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Name: Macanlalay, Ralph Elvin R.

Section: BSN 2F-D

Subjective: Pneumonia is an STO: Dx: Dx: STO: (Goal Met)
“Haan met naglala diyay inflammation of the lung Within 7-8 hours of  Assess the rate, rhythm,  Tachypnea, shallow After 7-8 hours of effective
ubo’k. Diyay plema laeng ti parenchyma, associated effective nursing and depth of respiration, respirations and asymmetric nursing interventions, the
pro-problemaek” with alveolar edema and interventions, the patient chest movement, and use chest movement are patient:
congestion that impair will be able to: of accessory muscles.. frequently present because of
Objective: gas exchange. a) Understand his  Assess cough effectiveness the discomfort of moving chest a) Has a very good
 VS: T:37.5.2C; CR: Ineffective airway treatment, progress, and productivity wall and/or fluid in the lung understanding regarding
51BPM; BP:110/80; clearance can be an and disease  Assess the patient’s due to a compensatory his treatment and
RR: 21 acute problem. High-risk b) Identify and avoid hydration status. response to airway regarding his disease
 Coughing with for ineffective airway specific factors that Tx: obstruction. b) Understands what and
Yellowish-Brown clearance are the aged inhibit effective  Elevate the head of the  Coughing is the most effective what not to do to inhibit
Secretions individuals who have an airway clearance bed, change position way to remove secretions. effective airway
 Excessive Sputum increased c) Expel sputum frequently Pneumonia may cause thick clearance
incidence of emphysema secretions more  Assist and monitor effects and tenacious secretions in c) Is able to expel sputum
Nursing Diagnosis: and a higher prevalence effectively patients. secretions without
of nebulizer treatment
Ineffective Airway of chronic cough or LTO:  Airway clearance is hindered difficulty and pain
Within 24-36 hours of  Administer medications, as
Clearance related to sputum production. with inadequate hydration and
effective nursing indicated
Pneumonia as evidenced Edx: thickening of secretions
interventions, the patient
by Excessive Sputum Tx: LTO:
will be able to:  Determine the patient’s
 Lowers the diaphragm and After 24-48 hours of effective
a) Maintain clear, open understanding of
promote chest expansion, nursing interventions, the
airways. pneumonia complications
aeration of lung segments, patient:
and their treatment
mobilization, and a) Is able to maintain clear,
expectoration of secretions. and open open
 Teach the patient the
proper ways of coughing  Nebulizers humidify the airway
and breathing. to thin secretions and
 Review normal lung facilitates liquefaction and
function, pathology of the expectoration of secretions
condition  Bronchodilators are
medications used to facilitate
respiration by dilating the

RE. Macanlalay
Name: Macanlalay, Ralph Elvin R.
Section: BSN 2F-D

 Provides a starting point in
patient education and to
identify strengths and
weaknesses in teaching
 Patient will understand the
underlying principle and
proper techniques to keep the
airway clear of secretions.
 Promotes understanding of the
current situation and the
importance of cooperating
with the treatment regimen.

RE. Macanlalay

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