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Learning Episode 1

Name: ____________________________ Course, Yr. & Sec. _________ Date: ________

The Teacher We Remember

1. From the PPSTs, The Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards

and the TEDx videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great
teacher possess?

Great teachers never stop learning, according to the four career

stages of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
(PPSTs) for teachers. The next phase is to advance from being a
proficient teacher to one who is extremely proficient after
obtaining the certification to become a professional beginning
teacher. On the other hand, a great teacher knows and
understands what to teach, helping students learn, participating
with the community, and becoming a better teacher every day,
according to the frameworks provided by the Southeast Asia
Teachers Competency Standards. Those who want to become
teachers must be willing to take on a greater role outside of the
classroom. According to the video I watched, excellent teachers
have a deep grasp of their students. They do listen well, which is
a quality necessary to reform education and schools. Teachers
who are great also have the ability to bring out the best in their
pupils. Despite the difficulties that their kids are having, they
have this profound knowledge and the ability to see beyond. They
guide each student in a direction where they may understand
their worth, destiny, and purpose, all of which can greatly
influence the decisions they make in the future.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

No, the aforementioned competencies are not just concerned

with professional competencies. To be successful in teaching
and learning, teachers must also exhibit certain personal
attributes. Because students depend on what their teachers are
teaching them, it is crucial to impart correct knowledge to them.
On the other hand, a teacher's character traits have a significant
role in improving relationships in the classroom and in the larger
community to which they belong. It's crucial for a teacher to
make every effort to fully comprehend each of their students in a
classroom with a range of backgrounds and academic levels and
to support them as they progress.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional

competencies to plan a lesson execute a lesson plan, manage a class,
assess learning, compute and report grades? Explain your answer.

As I would see it, proficient capabilities are insufficient for an

educator to be called perfect. Arranging an example, executing
an illustration plan, dealing with a class, evaluating getting the
hang of, processing and revealing grades are essential for an
educator's work and by doing this errand just means he was
taking care of his business. An extraordinary educator should
likewise have individual characteristics, for example, being a
decent audience which is vital trademark in light of the fact that
an instructor may have the option to help and urge their
understudies to progress assuming they have areas of strength
for an of what their identity is and where they are in their
scholastic process. It is vital to tune in for what understudies
are keen on so the educator can fit illustrations to their
advantage regions, how they portray any difficulties or
hindrances so the instructor can be strong, and the way that they
connect with different understudies and in the homeroom. This is
just one example of a personal quality that is essential for
understanding one's students and supporting them in their
academic journey. Listening can also be important for
understanding cultural differences.

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important - personal qualities

or professional competencies? Why?

As I would see it, proficient capabilities are insufficient for an

educator to be called perfect. Arranging an example, executing
an illustration plan, dealing with a class, evaluating getting the
hang of, processing and revealing grades are essential for an
educator's work and by doing this errand just means he was
taking care of his business. An extraordinary educator should
likewise have individual characteristics, for example, being a
decent audience which is vital trademark in light of the fact that
an instructor may have the option to help and urge their
understudies to progress assuming they have areas of strength
for an of what their identity is and where they are in their
scholastic process. It is vital to tune in for what understudies
are keen on so the educator can fit illustrations to their
advantage regions, how they portray any difficulties or
hindrances so the instructor can be strong, and the way that they
connect with different understudies and in the homeroom. This is
just one example of a personal quality that is essential for
understanding one's students and supporting them in their
academic journey. Listening can also be important for
understanding cultural differences.

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

Actually, most us don’t remember being taught, rather we remember being
transformed. We remember the teachers that facilitated our growth and
transformation over the years, not a single lesson in a classroom and this aspect
was mentioned in the TEDx video that I viewed. Although teachers all
have different teaching styles, passions, and life experiences, memorable
teachers have one thing in common, they are intentional about the impact they
want to create. These teachers have a long-term vision and don’t get caught up
in the small day-to-day stuff. They accept their students for who they are, and
help them see their purpose of who they could become when they leave school.

6. Which personal traits do you possess? Not possess? Where do you

need improvement in?
The personal traits I possess was being patient and approachable. They say that
‘patience is a virtue’, and this couldn’t be more true for teachers. Dealing with
youngsters can be a tricky task so being approachable is a must. I am also
enthusiastic and adaptable I love to be a teacher and everything about it.
Feeling a sense of enthusiasm from their teacher will inspire them to
learn and apply themselves better. I am also a good listener, emphatic, and
disciplined. As a person, I know that there are personal traits that I need
to improve such as strong communication skills. Possessing this quality is
necessary when speaking to parents about their children. Or sometimes a
child might be misbehaving, and news of this must be broken to the parents.
Another trait was my patience, I knew that this trait is very crucial in the teaching
profession especially to the students who will truly test may patience and I was
afraid that I can’t hold back my anger.

7. Which professional competencies you strongly capable of


I am capable of creating a safe learning environment that is conducive to learning

is essential. I knew that I can also be good at lesson plan design. I have the
knowledge on how to choose and create instructional materials to
accommodate students at different levels. This follows my knowledge of
using varied teaching strategies to help my students with multiple learning styles
learn and stay engaged. I know that I can also be able to assess and
identify my students’ needs. I can also collaborate with others so we can learn
from one another and grow into better teachers to make the school a safe,
effective learning environment for all students and to improve the overall
image of the school and the instruction that takes place there.

8. In which competencies do you need to develop more?

My specialized and computerized capacities need the most improvement on the

grounds that, obviously, modernization calls for us to be happy with the
information we as of now have to furnish students with better schooling. Current
kids have grown up encircled by computerized innovation, and these abilities will
be fundamental during a pandemic. I ought to go through a major computerized
change to have the option to address the issues of the youthful age and their
mechanically situated future. Due to the sudden and rapid shifts that the COVID-
19 pandemic has brought about in education and schools, I need to improve my
skills and knowledge in these areas.

9. Write a reflection on the personal and professional qualities of an

effective teacher.

As future educator, we should be helped to remember the individual

characteristics and expert abilities we should have. Being a great teacher does
not solely depend on a teacher's knowledge and abilities; rather, it is important to
work on his or her traits and characteristics as well. Lately, the nature of
instruction has essentially changed. Educators should furnish understudies with
abilities that will assist them with working cooperatively and delicately in a group,
become leaders, plan and deal with their time really, pay attention to each other
and pick the ideal correspondence technique brilliantly. We want incredible
educators comprising of at least one abilities whose dominance would empower
the accomplishment of the capability. The person should be connected to each of
the three of the spaces under which execution can be evaluated: information,
abilities and demeanor. Competencies are also measurable because they can be
observed. Evaluating a skill from an instructor's performance is conceivable.
Showing abilities might require equivalent measures of information, expertise and
demeanor, however some will not. A few capabilities might include more
information than expertise or demeanor, though, a few abilities might be more
expertise or execution based. Educators need many skills to confront the
complicated difficulties of the present world. The focal figures in the instructive
cycle are educators. The outcome of preparing and instruction relies upon their
arrangement and execution quality. In a perfect world, then, teachers ought to
exhibit compelling homeroom the executives, expanding productivity, keeping up
with discipline and spirit, advancing cooperation, arranging, conveying, zeroing in
on results, assessing headway, and making consistent changes. To foster
cooperative relationships, purposeful learning, and positive relationships, a
variety of strategies should be used. Putting together, appointing, and overseeing
time, space and exercises ought to guarantee the dynamic and impartial
commitment of understudies in useful errands. Extraordinary educators are
recalled. They are the sort of instructors that will leave an engraving of himself or
himself on his/her understudies. They have great characteristics that will enable
understudies to arrive at their fantasies and see past. They will have an
extremely fundamental effect on understudy's life in seeking after to be their best
selves. To have the option to change schools and training, extraordinary
educators are out of luck. Thus, from all that I have learned in this episode, I will
constantly make an honest effort to be an extraordinary educator sometime in the
not so distant future. I will strive to always be considerate of the requirements
and interests of my future students and to have a great heart as well as a great
mind. I will open my eyes to see their capabilities, open my mouth to remind
them of their calling, open my mind to share all of my knowledge and skills, and
open my ears to listen to the struggles in class.

Make a creative illustration of an ideal teacher.

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