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Pagadian Diocesan Schools


Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur


Code #: Grade & Section:
Name: Name of Teacher:
Student’s Contact #: Teacher’s Contact #:


Module Overview:
In this module, you will understand that snorkeling is a popular recreational activity, particularly at
tropical resort locations. It provides the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without
the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving.

Learning Competencies: At the end of this module, you can:

1. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and
one’s diet (PEH12FH-IIg-i-6) by:
a. Identifying the different snorkeling equipment;
b. Executing the different physical activity which can relatively improve snorkeling.

Instructional Materials:
1. Punzalan, Michelle Duya, Melindo, Nino and Gonzalvo Romeo, Physical Health for Senior High
School, Mindshappers Co., Inc- Recoletos Sr, Intramuros Manila, 271.

Values: Taking care of mother nature
DIRECTIONS: Identify the different snorkeling equipment. Write your answer in the box.


1. How can swimming improves the

cardiovascular fitness of a person?

2. How will you reiterate the benefits of

swimming to the health of a person?



Snorkeling is swimming along the surface of the water and enjoying the
underwater world equipped with a mask (or googles), a snorkel (a shaped breathing tube) and
usually swimfins (or flippers).
Snorkeling is an excellent way explore the underwater world with minimal training and
skills. However, before you hop in the water for the first time, read this article to understand
some basic information about snorkeling.
Snorkeling is an activity that allows participants to observe the underwater world from
the surface using a mask and a snorkel tube. Snorkeling requires less training and gear than
scuba diving and free diving, and the basics can be learned in a short period of time.

Snorkelers typically stay on the surface of the water, and may even use floatation
devices such as life
vests or snorkeling vests to float comfortably on the surface (although neither of these are
strictly necessary).
The snorkeler breathes with a snorkel tube and mouthpiece. While the snorkeler’s face is in the
water, the tube remains above the water’s surface if a snorkeler chooses to dive below the
surface, it is generally for a relatively short period of time.
History of Snorkeling
In ancient times free diving without the aid of mechanical devices was the only
possibility, with the exception of the occasional use of reeds and leather breathing bladders.
The divers faced the same problems as divers today, such as decompression sickness and
blacking out during a breath hold. Free diving was practiced in ancient cultures to gather
food, harvest resources such as sponge and pearl, reclaim sunken valuables, and to help aid
military campaigns.
In Ancient Greece, both Plato and Homer mention the sponge as being used for
bathing. The island of Kalymnos was a main centre of diving for sponges. By using weights
(skandalopetra) of as much as 15 kilograms (33 lb) to speed the descent, breath-holding
divers would descend to depths up to 30 metres (98 ft) to collect sponges. Harvesting of red
coral was also done by divers.
The Mediterranean had large amounts of maritime trade. As a result of shipwrecks,
particularly in the fierce winter storms, divers were often hired to salvage whatever they
could from the seabed. Divers would swim down to the wreck and choose the most valuable
pieces to salvage.

Divers were also used in warfare. Defenses against sea vessels were often created, such as
underwater barricades, and hence divers were often used to scout out the seabed when ships
were approaching an enemy harbor. If barricades were found, it was divers who were used to
disassemble them, if possible. During the Peloponnesian War, divers were used to get past
enemy blockades to relay messages as well as supplies to allies or troops that were cut off,
and in 332 BC, during the Siege of Tyre, the city used divers to cut the anchor cables of
Alexander's attacking ships.
In Japan, ama divers began to collect pearls about 2,000 years ago. For thousands of
years, most seawater pearls were retrieved by divers working in the Indian Ocean, in areas
such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and in the Gulf of Mannar (between Sri Lanka and
India. A fragment of Isidore of Charax's Parthian itinerary was preserved in Athenaeus's 3rd-
century Sophists at Dinner, recording freediving for pearls around an island in the Persian
In 1940, Dottie Frazier pioneered freediving for women in the United States and also
began teaching classes. It was also during this time that she began to design and sell rubber
suits for Navy UDT divers.
Equipment in Snorkeling


A snorkel is a device used for
breathing air from above the
surface when the wearer's head is
face downwards in the water with
the mouth and the nose
submerged. It may be either
1. Snorkel separate or integrated into a
swimming or diving mask.

All scuba diving masks consist

of the lenses also known as a
faceplate, a soft rubber skirt, which
encloses the nose and seals against
the face, and a head strap to hold it
in place. There are different styles
and shapes. These range from oval
shaped models to lower internal
volume masks and may be made
from different materials; common
choices are silicone and rubber. A
snorkeler who remains at the
2. Diving mask surface can use swimmer's goggles
which do not enclose the nose.

Swimfins, fins or flippers are

finlike accessories worn on the
feet, and usually made from rubber
or plastic, to aid movement
through the water in water sports
activities. Swimfins help the
wearer to move through water
more efficiently, as human feet are
too small and inappropriately
shaped to provide much thrust,
3. Swimfins especially when the wearer is
carrying equipment that increases
hydrodynamic drag.
A wetsuit is a garment,
usually made of foamed neoprene
with a knit fabric facing, which is
worn by people engaged in water
sports and other activities in or on
4. Exposure protection water, primarily providing thermal
insulation, but also buoyancy and
(Diving suit/wet suit/ rash protection from abrasion,
guard) ultraviolet exposure and stings
from marine organisms. The
insulation properties depend on
bubbles of gas enclosed within the
material, which reduce its ability
to conduct heat.



Goggles protect your eyes from
chlorine (and anything else that
may be in the water), and they
help you keep your eyes open
while you swim so that you can
Goggles see where you’re going.

Fins fit on your feet and add

propulsion to your kicks
(think of a duck’s webfoot).
They are great training for your
legs and will help you swim
faster. They come in long fins
for beginners who want to
work on their stroke and build
Fins up leg strength and ankle
flexibility and short fins to help
you go faster without
overworking your legs.

Kickboards are devices made of

foam or other materials that
float, and they come in a variety
of shapes and sizes. The main
purpose is for you to hold on
and stay afloat while your legs
do all the work. It’s good
Kick boards exercise for coordinating your
kicking, and it gives your arms
a rest.
Technology has entered the
swimsuit arena as well.
Fabrics are designed for
minimal resistance through
Swimming attire the water, they tend to last a
long time, and they resist
fading even when used
repeatedly in chlorinated

Bathing caps can serve

several purposes. Some pool
managers will require
individuals with long hair to
wear caps to keep hair from
getting into the pool, and
some people just like to protect
their hair from the chlorine in
the water. You may also decide
to wear a bathing cap to cut
down on resistance in the water.
Bathing cap This really works, and so if
you’re looking to increase your

1. Cardiovascular Fitness
Oxygen efficiency is a staple part of freediving in order to prolong our dives. We constantly
activate our body’s mammalian dive reflex, which triggers our bodies to use oxygen more
efficiently. Deep divers who train extensively have even been shown to have similar blood
composition to those who live in high altitudes.

2. Muscular Endurance and Muscular Strength

Underwater diving requires the body must contract all its muscles in order to maintain
buoyancy, change depth, and even tread water. As you dive deeper into the water, your body
will encounter greater water pressure and resistance, thus forcing your body to work harder to
get to your desired destination.

3. Flexibility
Diving deeper requires rib cage and diaphragm flexibility to help with taking a bigger breath
and to avoid injuries at depth. Stretches to help thoracic flexibility are usually taught in
intermediate and advanced freediving courses, along with full-body stretches before open
water sessions to minimize the risk of injury. Some freedivers also practice yoga in order to
stay in shape and work on their flexibility.

4. Body Composition
Snorkeling is a recreational sport that works out your entire body, helping you stay in
shape and keeping you healthy. While swimming you exercise your shoulders, arms,
quads, calves, hamstrings, ankles and many others. You can also lose weight and
keep fit while snorkeling as every hour spent underwater burns about 300 calories.
The freestyle stroke is typically used
for speed, as it allows for a
streamlined movement that helps the
body glide through the water. Also
referred to as the “forward crawl”,
the body stays in the water during
this The
stroke, whilestroke
breast the arms and legs
is done on
workthein stomach,
tandem towithprovide
1. Freestyle
in theThis is often
water whileonetheofbody
the first
strokes taught in lessons,
pulled backward. The arms as it is
to learn
moveandin is
an aarc
good wayinto
3. Breast Stroke buildtheupfront
the upper body strength for
of the body while the
do the butterfly.
a frog kick. Out of all
the swimming strokes, the
The breaststroke
backstroke mayis onebe ofonetheof most
oldest. swimming strokes.
Also referred to as the “racing
backstroke”, the backstroke
The butterfly is done
is another
by stomach-position
swimming on yourstroke, back and in
2. Back Stroke swinging one arm at a time
which the arms move forward up over
yourinhead andmotion
a circle back going
down above
and kicking
directly backward
into the
in a water.
flutter kick.
Once the arms hit the
4. Butterfly Stroke
water, the legs are kicked
backward at the same time in
what is known as a dolphin
kick. It is known as the
hardest swimming stroke to

Activity 1.
Directions: List down three physical activities that may help develop the different health
fitness components of snorkeling.



Processing Question:
1. What advantage can a person gain if he or she manages to develop the different health-related fitness
Reflection Guide:

Snorkeling is an activity underwater. If you were to undergo snorkeling, how can you take care of
our oceanic natural resources at the same time?


DIRECTIONS: Identify the different snorkeling equipment. Write your answer in the box.

1. . Snorkel
2. Diving mask
3. Diving mask
4 Exposure protection
(Diving suit/wet suit/ rash guard)

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