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NCM116 – Midterms  1kg weight gain = 1000mL fluid retention

Endocrine Disorders SIADH Diabetes Insipidus

 Sella Turcica – “Spenoid Bone” Excessive ADH Deficient ADH
o Indicator if Pituitary gland is Enlarged Fluid Volume Excess Fluid Volume Deficit
Restrict Fluid Intake Encourage Fluid Intake
 Type 1
o Your pancreas doesn't make insulin or
makes very little insulin.
o Destroy Pancreatic Cells that make insulin
 Type 2
o an impairment in the way the body regulates
and uses sugar (glucose)
o Not Enough Insulin Secretion
o Result From Insulin Resistance with a defect
in compensatory insulin secretion
 Leads to Glucose Build up in Blood
 F&E Imbalance
o F&E Imbalances
 Polyuria
 Severe Water Loss
 Dehydration
 Hemoconcentration,
Anterior Pituitary Hyperviscosity,
o Growth Hormone hypoperfusion
 Bones, Muscles, and organs o Poor Tissue
o Prolactin Circulation
 Breasts  Polydipsia
o Leutinizing Hormone & Follicle stimulating  Polyphagia
 Ovaries (Estrogen & Progesterone)  Insulin Deficit  Fat stores are broken down
 Testes (Testosterone) o Hepatic Overproduction of beta-
o ACTH hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetic acids
 Adrenal Cortex (Cortical (ketone Bodies)
Hormones) o Metabolic Acidosis Occurs  Coma and
o TSH Death if left untreated
 Thyroid Glands (Thyroid Insulin
Hormones)  NPH – Neutral Protamine Hagedorn Insulin
 ACROMEGALY  External Insulin Pump – Administers a Small
o Body produces too much growth hormone, Continuous does of short duration insulin
causing body tissues and bones to grow subcutaneously.
more quickly
 Gall Bladder Disease Dawn Phenomenon Somogyi Phenomenon
o Dumping Syndrome Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia
 Hypoglycemia
Posterior Pituitary
 Kidneys  Halo’s Sign
o Oxytocin o Test for Glucose
 sBreast & Uteruss CUSHING’S DISEASE
 Insulin  Regulates High Blood Glucose Taba
o allows cells in the muscles, liver and fat ADDISON’S DISEASE
(adipose tissue) to take up this glucose and Payat
use it as a source of energy so they can HYDROALDOSTERONISM
function properly PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA
 Glucagon  Regulates Low Blood Glucose  Do Not Palpate Abdomen
 May trigger severe hypertension
 ADH Deficiency  Offer Fluids
o Excretion of large volumes of urine  Excess Calcium
o Increase in plasma osmolarity HYPOPARATHYROIDISM
o Osmoreceptors send a sensation of thirst to  No Spinach, rhubarb
the cerebral cortex  Check for Chvostek’s Sign
SIADH (Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
 Vasopressin or ADH is secreted even when plasma  PAYAT
osmolarity is low or normal  Thyroid Storm
 Water is retained  dilutional hyponatremia HYPOTHYROIDISM
 Manifestations: Lethargy, Headache, Disorientation,  Myxedema Coma
decreased DTR
o Decrease Metabolism

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