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Name: Paquio, Loueala Jean Date: September 15, 2023

Self-awareness Worksheet
Who am I?

This Self-Awareness worksheet focuses on discovering “Who am I?” It is an all-encompassing worksheet that
address talents, qualities, values, perception, and self-reflection.

1. What are your greatest talents or skills?
Ability to multitask and good at housework

2. Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?
Do the housework because I enjoy seeing it clean and I enjoy cleaning

1. What are your three (3) greatest strengths?
a. Discipline
b. Organizational skills
c. Analytical thinking

2. What do you feel are your two biggest weaknesses?

a. Public speaking
b. Shyness

3. What are your best qualities/characteristics?

Self- awareness, creativity, honesty and loyalty

4. What qualities do you wish you had?

confidence. so that i can understand my positive traits so that i can properly explain what is on my mind and
to have a high level of self esteem.

1. What are three (3) things that are important to you?
a. Peace
b. Health
c. Family

Do you spend enough time on/with the things you most value? Why or why not?

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Yes, even if I have something to do i always have enough time for the people that are important to me, My
family, I may have a lot of school works to do but having time to spend with my family is what I always
need, we will never know when their time will come so it is better to spend it on them than spending it to
things that are always there, Family is always forever but their life ends.

1. How is the “public you” different from the “private you”?
I present myself as a cheerful person in public. People know me as someone who is always energetic and
alvways happy to do things. In public. I seem like someone who doesn't really think much about the
problems I face, but actually I often get lost in my thoughts about the many problems I am having.
in my private life I want to keep my problems to myself and I don't want to entrust my problems to others.

2. How are you trying to please others with the way you live your life?
Give a smile to others, Make a pleasant surprise for others, Offer help to others, Say good things about
other people, Listen attentively to people and Teach skills to others.

1. What three things are you most proud of in your life to date?
a. I have spend a lots of time to havefun with my family
b. l do my house choirs better
c. I enjoy learning in home

2. What do you hope to achieve in life?

I hope to achieve my dreams and success in my life. Achieving it is hard but you need to work hard before
achieving it.

1. List three (3) things that you are:
a. Humble
b. Discipline
c. Friendly

2. List three (3) things that you are not: 1. 2. 3.

a. Judgemental
b. Disrespectful
c. Selfish
If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
It's to be a successful person contributing great things. Once i say successful, it means successful in faith
of the Lord, successful in dreams and goals through my achivements, successfully happy and most of all,
truly loved.

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