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National v

Academy of .



Research Council




of Sodium


L. F. CURTISS, Chairman National Bureau of standards ROBLEY D. EVANS, Vice Chairman Massachusetts Instituteof Technology

J. A. DeJUREN, Secretary Westinghouse Electric Corporation C. J. BORKOWSKI Oak Ridge National Laboratory ROBERT G. COCHRAN Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College SAMUEL EPSTEIN California Institute of Technology U. FANO National Bureau of Standards HERBERT GOLDSTEIN Nuclear Development Corporation of America J. W. fRVINE, JR. Massachusetts Institute nf Technology E. D. KLEMA Northwestern University W. WAYNE MEDiKE University of Michigan J. J. NICKSON Memorial Hospital, New York ROBERT L. PLATZMAN Laborstnire de Chimie Phyeique D. M. VAN PATTER Bartol Research Foundation

PAUL C. AEBERSOLD Atomic Energy Commission J. HOWARD McMILLEN National Science Foundation CHARLES K. REED U. S. Air Force WILLIAM E. WRIGHT Office of Naval Research

W. WAYNE MEINKE, Chairman University of Michigan NATHAN BALLOU Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory GREGORY R. CHOPPIN Florida State Universi@ GEORGE A. COWAN Los AlamOs Scientific Laboratory ARTHUR W. FAIRHALL University of Washington JEROME HuDIS Brookhaven National Laboratory

EARL HYDE University of California (Berkeley) JULIAN NIELSEN Hanford Laboratories G. DAVID OKELLEY Oak Ridge National Laboratory ELLIS P. STEINBERG Argonne National Laboratory . PETER C. STEVENSON University of California (LivermOre) DUANE N. sUNDERMAN Battelle Memorial Institute

HERBERT M. CLARK Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute JOHN W. WINCHESTER Massachusetts fnstituteof Technology

The Radiochemistry of sodium




t2ah Ridge .Nattond Lahorator> Oak Ridge. Tennessee


Date: Much



Subcommittee National Academy

of Sciences National

on Radkhemi*ry Research



in WA.

PriceS0.60. A=eikhle from rhe Office Tedmlmi d DepunnentofComuiema W.WMWDJU W D. c.

The Subcommittee on Radiochemistry Is one of a number of mbcommltteea working under the Committee on Nuclear Science within the National Academy of Sciences - National Research council . Its member6 represent government, induatrlal, and university laboratories In the areas of nuclear chemistry and analytical chemistry-

The Subcommittee has concerned Itself w%th those areas of nuclear science which tivolve the ohemlst, Buch as the collec&ion and distribution of radiochemlcal procedures, the e~tabllshment of speclflcatlons for radlochemically pure reagentB, avallabilit$ of cyclotron time for service Irradiations, the plaoe of radiochemlstry i.n the undergraduate college program, etc.

This series of monographs has grown out of the need for up-to-date compilations of radlochemical information end procedure.B. The Subcommittee has endeavored to Present a aeriea which will be of maxim~ uae to the working scientist and which contains the. latest available information. Each monograph collects in one volume the perttient information required for radiochemlcal work with an Individual element or a group of olosely related ,elementa.

An expert in the radloohemistry of the particular has written the monograph, following a standard format by the Subcommittee. The Atomic Ehergy Connnission has the printtig of the series.

element developed sponsored

The Subcommittee is confident these publications will be useful not only to the radiochemist but also to the reeearch or medicine worker h other fields such as physics, biochemistry who wiehes to use radlochemical techniques to solve a specific problem.

W. Wayne Meinke, Chairman on Radlochemistry Subcommittee





-.. -


Geneti Reference8 on the Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry ofscriium. m.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


II. Radioactive Nuclides of Sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Its Application in III. The Chemistry of SodiuIU AnalyEls M?thods for Stable Sodium or Its Radionuclides. . . . . A. The Geneti Chemistry of Sodium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. Metalllcs mthun.. . . . . . . . . . The Chemical Gxq0und60fS&um . . a. Sodium Hy&ide, NaR. .,. . . . b. !l!hetiid es ofsodiu m.... . . Ek=Mum Hydroxide, NaOH, . . . . :: !CheNitrogen Conrpounda, . . . . e. The Sulfide. Sulfate. and SuMite f. The Halogen Compouu&. . , . . . The Phosphorus Cknnpounde. . . . :: The Carbonate Compmnda. . . . . i. Sodium cyanide . . . . . . . . . J. Other Sodium compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camound.e.

2 2 3 3 3 :

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4 4 ; 8 8 0
9 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 lb 15 16 16 39


The Analytical Chemistry of .%dium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. z: Sepsxations by Rreclpitatlon . Sepamtione by Electrolysis. . Solvent Exkaction S~thru3 ChrcauLtoPphy Separations . . a. Witi Organic Adaorbents. . b. With Ion Exchange Resine . c. By Papr Chromatography. .

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Iv. v. VI.

Dissolution of Samples Containing Sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . S#ety-ctices tiunting Tecbnlques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for t~ Re.dioactive SC-Mum Isotopes. . . . .

VII. RsiMochemLcal Roceduns for the Sodium Radlonuclides. . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Radiochemistry

of Sodium

W. T. MULLINS AND G. W. LEDDICOTTE Oak Ridge National Laboratory * : Oak Ridge, Tennessee


GENERAL REFERENCES ON THE INORGANIC AND ANALYTICAL CH@@IWY OF SODIUM Remy, H,, Treatise on Inorganl chemist c q, AmeterdeJn(1955). Vol~ I, Eleevier,

Kleinberg, J., Argerelnger,W. J., Jr., and Griswold, E., Ihorganic chemistry, Heath, I!aston(1~0) . Hillebrand, W.F., Lundel.1, E. F., Bright, H. A., and Hoffmm, G. J. L., Applied Inorgan AnalysiB, John Wiley and Sorm, New York, Ic 1958. Wilson, C. L., and Wilson, D. W., ComprehensiveAnalytical Chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1959. Sienko, M. J., and Plane, R. A., Chemistv, McGraw-HilJ, New York, 1957. Chariot, G., and Bezier, D., Quantitative horganic fqalysi~> John Wiley and Some, Ww!iork, 1957. Sidgwlck, N. V., The Cinemical Elements and Their Corapo unda, Ihiveraity Press, Oxford, 1951. ry - The Elements and Theti Reactions, Saunders, Hutchinaon, E., Chemist Philadelphia, 1959. Sneed, M. C, and Maynard, J. C., General College Chemlatry Van Nostrand, , New York, 1944. c Sneed, M. C., and Brasted, R. C., Comprehensive Inorgani Chel?dstry, Volwne 6, Whe Mkall Metals, Van Nostrand, NewYork, 1957. LatNner, W. M., and Hildebrand, J. H., Reference Bcok of Inorganic chemistry, MacMillanNew York; 1940.

*Operated for U. S. Atomic Energy Comisslon by Union Carbide Corpmation

II. TEE RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES OF SODIUM The radionuclides of sodium that are of imberest in the ra.dlochemdstry of sodium are given b Table I. This Table hae been completed from irfor-

(1) m3tion appearing In reports by Strominger, et al, and by Hughes and


HalfLlfe 0.3s5 23 6

Mode of

P+ P+

Energy of Rdiatlon, Mew

Produced By Ne-p-m, W-y- 3U 20 -p-y, N -p-n, Ne-d~n g-p-a, & t-p-a F-~m, He-d-n, Ne2~-p-y Na-n-2n, *-d-a Na-d-p, Na-n-y, Mg-d-a Mg-n-p, Mg-y-p, Al-n-a Al-d-pa, Al-y-@p, Al-p-2-n 3i-7-2p Ms-7-P, ~-n-p

P+ 3.5 p+ 2.5

2.6 Y.

@+ 0.542

15 h


@- 1.39, 4.14 Y 1.38, 2.76



P- 3.7, .7


THE ~ OF SODllM AND ITS APPLICNCION IN AK41.YSIS METHODS FQR 91!4BLE SOD~ OR ITS RADIONUCLIEE9 Redioch&ulcal analysis =thode usually follow the Ideas and techniques

established in conventionalmethcde, such ae precipitation, solvent excrac tion, chrcmmtogIaphy,and electrolyels. Since these methods are dependent upon chemical reactions to bring them to completion, the general bfonnatlon presented below on the formation of acdlum compunds attempts to relate these more conventional methods to the radlochemisiaymethods used in ana~~ a ~~ctive A. matefid for the scilium radionuctides. The Geneml Chemist of odium ry

Sadlum composes about 2.83$ of the earths cruet and occurs pfincisly in the form of scdium chloride. Other natural compounds of Eodium include the titrate, the

the csxbonate, the bicarbonate, and the tetraborate

compouude. sodium also occurs as the silicate In ingeous rocks. Most of the ~-~ c~ ~ found in soils, nters, and in the bodies of plsmta

sad aDlnlsls. Sodiummetal Is chiefly produced fram these compounds by flrBt preparing the chloride and then electrolytlcalJyfusing it nlth

carbonate. 1. MetalXc Sodium

Sodium metal is a soft, and a melting @nt


met-alhaving a demi~

of O.~

of 97.5. It ~shes

quickly in air and must be air with a bright

kept under a Ilquid such as kerosene. It will burn h yellow flame, and it reacta violently with water.

It will unite directly

with the halogens, sulfur, selenium,,and tellurlum. Sodium forms an amalgam with mercu# to become a very active reduc~ agent. Sodium also

alloys with lead, tin, and anthony, but it will not alloy with iron. 2. The Chemical Compunde of sodium Its reactions with carbon the halogens are similar

The only oxidation state of sodium is +1. dioxide, hydrogen, Wgen, nitrogen, sdfur, W

to those for the other alkali metals, 1.e., llthium, potassium, rubidium, and cesiwn. Its violent reactions with water and aqueous solutions can be moderated by using an ~, i.e., a solution of sodium in mercury. of the common acids. of the sdlum compmnda describes

Sodium also forms etrong salts with au

Table II shows the relative solubil.ity may of

in %mter and other reagents. The folloulng information genethe reactions of sodium with other el-nta. a.

The Hydrogen COlnpOund. S9dlUm hydxide, NaH, cau be fozmed by l?ne

heating sodium and hydrogen directly. It has a melting petit of 800. -de b. reacts with w=ter to produce hydrogen gas. The Oxide Compounds. Two oxide compounds are fomed by sodium

in ite reactions with ~gen:

no?xml oxide, Nh20, and the peroxide, Na O 2 2

Sodium rcmcmide, Na20, is formed by heating either sodium hydroxide, or sodium nltmte with excess sdium metal. a mixtme It can also be formed by heating

of sodium azide, NaN and mdlum nit=te at 280. Na20 is a 3 colorless compound that combties with wwter to form NaOH. Sdiuln peroxide, a202 ie formed by burning scdium in ~ excess of If it

air or oxygen.


is a pale yellow solid that m&ts

at h&lO.

is added to a ndxture of ice and water; sodium peroxide hydrate, Na202s8E20

is produced. When Ha202 is heated, oxygen la given off and carbon dioxide Blowly decompose~ it to form sodium carboriate and to evolve oxygen. At 0 C, sodium peroxide reacts with elcohol to produce sodium hydrogen peroxide, iiaETl 2 Sodium pero~de will react with water, ~th some violence, ~22 either

to produce sodium hydroxide, oxygen, aud hydrogen perotide.

in aqueous solution, or as the fused peroxide, is a powerful oxidizing agent. c. sodium H@-o tide. !13J0eneral processes, i.e., the action g

calcium hydroxide on sodium carbonate and an electrolysismethod uelng sodium -Igam and brine, are used to prcduce eodlum hytkoxide, NaOE.

Sodium hydroxide is a colorless andwax-liks solid. It melts at 319 and boils at about 1390. NaOE dissolvee in water with the evolution of heat tomeld a strong basic solution that can be used as a precipitant for

sweral of the chemical elements. d. 3 tube. tie Nitrogen CompundO. Sodium nitfide, Na3N, a
salt of hydrazoic acid,

ean be fommd by react-

sodium and nitrogen in an electric discharge nitrous oxiti, E20, over

Sdium azide, NaN3, can also be fcn%ed by pas@g .ati~o.

sdamide, N-,

NaN3 decomposes when gently heated in vacuo to

give mdlum rdtride and nitrogen gas. The eodium nitride cmpounde are rapidly attacked by water, forming sodium hydroxide and emmonia in the reaction. Sodium nitrate, NzN03, is obtained by the action of HIW3 on sodium metal, sodlwn hydroxide, or sodium carbonate. NaNo3 is hygrcmcopic and diseolves more rapidly in hot water than cold. It is a@drous, and it

will melt at 380 and be decomposed. When heated above @o,

NaN03 will

lose oxygen and form sodium oltrite, Ne.l!122. sodium nitrite is prcduced as very Emu, hygroscoQic crystals. NaN32 is a st~ng electrolyte, and

it will nelt upon heating to fomn a yellow liquld which decomposes at ~er will hydrolyze to nitrous acid when boiled tel!lpemtures. lblf02

ulth -*r. e. The Sulfide, Sulfate, and Sulfil% . Sdiura till react

to form either sodium monosulfide, Na2S, or scdlum ~1~-* a2s2. Sodium nmnosuJfide is a tiless crywklline solld

with a meltingpoint of UE!O. Nn2S is hygmacopic, and it reacts readily





inm; vow awiltlydJM.0 M in &lcObl

Tnble II is continuedm tie follmvlng page.

Sdnblm SOlubln Selmla &lubl.a Wlmlm mlubl.s

Sdm10 Vmg Mlnbla alnbu

irlaolublm in

m.ubln innlealml allbl. ninnldnl

with water to form a strongly aWaline solution. Sodium sulfide solutions are unstible and till break down to form polyeulfides, thiosulfates, and aulJ?ates. Sodium hydrogen sulfide, NaES, can be fo?.med by saturating a sodium hydroxide solution with !&. Sodium sulfates can occur in nature. However,
NaISOk, iS produced by heating NaCl Bodium hydrogen 13UM?te, a

with an exceae of H2S0h at tempe=tures it ia converted to sodium

lower than 150.

If NBHSOL is heated to about ho,

normal sodium sulfate, Na2S04, which is readily soluble in wster.

tblo.mlfate is prepared by boiling sodium sulfite, Na~SO~, in the presence of Eulfur. Sodium thiosulfate, as Na2S203V20, is used principally in

photographic film processing. Here, tileexcess silver bromide, which remains

in photographic film after

suliate to form

developing; dimaolvee very readily in the thio-

a soluble complex. Soditi thiostiate 16 also used as a


for the determination of iodine.

E031ulu hydroge sulfite, or mdiwn blsdflte, NzHS03, is formed by n satumting


solution of mdlum

carbonate or mdlwn hydrcrdde with sulfur

dioxide. Normal scdium suJflte, Na2S03, is formed by treating the eolution with an additional amount of soditi carbonate ~ are.alkaltie and are god are retily OXidlZed tairdng Cmlpounde. f. The Halogen Ccmpunda. The sodium halide c~, Hal?;~ i.e., . stim

The sulfite solutions

reducing agents. BoththeHso-andso--iona 3 3 S04-- ions by atmmphetic oxygen or oxygen-con-

chloride, HaCl; ~

NaHr; and sodium

iodide, NaI, may be prepared either by a direct union of the elemnts or by the reaction of a halogen acid u~n AU sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate.

of the sdium halides are strong salts and are completely ionized. They tempszatum.

are readily soluble in water at ma

Sodium salts of the oxygen acids of the halogens include sodium chlorate, Eodlum hypoCblofite sodium percblorat-e, , SOdiUM bromte, and saiium iodate. into hot concenthat ie

Sodium chlorate, liaC103,is prepared by pasBing chlorine -O tmted sodium hydmxlde.

NzC103 is a colorless crystalline c~und

more solub~e in hot water than in cold.

It is a etrong otidizing agent and

will decoiqose on heating to form free chlorine and oxygen. The correspmding bromate, NaBrQ3, and the iodate, lk.10, are PmPared ~ and ham Bid+ properties 8.9HaCIO 3 oxidation of NaC103. , Sodium hypocblorite in a simllm manner

Sdlum percilomte, NaCIOk, is formed by the tic It is


colorless compound and a etrong oxidiz~


NaCIO, is produced by ~sing sodium hydroxide. s. c~cumis

chlorine Into a cold, dilute solution of

It is eaflily reduced to chloride Ions and oxygen.

The Phosphorus Compounds. Three classes of sodium phosphate can be ~re~red by adding theroetical amouuts of phoe~hofic

acid, H POk, to sodium hydroxide: monosodium dibydrogen phosphate, 3 en and trisodium phosphate, NaH~PO~, disodium monohydrog phosphate, Na2~4, ~a3m4 NaH#h IS acidic in aqueous solutions. Na2~k IS only sll@ly

alkallne wkile Na3FOb Is stronglyalkaline h When sodiur W@rogen



phosphate, NaH2POk, is heated, a series of

EOWJJJJ metaphofiphate compounds are formed. They appear to be all @.ymeric and are represented by the eqpirical formula (IkP03)n. Calcium and magnesium ions can chelate ulth these palyphosphates. If BCdiWII mono-Gn phospha~, ~~~k, 16 dehydrated by heating, sodium pyruph~sphate,

is 17a4?207, formed. 4P2 O~ can be hydrolyzed in an aqueous 6olution to fom ~k= ions. If N.aH2POkand Na2HF0h -aremixed and heated to @O, a

more complex phosphate, sodium triphosphate, Na P O , 1s formed. 531.O 9310 in solution IS S1OWIY hydrolyzed to H#04h. and HK)4-- ions. carbonate, NaeC03, and

The C=mbotite Ccm@ounds. Two salts, sdium

.96dium hydrogen carbonate, NaHC03, are ,formed by the action of carbon dioxide upon .90dlum hydroxide. NaHCOk crystals are redily fonued by pas13ingC02 into concentrated NaOH and they may be filtered off and dried. be obtained by heating NaHC03 at temperatures above 200. comlmse at t-=mpentures above 800. The C-n -ted a2c03 ce-

a2w3 U fO~

Of this 8alt

18 the decahydrate, Na2C03-10~O.. Holutions of Na2C03 and &HC03 are alkaline becau8e.of the basic action of the CO - ioti and the slight hydrolysis 3 of the HCO3- ions.


sOdmJIIl de. NaCN, scdlum, 18 produced by matting cyalM

8odium-charcoal mixbure.

dry ammonia with a molten

It can also be

ptiuced by f using calcium cyanamide and carbon with scdium carbona~ or 8Cd1UIUchloride or ~ heating sodium carbonate, coal, and.rdtrogen acid. Hodium

with iron as a catalyst. NaCN 18 a source of --c

tmocyana te, NaSCN, can be produc@ by reacting.NaCNeither with 8uMur, ammnlum, @.yeuEide, ~. pre~ or sodium thlosulfate. can be

Other Sodium Compounds. Sodium penmmgana te, Na#nOk, by reacting ~se

diofide with 8odium hydroxide. It ts and 18 very hYW8coPic. in air produces

te, KpOk, leas pure than potissium pemangan.9

The heating of sodium hydroxide and chromium tide

80diUIll chromate, Na2Cr04. The chrmnate salt can be efizacted from a heated titure by a water leach. When the solution 18 heated with acid and then waporated, ~ lia2Cr207-O, . till cry8ta3Jise

out of the eolution. When Na2Cr207 16 heated, It first melts and then decompoaea into Na2C@Jk, Cr203, and f-e oxygen.

When asolution containing scdium Ions Is heated with a potasaium salt of antimonyz a slightly soluble salt, sodium orthoantinmnate, Na Sb(OH)6 18 prcducd. Sc&um fluosilicate, Na2SU?6, Is formed in the

action of fluosiiicic acid, H2SU?~, upon a eolution of BOdium hydroxide. It la also Insoluble in water. The aild$tion a lirge volume of a saturated of solutlon of ua.nyl zinc acetate to a small volume containing scdlum Ions i-esults the fo~tion in ~C~te, of the ttiple acetate compound, sodium zinc

NaC H O .5(C H O ) ~ (C H O ) 06~o, results. ThiS 232 22322 2322 solld that is sldghtly soluble

Compound Id a Mght.ysUou.:crypWline in water.

If a solution of borax is treated with ~020rltsOHand~02, precipitate of Eoalllmpe roxybo-te, NeW2.~0~02. slowly In Vat%r. ~@7m10~0, It Is an active oxidizing agent. *-M

It deccsnpees very Sodium tatraborate, the form of ptisme. NaE02.~0.


frcm natural sources h

If it Is heatedvlth scdlum~de, Borexis asaltofaweakacid. glvee analkallm Hum ~ soluti&l.

it foxms scdium~tibomte~

It canbe hydrolyzed and its aqueous solution

de, C6H50Na, 1s fonued in the reaction of sbdium hyhmxlde compoude of Sodiul!l exist.

and cartdic acid. Mauy otheror~c

B. Sodium, -r

The Analytical CheuIdstry -WI of it has been Isolated and separated frcm other elements, is

most frequently detemdned gmvlmettically as sodium chlorlde, NaCl, sodium sulfate, Na#Ok (3,4) or sodium zinc ql=e~=, NdW132)3(C#302)9-~o.(3)

(6) sodium maqScdiullwta-altlmonate, Nesbo3;(5) Soddulu perchlorate, Haclob;


1 acetate Na21J20~MgU207;(7) or bienuth cesium %dlum BI(N02)6 $8,9) m


also coneidezwd ta be eultable gravlmetrlc forma (6) frequently to sepns.te sodium fmm m3thds are

for a sodium detetitlon.

Precipitation methods are used mat

other elements. However, solvent extraction and chromtogmphic

now being studied extensively as sepration methods for sodlmn. The fol.lowlng

genetily deactibea how these methods are being applied in the analytical chemiat~ Of B&UI1l.



tlons by precipitation (u) havewideuae

(lo) and&ith The methcds first 8uggested by Berzeliue

in separating a&iium and the other alhll metals from the other chemical elements. The Berzellus uthcd (9) and ite modifications(w-4) uses mixtures of matedal (ueuaW a mineral)

HF-Hc104-H#ok t.adecau~se the alhli-beamng

and then converts the alkali milfates to chlorides for the final aepsm3tion (u) (15,16) u and itm modifications has also been Of 80di~. -th ~th@i used to decaupose mlnemals. The mineral is &ted carbonate aud ammonium chloride. C02 and in a mixture of calcium

are given off, and the mixture %! reduces to lime and calcium chloride. This mixconverts moat of the metda to low-Bolubflity OddES 8nd SiUters the IMSS SO thd the -i leaching. Sane

metals can be exhacted as chlorides fran the maaa by nter calcium la alao extracted, but it can be removed &cm

the al.kdi mixture by

a precipitation with an ammoniui carbonata-oxahte solution and ftiteriog. The sodium is fineUy techniques. Bariun, strontim, magnesiun, bo=tes, and aulfatea can interfere in separated frm the other alkaM metals by more specific

the aepamtion of sodium (and the other alkali metals) by either the Berzeliue(lO) or Smith method.(U) Rarium and strontimm (8s well 8s calcium)

(17) -can be removed by an auunonium ce.rbonati and oxalate precipitant ion. (l-$) (19) or oxinate. slum can lx aep==tid either 8s magmsium amnoniun pho@at.a Evapon3ting the chloride mixbure to dryness in the presence of methyl alcohol U5.11ranova bonxbeB

volatile methyl bomte



The eulfate

ione can be removed by a precipitation as HaSOk by adding kemium _OTide (1-l) the excess tiium can then & removed solution to the chloride mkture; (17) by a precipitation vltb awnonium carbonati. Phosphates can be ~ed (20) or an F&l solution at a by a precipitation either with zinc cm%ogate 3 (17) controlled PH. Several other precipitation methcds can be used ta separate sodium the other alkali metals and other ions. FOtaesium may be sepazuted frcm sodium (and lithim) by foq (21-24) or ~ the alkali cbloroplatinates


Percblcm.te%(-) cbloroplatinatemethcd, the insoluble ;c#tC16 In the

cam be separated frcm the soltible sodium and lithium chloroplatinatesand the precipitathg agent, H#tC16, by extracting the chloroplatinatemtiture with @% ethyl alcohol. Rubldimn end ceslum also form insoluble chlmo(30-33)

plainatis and can be sepamted frcm sodium in the same ~.

Sodium (and lithium) perchlorates are soluble in either butyl alcohole~l acetate or ethyl slcohol-O. EE104 and can be ae~ted * +1 +1 4 u ilts of K , Cs , Rb1, NH4+1, and m soluble ~rchlo=te frcsnthe inby extracting

(25-29) the Pe=hlorate precipitate with mixtures of these agents. Sulfate ions must ke absent, because sodium m.dfate is also Insoluble in the solvents used In the extraction method. However, magnesiu, the alkalina earths,

nitrates, and phosphates do not serlous~ interfere in the ~rcblorate method. precipitation of s~um as t~ tripk ace~te, Wn(U02)3(C2~021g 6~0, ., also seines se a means of separating sodium frau other elements.(3,34,35) Lithium also fozms the triple acetati salt and must be sepamted before the precipitation is made. (36) Potassium wm of sulfate ions interfe~ only if large amounts molybd&es,(41) m

(36) present. Phosphates, (n-b)

srsenatei3,(383) mslatis, *>39) tsrtrates,(39) and strontium(~) are O interfering substances in this method. Potasslwn (and NH4+1) forms an insoluble tetzaphenyltoron cmpound when scdium tetmpheuylboron solution is added to a mixture of the alkali chlorides (43-49) and can be sepanated frm s~ium in this manner. Lithium and llmgnaslum are also soluble and can Interfene In a sodium separation by this precipitation method. Sodium can be separated frau lithium following the perchlo~te se~tion of potasi31um saturating the n-butiol solution used to by

(28,50) extract the alAsli pachlorate mixture tith hydrochloric acid. Lithium can also be separated fran sodium by exhactlng a chloride mixrider these conditions. ture with acetone.19) Sodium cblorlde is iniolubleq However, barium, strontium, and potaselum chlorides would Interfe= in this method. also insoluble and

Gaseous hybochlorlc acid has alao been

(17) used In the precipitating of sodium chloride. Rubidium and cesium can be sepamted frcansodium with 9-phosphanolybdlc



SOtiUIJJ can




(31,51) cesiun with ailicotungfltic cid solution. a Fluoboric acid has been used to precipitate potisium chloride as potassium fluobomte end se~te


frcunthe chlorides of sodium and lithium.@)

Magnesium, copper, zinc,

cadmium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, iron, aluminum, chranim, and calcium dso remdn in solution. Amnonium, barhnn, and edfate ions ah. separate

with potassium. 2. se-t ion By Electrolysis. !Chealkali metals c.anuot be sepamted

frau solution by electrodepoaition;however, itis possible to sepamti them frcm other elements by electrolyzing an acid solution with a mercury cathode at a controlled potential. (53) The alksli metals and the alkaline eafih elements can be left in solution, whfle elanents such as copper, cadmium, iron, cobalt, nickel, and zinc are deposited on the cathode. The alkali metals can then be sepamted frmu the alkaline eartha and frcm each other by one of the techniques similar to those described in this eection. 3. &mct Solvent Etiractione Separations. Nitranethane has been used to

(54) ~e the polyiodides of the alkali matals fran an acid solution.

distribution ratios are dependent qpon the amount of free idine added to the system and increase in the order Li < Ns <K chloroplabinateewith * pkt inates f~ <Rb <Cs. The exlmactions of alkali

ethyl alcohol to sepamte sodium and lithium chloro-

the insoluble potissium (end Rb and Cs) cbloropl.atiuates ave h

already keen cited.=-24 ~30-33) Butyl elcohol - ethyl acetate or ethyl alcohol - 0.2$ EC104 mixtures have been used in separating the alkali percblomtes.(25-29) Additicaal information on the erbraction of the chloro-

(55,%) platinate and perchlorate mixture is given elsewhere. 4. a. Chraatogmphic SePam tione ~ve used

With Organic Absorbents. Erlenmeyer and Schoenaue$n)

chranatogmphic columnE of violurlc acid, tied earth or starch, to separate p0t8a61Um

chlorides use and .sumonia. Sodium has also ClilOFide been

with barium sulfate, diatauaceous

fFClll S.~~ fran d ~si~ by



of a violuric acid cohnn (58) and by use of a column of 5-oxo-5-aimino-3-

Phenylisoxazoline. (s) b. With Ion Exchange Resins. Cohn and Kohn(60) have sepamted chloriu



Ra, K, I&and Cs byuseof and Riel#4)

albvex-50 column and 0.151j ElMtk

eluant. Beuxe-

also used Duhmx-> and 0.70 g bydm+bloric BrooksWnk and Leddicotte(Q) ~ -(63)

acid to effect m Blmilar ms~tion.

also have more ccmtplete serpsrations Es, K, Rb and Cs on AmberJlte ~-100 of resti. Eaaud K=m@lutedwith Bd4phez and -(~) either 0.1 ~ ml O.1 lJJSCl,and Rbcmd CswitblbJ El.

have also used Amberlite-~-lCO and elutriants of or 0.1 ~ E104 to separate nsdlcactive NaLUldlfg. Qaa (65)

has also mpazuted milligram amount.of NaCl aud KCl on a column of Amberlite-~-100. Sodium

(and pcbmium) have teen se~ted


frau the other constituents of in SF and IL#04 ad expelling the

E3Mcate recks by dimmlang

fluorine fran the mixture ami then absorbing tlu+solution on au Ambrlite m-m column.(a) The alkali metals were eluted frm the column tith

0.I-2g Hcl.

PotaBsium and sodlvm have been separated frcm each other by

use of a column of Wofatlt KS ion exchamge resin and O.1 ~ HClas the elutriant.(67) Cation exchange resins have also been used to separate K and Nafrmneach other and frmn Mgand fm moluble CsinmlJk aah,(a) Kfrcm Nsti Kafran

blood,(69) alkali mews l,wum.(~) =-

(70) and Kand silicates,

Scdium in urine lms also been se-ted

by use of a cation


Both cation and anion exchange resina. have been

used to determine sodium sad the other alkali metals in potassium nl~ ium &oride(74). Bueer(75) reports that the alkali metal Cmmplexes of Scdlum

ummildlacetic acid can be separated by use of a cationic ~sin. and lithium form stable cauplexes but potassium -s were ~ted not.

The cauplexes

by use of a auMonic acid resin, pretreated with either dimetbyl-

suuineor tetramethylawnoniumhydroxide, and elutione with alkaline solutions. Lithium and sodlwn, but mt potassium, rubidium, or cesium, foxm cmrrplexes acid, EDI!FL, and can

with the chelating agent, ethylene-betetraacetic

be separated frun K, Rb, and Cs, and fran each other by eluting an anion msh (76) column of Dowax-1 (4.$Crosslinkage)with 0.13 g Eul!Asolution. c. By Paper (hrcmato~phy. RadioactiveH@ (15 h) has been s~ted

fran radkact ive Kw ~ure

(12.4 h) by use of pa~r


and a solvent In other of sodium

of cone. HC1-water-O.05$ tartaric acid (1:10:4).(n) studies with yper columns, the movement mte



(and IS,Rb, and Cs) -orbed ~s~vent mcon~

on a ~ger. c.hrcmatogzavi been investigated has ccmplex-formingmixhmes, e.g., butanol(m) alcohols

HN03-ace@~t0ne, III~~j(u)

(78) alcohols in ml, (79@) ~UOI,(U)

butanol in ~1,

ketones in El,(&)

or ~~i~m

fi ~3.


Although these systems showed no appreciable individual alkali ion. wvement, they can be used to sep-ate the alkalis from many other cationic epeciea. Sodium KQ lithiwn chlorides have been quantitatively separated from

(~, 85) ettiol in water,(65) acetone III using methanol as a solvent, ethXl ketone h methauol,(@Q ~ ~th acetone-, ethanol-, SCetiC acid chromato-

water,(85) =thyl

(f36, butenol-, end Pentanol-=thenol mixtureEI. 87)


se a solvent can also be used to separate alksli acetates by p-r g~.(W~@) &dium (and ~ ~

CS) has slso been aepemrted from Sodium

potassium in biological smnples by the same solvent mixture.(X-93) has also been separated frm & ~

14g,Cs, and LI by a pqper chrome-by (94, 95) as solvents. T&Se solvent

method that used ProPanoknethenol tiuRS mixtures have also been used to separ~e Ml sulphates by paper ~w=P@(%97) Tracer quantities of Na= .

hydroxides, citrates, and

(2.2 y) has been aepamted tmm

gram ermunts

of magnesium by use of a combined precipitation . p-r ~o(*~99)


Moat of the nmgnesium is remmed by heating the solution to

form magnesium oxide.and the soluble portion eluted from a chromat~aphic

column with ethanol-vster. In this solvent, mgnesium travels ahead of sodium. Rtulbsctive Na24 (15 h) has been separated from 1#2 by use of a solvent mixture of COUC. HC1-vateeO.05$ terterlc acid (1:10:4) n) m.ectrochIwnA OgraPhic eep=diom of the alkali m?td cations with

aqueous Sdvelrts, such as phenolpthalim, ~um

hydroxide, annmnlum or HUM

csmbonate aud hydrochloric acid vith lactate, citrate, t@rate buffers, hme (lf%lok) been msported. Orgmic Solvents,

fonaate and trlchloroacetic acid, have alaolxen usedin (105) separation of the alkali netals.


D--OR Smermke

SA101E8 C~ in=l. Ethe rock or mimsml



is not acid soluble, then the material can be suubilized by eit~r Wrzelius method(lO) or the fhith m@od.(U) =

the ~

BarzeliusFmeti@( lO) fluom

the rock is attacked with SF and H SO and the excem 2 4 expelled by Ustillation. The elkali tiates (u) Chlorides. In the Smith methoi, the powdered mck ** of -otiur

and silicon

then converted to is heated in a

chloriti and calcium cartmnate. Under these condltiona,, the

the alkali metals are converted to chlorides and can be etiracted frm sintar by water.

soil samples can be &ccmpoaed by treabnents with emmouium acetate, HC1, (108) and leachings with either HN33,. EcMF,(@ and H2SO$0)

Biological mde~s,

such as tissues, body fluids, vegetation, or BN03-HClok ~s. (K6,1q)

etc., can be deccmposei with HCl, EXQ3, ~3-H2904j

If any of these dissolution technlquem are used in a Adiochmnical se~tion of the sodium mdionuclide~, the addition of inactive sodltun carrier to the solubiliz~ mixture would greatly assist in achieving an isotopic and inactive sodium atans. The exchange

exchange between the radl~tive

should be rapid and ccsmplete, since sodium existq in ord.yone oxidation state. v. SAFETY PRACTICES The decanposition and the processing of any semple material by chemical means can be hazardous. Thus, edequate ssfety precautions should be followed in processing any sample material. ~eters and Cn5yghton manual safe labo=tory pmctice8, as we~ & as othe= on labo~to~ (m) on

safety, should

consulted before any analysis is undertaken. The intmmiuction of a mdioactlve matarial into a laboratory area

greatly magnifies the needs for sde laboratory practices. The discharge of tioactivity result fi ~us into a laboratory area by evolution or spiJlage, w omditions for personnel and wide spread, contaminant ion. handling practicea for rdloactive

Typical of the information about ade

materials appear in such sources u tha Oak Ridge National Iabomtory s (m) lkmter Analytical Manual and in the International Atanic Energy (U3) Agencys publication, entitled, Safe-Handlingof Rdloisot*s. Many other shdlar sources of infonuation exists and should also be consulted.




FOR TBE RADIOACTIVE EODIUM ISUIKEIZS of the radioactive isotopes of sodium

The nuclear ~terlatlca -

summarized in Tkble I of this mo~ph. The mdi-tivity of either Na24 (15 h) or Na= (2.6 y) can be meaaumd

by such counting techniques as countiog, prqpmtional counting, or gama scintillation spectmmet~. (U6-U9) Generally, the sample material

containing either of these sodium radionuclidesmust be processed radiochemicslQ befo~ the tioactivity meammments are made. However, it has been possible

(W3-U23) to detwmine smedl emounts of sodium in a variety of simple materiels (124,125) by non-destructive nsdioactiyationanelysis methcds involving gaIlmla sctitfition spsctrauetzy to measwe the radioactivity of Na24 .

VII . RADIOCNKMICAL PRCCEIUIES FDR THE SODIUM RADIONUCLItES Both carrier-free and wxrrier tiochemicel analysis procedms

exist ror the sodium radlonuclides. Such procedures as these have evulved fran each investi@ors choice of ideas and tecbniquea s~ to those

reported in Section III of this monogmsph. 22 or ~24 Rsdlockmical procedures ca~ble of giving Na in ~er-free

(61) amounts exist. The ion exchange studies by Peukenkemp and Rieman , Brooksbank and Leddlcotte(@), Kayas(63~65) and Bouchez and KayES(m) u3JJ produce carrier-free solutions of the sodia radionuclides. Sane of the other chromatography se~tion methods presented in Section UI of the monogmph

can also be adapted for use in prex The carrier mdiochemlcal p-eduree

carrier-free scdium radioactive tmcers. that now exist for Na= t-era, and k 24 have been

originated tisepsmte them as tiosctive

(=6) or to sepamte them or for tie in

(lLq) (M) fran fission products and other nsdinactive species

(124,125) n3dloactivationanalysis. By radioactivationanalysis, tmce

of sodim

amounts (138) (129-137) have been detennimsd in aluminiun , aluminium ECUOYS, ~tir$150,151) (1!57) potassium nitrate,

(140-148) ~w\149) (139) asbestos, biological materials, ~*@2,153) ~itii#54) -8im\155) mmtiafl%)

potsherds,(x) nfnactories, (159) and uranium~lz)

Fizdios.ctivation analysis

has also been used to detennire trace scdlwn in ground waters, reactcm cooling -&r, p@stics, soils, vegetation, grapblte, lithium icdide, ~sins, zinc

ore concentnstis, sand, limestone, cement, trichlorosi~,

gallim arsenide,


(67,~-K2) alumina, hafdumoxide,stalnlesa deal, and rubidium carbonate. The procedures that follow are typical of the radlochsmical separation procedum?a used in aneJyzing a -@e of the applications cited above(-W proce-s material either for Na22 or ~24 . Most ) have used either one of the specific

given in _Wia section or have made an adaption to one of these suitable for the pcrticuMr analysis pnblam. In

procedures that vould &

each one of the proceduns included In this section, Itiomation is given about the spsctiic use of the procedure, the type of material analyzed, ths type of nuclear banbardment, etc.
Whenever possible, statements am

made almut the decontamination levels,and the chemical yields achieved by the ~icular procedure cited.

PROCEDURE 1 Procedure Used In: 24 Reparation of Na tracer

Methc=i: Precipitation E1-nt separated: ~a2k (15 h)

Mg, 0.25$ Cr Type .MatefialBcmibamied: Alumlnum alloy (95$ Al; 2.25$ plus Fe and Cu) &_pe of Nucle= Bomb~t: Procedure By: 184 cyclotron deuterons

D. B . Stewart (RePotiedby Meinke(W6)I

Separation Time : . 6 hours Chemical Yield of Carrier: -623$ Decontamination: 104 frcm Al; others unknovn Equi~ent Required: Standard Procedure: 1. Mssolve aluminum b 6 g HC1. Add 50 mg Na and 10 - 20 mg Cu

carriers. 2. precipitate Al(OH)~ with slight excess of NH40H. Centrifuge, pour

off eupernatent. DiEsOlve first precipitate in HC1 and repeat, adding the = supernatit to the original. 3. Al#3m Saturate solution ulth H2S to precipitate CuS smd remaining Al as FYlter or centrlf%ge. 17

PROCEDURE 1 (Continued)

4. Acld~

filtrate with HC1 or ~03 and evaprate to dryneBB. NHk+

salts can be quickly destroyed by boiling uith a 1:4 HC1-KN03 ~ure. Residue la mbiture of Nell and lfa2s04.

PRCYJFJxJlw 2 procedu~ Used In: Method: El=nt Separation of radioactive sodium frcm fle6ion products.

Precipitation *r==ted: ~24(1~) on Na22(2.6y)


Fiaaion product mixture or Na23(n,@Na=

24 Probable Origin: Na23(n,7)Na Procedure By:

Prestwood (Reporbedby~elnberg(w)) Seved hours

Sepamtion The:

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Quantitative Decontamination: Radioc_C~ Equlpnent Needed: standard Procedure: 1. Introduction Wity possible

Radlosotium la sepamtid fran fission-productmateriala by apacific preclpitationasNE Mg(U02)3.(C#302)9.6 1/2 ~0. The sodium is finally yield la p to 6@

converted to and weighed aa the chlorlde. The chemi~

end 2 to 3 hours are required for the analysis of a single sample. Excellent decontamination of tilo sodium is obtained by this procedure. For exsmple,

a product having only 4 c/rein was obtained fran a solution containing 3X1O 14 . flssione 10 days old and inactive sodium. 2. Ikegents used as a prq

Na Carrier: 10 mg Na/ml (added as c.p. NaCl in ~0) Stan= Fe Carrier: 10mgFe/ml Cu Carrier: 10mgCu/ml Hcl: Cone.

(added as FeC13.FeC13.6~0 in dilute ml) (addedas Cu(N03)~ 61$0 in~O)


PHOCEDURE 2 (continued)

I=1O4: 7@ NH40H: Cone. NH4C+02 : 6 fi uqc&32)22q3* Rrepared as

ma p~cipitating reagent (45 g

dUuted to 1 liter. Stir the midmre conetitly for two houre, then penult hours, and filter It to Btand for several through a 300al sintenxi glaaB *1 of (~ .=O_UtS Of SOtiUm medi~ pOIOB~@. pmscipi-ti fauu the reegents) Special waah solution. PrePd as 35 ml glacial HC2H 02, 405 ml of anhydroua acetati, 460 ml anhyL3ue ethanol. @ubxml aatumW with dry El: Prepared by bubble dry El into ~butanol until the gae la not longer adaorbed. The process takes seveml. houre and much heat is evolved.


: mhydmua 3. Equipnent

Note: AM

of the equipnent requirements for this analysiE are mentioned

in the Procedure. 4. Procedure


To the eample in a 40 ml cooial centrifuge tube, add 1.0

ml of IVaClcarrier, 2 drops of Pe carrier, end ad.juet the volume to 15 ml. Add cone. NH40H dropwlse IUItflthe .901UtiOn @t IS -ic W then e.dd

three dropO in excess. Centrifuge, tmnsfer the supernate to a 125- ml Erleumeyer flask, and dlacard the precipitate.

To the eupernata add 1 ml of cone. J3X and with constant Add

aulrling evaporate nearly to dzyneaa over a Flaher burner. Cod. 1 ml of 6 ~ NH40ACand 100 ml of ~

precipitating reagent (eee reagents). Stir portionwi8e after each solution

vigorously for 20 minutes ueing a magnetic Otirrer. Centr~e using a kMnl centr~tion. (see reagents). conical centrifuge tube and discard the a~rnate Waah the precipitate with 20 ml of special wmh

&!&?L! To the washed precipitate add ,20ml of ~-butanol, suspending


PROCEOURE 2 (Continued)

the preclpitite in the alcohol. Add 2 ml of g-butanol which has been eaturatid with dry HCl (see reagents). Stir and add 6 ml more of q-butanol
uaturated with HCl.

Centrifuge the NsC1 precipitate and dlecard the with 20 ml of ~-butanol plus 2 ml of

eupernates. Wash the p=cipi-te ~-butanol saturated with HC1. step 4.

Diseolve the NeCl precipitate in 15 ml of ~0,

add 2 drops of

Fe carrier, make the solution @t 3 tips

basic with cone. NHkOH, and then add

in excess. Centrifuge, tmnefer the supernati to a 125 ml Erlenmeyer

flask and dieCard the p=cipitite. m Step 6. Repeat Steps 2 and 3. Dissolve the NaCl precipitate in 18 ml of H20, add 2 drops of

Fe Carrierj and make the sdution just basic with couc. NH~OH. Centrifuge and tmmfer the supernate to a clean 40 ml centrifuge tubs. Make the solucarrier and saturate

tion approximately 3 ~ in HCl, add 5 drops of coppr with E@.

Centrifuge emd tmnsfer the eupernate to a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask,

discarding the preCipititi. Evaporate the solution to dryness over a Fisher burner and heat in a furnace at &O w Add 1 ml of 7+ for 15 minutes. Cool to rosa temperature. (The

EC104 and fume to dryness over a flame.

quantity of free HC104 ti

not interfere in the stepe

which follows.) Add 15 ml of @Jut.smol and bring the solution to boil ta dissolve the NsC104. Tremsfer to a ~ almst to bolhg 40 ml conial centrifuge tub. Heat

and add 8 ml (the first 2 dropuise) of n-butanol eatumted

with dry HC1. While the mixture is hot, filter through a tared No. @ whatman filter circle, 7/8 diameter, using a gmxnd-off Hirsch funnel and a filter chhney. Wash the NaCl precipitate with .a~roxlmately 20 ml of (Note 1).

n-butanol. Dry at 110 for 10 minutes, ccol, weigh, and mud

Notes: 1. 24 The active Na isotope usually counted is either 15.1 h NE or

22 2.6 y Na .


Pmzm.m Prmedure Used In: Methcd:

Separation of NE24 frcm fission product mixture in sea water

Precipititlon and di8tiJlation N.24(V@

Element Sew=ted: -

Matebial Anal.yzed.: Seawater

24 Probable Origin: Na23(n,y)Na Procedure By: S-e~tion Lcve ind ~ Short (M)


ChemlcaJ Yieid of Carrier: Quantitative Egulpmsnt Needed: Apwratue described by suthor(~). Procedure: 1, To a hot solution of 75 ml of sea water and 1 ml of Ianthanm carrier

(10 mg La+3/ml) in a ~ ml centrifuge tuba, add aumonlum hydroxide until hu@anum hydroxide pxclpititem . Cent-e; decant tbe aupemat.ant liquid tuke.

through a No. 42 wha~ 2.

filter paper into a clean cent-e

Cool the solution in an ice bath.

PaeH anhydrow hydrogen chloride

into. the solution by means of the anhydroue hydrogen chloride saturation a~tua (Note 1). saturate the solution ~th ,& gas under pressure (Note 2)

for 3 minutes tier

the sodium chloride precipitates out. Then centrifuge. li@d.

Discard the m~rutant

3. Wash the sodium chloride precipitate with 10 ml of hydrochloric acid wash solution (Note 3). 4. Centrifuge; discard the wash.

Dissolve the NaCl in 10 ml of distilled water. Again precipitate

sodium chloride with anhydroua hydrogen chloride. Wash the precipitate once with 5 ml of the hydrochloric acid wash solution. Then filter through a medium-pure sint-ezed glass filter. 5. Wash the NaCl precipitate twicewith 5 ml all~ots of ethyl alcohol satumted withhydrogen chlogas, and twice with 5 ml allquot~ of dlethyl

ether aatum.ted with hydrogen chloride gas. 6. Transfer N.C1 precipitate to a preweighed weighing bottle. Count

Na24 gmmua tiloactivity (1.36&Mev) in a ganma spectrometer. 7. After counting, dry the NaCl at 105C in an oven, and cool in a

desiccator. Weigh to detemlne chemical yield. (Note 4)


PFDCEDURE 3 (Contlmsdj rwes: 1. 2.

(1.2f3) Satumtion apparatus described by authors.

At a pressure of 5 pei.

3. Made by saturating concentrated hydrochloric acid with hydrogen chloride @a. 4. If necessary determine the Initial amount of stium in each sample

by Kblle photam2try. However, in almost SXL cases, the mlount of Sodium a In sea uatir is. known cona~t.

PImcmJm Pmcedum Fkthod: Elant ~ Used In:

Radioactivationanalysis se~tion)

Ion Exchange (carrier-&e Ss~ted: Na24(15 h)

Material Analyzed: Alkali carbonates and 24 Na23(n,y)Na (62) (Repo~d in detail by

Type Nuclear Eab-nt: Procedure By:

Brcakabank and k~COtt-e Ledd?Lcott&63 ) Several hours



Chmical Yield of Carrier: A carrier-free ae~tion BCont=dnation: Excellent fran radlonuclides of K, Rb, md Cs.

Equipnent Required: Ion exchange columns Procedure: A. 1. Irmdiation of Sample Material _les

Irradiate known amounts of test (Nota 1) and cau~mtor 6.5 x 1~

(Note 2) in a neutron flux of at kast or longer (Hote 3).

n/see/=2 for 16 hours

Rrepsre the test and caupamtor asmples for the

inadiation either by vrapping each specinen in aluminum foil or placing it h a quartz mupoule. If the sample is a liquid, mall polyethyle~ sampk during the irradiation (Note k).

tuttles can be used to contain *


Htocmtm 4 (Conthled)
B. pre~ tlon of Irmdlated Materials for -18 I. 1. The Canpra *or Smnple

After the Irmdlation, quantitatively transfer t&e canparator semple

(Note 2) to a 100-ml volumetric flask. DiBsOIVe the .9=u@e id a mall measured volume of tisti.lled water; then dilute the solution to 100 ml with uater. Mix the solution thoroughly by ahakiog It ~fully. 2. By
means of

a l-ml volumetric pipet, transfer an allq..t to a

second lCO-ml volumetric fl.sdr; then tiute the aliquot to 100 ml with water. 3. shake the solution thoroughly; then pipet an eliquot of thiE solution Then prcceed

directly to the top of an ion-exchange column (Not-es and 6). 5 In the manner deecritid below in Step 1 of Rut II. 1. C blow.

Solid Teet Semples /

If the ecnnple a solid, quantitatively tmnafer the test portion is centrifuge tube, and then add dropwise to the same centri-

into a x-ml ghss

fuge tube enough concent=ted FD21ta caupletely dlsaolve the eample. If necesea~, heat the mixture to dissolve the sample. ?mnsfer the solution of the irradiated aemple to the top of an ion-exchange column (Notes 5 and 6). Then continue with
Step 1 of Part

C below.

III. Llqpid Test Samplee 1. PiPet an aliquot of the Irmdiated test portirn directly on to the

top of an ion-exchange column ( and 6); than continua with Step 1 5 on part C below.

Ion Exchemge Sepem tion of potassium


Connect the ion-exchange column to a reservoir (Not-e that contains 7) so that the elude flow frm the

a supply of 0.1 ~ IFX. A&justths flov mte colmun at the =te 2. of 1 ml per minute.

Continue the flow of the 0.1 ~ BX

thrcugh the column and collect *o@ the column (Note 8).

and discard the first @3 ml of eluate that ~ses 3. Collect the next ~

ml of eluate (Note 9).

Process this fmotion

of the eluate as instmcted in Step 1 of ~

D below. stop the

h. If petissiun, rubidlwn and cesium are not to be &temined, flow of eluate fran the column dt-er this collection (Note 10). 23


( continued)
for Radioac_tlvlty Assay in



tion of Na24 Eluate

dryuess the


solution that was collected

3 of

Part C above. Addl

to 2 ml.of cone. 1331to the beaker, andthen wash the

solution into a 10-ml volumetric flask. Rinse the beaker with small portions of ~0, transfer the rinsings to the flask, and dXLute the 8olution to volume.

Assay the solution for Na24 mdioactiviQ as instructed in Part E below. E. WaMuwment of N@ RsUoactivity and calculation of Stable Scdium Content of Test Sample

1. &

The Na24 radioactivi~ in both the test and cmnparator samples may counting. Use a Geiger-MuelJ_ei counter for the

assayed by beta or _

beta meaeuxement~ and a gamma scintillation counter for the gmma measurements (Note U). 2. FoUowlng the radioactivityme~ nta, correct the observed Na24

radioactivity for decay (Note 12), dilution volume(s), and the sample weights (or volumes) of both the test and canpar@ar Eamphs. A stiple ratio of amountof

these corrected mdioactivities becaneB a measumme Utofthe stable sodium in the test sample:

$ Na in Test Sample = co~ctid a24 zadl-tivity in Test ~ple x 100 Corrected Na24 radloactitity in Can~rator Semple


Use at least 0.1-0.2 gram portincs. Use frau 0.CQ5 to 0.030 gnam of sodvI carbonate. The limits of meas~ at for this procedure is about O.M)5 micrograms

2. 3.

of Sodium. 4. This type of sample will have ta be irradiated in an air-cooled or

water-cooled facility of the reactor. 5. The ion exchange columu is cauposed of lbo- to 1.20-mesh IR-1 (or IR-1~) resin wcked into a glass colunnl QU indiemetertil~ cm

long. A small gl.ase wool plug at the kse

of the column holds the resin The

in the column. The reBin 16 pmtrsat-ed with a solution of 0.1 ~ EC1.


PROCEDURE 4 ( Oontinuad)
treahent consists of pam3ing & the deeirdmohrlty 6. (0.l@
0.1 ~ 1321 solution wer

the column until

is obtained. tide by uae of a volumetric pipt. If it is

TIE tmnafer may b

necessary to rinse the pip-st, u6e 0.1 ~ K!l es the rlrwe liquid. In t~feming tbs radioactive eolution on to the column, exercise care in

delivering the solution fmxn the pipet so that the resin at the tep of the column W1 7. not be &Lstw%ea. kttle of at least s-liter =wity is suitable

A dlspeneing

for use 88 a reservoir. !Lygon rubber tubing may be used to connect or the reservoir to the column. 8. !CIIISahtion may contain radimctive anionic conati,jments.~ s 24 which is eluted later.

presence of these should not be confused with Na 9. C13h ~

1hiE particular procedure is designed to separate Na, K, Rb, and contain all of

alkali carbonates and chlorides. This fraction (15 h). E K, Rb and 7~

CB are to be

~a24 10.

determined, continue ae followe: (a) Collect

the -

ml of eluate and process for K; (b) collect the neti 802 ml and and process

process for Rb; then, (c) strip the column with at leaat 1 ~ ml this fzaction for Ca. should have hen ina aample. Il. 1.368- m 12. Camma-IW energy discrtiinationmay be used here. 2.75- Mev gamna radiations b its decay. required. Potaasiwn, rubidiuu and ce~im

cauparator mmples

Irndiated> If stible K, Rb and CE are to be determined

Na24(15 h) emits

~cay measurements may be followed, M



Used In: Radloactivation analysis

Method: R.-eCipitation Element SePted: Na24 (15 h)

Type Material Bombarded: Water 24 Type of Nuclear Bcmibardment: Na23(n,7)Na RmCedum -tIon By: (150,151) Blanchati, Ieddlcotte, and Moeller Several hours


Chemical Yield of Carrier: 60-70$ Equipment Needed: standard Procedure: 1. 30 mls of water W8H placed in a polyethylene bottle and irzadlated

for 16 hours in a flux of 6.5 x 1011 n/cm2/sec. 2. If .miyspecific element, such as sodium is b be analyzed quanti-

tatively, a known amount of W2C03 S=m= . 3.

is Irradiated .SI-OU with the water

The stsndmd is processed in the same manner as the unknowu sqple. The radlochenlcal sgtion is carried out as out~ned in The

CWmical Separation Scheme attached. ~ . ~ N824 is fouud in the last step (Pert II of the Scheme)with ~=we ~a24

the Soluble Group along with potaEIalum rubldlum and cesiwn. decays with ~

mdiations of 2 .~5-Mev (as well as 1.36% Mev), mdiochemlcal

separations need not always be made (Note 1). 5. Use a gama scintillation spectrcaeter to measure the gamma radiations

(either the 1.368- or the 2.75-Mev) being emitted$y Iia24. 6. ~a24 Followlng the mdloactivi~ messurementa, correct the observed


for decay, dilutlon vohuce, sample and yield weights for

both the sample and standaml. A ration of these corrected -Oactltities becomes a mea urement of the anmunt of stable sodium In th6 water sample.

~-ctd $Nain~O Sample.

~a24 _mtiiti

o s x 100

Corrected Na24 radioactivity in standard ssmple


PROOEOURE 5 (Centinued)

NoteB : 1. by However, a further

separation of the alkali mstals w

to dryness in the presence

be made

evaporating the solution

of perchloric acid


then extracting the percblorate precipitate with a mixturs of butyl p-erchlorate soluble; the insoluble is can be removed by filtration. The Na24 be measured directly _chloric

alcohol and ethyl acetate. Hum po~sium and rubidium @mhlorates

mditxmtivity in the sodium percblorate solution my

or collected as NaCl by treating the solution with ~E acid.

)is?%%: 4) #@m






Watar, rlltar, muutd Wumt. = Aon -.


El)m&igltt%: P US: Hal

With Vatmr,



n0aigL18te Sstb MsIc





%mmIBE Procedure Used In:

RRdlwctivatlon analysis

Method Precipitation :
Element Elepanted: ~ ~b (15 h)

Material Bombarded: Alw@n(l*)

k Type Nuclear BoniiYam3n!ent: Na23(n,7)Na Procedure By: Sepamtion Tim: (138) Plumb .sA Silverman 3 hours


PROCEDURE 6 ( Cantinued)

Chemical Yield:
E@~nt Procedllre 1. : The Needed:






N~C03 and NsHC03 s~dards



in positions 14-Z-19 through 14-Z-21 of the Gmpbite react-or

at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Note 1), for 1 week. 2. After Irradiation, the mqple waE dissolved in HCl and E202 In

the presence of 5 mg of sodium carrier (as NE@. 3.

tate is

The Na is



sodium zinc uranyl acetate. The preclpl-

then redlBaolved in hot.water. acid with HC1, copper holdback sdded, and CuS


The solutlon is tie

precipitated with H#. 5. The


is discarded and Ha is again precipitated with Zinc uranyl

acetate and Is used for counting meammarentB using an end-window Geiger tube (Note 2),

1. The authors used this facility since it is the nmst the=lized

facility in the reactor, in order to get away from the feat neutron reaction 24 of Ala(n, a)lia . 2.
With the dwelopment of the gsnnm scintillation spectrometer,


is no longer necessmy to make a ch~cal the 2.7

separation of sodium. It 24 of Ne .

can be measured directly by ua~

WV ener=

PRomw Procedure Used In: Methcd:

Ra.dioactivation analysis

Direct (separation sometimes required) ~a24 (15.0h) and others

Element 2eparateU:

Type Matefial Emnibarded: Normal biological. tissues (male)


PROCEDURE ( Ccmtinud) 7 24

Type Nuclear Bomb~t: Procedure By: Se~tion l@@ment -(lb) 3 hours



Needed: w 2 x 1 1/8h. cryetis and a coincidence analyzer mcdified for twu a-d channels


1. The biologlcdl material ta be anslyzed was placed in a nuclear

reactor for irradiation, along uith pure aemplea of ita conet$tuent8. 2. After irradiation, the products are measukd by slmultaneoue

pulse-height andcoineidence analyds, using two 2 x 1 5/8 in. crystals and a coticldence analyzer nmdifled for two a-c channels. 3. The formulation for coincidence snalyais is: sm. Kasla +#b.. .+~

%lclB+%#t Ca . Cla + $B +



a, b, c...

axe constituents of the mixture ~=

= (-tticd)

average counting mte w= element\&3=Sa-

in one crystal (no coincidence) for the vial contdnlng ~ ulth B denoting background; C = coincidence rate;

C1 = single-went coincidence rate; t = coincidence interval; and ka = ratio of a in the mixture to a fi the pure standami. Acconiing to the author, It Is possible ta n@aaure Ha, K, Fe, b, 5, and Cu in norndblologlcd material and Sb, @, Redlation time: Br, Cs, E@, aud As

when present at10-6~cm3.



PRocmum Procedure used In: Method:

Rracipltatlon Na24

Radl-ctivation analysis

Elenb%tlt separated:

(15 h) Magnesium 24 Na23(n,y)lVa (155)

Type Matetial Bdbarded: Type Ihmlear Bxhrdment: Procedure By:

Atchison and Beemer Several hours

9eparatlon The:

Chemical Yield of Carrier: Quantitative E@@nent Needed: Ht.andard

Proctiure: A. 1. Irradiation of ~le Material

Ma~esium turnlnge were imadiated for 4 weeks at the Oak Ridge n/sec/cm2 along with a weighed

National Laboratory in a flux of 5 x 10U

portion of Na2C03 for a standard (Note 1).. B. 1. ln16mlof tlon of Na24 Radiochemical 9epa.ra dissolve a ue@ed portion of the Mg sample Ns carrier

After the itiation, 12~HCllnthepmsence

of6ilmg of Kand&mgof

and 10 ml of water in a 2542ml beaker. 2. 3. app~tely red-x well. 4. Centrifuge the sluxg ti Place
a &l-ml

Evaporate the contents to a W Transfer

volume to remVe

excess acid.

the solution tQ a KK1-ml ndxlng qllnder and dilute b of n-buty,lamhe. Dilute to 100 ml and

75 ml and add 13 d

decant the clear liquid through a dry a 1~-ml beaker and evapomte to

filter paper.

allquot h

dryness on a hot plate. flame while Psing 5. dlyness .

or f fve

Sub13me the andne hydrochloride away uelng a Bunsen

of nltro~ into the


beaker. and evaporate to

destroyed. Four


the beaker cools, add 2 ml of 16 ~ ~3

treatment until all organic rotter Is


wap3ratione are ueually required. AM 5 d of 70$ HC104 and evaporate to dense fumes. Sep3rate Filter;


the K percblorate by treaiment with ethyl acetate (Note 2). discti the preclpltite.

PROC!IOURE (Contlnned) 8 7. Add

n-lmtyl alcohol; evaporate to expel the ethyl

acetate. in n-butyl

Precipitate the Bcdlum ae NaCl by adding a 6olution of HC1 gm alcohol (Note 3).


Collect the precipltde and dry at 110 C for 10 minutes and Weigh as HaCl to detemine the chemical

iguite at 600 C for 5 minutes. yield. 9.

The NS2C03 comparator is carded through the same procedure as

the Mg smnple. c. 1.

Measurement of Ii#4 Radioactivity 24 mqf be tiaeurad by beti or gamua counting. a gamma scintillation

The activity of the Na

Use a Geiger-Mueller counter for beta ~aaurements ad counter for the gmmna measumme nta. 2.

24 actlvlty Following the radioactivitymeasurements, correct the !@

for decay, dllutlon volume, and sample and yield weights for both the ~~esiwn and stwid.ati swnplea. A ratio of these corrected radioactivities

becomes a measurement of the stable sodium in the sample: Comected Na24 In ~ saqple x 100 -I, Corrected Na in standard sample

*Naln2ample= Notes: 1.

A 2k-hour Irradiation would be sufficient H a day after irmfllation.

the analyst can

obtain the mmple withh 2. Page 8 h

Appliad Inorganic Analysis by W. F. Hlllebmmi and

G,.E. F. Lundell - 1929. 24 can also be fozmed by the 3. The analyst nnmt remeniber that Na 24 fast neutron reaction, Mg24(n,p)Na . The authon found thata Mg smnple with 10 ppm of stable Na present analyzed US .9ctivation. and 116 ppm by


mx!EDUm9 Rocedure Used In: Radloactivation analysis

Methcd: Precipiktion Element separated: ~a24 (15 h) North CaroM

Type Matealal Bmibarded: Duuite mineral ore from Bals.m q, I@e Nizclear Bdmrdment: Roccdure By: SaLlmn(%) 24 Na23(n,y)lTa

Separation TYme: Not esttited by author Chendcal Yield of Carder: Hquipent Needed: standard Procedure: 1. tubWeigh apprmlmately % mg of sample titm a ehort length of polythene Simll.arly, uei&b and neal 20 lugof Na2c03 Irradiati sample and standard in BEPO (at A~rcdmately 75$

and heat seal the ends.

dried to 110 C as a s&_. Harwell) for about 3 hours. 2. ~

few .3r0w
fums Of


the irmdiatlon, empty the -le

inta a platinum dish conof Ha+ per ml).

Add a

5 ml of a solution of MC1
of qm4
H@Oh, cool

as carrier (10 w
10 ml of 40$ HF.




Evaporate gently to

10 ml of HF and again evaporate to fumes. a 25CHDl beaker with a fev


the residual solution and transfer It b

millilite= of H20. 3. Aadlomlof HN03 (@l.32). EvqXXate to fmnes; cool to room mls of water to a 50-ml cautri-

teeupmtura and tmmaf er the solution with 2-3


tube. h. At this step, take a suitable aliquot frau the irradiated standard

and to it add 5 ml of eodlum carrier and continue with the separation for both sample and s-ard. 5. Add 10 mga of Fe+3 or chloride, stir and tie Cent-e fuge tube. 6. Just acidify the filtrate uith glacial acetic acid and chill the ice bath. Then add 25 ml of zinc umnyl acetate reagent (Note 1) basic with NaOH.

the Fe (OH) and filter the supernate into another m-ml centri~

mixture in=

Vlth Stiming and digest for 15 minutes.

Allow the precipikte to settle,




then centrifuge. Dlacaml the supernate. Wash the precipltite three times ulth ethanol. 7. To the sodium zinc uranyl acetate precipitate, add 15 nilof ethanol mgeat in an ice bath for 15.minutes.
times ulth ethanol.

satumted with hydrogen cblofide gas. Centrifuge and wash the precipitate 3 8. Make a slurry tith a -l

quantity of ethanol(Note 2) and t~fer an ~m-red lemp and weigh

it to a weighed counting container, dry It tier for chemical yield detenzlnation. 9. 24 either by beta or _ Detemine the Na

measurement. Amount of

stable sodium in sample by:


Wt.of Na24 in sample .

of Na h

~24 standard) activity in saqple ) (Note 2)4 91, Na - activity in etandard

Notes: 1.
Prep3.rad by dlssolting ~

g of Ura@

acetate h

410 nilof H20 -

13.3 ml of glackl acetic acid. Warm to 70 C to ald dissolution. Aleo dissolve 231 _ of zinc acetate in 262 ml of H20 and 6.6 ml of ghcial

acetic acid. MIx the two solutions and allow to stand for 24 hours before filtering the reagent to remove any precipikted sol&ie. 2.
NaCl my

be dissolved in H20; scavenged with Fe+3 and anmmnia

cblotide. with eth.eaml-hydrogen and then reprecipltated as IVaCl


Rrocedure Used IO:


Method of Separation: Precipitation Qeuent Sep3,rated: ~24 (15 h) Water, reactor cc-sling water, plastics, aluminum, stainlese steel, soils, vegetation, ore concentrates, clays, limestone, cemnt, tlsme, resins, lithium carbonata, lithium icdlde,, etc.(l@-l@)

of Material. ~tied:



(Continued) 24

Type of Nuclear .lkzribardment: Na23(n, y)Iia

Procedure By:

Mulline and Ieddicotte(l&)

Chemical Yield of Carrier: At least 70$ Time of Sepsmtion: 2 hours Degree of Purification: Greater than 105 from all radionuclldes Equipment Heeded: Standani Procedure: A. 1. Irradiation of Sample Material (Note 2) or

Irradiate known amounts of test (Note 1) and canpmtor In a neutron flux of at least 6.5 x 10n/cm2/sec (Note 3).

u qles

for 16houre

prepare the test and ccqparator sarqple for the kcadlation

either by wrapping each specimen in alumlnum foil or placlng it in qwrtz -tie. Llquld samples should be Irradiated inpolyethylena bottles (Note 4). B. R eparatlon of Irradiated Materials for fulalyals I. 1. -r The Cazpara tor Ssmple sample

the kradiatlon, quantitativelytminafer the c~tor

(Note 2) to a 100-ml volumetric flask. Dissolve the sample in a small, measured VOhlZW of 6 M BlR3; then dilute the solution to 100 ml with water. M ~ solution well by care2. ehaklng it. the

By means of a volumetric pipet, plpet a 1.00-ml allquot of this

solution into a lCX3-ml volumetric flack; then filute the aliquot to lCO ml ulth -ter. 3. Shske theaolutiori thoroughly; then pipt a l.00-ml aliquot of it

Into a 50-ml glass centrlf uge tube.

By means of a volumetric pipat, add ta

the same centrlfuga lxibe,2.00 ml of a standard carrier solution of kaown sodium Concentratlop (Note 5). Also, add 1 ml each of holdhack carrlera of barium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, Iron, mnganese, phosphoma, pd.assIum, and ZtiC (NOte 6). and tie Dilutz the solutlon to 20 ml with water, mix It well, Continue vlth Part C belov. e

the uolution 0.3 ~ in ECl. II.

Solid Teat _


If the ssqple is a metal or alloy, quanti~tively transfer the


PROCEOURE 10 (Cmthuad)

irradiated tat portion from the Quartz tube or aluminum urap to a 50-niL
glass centrifuge ttie, and then add, by means of a volumetric plpt, the same cen~ sdium btiws, tube 2.00 ml of a s~ to

carrier solution of lmoun

concentmtion (Note 5). Also add 1 ml each of holdhack carzler of cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, phosphoms, pJlaEwlum, and To this -ure, add dropwise enough concentrated mineral Dilute the solution lx Continue

ZtiC (KOiX 6).

acid to completely W3Eolve the sample (Note ~).

20 ml with water, * uith Rxrt C belou. ITI. Iilquld Tee.tSamples 1. ~ Mpet an allquot of the Itiated Pivt, it well, and tie

the solution 0.3 ~ in HC1.

portion into a 50-ml glass centri~ tO t~

u dWI

tube. BY means of a ~l~t~c c~er


centrifuge tube


SOhItiOn Of ~

COnC~trStiti (No- 5).

Also add 1 ml each of holdback carrier~, barium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, of iron, ~eee, timdwlth~o,t with = C beti. Iv. 1. Orx c Test Samples material, phosphorus, potassiun, and ztic (Note 6). iit DIIUte the solution Centinue

well, and make the eolution 0.3 ~ in HC1.

If the aaqple la a tissue, vegetation, or a sMW

quantitativelytransfer the irradiated test portion from the ~atlon container b a 50-ml beaker. By means of a volumetric pipet, add .@ the carrier e.olutlon known sodium conof

semE beaker 2.00 ml of a s~

centration (Rote 5). AlEIoadd 1 ml each of holdback carrlere of barium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, ~nese, Then add 3 ml of Cone. ~W~, ~ 4 ~, potassium, and ztic (Note 6). of c~c. W3. Cover the beaker with Cml the eoiutlon,

a watch glass; then boil the solution for 15 minutes.

add to it 3 ml more of cons. KND3, and boil thk solution for 15minutes (or .tofunu?isof S33). Repeat the addition of HN03 and the boiling untdl the sample is dissolved. Add a fev ml of cone. HC!l,evaporate to remove HIV03. -t seveti thes fi necess~. Dilute solution to make ir 0.3 ~ in HC1.

!l!ransf to a n-ml er

centrtlfuga tube; then conttiue with Part C below.


PROCEDURE 10 (Continued) 24 Radiochemical Separatlonof Na solutlontith~S. Cenklfiu gethemixture 8). (Note




Tn3nafer the supernatant liquid to a new 50-ml. centrifuge tube, Wash the CuS prec~pititewith one 10-ml portion of hot water. the waEh to the centrifuge tube. 2. centM add

Discard the precipitate.

Add 3 ml of bromine water to the sup.ematant Hquid-water wash until all of the excess H2S has been remved; then add cone.

mixtuxe. &il

NHbOH dropwise until no further pnscipitation of Fe(OEi)3 occurs. centrifuge the ~ure (Note 9). Filter the supernatant Mqtid inta a 150-ml

beaker and evapomte the solution b 3 1+ 3.

dryness. Remove the ammonium salts,

by i@ition or by evaporating 5n an acid solution (Note 10). Dissolve the residue in the beaker h a few milliliters of distilled

water and trm.efer the solution b with additional water and tmfer k.

beaker a 50-ml centrifuge tube. the rinses to the centrifuge tube. Cool;

Concentmte the solution volume to 1 or 2 ml by boi13ng.

then add 10 ml of ztnc urauyl acetate reagent to the tube for each ml of the concentrated solution. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Cool in a water bath at 20 (~ 1) C for 30 to 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Centrifuge

the mixture; discard the su~rnatsmt Ilquld. 5. Waeh the precipibte twice with 5 ml volumes of the zinc umn.yl

acetite reagent. Centrifuge after each wash; discard the wash Ilquid. Wash the precipitate at laast twice more with two 10-ml volumes of 95$ ethyl alcohol and once with om each wash and disc6. Ad&20 lo-ml volume of ethyl ether. Centrifuge after

the wash liquid. BuOH-HC1 reagent to the precipitate. Stir the

ml of l@

UdXture thoroughly. Digest at 20 (~ 1) C for 5 minutes; then centrifuge, disc~ 7. the supernatant liquid. Wash the precipitate once with a mixture of 10 ml of ethyl ether

and 10 ml of U!% BUOH-HC1 reagent. Centrifuge; dlscafi the supernatit liqtid. 8. Filter off the NaCl through a tared filter paper (Munktelle No. 00)


PROOEOURE10 (continued)

that Is held in a Hirsch funuel; wash the precipitate three t-s ~rtions

with 10-ml oven

of ethyl ether. Dry the precipitate for 10 minutes in .sdr@ng

at 11O C. Weigh the NaCl precipltite and filter paper on an analytical balance. lkmnt the precipitate and count its zadioactlvlty = instructed in Part D below.

D. -y.easmemen of N# t Radioactivity and calculation of Stable Sodium Content of Test Sample



ndlcectlvity in both the test ad

the comparator samples

be ass-

by beta or gauma counting. Use a Geiger-Mueller counter for

the beta nb?asurenu?nts a gamma scintillation counter for the gamma and measurements (Note II). 2. Following the radloactltity ueas~ts, 24 correct the observed Ha the sample weights

radloactlvlty for decay (Not-e @,

dilution volume(s), sd

(or volumes) of both the test and comparator samples. A shple ratio of the6e corrected ~oactivitlea .sdium in the teat @ample: ~o=ctid $ Na in Test Ssmole . ~k radioactltity, test Sample in sample becomes a nwamremen t of the smouut of stable

x 100

Corrected Haz+ nadloactlvity in comp-tor

Notes: 1. solid test samples should welgb from 0.10 - 0.20 gram; liquid ssmples Of from 5 - 25 mil~liters. grams of spectmgmphically pure N~C03.

should have a VOhmW 2. 3. is5xlo 4.

Use 0.025 to 0.03

The llmits of measureme Yor skble nt -9 gram. Itiiations

sodium by this procedure

of liquld, vegetation, or similar type sample neitefials

must be made In an air-coole~ or inter-cooled reactor km.dlation facllity. 5. 6. per Stan&rdlzed ta contain at least 10 milligrams of soiLhIIII milJ3Uter. Solutions of the ions of other elmnts may also be added as holdback

carrters; concentration equal to 5 mill~ 7. fuelon.

of element per mllllllter. 3 or

Soils, ckys, and similar materials 5ay require addition of HNO



( continued)
be added here for further li3

8. Additional ammlntsof

CU4 ions my

scavenging of acid sulfide precipitible elements. Sufficient H# present to cause CuS p=cipltitkn. Centri~tlon

Is advisable after

each addition of copper holdback c~er.


+3i-~b~~ Additional. auwunta of Fe

here to eerie aa a

scavenger for other hydmxdde precipltlble elements. Sufficient NH, Ions am present ta came Fe(OH)3 precipitation. CentrTfugatlon 18 adtiseable

after each addition of iron holdback carrier. mlrbure can be used here. 10. A 1 part cone. HC1 to 4 parts cone. KtR13 Add at least 5 milMllterE of this nrlxture and heat to boiling. 11. 12. Gr.nmE+~ dincrlndnatlcm may be used here. Decay meaauremnts my be folJmwed, if required.



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