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Cohomology of groups

Brita Nucinkis

September 26, 2007

Free modules

Let F be an R-module and X be a subset of F . We say F is free on X if for every R-module A and every map : X A there exists a unique R-module homomorphism : F A such that (x) = (x) for all x X .

Free modules


Let F and F be two modules free, on X . Then F F . =

Free modules

The follwing exercise gives us a way of constructing free modules:

Free modules

The follwing exercise gives us a way of constructing free modules: Let X be a set and consider the R-module M E = R.

Free modules

The follwing exercise gives us a way of constructing free modules: Let X be a set and consider the R-module M E = R.

For each x X consider the following map sx : X sx (y ) Let S = {sx | x X }. = R (

1 0

x=y otherwise

Free modules

The follwing exercise gives us a way of constructing free modules: Let X be a set and consider the R-module M E = R.

For each x X consider the following map sx : X sx (y ) Let S = {sx | x X }. Show 1. E is free on S. 2. For every free module F on X there is an isomorphism : E F , such that (sx ) = x for all x X . 3. F is free on X if and only if every element f F can be written uniquely P as f = xX ax x where ax R and all but a nite number of ax = 0. = R (

1 0

x=y otherwise

Examples of free modules

1. Let k be a eld. Then every k-module is free. This is nothing other than saying that every k-vector space has a basis. (For the innite dimensional case we need Zorns Lemma).

Examples of free modules

1. Let k be a eld. Then every k-module is free. This is nothing other than saying that every k-vector space has a basis. (For the innite dimensional case we need Zorns Lemma). 2. A free Z-module is the same as a free abelian group.

Examples of free modules

1. Let k be a eld. Then every k-module is free. This is nothing other than saying that every k-vector space has a basis. (For the innite dimensional case we need Zorns Lemma). 2. A free Z-module is the same as a free abelian group. 3. Q is not a free Z-module.

An important lemma

Every R-module M is the homomorphic image of a free R-module.

Projective modules

Let P be an R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent:

Projective modules

Let P be an R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent: 1. HomR (P, ) is an exact functor.

Projective modules

Let P be an R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent: 1. HomR (P, ) is an exact functor. 2. P is a direct summand of a free module.

Projective modules

Let P be an R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent: 1. HomR (P, ) is an exact functor. 2. P is a direct summand of a free module. 3. Every epimorphism M P splits.

Projective modules

Let P be an R-module. Then the following statements are equivalent: 1. HomR (P, ) is an exact functor. 2. P is a direct summand of a free module. 3. Every epimorphism M P splits. 4. For every epimorphism : A B of R-modules and every R-module map : P B there is an R-module homomorphism : P A such that = .

Denition of projective modules

Every R-module satisfying the conditions of the previous Proposition is called a projective R-module.

Free vs projective modules

Every free R-module is projective, but not every projective is free.

Free vs projective modules

Every free R-module is projective, but not every projective is free. Take, for example R = Z/6Z Z/2Z Z/3Z and P = Z/2Z but (0, 1)P = 0, = which contradicts uniqueness of expression of elements in a free module.

Direct sums of projectives

A direct sum P = L

Pi is projective i each Pi , i I is projective.

A remark

Let k be a eld and V a vector space of countable dimension. Then there is a k-vector space isomorphism V V V. =

A remark

Let k be a eld and V a vector space of countable dimension. Then there is a k-vector space isomorphism V V V. = Hence, for the ring R = Endk (V ) we have the following chain of isomorphisms: R = Endk (V ) = Homk (V , V ) Homk (V V , V ) Homk (V , V )Homk (V , V ) = = = R R.

A remark

Let k be a eld and V a vector space of countable dimension. Then there is a k-vector space isomorphism V V V. = Hence, for the ring R = Endk (V ) we have the following chain of isomorphisms: R = Endk (V ) = Homk (V , V ) Homk (V V , V ) Homk (V , V )Homk (V , V ) = = = R R. Hence there are free modules on a set of n elements which are isomorphic to free modules on a set with m elements where n = m.

The Eilenberg Swindle

[Eilenberg-Swindle] Let R be a ring and P be a projective module. Then there exists a free module such that P F F. =

Projective resolution

Let M be an R-module. A projective resolution of M is an exact sequence

/ Pi+1


/ Pi


d 1

/ P1

d 0

/ P0


/ 0,

where every Pi , i 0, i Z, is a projective module.

Projective resolution

Let M be an R-module. A projective resolution of M is an exact sequence

/ Pi+1


/ Pi


d 1

/ P1

d 0

/ P0


/ 0,

where every Pi , i 0, i Z, is a projective module. We also use the short notation P M.

Schanuels Lemma

[Schanuels Lemma] Let K P and K P M be two short exact sequences such that P and P are projective. M

Schanuels Lemma

[Schanuels Lemma] Let K P and K P M be two short exact sequences such that P and P are projective. Then K P K P. = M

Schanuels Lemma

[Schanuels Lemma] Let K P and K P M be two short exact sequences such that P and P are projective. Then K P K P. = In particular, K is projective if and only if K is projective. M

The long Schanuel

Let P M and P M be two projective resolutions of M and denote by Kn = ker (Pn Pn1 ) and K = ker (Pn Pn1 ) the n-th kernels respectively.

The long Schanuel

Let P M and P M be two projective resolutions of M and denote by Kn = ker (Pn Pn1 ) and K = ker (Pn Pn1 ) the n-th kernels respectively. Then, for all n 0 Kn Pn Pn1 ... Kn Pn Pn1 .... =

The long Schanuel

Let P M and P M be two projective resolutions of M and denote by Kn = ker (Pn Pn1 ) and K = ker (Pn Pn1 ) the n-th kernels respectively. Then, for all n 0 Kn Pn Pn1 ... Kn Pn Pn1 .... = In particular Kn is projective i Kn is projective.

Projective dimension

Let M be an R-module. We say M has nite projective dimension over R, pdR M < , if M admits a projective resolution P of nite length. M

Projective dimension

Let M be an R-module. We say M has nite projective dimension over R, pdR M < , if M admits a projective resolution P M

of nite length. In particular, there exists an n 0 such that 0 Pn Pn1 P0 M 0 is a projective resulution of n.

Projective dimension

Let M be an R-module. We say M has nite projective dimension over R, pdR M < , if M admits a projective resolution P M

of nite length. In particular, there exists an n 0 such that 0 Pn Pn1 P0 M 0 is a projective resulution of n. The smallest such n is called the projective dimension of M.

Two nal remarks

The long Schanuels Lemma implies that if pdR M n for some n, then in every projective resolution Q M, the kernel Kn1 = ker (Qn1 Qn2 ) is projective.

Two nal remarks

The long Schanuels Lemma implies that if pdR M n for some n, then in every projective resolution Q M, the kernel Kn1 = ker (Qn1 Qn2 ) is projective. Projective modules have projective dimension equal to 0.

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