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Project approach

Armando Gutiérrez Arroyo - Registration Number 2846070

Tec Milenio University Chihuahua campus
Prof. Guillermo Daumas Muller
Dgi creative studio

Av. Mirador 7312-12 Residencial Campestre Washigton

Integral marketing and design services
Director: Juan González González
Although DGI is an established and consolidated company, we firmly believe that there is

always room for improvement. One of the main obstacles at DGI is the client-creative team

information flow, being this part of the production process one of the most time-consuming

and frustrating, both for the designers, the marketing team and for the clients themselves.

It is thought that a stricter organization is needed from the moment of starting the project

research to the reception of information and/or feedback from the client.

The development of a digital platform to assist in project management processes is proposed

as a project.

Dgi has a long history and considerable weight in the Chihuahua design scene. Founded in

1997 by Juan González González, it has been part of the ranking of the best 200 agencies in

the country by the specialized magazine Merca 2.0 for eight consecutive years.

Throughout his 20 years he has provided marketing and design services to companies such

as Grupo Bafar, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, Grupo Ruba, Pizza del Rey, Union

Progreso, Tec de Monterrey, Tec Milenio, Abison Burke, among others. Part of the agency's

success has been the careful selection of the team, always counting on highly qualified

professionals with wide experience in their fields of expertise.

It has witnessed and been part of the efficiency that characterizes the agency. However, there

is also first-hand knowledge of the shortcomings that can be improved and make the process

of creating, producing and delivering a faster and more organized experience for all involved.
This project proposes the development of a digital platform, accessible through our website

and as a mobile app. It will serve to streamline everything related to project management.

To this end, active communication will be maintained with the design and marketing staff, as

well as with clients, who will provide feedback in the research and planning process of the


The budget will be $100,000.00 directly allocated to the development of the digital project

management platform.

As previously mentioned, the biggest problem at DGI is communication, mainly with clients,

who do not provide the required information in due time and form. This situation also

generates an internal problem at the time of managing projects, since delivery times are out

of date, rendering the initial Gantt unusable and generating additional tension in the agency.

The proposal is to generate an interactive application that will keep track of information and

time, so that both parties are always aware of the process and status of the project.

In the first instance it would be given a form of access to the customer, the application would

be highly visual and intuitive, it should facilitate the rapid and direct exchange between the

agency and customers.

In this first phase the app would offer a simplified form of brief, so that the interested party can

fill it out from their device of choice, making this part more immersive and cohesive, leaving

aside the multitude of emails and calls that are sometimes difficult to file and manage.
Within the application, each project would have its own individual space, hosted on our own

server and used by the user interface to feed each section into which it would be divided. The

intention is for all parties involved to have quick, direct and concise access to the status of the

project in real time.

The generation of Gantt charts would be optimized and easy to use for agency employees,

with the option to notify both parties of deadlines, important dates (such as appointments,

meetings, presentations, etc.). This motivates the customer to take their part as a vital

component of the process and to deliver the information in an easy, intuitive and user-friendly

way. The idea is that providing the data and feedback necessary for effective implementation

can be done from anywhere, at the time and time that is most convenient for the customer,

with exclusive notifications and messages from the application that would be appearing every

time the process needs their input or attention.

This will create a fun and interactive friendly environment; the team will remain focused and

directed, each member will have exclusive access to the sections of the project they are

working on, and additional members can be invited if needed.

In this sense, I think it would be easier to maintain focus and effectiveness, since the lack of

organization in the agency is usually due to the vast amount of projects that are handled at

the same time, and in which different team members come and go (which can sometimes

produce a significant disconnect between the original graphics approach and what ends up

being delivered).
By controlling the problems raised with the application, we could include in the project Gantt a

testing stage, in which the media applications would be tested, being able to make the

pertinent modifications before launching them, reducing the risk of an unfavorable result.

Tecmilenio University
Chihuahua Campus

CONSTITUTIVE ACT of the project:

Optimization of the production process in the marketing and design agency DGI,

implementing the design of a digital platform for project management.

To: DGI Estudio Creativo SC

Date Project Leader: Company Advisor: Student:

28/03/201 Armando Gutierrez Juan Gonzalez Armando
8 DGI creative studio DGI creative studio Gutierrez
Av. Viewpoint 7312-12 DGI creative
Residencial Campestre
Chih, Mexico, C.P.

Project Purpose or Justification:

The main objective of the project will be the optimization of the productive and creative

process within the agency, improving the organization of activities, with increased speed and

practicality in the collection and reception of information and results by staff and clients.

This will be the result of the generation and implementation of a digital project management

platform developed for these purposes.

Project Description:

A restructuring of project management will be implemented.

 In the first instance, the current efficiency and speed of response of the staff will be evaluated,

in order to find areas for improvement and obstacles that slow down the creative process.

These parameters will be studied to manage the scheduling of activities, communication with

clients and post-project service.

 With the information gathered, a project management concept will be proposed through a

digital platform developed exclusively for the company (with a view to marketing it in the

advertising and creative field in the city).

 The budget for the programming and implementation of the digital platform will be analyzed.

 This budget shall be submitted for approval. (Investment feasibility has already been checked

before starting the project).

 If approved, programming of the platform will begin; if not, the platform will be reconfigured to a

smaller platform or a generic commercial platform will be proposed.

 Testing phase: as programming progresses, the platform will be put into beta phase, which will

be available on DGI's internal network as well as in an app, designed for staff and customers.

 Completion of the development of the digital platform

 Implementation of the platform, in the company and with customers.

 Measurement of results, comparison with initial parameters.

Measurable Project Objectives:

It is expected that by optimizing the efficiency of communication and information exchange between

the parties involved, the following objectives will be achieved through the new digital platform:

 Increase from 3 to 5 accounts per designer.

 Reduce final delivery time on branding projects from 3 months to 1 month.

 Implement a digital platform, where the exchange of files, information, feedback, Gant

graphics, etc. will be included. To which designers and marketers involved, as well as clients,

will have access through a dedicated page and an app where they can be in constant and

immediate communication.

 The research and development period will be 18 months, starting on the day the project is


 The final investment will be no more than $100,000.00.

High Level Requirements:

1.- Approval of budget and implementation: LDG Juan Gonzalez Gonzalez.

2.- Approval of application and digital platform, in terms of design and use: LDG: Hilda Casas
High level description of the project and its limits:

Project Objectives Success Criteria Approver

 Reduce Increasing the number of LDG Juan González
inefficiencies in accounts per designer González González
terms of receipt and from 3 to 5
delivery of
information. Reduce branding project LDG Juan González
 Reduce project delivery time González}
delivery time
 Implement a digital Development and
platform for implementation
communication with LDG Juan González
customers. González González
 Preliminary failure Months 1,2 and 3 LDG Juan González
investigation and González González
project management
experience Months 4,5,6
 Start of app LDG Juan González
development and Months 6,7,8 González González
first Beta phase Months 9, 10, 11
 Beta testing
 Reconfigure the LDG Juan González
platform according to González González
the first phase of Months 12, 13, 14
 Second phase of Months 14-18 LDG Juan González
testing González González
 Final implementation
and results
measurement stage LDG Juan González
González González
• First payment for start-up $50,000.00 LDG Juan González
of platform development González González
• Second payment at the
end of implementation $50,000.00
LDG Juan González
González González

Summary of Milestones: Expiration date:

Initiation of information gathering on the process month 1
Customer surveys month 2
Preliminary platform design month 4
Start of development month 6
First phase of testing month 8
Start of platform changes month 11
Second phase of testing month 14
Implementation month 15
Measuring results month 18

High Level Risks:

 The postponement of the development by the company contracted for the same.

 Workflow slowdowns in testing stages

Estimated Budget:


The assigned project leader, his/her responsibility and level of authority:

The project leader is Lic. Armando Gutiérrez, senior creative at DGI estudio creativo, who will

maintain direct contact with the project advisor in the company, in three specific moments of the

business tetramestre:

a. During the second week. To validate project initiation and subsequent contact details between

the two.

b. At the end of week 6 to review progress together and reorient the student if necessary.

c. At the beginning of week 13 (final) to validate the expected scope of the project and organize

the closure of the project in terms of the student's academic process.

d. Additional sessions may be held if required by the company.

The name and level of the company's advisor or those authorizing the project charter, their responsibility and
level of authority:

The company's advisor is LDG Juan González González, Director, who is the person assigned by the

company in which the student's stay during the business trimester is carried out in order to combine

the activities assigned to the student. The company coordinator is committed to:

1. Dedicate time to Tecmilenio University students who are participating in the program.

2. Allocate a physical space and resources necessary for participating students to carry out the

assigned activities.

3. Provide the necessary induction to students related to the company's mission, vision, values

and regulations.

4. Provide logistical and information support during the development of the program to facilitate

the achievement of the objectives.

5. Be responsible for supervising the activities that students do in the company.

6. Keep track of student attendance using the logbook forms designed by Universidad

7. Respect and enforce respect for the property and copyrights owned by Tecmilenio University

and the company itself.

8. Periodically evaluate the students participating in the program, in accordance with the

academic calendar of Universidad Tecmilenio, in the formats established to meet this


9. Review and authorize, if necessary, the weekly activity log prepared by each student, which

will be delivered to the project leader.

10. Receive and evaluate student activity progress presentations when necessary.

11. Reach agreements with the project leader on all issues, foreseen or unforeseen, related to the



Project Leader Project Advisor

By: Armando Gutierrez Arroyp By: Juan Gonzalez Gonzalez

Title: Senior Creative DGI Title: Director DGI

List of interested parties:

Name Post Area Contact Level of Classification of

information authority interested
Hilda Casas Senior Designer Design Full access to Core project
.mx development team
Sajaro Palma Senior Designer Design Full access to Core project
.mx development team
Jaqueline Marketing Marketing marketing@dgi.c Full access to Core project
Barraza junior development team
Aldo Lopez Comunicac Marketing Full access to Core project
mx development team
Karla Delgado Mkt Coordinator Customers karladelgado@s Restricted User groups access to tests
Irma Lopez Mkt Coordinator Customers Restricted User groups
.mx access to tests
Ricardo Lopez Mkt Coordinator Customers ricardol@agenci Restricted User groups access to tests
Flor Holguin Communication Customers fholguin@fechac. Restricted User groups
Coordinator org access to tests
Ana Gascón Mkt Coordinator Customers agascon@union Restricted User groups access to tests

Project requirements:

 Information / benchmarking / clear identification of communication and delivery

problems in the creative process - final output.

 Results of customer surveys.

 Budget $100,000

 Hiring of a specialized software agency.

 The initial development of the platform.

 Preliminary implementation / beta testing phase. Results.

 Platform reconfiguration according to design team and client input.

 Second phase of tests with satisfactory results.

 Final implementation.

 Final follow-up report.

Project constraints:

 The cost should not exceed $100.00, if any situation should affect this restriction, the

scope will have to be reconfigured to adapt the project to the budget.

 It should not exceed 18 months of development and implementation.

 At the end of the project there will be a customized platform for the team and for the

group of clients, with which the agency's production process will be managed. The

platform should not be considered for commercialization in any way in this project.
Assumptions and dependencies

 Failure in the first phase of testing: if there is a significant failure or a failure that is

considered to be of lesser suitability than the current system, the project may be

extended for a larger reconfiguration than planned. In this case, the budget should

be reviewed, since it is possible that the contracted company may charge extra

for a reconfiguration / reprogramming greater than expected.

 The response time of the group of clients: being one of the main situations to mitigate,

it is expected that the feedback from the clients is consistent with the timeline of the

project development, however if this time is extended, the rest of the time foreseen for

the following stages should be reconsidered in a concise manner.

 If any of the above situations would result in a decrease in the development budget, it

could be considered to make only the mobile app, avoiding the expense of a desktop


Scope of the project:

The main objective of the project will be the optimization of the productive and creative

process within the agency, improving the organization of activities, with increased speed and

practicality in the collection and reception of information and results by staff and clients.

This will be the result of the generation and implementation of a digital project management

platform developed for this purpose, which will be developed in several stages with a budget

of no more than $100,000.

The project will be accepted if it is verifiable that:

The developed platform will increase the capacity of the creative team,

It will increase the efficiency (measured in time) of the research and customer communication


It will help to maintain a more effective control in the transaction of information between the

team and the client.


Customized digital platform for the creative process of the agency DGI estudio creativo.

Applicable as desktop app and mobile devices.


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