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Employment Communication

Employment communication revolves around written communication and conversation between the
employer and the job-seekers.
The employer communicates with the job-seeker or prospective talents about the vacancies, company
culture, perks and benefits and security, etc. Employers use creative means to attract and retain the best
 The prospective candidates communicate with the employer about their interest and willingness
to work with through different mediums.
 Employment communication is the viable way or ways through which the job-seeker persuades
the employer to hire him/her by demonstrating that his/her knowledge, expertise and skills
satisfy the job requirements in the best possible manner.
 Looking for a job is not a single event; it is a process. The job seeker has to invest time and
energy in the job process.
 It is not as difficult as it appears to land on a good job even in the midst of tough competitions.
 Another fact that needs attention here is that it is not necessarily the ‘most talented’ who bags
the prize (here, ‘job’), rather someone who has excellent job search skills and of course, he who
performs adequately.
An aspirant for a job has to pass through various stages to get the job. The stages are as follows.

Know Your Potentials

The job-seeker must know his/her potential or resources and assess them thoroughly. In this way,
he/she can plan the strategy for going through the process of job searching.

Recognize Potential Employer

The job-seekers need to choose the field(s) to perform and excel in. If he has the required competence
for banking sector, he may choose the employer (any of the existing banks) who can meet his
expectations as a job holder.

Applying for the Job

At this stage the job-seeker needs to be sincere in preparing the curriculum vitae, resume or bio-data.

Interviewing; participating in Group Discussion

At this stage, the job-seeker reaches the final round of his job search. Successful completion of this
stage, lands him/her in the job.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

The phrase ‘curriculum vitae’, of Latin origin, means ‘course of life’. It provides a detailed account of the
applicant covering every skill, all the jobs and positions held, degrees, professional affiliations he/she
has acquired, in proper sequence.
The CV is an in-depth and structured information about professional experience and qualification of a
person. It is more elaborate than a Resume.
Like Resume, a CV is a list of relevant information of a person seeking employment. Considering the
length of the subject-matter, the CV may extend to three-four pages depending on the age, experience
and achievements of a person.

Components of a Good CV
As the CV acts as an identity card for an applicant’s entry into his/her chosen job, it should have the
following details.

Personal Details

Personal details contain address, email, phone number, marital status, nationality, date and place of
birth and also addition of social media account if it is used in a professional way

Educational Qualifications

This contains the qualifications in a chronological order with authentic data.

Work Experience

This includes specific applicable experience in relation to the job as opposed to generalities.

Skill Summary

This includes a brief bulleted list of the relevant skills and experience that the applicant possesses.
Adding this section can capture the attention of the recruiter who spends a few seconds to read the CV.
Here, computer skills should be prioritized.

Knowledge of Languages

This includes the applicant’s proficiency (both spoken and writing abilities) in languages.

Interests and Other Activities

The interests and activities include hobbies, interests and other relevant topics about the applicant
pertinent to the context.
Following is an image of a sample CV −
Do’s And Don’ts in Preparing CV or Resume
In this section, we will learn about the Do’s and Don’ts that need to be considered while preparing a CV
or Resume −
 Contain your CV or Resume within a reasonable length.
 CV should be true and factual.
 On the first page, enough personal details should be provided for potential employer to contact
you easily.
 Choose a format that highlights key skills, key competencies, key achievements or key attributes.
 Your employment background should begin with your current job and work backwards.
 List all relevant qualifications.
 Do not include negative or irrelevant information.
 Include details of training or skills development events attended.
 Use a very good quality paper.
 Do not use a type size less than 11pt.
 Do not be tempted to shrink the font or reduce the margins to get more information in.
 Use good font face like Times New Roman or Arial
 Don’t allow any spelling or grammatical error in any way
 Use bulleted paragraphs. This will save space and make the CV more effective.
 Emphasize achievements that are recent, and are most relevant for the position for which the
candidate is applying.
 Do explain all significant breaks in your career or education. Recruiters hate unexplained gaps.
 While submitting a resume, it must be accompanied with a cover letter to make the readers
aware of what is being send, and how can it be beneficial to the readers.
 Include references if possible in a resume. If giving references, use three to five.
 Include at least one lecturer, and at least one employer.
 To stress upon the key points in a resume, put them in appropriate headings, list them vertically,
and provide details.
 Do not include pages of obscure testimonials, references, newspaper cuttings and brochures.
 Proofread the draft to avoid mistakes and typographic errors.

What Is a Job Application Letter?

A job application letter, also known as Covering letter, is sent attached with the applicant’s Resume or
The letter represents the documents attached with the application.
It provides a brief account of the applicant’s interest in the job in question. Effective application letter
explains well the reasons for the applicant’s interest in the specific organization and the job he/she is
applying for.
The application letter communicates to the employer about the position the applicant is applying for, and
what makes him/her the most suitable candidate, why he/should be selected for an interview etc.

Tips for Effective Job Application Letter

 Always attach a covering letter, even if, it is not asked for.

 Use formal letter format
 Provide concrete evidence of your proven skills with recent instances to make you a preferred
candidate for the job
 Be concise and stick to most essential points
 Be sincere and honest in expressing yourself
 Edit thoroughly before you send the document

Components of a Good Job Application Letter

Following are the different components of a job application letter −

 Applicant’s present address
 Date
 Employer’s address
 Salutation: Begin the letter with ‘Dear Mr. / Mrs. Lastname’; in case, the last name is not known,
simply, write ‘Dear HR Manager’
 Body of the letter
o First Paragraph that explains the reasons for writing and job the applicant is applying for.
o Second Paragraph, where the applicant mentions his/her skills and experiences that are
good fit for the job. It also explains what the applicant has to offer the employer.
o Last paragraph contains thank you to the addressee and a couple of line as to how the
applicant will follow up
 Signature − End the letter with a polite closing, such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Regards’ and your

Job Interview
The lexical meaning of Job Interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order
to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment.
It is one of the most globally recognized and popularly used devices for employee selection.
Even if, a job interview is a challenging experience for the applicant and a time-consuming exercise for
the employer, it plays a pivotal role in determining whether the interviewer (employer) and the
interviewee will make an effective match.
However, a candidate appearing for an interview is suggested to get through the screening test based
upon his/her job application letter and CV.

Importance of Job Interview

Apart from being one of the most popular devices for employee selection, job interview is important for
many reasons.
 Interview is where a candidate can make a favorable impression.
 It provides a great deal of value for the company and the candidates alike.
 It provides a chance to the employer to assess the candidate’s personality and expertise to
determine if he/she would be a befitting person for the post for which the interview is being
 It serves as a two-way medium for the exchange of information.
 The interviewer learns more about the candidate and the candidate in turn comes to learn about
the organization and the demands of the job.
 It provides a selling opportunity for the organization as well as the candidate.
 Job interview enables the employer or the organization to weed out unsuitable candidates and
select the most deserving ones for the job in question.
 The employer can analyze the communication skills of the candidate from the interview.
 It is the only method of direct contact between the candidate and the employer.
 It gives the interviewer an opportunity to verify the information provided in the Resume or the CV
and explore and clarify any issue raised by the resume.
 It also enables the employer to obtain some information about the candidate which might not be
available otherwise like his/her future plans, perceptions about some burning issues, etc.
 It provides the platform where the organization gives information about itself, its policies and its
culture and work environment and also the job of the candidate.
Types of Interview

 Face-to-face Interview − This is the most common form of job interview where the interviewers
physically meet the interviewees.
 Telephonic Interview − This takes place on cell phones, land lines.
 Sequential Interview − This is where the candidate is interviewed on a one-to-one basis by
interviewers separately.
 Direct Interview − This is where the candidates are obliged to answer a set question paper
assigned to them by the employer.
 Panel Interview − This is where three or more members of the hiring organization sit and
question the interviewee on current issues and other critical topics.
Before attending an interview, the candidate should know about the organization and prepare some
general questions often asked during the interview.

Popular Questions asked during an Interview

Following is a list of some popular questions asked during an interview −

 Tell us about yourself.
 How would you like to describe your strengths and weaknesses?
 Why should you like to work in our organization?
 Why should we hire you?
 What are your career objectives?
 What type of work do you enjoy most?

How to Crack the Interview?

Interview is the stage where there is invisible battle fought between the interviewer(s) and the
interviewee where one tries best to eliminate the other. The interviewer(s) tries to eliminate some
candidates as they have to choose a few best ones among the many. The interviewee wants to obtain
the job of his/her choice.
It is not as tough as it appears to successfully go through the interview. One can play skillfully in the
interview if he/she is well-aware of his/her actions and behaviors before and during the interview.
Useful Tips for Success in the Interview

Thank You Note

Thank You Note or Thank You Letter is a letter of thanks sent to the interviewer(s) after you return from
your job interview. It is a follow-up communication to be sent to the interviewer(s) immediately or much
before the evaluation of interviewed candidates by is over.
 It has a positive impact on your chance of being selected for the job in question.
 It provides an opportunity to distinguish yourself as a candidate, and give you an edge in the
hiring process.
 According to surveys, most recruiters consider a Thank You Note influential while evaluating the
 It is important to note that many applicants don’t think it necessary to send a Thank You Note
after the interview.
 As the timing of the Thank You Letter is important, email is the best medium to send it through.
 Send a Thank You Note to each interviewer if you have been interviewed by a panel of

Contents of the Thank You Note

 The note should be concise and powerful.

 It should be written error-free.
 It reminds the interviewer(s) about specific points made by them in brief.
 It compensates for the mistakes, if any, you have made during the interview.
 Reinforce your dedication to the company if you are selected
 Open the door for future communication

Sample Thank You Note

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the
Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and
interests. The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire
to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and
the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.

My artistic background will help me to work with artists on staff and provide me with an
understanding of the visual aspects of our work.

I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills
will help to free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I
had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. This experience helped me to
develop my secretarial and clerical skills.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look
forward to hearing from you about this position.


Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Next →

Group Discussion
Group Discussion or GD is a type of discussion that involves people sharing ideas or activities. People in the
group discussion are connected with one basic idea. Based on that idea, everyone in the group represents
his/her perspective.

GD is a discussion that tests the candidate's skills, such as leadership skills, communication skills, social
skills and behavior, politeness, teamwork, listening ability, General awareness, confidence, problem-
solving skills, etc.

The Group Discussion is generally the next level after the entrance exam to pursue a professional degree. In
the case of recruitments, Group Discussion can be the starting or at the end, depending on different
companies or organizations.

It is not fixed that the group discussion is always performed around the table. People can sit in any
arrangement, but everyone should be able to see every face. It is not only the usual discussion, but it is also a
discussion with knowledge and facts.

Why GD?
Over the last years, GD is used to test the soft skills of the candidates. It is used as a quick method to shortlist
a few candidates from the massive strength. The written exam tests the knowledge and aptitude.
Organizations check the social skills, technical, and communication skills so that a candidate can work
effectively without any obstacle in between his/her skills.

The GD or Group Discussion is used as an exam for many organizations and schools. It tests the personality
skills, communication skills, teamwork, confidence, problem-solving skills, social skills, behavior, and
leadership abilities of a candidate. It is also an essential part of short-listing candidates for a job or admission
to a university.

An intelligent candidate with good knowledge and skills sometimes lacks communication skills, which can be
a lack of confidence, hesitation in speaking, unable to explain his/her point of view, etc. Due to this, Group
Discussion nowadays has become an essential part of most of the organization and institutes.

Knowledge and technical skills are essential things for a candidate, but in an organization, he/she might have
to face the meetings, discussing technical issues, handling new employees, etc. Here, a lack of
communication skills becomes the disadvantage of that candidate. Hence, organizations and institutes
ensure that the candidate must possess all the qualities before joining.

GD Process
Let's discuss how GD or Group discussion is conducted.

The participants can range from 7 to 12 in a group. The number of candidates in a Group Discussion
depends on the available strength. If the strength is low, the number of participants can range from 5 to 7.

Duration of a GD

The average duration of a Group Discussion is 15 minutes. But, it may vary depending on the number of
candidates in a group. Sometimes, the panelist or judges can extend the discussion for more than 15
minutes. They can also end the discussion in between. The participants should not consider any assumption
that the GD will be conducted only for 15 minutes.


1. The process of a Group Discussion starts with the announcement of the topic. The given topic
could be technical, factual, or case study.
2. Before beginning with the discussion, the preparation time of 3 minutes is given. The time can also
extend in case of a long case statement.
3. Any participant in the group can initiate the discussion. After the lead participant, anyone in the
group can continue the discussion. Similarly, everyone gets the chance to speak. One after another,
participants in the group expresses their views on the given topic.
4. It ends when the panelist stops the discussion or may ask one or more than one participant to
summarize the GD. Whenever you are asked for the summary, remember to cover the discussed
points. The summary cannot include the words that were not part of the discussion. The participants
that were quite among the discussion are generally asked to summarize it, which is a good
opportunity to present their views. But, it does not mean that everyone should be quite. The
summary should include the essential discussed points and the conclusion of the discussion.
5. The final scores are calculated. Based on the performance of each participant, the panelist gives the
scores. The panelists are usually four to five to judge the performance of candidates in the Group

Rules of Group Discussion

There are some rules of a Group Discussion. The rules of Group Discussion are listed below:

o Prepare well for the topic.

The quick trick is to note all the important points during the preparation time. Do not write brief
paragraphs. Try to write short points and explain them briefly in the discussion.
o Be confident about your content
It would help if you always were confident about your content. If you are not confident, you may
hesitate while speaking, which will create a negative impression.
o Participants Introduction
Most participants only focus on their content. You should be aware during the introduction of all the
participants in your group. To get attention, you can call out the person's name when the discussion
gets diverted.
o Body Language
Always take care of your body language. Do not focus only on the content.
o Leadership
Try to take the lead in the group if you are confident about the topic and the knowledge.
o Avoid false starts or commitments
Do not initiate the discussion if you are not sure about your content. Do not present any wrong
o Follow your Domain
Every company has its own culture. Prepare your content according to the company requirements.
For example, industrial companies will focus more on technical talks, while marketing companies
seek the combination of creative and oriented content.
o Do not fight
In the Group Discussion, some candidates often get aggressive. Do not fight during the discussion.
Most of the companies require sensitive and polite candidates rather than aggressive ones.

Estimated criteria for a Group Discussion

The performance of an effective Group discussion depends on individual skills and group coordination.

Let's discuss it in detail.

Individual Skills

The individual skills are listed below:

o Communication Skills
All the participants in the Group Discussion present their views on the given topic. The language
used should be simple so that everyone present in the discussion can easily understand.
o Content
The content is an essential part of the discussion. The content is the words spoken by every
candidate. The content should not be copied, repetitive, and wrong. It creates a negative impression.
The candidate should not get diverted from the topic. If the content is correct and relevant to the
topic, the panelists examine the content and give scores based on your content. They also check that
the content is in-depth or superficial.
o Analytical Skills
The analytical skills include the exploration of the asked question. Such skills are more focused on a
case study Group Discussion. It primarily includes exploring 'how' and 'why' of the subject content.
o Creativity
It includes how you can think differently from other participants or present your views in different
ways. You can also abstract the topic differently. All these points will make you unique.
It will also gain more focus from the panelists on you.
o Decision Making
GD helps in evaluation of the topic and reaching towards the specific decision. It is based on the
suggestions given by the members of the group. The task of selecting suitable candidates from the
group also becomes easy for the panelist or boss.
o Covering Mistakes
The panelists give the topic at the time of the Group Discussion. You usually get a few minutes to
prepare. Sometimes while speaking, mistakes often happen. But, it does not mean that we should
stop the discussion in between and get nervous. In such cases, never lose confidence. Always correct
the mistakes and come back with confidence.
o Reasoning Skills
The panelist checks how much a participant is right in his/her logical skills. They also check how
good you are in supporting standpoints, how you respond to the other participants, and weaken or
strengthen other arguments in the discussion.
o Voice
Voice can range from high-pitch to low-pitch. A high-pitch sometimes seems irritating, while low-
pitch may not be understood by everyone present in the discussion. So, voice plays a very important
High-pitch is useful when the Group discussion becomes a market where everyone is speaking, and
no one is audible. At that time, your high-pitch can calm the participants. So, you should adjust your
voice and pitch as per the circumstances.
o Fluency
A participant of a Group Discussion should have fluency in his/her spoken English. Everyone in the
discussion listens to you carefully. Improper fluency will distract the listeners. So, it is essential to be
fluent while speaking.
o Enthusiasm
Group Discussions are generally unpredictable. Various candidates are keen to share their views with
others. The more enjoyment you feel while sharing views, the better will be your performance in the
discussion. If you are not interested in the Group Discussion, you may not be able to express your
views clearly.
o Initiative
Initiative means to take the lead in the discussion. If you are confident and have good knowledge
about the topic, take action. Do not hesitate and be the first one to start the discussion. It will get
you the bonus points.
You can also take the initiative between when the discussion is diverted or going out of the topic.

Seven Mistakes to avoid in a Group Discussion

Most of the candidates in a Group Discussion are not aware of some mistakes. Little mistakes can have an
adverse impact on our impression towards the judges, which are listed below:

o Stop taking leads if you do not know much

We should not take the lead in a Group Discussion if we are not much aware of the topic. If we are
confident and have much knowledge about the topic, we can initiate the discussion of that group.
Otherwise, wait for others to start.
Being second, third, or fourth in the group helps you better understand the topic by listening to
other candidates.
o Do not hesitate to initiate the discussion
If you have much knowledge and are confident about the topic, try to take the lead.
o Do not copy anyone else ideas or comments
You should not copy the ideas and comments of other participants in the group. It creates a negative
impression. In case you do not have any idea about the topic, it's better to act smart. Analyze and
listen to other participants, add some points, and convert it in your own words.
o Do not avoid eye contact with other participants while speaking
When you start a discussion, you should not forget that it is a discussion with multiple candidates. It
means that you are not only speaking but having conversations or debates with them. Avoiding eye
contact is considered a sign of disrespect and a lack of confidence.
o Do not lose confidence in the whole discussion
The group discussion is not carried for a long duration. It is just for a short span of time. Try always
being confident. Do not get nervous if some point goes wrong. Mistakes often happen, but how to
recover is more important. Take a challenge to correct your mistakes and come back again with
o Do not speak slowly
You should always speak loudly in a Group discussion so that everyone can hear and understand
your words. Sometimes, the scene of a GD becomes like a market where everyone speaks, but no
one is clearly audible. If you have a low voice, there is no chance for you to stand. You can increase
your volume and try to settle down the commotion. It will also leave a good impression.
o Try to contribute in a discussion rather than just speaking
Some candidates often speak continuously in a single go. The reason may be the fear of not getting
another chance. You should try to cover one keyword at a time by breaking the points into two or
three different parts. The words we speak should be valuable without any repetition.
Simple hacks to crack a group discussion for beginners

It might be complicated for a beginner to crack a Group Discussion. Let's discuss some simple hacks to crack
a Group Discussion for beginners, which are listed below:

o Create a structure before beginning

During the preparation time, prepare a structure of your discussion. As soon as your discussion
starts, look at your structure, and start speaking serially. You can also discuss the agenda with your
group and work together on it. It gives a logical flow to your discussion. In this way, you and your
group mates can together plan the discussion. To avoid the off-track discussion, keep summarizing
in between so that everyone remains on track.
The structure can be in the form of:
o A flowchart
o A block diagram
o Simple steps
o Notes
o Speak point to point
The organizations are interested in hiring candidates who speak point to point and have effective
communication. They do not want to hire those who just beat the rush only to leave a good
impression. You should be confident about your words, prepare the discussion according to the
topic, and do not hesitate.
Your points should be clear and precise. Do not include large paragraphs in your discussion.
o Be yourself
Do not compare yourself with others. When you apply for an organization or a company, you know
that the work culture will fit your needs. Do not speak to create an impression. Speak that you feel
o Attitude
During the discussion, if you found any incorrect statements, inequality to someone, disrespects,
comments, ethnicity, etc. that you are not satisfied with, start and present your views. Do not focus
on what others will think or say. Raise your voice and hold the chance to speak. But be polite while
objecting to someone's point of view. Always be friendly and kind to your group mates.
o Clarity
You should be clear with your words. Your voice should be audible to everyone present in the
discussion. Do not speak fast to cover all the points. You should always be confident even if you
make mistakes.
o Maintain eye contact
A beginner often feels nervous in a Group Discussion, due to which he/she is unable to keep eye
contact with other group members. It makes a negative impression that the candidate is not
So, always maintain eye contact with other group members in the whole discussion.
o Be formal
You may be confident while speaking in a Group Discussion. But, always take care of your body
language, dressing style, and gestures. Remember, it is a formal discussion, not a casual discussion.
o Be careful
Sometimes, candidates only focus on their speech and matter. Do not concentrate only on yourself.
You should always be careful in a Group Discussion. Listen to other participants as well. The panelists
at the end can ask anyone to summarize the discussion. The summarization includes all the essential
points discussed by everyone in the discussion. If you are unable to summarize, it will create a
negative impression.
o Include examples
You should always try to include examples in the Group discussion. Such candidates are awarded
bonus points.

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