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Name: Queenie

The Lion, the Bear, & the Fox.

One day a hungry bear saw a dead deer and felt very happy because he was finally going to
eat. As he was on his way to have his dinner, the bear saw a lion approaching from the opposite
direction. The bear and the lion were very angry to see each other, so the bear stood up to
show his strong teeth and sharp paws.
Then the lion said, “ You maybe be strong, but you can’t match my fast speed and skills. I will
snacth that deer before you can lay your paws on me.”
As they were both getting closer and closer to the deer, the lion jumped to snatch the deer but
the bear was already close enough to stop the lion from taking his dinner. They started to roll
around while fighting for the dead deer.
A smart fox was watching them from a distance while hiding behind a tree. The bear and the
lion fought and fought until they were both exhausted and could not fight anymore. The smart
fox stepped out of the bush and said, “ If you were smart you could have shared the deer in a
friendly spirit.” Now, because the lion and the bear were too greedy to share. The fox took the
deer and no one could stop him, the lion and the bear were both too tired to even move a finger.

The moral of the story is, those who have all the toil do not always get the profit.

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