Research Task

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Next, using the matrix for the methodological analysis of research, make a comparison

between these two studies:

MYLLÄRI, J.; ÅHLBERG, M. AND DILLON, P. (2010). The dynamics of an online

knowledge building community: A 5-year longitudinal study. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 41 (3). 365–387.

HUANG, J. J. S., YANG, S. J. H., HUANG, Y.-M., & HSIAO, I. Y. T. (2010). Social
Learning Networks: Build Mobile Learning Networks Based on Collaborative Services.
Educational Technology & Society, 13 (3), 78-92.


Jarkko Mylläri, Mauri Jeff J. S. Huang1, Stephen J. H.

Åhlberg and Patrick Yang1*, Yueh-Min Huang2 and Indy Y.
Dillon(2010) T. Hsiao(2010)

Research objectives Based on what has been In this research, we seek to carry out
established in this research, the Internet-based informal promotion and
aim is to induce virtual or online collaborationon TCAO and MCSCL by
learning in society. exploringthe plausibility of providing
system-level support and services for the
formationof collaborativegroups
Hypotheses/ Issues H1: Knowledge Sharing Attitude has a
raised positive influence on satisfactiontowards
collaborativeservices. H2: Quality System
has a positive influence on
satisfactiontowards collaborativeservices.
H3: Quality informationhas a positive
In this research work we mainly
influence on satisfaction with
seek to answer the question,
collaborativeservices. H4: Quality of Service
'what happened and why in the
has a positive influence on
construction of knowledge?
satisfactiontowards collaborativeservices.

Research design This research work is based on a This research systems and research variables
methodological design based on as follows:
several stages:
- The effect of attitude Knowledge Sharing
- Message generation on Mobile Learning Social Networking.

- Content analysis - The effect of the CollaborativeService

System Quality
- Network analysis
- The CollaborativeServices Quality
- Structure of message threads InformationEffect

- Discourse analysis - The effect of the quality of service of

- Interview

Concluding with a discussion of


Population/sample At this stage, a sample of 2000 Here we involve a segment of the population
messages is taken. Content which are students of the National Cheng
analysis reveals 14 main Kung University - Taiwan.
categories of data when message
content is analyzed, quantitative
data emerge when message
frequencies are plotted as a
function of time.
Data collection Semi-structured and thematic This stage was carried out by means of
techniques interviews were conducted, questionnaires.
interviewing participants in each
phase of knowledge creation,
with a total of 11 participants
selected to represent the greatest
variation in participation.

Information analysis Microsoft Excel was used by Linear regression techniques were used.
techniques entering the number of new
messages per day from the
database reading software.

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