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JSON in 2 Minutes

JavaScript Object Notation is a standard text based data format used in web
development to send and receive the data.

Where JSON is used ?

-> Web Applications.

-> APIs.
-> Mobile Applications.
-> Gaming APIs.
-> IOT

Advantages Of Using JSON:

-> It is supported by all programming languages.

-> It can be used on all platforms.
-> It is a light weight database standard, so data transmission is fast.

Data Types Supported:


JSON Methods in JavaScript:

-> JSON.parse(): Takes JSON string and convert into java script object.
-> JSON.stringify(): Convert JSON into JSON string(useful while sending over
the network).

Syntax and Example:

“name” : “Robert”,
“technologies” : [“c”, “cpp”, “php”, “java script”],
“city”:“New York”,
“block” : 25,
“street” : “7th street”,
“pincode” : 100003

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