS
be transmitted across the tympanic membrane and the ossicles In the major ascending auditory connections from cochlea to
of the middle ear to reach the oval window and cochlea; disease cortex, the place code of the cochlea is, as a rule, strictly main-
or damage in either the external or the middle ear would result tained (Fig. 21.7). Within this tonotopic framework, projections
in diminished or absence of hearing in this ear, referred to as a connect similar frequency regions of successive nuclei. Informa-
conductive hearing deficit. In contrast, a sensorineural hearing tion processing is therefore hierarchical with increasing complex-
deficit diminishes the ability to perceive sounds via both air and ity of feature extraction.
312 Systems Neurobiology

NORMAL HEARING All fibers in the cochlear nerve synapse in the cochlear nuclei.
Weber Test Rinne Test As cochlear information ascends to the auditory cortex, infor-
A B mation is distributed through multiple parallel pathways that
ultimately converge in the inferior colliculus. The hierarchy of
auditory nuclei involved in these parallel pathways includes the
cochlear nuclei, nuclei of the superior olive and trapezoid body,
nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, and inferior colliculus. Specific
fiber bundles that convey this information from one level to the
Positive Rinne:
Air conduction next are the trapezoid body, acoustic stria, and lateral lemnis-
Sound perceived in
the midline louder (longer) cus. From the midbrain, auditory information is conveyed from
(equal in both ears) than bone the inferior colliculus by its brachium to the medial geniculate
nucleus of the thalamus and then through the sublenticular limb
of the internal capsule to the auditory cortex. The hierarchy of
auditory regions and the fiber bundles that connect one level to
C Weber Test
the next are summarized in Figs. 21.7 and 21.11.
If perception of sound Although fibers conveying auditory input decussate at several
lateralizes to LEFT ear, levels, this information is routed in one of two orderly ways: (1)
then either CONDUCTION
deficit in LEFT ear or monaural information (information about sounds at a single ear)
SENSORINEURAL is routed to the contralateral side and (2) binaural information
DEFICIT in RIGHT ear (information about differences between sounds at both ears) is
handled by central pathways that receive, compare, and transmit
this input. Binaural pathways perform the neural computation
needed to localize brief sounds and to extract signal embedded
in background noise. Inhibitory as well as excitatory connections
are characteristic of these circuits.
Rinne Test Unilateral damage to the cochlear nerve or cochlear nucleus
results in ipsilateral monaural deafness. In contrast, unilateral
Conduction hearing deficit:
Sensorineural hearing
Bone conduction louder damage at or above the superior olivary complex leaves intact
deficit: Diminished
response for both air than air conduction routes from both ears that are conveyed through binaural path-
and bone conduction (negative Rinne test is ways, so monaural deafness does not occur. Central hearing
reverse of normal)
dysfunction involves inability to localize sounds, inattention to
If bone stimuli on the contralateral side, or inability to follow conversa-
If air conduction
and bone conduction tions in a noisy room (e.g., cocktail effect).
conduction both louder (longer)
than air
diminished on
Vascular Supply of the Auditory
RIGHT, then
SENSORINEURAL on LEFT, then Brainstem and Cortex
DEFICIT on CONDUCTION The blood supply to the cochlea and the auditory nuclei of the
RIGHT DEFICIT on pons and medulla originates from the basilar artery. The internal
auditory (labyrinthine) artery, usually a branch of the anterior
Results for patient C inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), supplies the inner ear and the
cochlear nuclei. Occlusion of the AICA will result in a monaural
Both air and bone Normal Rinne hearing loss. This lesion may also damage the emerging fibers of
conduction diminished in LEFT ear
in RIGHT ear
the facial nerve and the pontine gaze center, resulting in mon-
aural deafness combined with ipsilateral facial paralysis and an
inability to look toward the side of the lesion.
Vascular lesions higher in the ascending auditory system neces-
sarily interrupt pathways conveying information from both ears.
The superior olivary complex and lateral lemniscus are mainly
supplied by short circumferential branches of the basilar artery.
The superior cerebellar and quadrigeminal arteries supply the
Unilateral senorineural hearing loss in right ear inferior colliculus, and the medial geniculate bodies lie in the
vascular territory of the thalamogeniculate arteries. The blood
Fig. 21.6 Representation of the application of both the Weber and Rinne supply to the primary auditory and association cortices is via
tests during physical examination to differentiate between unilateral conduc- branches of the M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery.
tion and sensorineural hearing deficits. A and B, Results for Weber and Rinne When damage occurs to neural tissue from vascular insults,
testing in a patient with normal hearing. C, For a patient with a unilateral
hearing deficit, the Weber test revealed that sound lateralized to the left ear, tumors, or demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis,
indicating the presence of either a conductive deficit in the left ear or a sen- the effect on conduction time and activity levels in the audi-
sorineural deficit in the right ear. D and E, Two possible observations to be tory system can be used in clinical neurophysiology to assist in
revealed following Rinne testing of patient in C. In D, results of Rinne testing localization of the pathologic process. Brainstem auditory evoked
in the right ear indicate that both air and bone conduction are diminished,
responses (also called auditory brainstem response, or ABR) are
which suggests a sensorineural hearing loss (in the right ear). E, Results for
Rinne testing in the left ear demonstrate a conductive hearing deficit (in left average scalp potentials elicited by a train of clicks and recorded
ear), where bone conduction is louder than air conduction. F and G, For the much like an electroencephalogram. A pattern of seven waves
specific patient in C, Rinne testing in the left ear (G) revealed normal hear- occurs in the auditory evoked response, with peaks at regular
ing, whereas in the right ear (F), Rinne testing indicated that both air and latencies after the clicks that are correlated with activity levels
bone conduction were diminished, and thus a sensorimotor deficit was pres-
ent in the right ear.
of the ascending auditory system. The activity from one or more
auditory structures may be correlated with a specific wave, as
The Auditory System 313



arcuate fasciculus


geniculocortical radiations


brachium of the inferior colliculus


lateral lemniscus




trapezoid body



vestibulocochlear nerve


radial bundle


Fig. 21.7 Hierarchical order of central auditory pathways.

Latency (ms)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Amplitude ( µV)


Superior Inferior

Cochlear olive colliculus Medial Auditory

nucleus geniculate cortex
Auditory nucleus
Fig. 21.8 Stylized example of an auditory brainstem response recording. Waves I to VII are labeled above;
below, the sequence of auditory structures in which activity may be correlated with each wave is indicated.
The vertical lines indicate the approximate correlation of wave and auditory structure, although more than
one structure is likely to contribute to various waves. Levels and latency may vary in actual recordings.

summarized in Fig. 21.8, and shifts in latency and amplitude of partially on the surface of the brainstem at the pontomedul-
specific waves may be used to localize the lesion, to assess hearing, lary junction (Fig. 21.9A). The posterior cochlear nucleus
or to indicate swelling in response to neurosurgical procedures. drapes over the restiform body just inferior to the pontomed-
ullary junction. At this level, the posterior part of the anterior
BRAINSTEM AUDITORY NUCLEI AND PATHWAYS cochlear nucleus is small in proportion to the posterior cochlear
Cochlear Nuclei nucleus (Fig. 21.9A, B). The anterior cochlear nucleus extends
The posterior cochlear nucleus (dorsal cochlear nucleus) and rostral to the posterior cochlear nucleus (Fig. 21.9C), where it
the anterior cochlear nucleus (ventral cochlear nucleus) are may be covered by the flocculus and by caudal fascicles of the
located lateral and posterior to the restiform body and are middle cerebellar peduncle.
314 Systems Neurobiology

Cochlear nuclei:
Posterior Restiform body
Anterior Posterior acoustic stria
Facial nucleus
Lateral superior olivary nucleus

Medial superior
olivary nucleus



Pontobulbar nucleus

Anterior cochlear nucleus

B Restiform body
Facial nerve



Periolivary nucleus
Medial superior olivary nucleus
Pontobulbar nucleus
Fig. 21.9 Levels of the rostral medulla (A and B) and caudal pons (C) illustrating the relation of the
cochlear nuclei and superior olivary complex.

All cochlear nerve fibers end in the cochlear nuclei on the Superior Olivary Complex
ipsilateral side (Fig. 21.10). As these fibers enter the brainstem The superior olivary complex is located near the facial motor
at the cerebellopontine angle, they divide into ascending and nucleus in the caudal pons (Figs. 21.9B, C and 21.11). It is the
descending bundles. Fibers in the ascending bundle synapse in first site in the brainstem where information from both ears con-
the anterior part of the anterior cochlear nucleus, whereas fibers verges. This binaural processing is essential for accurate sound
in the descending bundle synapse in the posterior part of the localization and the formation of a neural map of the contralat-
anterior cochlear nucleus and in the posterior cochlear nucleus. eral auditory hemifield.
In the cochlear nuclei, each afferent nerve fiber makes special- The medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO), which forms a
ized synaptic contacts with several different cell types. Individual distinct vertical bar within a diffuse group of periolivary nuclei,
fibers and their synaptic contacts distribute along orderly rows so is the principal nucleus in the human superior olivary complex
that the resulting order produces distinct tonotopic maps in each (Figs. 21.8B, C and 21.10). The lateral superior olivary nucleus
division (Fig. 21.10C). (LSO), located lateral to the MSO, is less distinct.
Specific cell types of the cochlear nuclei, in turn, give rise to par- The trapezoid body is a bundle of myelinated fibers pass-
allel but separate ascending pathways in the auditory system that ing anterior to the superior olivary complex and intermingling
analyze and code different sound features while preserving fre- with fibers of the medial lemniscus as it crosses the mid-
quency information (see Figs. 21.10C and 21.11 for summary of line (Figs. 21.9B and 21.11). Decussating fibers of the trap-
major cell types and connections associated with each). These pro- ezoid body end in the contralateral superior olivary complex
jections are subdivided into pathways conveying monaural infor- or ascend in the contralateral lateral lemniscus. The medial
mation to the inferior colliculus and those providing input to the nucleus of the trapezoid body lies medial to the MSO. It
superior olivary complex for binaural processing. Most fibers from receives projections from the contralateral anterior cochlear
the anterior cochlear nucleus course anterior to the restiform body nucleus and gives rise to important local inhibitory circuits
part of the inferior cerebellar peduncle to form the trapezoid body within the superior olive.
(Fig. 21.9B, C). Projections from the posterior cochlear nucleus The topographic organization of the afferents to the MSO and
and some from the anterior cochlear nucleus course posteriorly the LSO conserves the orderly representation of the cochlea (Fig.
over the restiform body as the posterior acoustic stria and decus- 21.11). The MSO receives excitatory input from both ears by
sate in the pontine tegmentum before joining the lateral lemniscus. way of projections from the ipsilateral and contralateral anterior
The Auditory System 315

Posterior cochlear
nucleus (PCN) PCN

Cochlea Restiform body

Pyramidal cells
Anterior cochlear
nucleus (ACN)

nerve (CN) Cochlear
A nerve
Octopus cells

Globular bushy cells


bushy cells

CN Multipolar cells 8000 Hz

B 4000 Hz
2000 Hz
1000 Hz
Fig. 21.10 The posterior and anterior cochlear nuclei in cross section (A and C) and as viewed from the
lateral aspect on the left (B). The anterior cochlear nucleus extends rostral to the posterior nucleus (B).
The course, the tonotopic organization of cochlear afferent fibers, and the locations of main cell groups
are also indicated (C).

cochlear nucleus. The excitatory neurotransmitter is probably Lateral Lemniscus and Its Nuclei
glutamate or aspartate. The LSO also receives input from both The lateral lemniscus contains axons from second-order neurons
ears. The synapse from the ipsilateral anterior cochlear nucleus in the cochlear nuclei, third-order neurons in the superior olive,
is excitatory; however, the pathway from the contralateral ear and fourth-order neurons in the adjacent nuclei of the lateral
involves an additional synapse in the trapezoid body nucleus that lemniscus (Fig. 21.11). It is precisely this heterogeneous collec-
then inhibits LSO. These local inhibitory circuits use glycine as a tion that prevents a simple correlation of nuclei or tracts with
neurotransmitter. specific wave components of the auditory evoked responses that
The pathways to the MSO from the anterior cochlear nucleus are widely used to clinically assess the level of brainstem func-
are anatomically arranged so that signals from the contralateral tion. The interposition of synaptic delays in each of these compo-
ear arrive close enough in time to those from the ipsilateral ear nents of the lateral lemniscus imparts temporal differences that
to summate at each cell only for a sound from a specific point in contribute to at least the second, third, and fourth wave compo-
the contralateral hemifield of space. This mechanism, referred nents of the evoked responses.
to as coincidence detection, accounts for computation by the The larger anterior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (ven-
MSO of interaural time differences that contribute to sound tral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus) consists of cells scattered
localization (Fig. 21.12). Coincidence of the signals occurs among the ascending fibers of the lateral lemniscus (Fig. 21.11).
when the shorter neural conduction time in the path from the It extends from the rostral limit of the superior olive to just below
ipsilateral cochlear nucleus compensates for the shorter delay of the inferior colliculus. These cells project to the inferior collicu-
the sound path to the contralateral ear (Figs. 21.9 and 21.12). lus, completing an indirect monaural pathway (Fig. 21.11).
Additional spatial cues are derived from interaural intensity dif- The smaller posterior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (dorsal
ferences caused by shadowing of sounds by the path from the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus) is intercalated in the ascend-
contralateral side of the head. Interaural level differences are ing fiber bundles of the lateral lemniscus just caudal to the infe-
coded by summation of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to LSO rior colliculus (Fig. 21.11). This nucleus receives input mainly
neurons (Fig. 21.12). from the superior olivary complex. Ascending projections from
Ascending projections from the MSO travel largely in the the posterior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus decussate in the
ipsilateral side in the lateral lemniscus and synapse in the cen- posterior tegmental commissure. These fibers terminate in the
tral nucleus of the inferior colliculus (Fig. 21.11). These fibers contralateral inferior colliculus and, to a lesser degree, in the con-
synapse in corresponding frequency regions (low to low, and so tralateral posterior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (Fig. 21.11).
on) of the inferior colliculus (Fig. 21.11). The LSO also con- This pathway is largely inhibitory, using γ-aminobutyric acid
tributes contralateral excitatory and ipsilateral inhibitory axons (GABA) as the neurotransmitter. It conveys binaural information
to these pathways. Branches of these projections also end in and inhibits activity from the opposite hemifield.
the posterior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (dorsal nucleus
of the lateral lemniscus). This nucleus, in turn, projects to the Inferior Colliculus
contralateral inferior colliculus and constitutes an indirect bin- Virtually all ascending auditory pathways terminate in the infe-
aural pathway from the superior olive to the inferior colliculus rior colliculus (Fig. 21.11). The egg-shaped core of the inferior
(Fig. 21.11). colliculus, the prominent central nucleus, is nested in a base of
316 Systems Neurobiology

Auditory cortex

Corpus callosum

Medial geniculate nucleus: AII

Anterior division
Posterior division
Medial division


Commissure of
inferior colliculus
Inferior colliculus:
Brachium of Pericentral nucleus
L L External nucleus
inferior colliculus
Central nucleus

H Posterior tegmental
Posterior acoustic stria
Posterior nucleus of LL

Anterior nucleus of LL

Lateral lemniscus (LL)

Lateral superior
L L olivary nucleus
Medial superior Superior olivary complex
olivary nucleus
H H Cochlear nuclei:
H Posterior
L Anterior
Trapezoid body nerve
H Medial nucleus H
L Medial lemniscus of trapezoid body

Fig. 21.11 Ascending central auditory pathways. Monaural pathways are shown in red, binaural pathways
in blue, and other connections in black. AI and AII, primary and secondary auditory cortices; H, high fre-
quencies; L, low frequencies.

afferent fibers formed by fibers of the lateral lemniscus. These represented posterolaterally and higher frequencies anteromedi-
fibers are the major source of input to the inferior colliculus. In a ally (Fig. 21.11).
shell around the central nucleus, other cells form pericentral and Many cells in the inferior colliculus respond to input from
external nuclei (Fig. 21.11). The pericentral nucleus lies pos- either ear. Among cells with low characteristic frequencies,
terior to the central nucleus and is traversed by fibers from the many are sensitive to interaural time delays, and those with high
commissure of the inferior colliculus. The external nucleus lies characteristic frequencies are sensitive to interaural intensity dif-
lateral and is intersected by fibers that form the brachium of the ferences. Thus binaural responses of inferior collicular neurons
inferior colliculus. resemble those of the superior olivary neurons, from which they
The central nucleus integrates information from multiple receive a dominant binaural input. These responses are probably
hindbrain auditory sources and in turn projects to the anterior further modified by indirect binaural pathways from the poste-
division of the medial geniculate nucleus (Fig. 21.11). It consists rior nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and by intrinsic circuits in
of parallel layers of cells with disk-shaped dendritic fields. Affer- the fibrodendritic laminae. Other cells in the fibrodendritic lami-
ents from the lateral lemniscus course parallel to these dendritic nae of the central nucleus are monaural and are mainly excited
fields, forming a series of fibrodendritic laminae. Ascending only by the contralateral ear. Their responses resemble those of
projections diverge and converge in a point-to-plane order in the cells in the contralateral cochlear nucleus.
central nucleus. As a result, each point along the cochlear spiral is Cells in the pericentral and external nuclei are broadly tuned
represented in an isofrequency lamina. Functionally, cells in the to frequency, and they habituate rapidly to repetitive stimuli.
central nucleus are narrowly tuned, with the lowest frequencies They receive input from the central nucleus and the cerebral
The Auditory System 317

auditory cortex (Fig. 21.11). These projections are also tonotopi-

cally arranged. More broadly tuned and sensitive to habituation,
IC this pathway may convey information about moving or novel
stimuli that direct auditory attention.
The medial (magnocellular) division receives afferents from
the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus and projects to
association areas of the auditory cortex. It contains cells that are
broadly tuned to auditory and other sensory stimuli, including
vestibular and somesthetic inputs. The medial division projects
Left MSO to temporal and parietal association areas and to the amygdala,
Coincidence detector
Left CN
Right CN putamen, and pallidum. In view of the multisensory convergence
that occurs in this pathway, it may be a part of the reticular acti-
A vating system.

Central Deafness
IC Central deafness results from damage to the cochlear nuclei or
the central pathways that relay auditory information to the audi-
tory cortex. Damage to the cochlear nuclei may cause deafness
in the ear on the affected side. On the other hand, central lesions
within the brainstem, diencephalon, or auditory cortices may
alter the perception of sound but infrequently result in deafness
in one ear. In some cases, pontine lesions may result in pontine
NTB auditory hallucinosis, such as an orchestra out of tune, buzzing
insects, or strands of music. These perceived auditory events are
accompanied by more typical symptoms of pontine lesions, such
as cranial nerve deficits and long tract signs. A perception of noise
Left CN Left LSO Right CN or sounds may also be experienced by patients with temporal
Level detector lobe seizures or a temporal lobe lesion that damages auditory
Fig. 21.12 The mechanism by which the superior olivary nuclei calculate inte-
raural cues from time of arrival of sound at each ear and differences in sound
level arriving at each ear that vary as a function of location of the sound source.
A, Diagrammatic representation of pathways that enable cells in the medial supe- The auditory cortex is located in the transverse gyri of Heschl
rior olivary nucleus (MSO) to encode microsecond differences in time of arrival (Figs. 21.11 and 21.13). Two transverse temporal gyri are bur-
of sounds at each ear. When excitatory signals from the ipsilateral and contra- ied in the lateral sylvian sulcus, covered by parts of the frontal
lateral anterior cochlear nucleus (CN) to the MSO coincide in time, MSO fir- and parietal opercula and continuous with the superior temporal
ing increases. As arrival of neural impulses is offset in time, firing decreases. B,
Diagrammatic representation of pathways from each ear to the lateral superior
gyrus. Posterior to the transverse temporal gyri is a smooth area,
olivary nucleus (LSO). When the sound at the ipsilateral ear is loud relative to the the planum temporale, which is usually larger on the left side
contralateral ear, the sum of excitation from the ipsilateral anterior CN and inhi- than on the right.
bition from the contralateral anterior CN relayed by the nucleus of the trapezoid The primary auditory (AI) cortex is located in the first (ante-
body (NTB) favors excitation, and LSO firing increases. When the sound at the rior) transverse temporal gyrus but may extend into the second
contralateral ear is loud relative to the ipsilateral ear, the sum favors inhibition,
and LSO firing is turned down or off. Spatial coding is then relayed to the inferior
(posterior) gyrus (Fig. 21.13A). Cytoarchitecturally, the pri-
colliculus (IC) for further refinement and integration. mary auditory cortex corresponds to Brodmann area 41, which
encompasses the granular cortex, with its well-developed layer
IV containing small granule cells and densely packed small pyra-
cortex and nonauditory input from the spinal cord, posterior col- midal cells in layer VI (Fig. 21.13B). Adjacent to the granular
umn nuclei, and superior colliculus. These nuclei project to the cortex in the second transverse gyrus and planum temporale is
medial geniculate nucleus (Fig. 21.11), superior colliculus, retic- area 42, which constitutes the secondary auditory (AII) cortex
ular formation, and precerebellar nuclei. Thus the pericentral (Fig. 21.13A).
and external nuclei are probably involved in functions related to Area 41 is reciprocally connected with the anterior division
attention, multisensory integration, and auditory-motor reflexes and area 42 with the posterior division of the medial geniculate
(Fig. 21.16). body (Fig. 21.14), continuing the persistent parallel pathways
of feature processing in the central auditory system. Through
Medial Geniculate Nucleus the corpus callosum, each auditory cortical area is connected
The medial geniculate nucleus forms a small protuberance on the with the reciprocal areas in the other cerebral hemisphere. The
lower caudal surface of the thalamus between the lateral genicu- tonotopic organization of constituent cells of the cortical layers
late body and the pulvinar (Fig. 21.11; see also Fig. 15.10). The and incoming afferent fibers extends through the primary audi-
anterior division of the medial geniculate nucleus receives affer- tory cortex as long frequency-specific bands (Fig. 21.13). The
ents from the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus and pro­ series of bands have subcomponents composed of cells respon-
jects to the primary auditory cortex. Isofrequency contours in the sive to different binaural features, such as interaural time or
anterior division are arranged so that low frequencies are repre- level differences.
sented laterally and higher frequencies are represented medially From the matrix of cellular connections so formed, processing
(Fig. 21.11). As a result of collicular and thalamic integration, of auditory features along “what” and “where” paths is common
however, most cells are not reliably excited by simple tones and to intracortical connections of auditory cortex with other associa-
are probably involved in complex feature detection. tion parietal and temporal cortices as already described for visual
The posterior division receives input from the pericentral processing (see Chapter 20, Other Visual Cortical Areas) and
nucleus of the inferior colliculus and projects to the secondary important for fusion of perception of multisensory events.
318 Systems Neurobiology

Pars opercularis
(area 44) Supramarginal gyrus (area 40)
Pars triangularis Angular gyrus (area 39)
(area 45)

Areas 17, 18

ula Area 41
temporal gyrus Area 42

Area 42 Area 22
Area 41
Area 22
Medial 42 temporale


8000 4000 1000
250 50 Hz
Fig. 21.13 The organization of auditory cortical areas. Location and interconnections of auditory cortical
areas (A) and of the granular cortex in area 41 (B) and a model of integration isofrequency bands (solid
lines) with binaural response columns (dashed lines) in the primary auditory cortex (detail from A). Pt,
planum temporale.

An auditory association cortex surrounds the primary audi- nuclei, which in turn send olivocochlear efferents to the cochlea.
tory area and is located mainly in the posterior portion of the There are also descending projections from the periolivary nuclei
superior temporal gyrus (Fig. 21.13A). Area 22 includes a part to the cochlear nuclei.
of the planum temporale and the posterior portion of the supe-
rior temporal gyrus. It receives connections from the primary Olivocochlear Bundle
auditory cortex as well as visual and somesthetic information. The olivocochlear efferent system arises from groups of cells
This speech receptive area, known as the Wernicke area, may in the periolivary nuclei of the superior olivary complex (Fig.
be as much as seven times larger on the left side than on the 21.14). These efferent systems travel as the olivocochlear
right. When this area is damaged by occlusion of branches of the bundle in the vestibular part of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
middle cerebral artery, an auditory aphasia (Wernicke apha- Lateral olivocochlear efferent cells project to the ipsilateral
sia) results. In such cases, comprehension of speech sounds inner hair cells, where they make axoaxonic synapses with
is impaired but discrimination of nonverbal sounds is largely type I spiral ganglion afferent fibers (Figs. 21.4 and 21.14).
unaffected. Medial olivocochlear efferent cells have bilateral projections
The higher association areas of the auditory cortex also extend that terminate directly on outer hair cells (Figs. 21.4 and
into the inferior parietal lobule (Fig. 21.13A). This lobule is made 21.14).
up of the angular gyrus (area 39) and supramarginal gyrus (area Direct efferent feedback to outer hair cells, in particular,
40). These two areas are important in aspects of language such as may influence cochlear mechanics and consequently the sensi-
reading and writing and are sometimes included in the Wernicke tivity and frequency selectivity of the cochlea. The effect may
area. be important in selectively tuning the cochlea to important
Brodmann areas 44 and 45 are known as the Broca area for sounds.
expressive speech and language. They are located in the pars
opercularis and pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus MIDDLE EAR REFLEX
(Fig. 21.13A). The major pathway connecting these areas with The small striated muscles of the middle ear affect the
the association auditory cortex is the arcuate fasciculus (Fig. mechanical impedance of the ossicular chain. These muscles
21.13). If areas 44 and 45 are damaged along with other motor are activated by the middle ear reflex (Fig. 21.15). Because
cortices on the left side by a stroke involving branches of the of the timing of the response, the middle ear is more effec-
middle cerebral artery, the result is Broca aphasia. In this disor- tive in protecting the inner ear from loud sounds that have
der, speech is nonfluent, but comprehension of verbal and non- long duration. It may also serve to dampen the speaker’s own
verbal sounds is largely unimpaired. voice.
The stapedius muscle is innervated by facial motor neurons,
DESCENDING AUDITORY PATHWAYS and the tensor tympani muscle is innervated by trigeminal
Descending projections make reciprocal connections throughout motor neurons. These motor neurons are intimately associated
the auditory pathway. They form feedback loops that provide with the caudal end of the superior olivary complex, in the case
circuits to modulate information processing from the peripheral of the stapedius muscle, and with the rostral end of the supe-
level to the cortex (Fig. 21.14). For example, the auditory cortex rior olivary complex, in the case of the tensor tympani muscle.
projects to the medial geniculate nucleus and nuclei of the infe- In these positions, auditory input via axons of neurons in the
rior colliculus. The inferior colliculus projects to the periolivary cochlear nuclei or the superior olivary complex provides the
The Auditory System 319

AII cortex
AI cortex
Association cortex

Medial geniculate nucleus:

Anterior division
Posterior division
Medial division

Inferior colliculus:
External nucleus
Central nucleus
Pericentral nucleus Brodmann areas,
22 42 auditory cortex

41 Superior colliculus,
deep layers

Tectobulbospinal fibers

Periolivary nuclei:
Cochlear nuclei:
nucleus of To: PPRF, RF,
Posterior medial and spinal cord
Anterior geniculate
body Orienting
Hair cells:

Fig. 21.14 Descending auditory pathways that modulate sensory processing Inferior colliculus:
at central and peripheral auditory sites. The lateral olivocochlear efferents are
Spatial External nucleus
shown in red and the medial olivocochlear efferents in green. AI and AII, primary information Central nucleus
and secondary auditory (cortices).
Fig. 21.16 The pathways that subserve auditory-motor integration involved in
simple orientation to a novel auditory stimulus. PPRF, paramedian pontine reticu-
nucleus lar formation; RF, reticular formation.
Facial: nucleus
sensory limb of the reflex. The sensory pathways are bilateral,
Nerve so that stimuli may be presented by earphones to one ear while
the device to measure impedance is placed in the ear canal on
Superior the other side.
Reflexive and learned responses to sound require sensory-motor
integration. In addition to corticocortical interconnections for the
Hair cells: dissemination of auditory information, there is also integration
Outer of auditory sensory input with motor pathways in the brainstem.
Inner Reticulospinal neurons in the region of the lateral lemniscus have
dendrites that sample lemniscal activity and are involved in rapid
acoustic startle reflex pathways. In addition, the deep layers of the
Stapedius superior colliculus receive auditory information from the inferior
muscle colliculus and auditory cortical areas (Fig. 21.16). The deep layers
of the superior colliculus integrate auditory, visual, and somesthetic
information and project to brainstem and cervical spinal cord nuclei
via tectobulbospinal fibers, which are involved in controlling orienta-
tion of the head, eyes, and body to sound (Fig. 21.16).
Tympanic membrane
Fig. 21.15 The pathway of the middle ear reflex arc. For simplicity, only the Sources and Additional Reading
stapedius reflex is shown. The complete list is available online at
Sources and Additional Reading Gelfand SA. Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acous-
Interesting web links related to the auditory system: tics. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1990.
Mammano F, Nobili R. The cochlea. http://www. Pickles JO. An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing. 2nd ed. London: Aca-
Accessed June 7, 2017. demic Press; 1988.
Promenade ‘round the cochlea. Webster D, Fay RR, Popper AN. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Vol. I.
start_gb.htm. Accessed June 7, 2017. The Auditory Pathway: Neuroanatomy. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1992.
Altschuler RA, Bobbin RP, Hoffman DW. Neurobiology of Hearing: The Cochlea. Yost WA. Fundamentals of Hearing: An Introduction. San Diego: Academic Press;
New York: Raven Press; 1986. 1994.
Altschuler RA, Bobbin RP, Clopton BM, Hoffman DW. Neurobiology of Hearing:
The Central Auditory System. New York: Raven Press; 1991.


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