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Every year, the International Day of Peace is celebrated around the world
on September 21. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this
a day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace, through respect for 24
hours of non-violence and ceasefire. Our world needs peace more than

This year the theme is "Actions for peace: our ambition for the
#GlobalGoals". This is a call to action that recognizes our individual and
collective responsibility to promote peace. Promoting peace contributes to
the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and
achieving these goals will create a culture of peace for all.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has

declared that "peace is more necessary than ever. War and conflict are
causing devastation, poverty and hunger and displacing tens of millions of
people from their homes. Climate chaos "It affects the entire planet and
even countries where peace reigns are shaken by enormous inequalities and
political polarization."

Young people have the potential to act as even greater forces for positive
social change and build the foundations for a just and peaceful world.

Today's generation of children has achieved understanding in a time of

crisis, conflict and disaster. And yet it has been largely excluded from
national and global efforts to avoid and resolve conflict.

Building peaceful, cohesive and resilient societies requires the participation

of young people. Investing in them in ways that strengthen their
capabilities and generate opportunities that allow them to reach their full
potential in life are an indispensable condition for their participation in
civic issues.

If we want a more peaceful world, we can no longer afford to leave young

people behind. We must listen to them and work with them.

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