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Determinants of Sleep-Disordered Breathing During the Mixed Dentition: Development

of a Functional Airway Evaluation Screening Tool (FAIREST-6)
James S. Oh, DDS1 • Soroush Zaghi, MD2 • Cynthia Peterson3 • Clarice S. Law, DMD, MS4 • Daniela Silva, DDS, MS5 • Audrey J. Yoon, DDS, MS6

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify patterns of functional, extraoral, and intraoral examination characteristics that cor-
relate with increased risk of sleep disturbances and develop a functional airway screening tool to help clinicians for early diagnosis of pediatric
sleep-disordered breathing. Methods: From March 2018 until March 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted of 96 mixed dentition children
during dental examinations at the UCLA pediatric dental clinic. Outcome measures included a sleep index score by the Sleep Disturbance Scale
for Children (SDSC) completed by parents. Clinical assessment tool measurements assessing functional, extraoral, intraoral soft tissue, and
intraoral hard tissue determinants were recorded during a routine dental examination by pediatric dental residents. Results: The mean age was
8.9 years (±1.9 years standard deviation), with 46 males and 50 females participating. Mouth-breathing (functional), mentalis strain (extra-
oral), tonsillar hypertrophy and ankyloglossia (intraoral soft tissue), dental wear, and narrow palate (intraoral hard tissue) were found to be the
most clinically deterministic of higher SDSC scores (P<0.01). A clinical assessment tool for sleep-disordered breathing in pediatric dental patients
(FAIREST-6) was developed, comprising these six clinical factors. Conclusions: The FAIREST-6 is a concise and validated clinical assessment tool
that may aid in early diagnosis and intervention of pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. (Pediatr Dent 2021;43(4):262-9.E34-E36) Received
August 20, 2020 | Last Revision April 19, 2021 | Accepted April 20, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common, chronic disorder category of disease encompassing a broad scope of obstructive
affecting four percent to nine percent of adults. 1 Comorbidi- phenomena, ranging from mouth-breathing, noisy breathing,
ties associated with OSA are well-documented, including hyper- and snoring to sleep apnea in late stages, 4 with the potential
tension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, daytime sleepiness, and for significant effects on the growth and development of a
reduced quality of life.2,3 Pediatric OSA, on the other hand, was child. Disruptions of respiration during sleep cause adverse im-
not recognized as a medical entity until 1976. The understand- plications on cognition, behavior, cardiac function, and
ing of its mechanisms remains limited, although it is associated growth.2,6 Yet, SDB remains markedly underdiagnosed. Mild
with several cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurocognitive forms of SDB, such as mouth-breathing and snoring, are
complications that can disrupt overall growth and development.4 potential risk factors for more severe indices of sleep apnea
The prevalence of OSA among children appears to be relatively later in life.7 In essence, the adult OSA patient is already at
low, estimated to be approximately one to four percent.2,5 the end of a dynamic spectrum of disease that is first identified
By contrast, sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is increas- via early signs of SDB in the growing child, such as mouth-
ingly being recognized as a cause of morbidity in young chil- breathing, restless sleep, dental grinding, attention/concentration
dren, with a prevalence of up to 25 percent.2 SDB is a diagnostic issues, and hyperactivity. Prevention-driven therapies should
be developed to identify the factors associated with SDB as
early as possible, with treatments initiated at the earliest recog-
1 Dr. Oh is a pediatric dentist and an orthodontic resident at LLU School of Dentistry,
nition of problems.
Loma Linda; 2Dr. Zaghi is an otolaryngologist, The Breathe Institute, Los Angeles, and
an attending physician, UCLA Health, Santa Monica; 3Ms. Peterson is a physical Although polysomnography is considered the disorder
therapist, The Breathe Institute, Los Angeles; 4Dr. Law is a Health Sciences clinical gold standard for a sleep disorder diagnosis, it presents with
professor, and 5Dr. Silva is a Health Sciences associate clinical professor, both in the limitations in epidemiologic research due to its extensive time,
Section of Pediatric Dentistry, Division of Growth and Development, UCLA School of cost, and effort involved. Other assessments have been devel-
Dentistry, Los Angeles; 6Dr. Yoon is an adjunct assistant professor, Stanford Sleep
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stanford University, Stan- oped as less invasive diagnostic indicators. The Sleep Distur-
ford, and a lecturer, Sections of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Division of bance Scale for Children (SDSC), developed by Bruni et al.,
Growth and Development, UCLA is a screening tool for parent-reported symptoms of sleep

School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, disorders in children. SDSC has been validated and demon-
all in Calif., USA. Supplemental material available
Correspond with Dr. Yoon at
strated internal consistency and reliability8; however, it consists
xtra in the online version. of 26 items in a Likert-type scale and may not be easily included
as a routine element of every patient examination. There are
several clinical findings which can be evaluated as a part of a
HOW TO CITE: periodic dental examination that may raise the suspicion of
Oh JS, Zaghi S, Peterson C, Law CS, Silva D, Yoon AJ. Determinants of SDB. Some predisposing factors to SDB include a narrower
sleep-disordered breathing during the mixed dentition: Development
posterior airway space due to underdeveloped maxillofacial
of a functional airway evaluation screening tool (FAIREST-6). Pediatr
Dent 2021;43(4):262-9.E34-E36.
skeleton or increased lymphoid tissue; low tongue posture due
to mouth-breathing, tongue-thrust habit, or other myofascial



dysfunction; underdeveloped musculature; poor neuromuscular 7. classification of chin strain upon mouth closure (none,
control; or other sources of low muscle tone and neurological mild, moderate-severe);
dysfunction.3,9-12 8. Mallampati classification (Class 1, 2, 3, 4)18;
Downstream implications of SDB are well- 9. tonsillar hypertrophy, as measured by Brodsky scale
documented. 3,13,14 As such, early diagnosis and intervention (less than 25 percent, 26 to 50 percent, 51 to 75 per-
may ameliorate lifelong orofacial and systemic health defects. cent, greater than 75 percent)19,20;
Rather than adding a written assessment tool to the subjective 10. maxillary intercanine distance measured between
portion of the patient record, it may be more efficient to focus maxillary canine cusp tips (greater than 37 mm, 31 to
on key elements of the extraoral and intraoral examination that 37 mm, less than 31 mm);
may indicate signs of SDB. 11. maxillary intermolar distance measured between max-
The purpose of the present study was to identify functional, illary first molar mesiobuccal cusp tips (greater than
extraoral, and intraoral features associated with increased risk 52 mm, 46 to 52 mm, less than 46 mm);
of sleep disturbances in pediatric patients to develop a func- 12. incisor display at rest, percentage of maxillary incisor
tional airway screening tool to help clinicians for early diagnosis display during rest (zero to 25 percent, 26 to 50 percent,
of pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. 51 to 75 percent, 76 to 100 percent);
13. bruxism, dental signs of wear (no wear detected, mild
Methods dental wear, moderate dental wear, severe dental wear);
Design. From March 2018 until March 2019, a cross-sectional 14. swallow tongue-thrust compensation test (swallow
study was conducted of 96 healthy children (mean age equals with ease, swallow with difficulty, unable to swallow
8.9 years; range equals six to 12 years; participants included without tongue-thrust compensation); and
46 males and 50 females) who presented for a dental exami- 15. nasal breathing test, duration of ability to nasal
nation at UCLA Children’s Dental Center, Los Angeles, Calif., breathe (three+ minutes, two to three minutes, one to
USA. Exclusion criteria included craniofacial defects, prior two minutes, less than one minute).
orthodontic therapy, prior tonsillectomy, and prior oral or
maxillofacial surgery. Outcome measures included a sleep Clinical assessment tool (subjective measures). The
index score and a clinical factor assessment. Sleep index scores FAIREST-15 also includes six subjective measures that parents
were determined by SDSC, which was completed by patient were asked to rate on a descriptive scale regarding breathing
parents. The clinical factor assessments were recorded by one route, posture, concentration, and anxiety measures. Parents
of three calibrated UCLA pediatric dental residents. This study were asked to rate on a scale of one to four the extent to
was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Univer- which their child breathes through their nose or mouth when
sity of California, Los Angeles (protocol ID: 18-000810). awake and when asleep, slouching seated posture, sleeping
Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC). SDSC, position (primary supine versus nonsupine), and difficulty with
developed in 1996 by Bruni et al., is a screening tool for concentration; anxiety measures.15
parent-reported symptoms of sleep disorders in children. It Statistical analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
comprises 26 items in a Likert-type scale with values ranging performed to assess for statistically significant differences in
from one to five, with higher numerical values reflecting SDSC outcomes among the categorical clinical traits. Pearson
greater clinical severity of symptoms.8 The sum of the scores chi-square was used to identify the odds ratios for the factors
was calculated to be the patient’s sleep index score (range found to be most clinically significant for identifying patients
equals 26 to 130). Scores ranging from 26 to 35 are considered at risk of achieving a score ≥36 on the SDSC. To test inter-
to be within the normal range; scores of 36 to 44, 45 to 51, examiner agreement, 10 patients were selected at random and
and greater than 52 are considered to be at mildly, moderately, measured by all three residents. Intraclass correlation coeffi-
severely, or increased risk for sleep disturbances, respectively. cient (ICC) in a mixed model was used to assess interrater
Functional Airway Evaluation Screening Tool (objec- agreement among the three residents for clinical item mea-
tive measures). The pediatric version of the Functional Airway surements. All showed excellent agreement (ICC greater than
Evaluation Screening Tool (FAIREST-15) comprises 15 items 0.85) according to Cicchetti’s guideline. Pairwise comparison
that have been identified as dental, otolaryngologic, and func- was adjusted by Tukey’s method to control for inflation of type
tional characteristics associated with increased risk of breathing- one error rate. Significance for all statistical tests was predeter-
related sleep disturbances in children15 This clinical examination mined at P<0.01.
screening tool assesses the following characteristics:
1. classification of vertical, normal, or horizontal facial Results
growth pattern; The mean age was 8.9 years (±1.9 years standard deviation)
2. classification of sagittal facial growth profile (normal, among 46 males and 50 females. SDSC scores ranged from
concave, convex); 27 to 88. There were 44 (45.8 percent) patients with SDSC
3. classification of sagittal dental growth profile (Class I, scores within the normal range (less than or equal to 35), and
Class II, Class III); 36 (37.5 percent), 11 (11.5 percent), and five (5.2 percent)
4. Tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR, grade one, patients had SDSC scores indicating mild (36 to 44), mod-
two, three, or four)10; erate (45 to 51), and severe (greater than 52) increased risk
5. Kotlow free tongue measurement, distance from the of sleep disturbances, respectively. Mouth-breathing (func-
tip of the tongue to insertion of the lingual frenulum tional), mentalis strain (extraoral), tonsillar hypertrophy and
(12+ mm, eight to 12 mm, four to eight mm, zero to ankyloglossia (intraoral soft tissue), and dental wear and narrow
four mm)16; palate (intraoral hard tissue) were found to be the most clin-
6. Kotlow upper labial frenum attachment (mucosal, ically deterministic of higher SDSC scores (P<0.01; see
gingival, interdental papilla, palatine papilla)17; Supplemental Elecronic Data–sTable).



Functional findings (Figure 1). The swallowing tongue- attachment (P=0.40) and incisor display (P=0.03) did not
thrust compensation test (swallow with ease, swallow with show a statistically significant association with SDSC scores.
difficulty, or unable to swallow without tongue-thrust com- Psychosocial findings. There was a statistically significant
pensation), nasal breathing test (less than one minute, one to association (ANOVA) with higher SDSC scores among chil-
two minutes, two to three minutes, and three or more min- dren who expressed increased difficulty concentrating (rarely
utes), breathing route when awake (primarily nasal or some- to never equals 35.1±7.1, sometimes equals 39.5±6.1, often
times, often, or almost always mouth), breathing route when equals 41.1±8.1, almost always equals 45.2±14.9, P<0.001).
asleep (primarily nasal or sometimes, often, or almost always Similarly, there was a significant association with higher
mouth), and seated posture (rarely, sometimes, often, or almost SDSC scores among children who expressed increased levels
always slouches) showed statistically significant associations of stress/anxiety (rarely anxious equals 35.9±7.1, sometimes
with higher SDSC scores (ANOVA, P<0.01). Sleep position anxious equals 38.3±7.6, often stressed equals 42.4±9.0,
(P=0.51) did not show statistically significant associations almost always stressed equals 54.3±29.9, P<0.001).
with SDSC scores. Clinical assessment tool for SDB in pediatric dental
Extraoral findings (Figure 2). Facial pattern (dolichofacial patients (FAIREST-6). Among functional findings, the most
versus mesofacial/brachyfacial) and mentalis strain (none, mild, clinically significant factor predictive of increased SDSC scores
moderate-severe) showed statistically significant associations was mouth-breathing, as assessed by the nasal breathing test
with higher SDSC scores (ANOVA, P<0.01). Facial profile (unable to breathe through the nose with lips sealed for greater
(P=0.23) did not show a statistically significant association than three minutes), with an odds ratio of 7.2 (95 percent
with SDSC scores. confidence interval [95% CI] equals 2.5 to 21.2; Pearson
Intraoral soft and hard tissue findings (Figure 3). Tongue Chi-square test, P<0.001). Among extraoral findings, the
range of motion ratio (grades one to four), Kotlow free tongue most clinically significant factor predictive of increased SDSC
measurement (greater than 12 mm, eight to 12 mm, four to scores was the presence of mentalis strain (moderate-severe),
eight mm, zero to four mm), tonsil size (less than 25 percent, with an odds ratio of 102 (95% CI equals 1.3 to 83.5;
25 to 50 percent, greater than 50 percent), molar relationship P=0.009). Among intraoral soft tissue findings, the most clin-
(Class II or III versus Class I), intercanine distance (less than ically significant factors predictive of increased SDSC scores
31 mm versus greater than 31 mm), intermolar distance (less were tonsil hypertrophy (Brodsky grade three to four), with
than 46 mm versus greater than 46 mm), and dental wear an odds ratio of 16.7 (95% CI equals 3.6 to 76.1; P<0.001),
(none versus mild versus moderate-severe) all showed statisti- and ankyloglossia (Kotlow free tongue measurement less than
cally significant associations with higher SDSC scores (P<0.01). 16 mm and/or TRMR grade three to four), with an odds ratio
Mallampati (M1, M2, M3/4) showed a trend toward signifi- of 3.6 (95% CI equals 1.5 to 8.5; P=0.003). Among intraoral
cance (ANOVA, P=0.013). Kotlow upper labial frenum hard tissue findings, the most clinically significant factors

Figure 1. Functional findings versus Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) total score. There was a statistically significant
association with higher SDSC scores among children with swallowing tongue-thrust compensation or inability to swallow without
compensation, reduced nasal breathing capacity, habitual breathing route (nasal versus mouth) when awake and asleep, and
slouching posture with P<0.01 (ANOVA). The sleeping position did not show a statistically significant association with a P-value
threshold of <0.01.



Figure 2. Extraoral findings versus Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) total score. There was a statistically significant
association with higher SDSC scores among children with dolichofacial (versus mesofacial/brachyfacial) pattern and the presence of
mentalis strain (moderate-severe). Facial profile (convex, normal, concave) did not show a statistically significant association with a
P-value threshold of <0.01 (ANOVA).

Figure 3. Intraoral soft and hard tissue findings versus Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) total score. There was a
statistically significant association with higher SDSC scores among children with restricted tongue mobility (TRMR), reduced free
tongue measurement (Kotlow), enlarged tonsil size (Brodsky), Class II/Class III (versus Class I) molar relationship, reduced inter-
canine distance (less than 31 mm versus greater than 31 mm), reduced intermolar distance (less than 46 mm versus greater than 46 mm),
and signs of dental wear (moderate-severe). Mallampati score approached clinical significance with a P-value of 0.013 (ANOVA).
Kotlow upper labial frenum attachment and incisor display did not show a statistically significant association with a P-value
threshold of <0.01.



Domain Exam finding Clinical threshold Odds 95% confidence P-value**,
ratio interval Pearson

Functional Mouth-breathing Unable to breathe through nose with lips sealed for >3 minutes 7.2 2.5-21.2 <0.001
Extraoral Mentalis strain Lip incompetence characterized as moderate-severe dimpling of chin 10.2 1.3-83.5 0.009
upon mouth closure

Intraoral Tonsil hypertrophy Brodsky grade 3-4 (tonsils occupy >50% of oropharyngeal width) 16.7 3.6-76.1 <0.001
soft tissue Ankyloglossia Kotlow free tongue measurement <16 mm and/or TRMR grade 3-4 3.6 1.5-8.5 0.003

Dental wear Moderate to severe deterioration resulting in dentin exposure 19.0 4.6-77.4 <0.001
hard tissue Narrow palate Maxillary constriction defined as intercanine distance <31 mm and/ 8.5 3.2-22.6 <0.001
or intermolar distance <46 mm (mesiobuccal cusps)

* A clinical assessment tool for sleep-disordered breathing in pediatric dental patients was developed and validated based on an original 15-item screening tool
(FAIREST-15). The factors highlighted above were found to be the most clinically significant for identifying patients at risk of achieving a score 36 on the
SDSC (increased risk of sleep disturbance). Each of the six factors is an independent “red flag” for sleep-disordered breathing.
** Pearson chi-square test.


Number of red flags 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Risk of sleep-disturbance Normal Mild Moderate Severe

* The score on the FAIREST-6 is equal to the sum of the number of exam findings present. Scores may range from zero (none of the items are present) to six
(all six of the concerning exam findings are present). A score of two corresponds to mildly increased risk of sleep disturbance; four indicates moderately increased
risk; six indicates severely increased risk.

predictive of increased SDSC scores were the presence of dental mouth-breathing when awake or asleep, and slouching posture.
wear (moderate-severe), with an odds ratio of 19.0 (95% CI Among these, the most clinically significant factor was the
equals 4.6-77.4; P<0.001), and reduced intermolar distance nasal breathing test (unable to breathe through the nose for
(less than 46 mm), with an odds ratio of 8.5 (95% CI equals greater than three minutes). Traditionally, mouth-breathing and
3.2 to 22.6; P<0.001). airway obstruction have been considered to be a function of
The six factors highlighted above were found to be the soft tissue hypertrophy (tonsils, adenoids, turbinate structures)
most clinically significant for identifying patients at risk of as a result of an inflammatory or infectious cascade that sec-
achieving a score of 36 or greater on the SDSC (increased risk ondarily obstructs the airway, inciting a progression from
of sleep disturbance. A more concise clinical assessment tool mouth-breathing to obstructive sleep apnea and the resultant
comprised of these factors was developed (FAIREST-6; see implications on facial structure (i.e., the adenoid facies).9 This
Table 1). Each of the six factors is an independent red flag for has led to medical or surgical treatment of adenotonsillar and/
SDB. Scores may range from zero (none of the items are pre- or inferior turbinate hypertrophy as the first-line approach in
sent) to six (all six of the concerning exam findings are present; the standard of care for pediatric SDB. Yet, current literature
see Table 2). data indicate that this approach is not often completely suc-
The score on the FAIREST-6 is equal to the sum of the cessful.9,21 This has encouraged a potential paradigm shift in
number of red-flag items present on the clinical examination. the hypothesized progression of SDB in children. Guilleminault
A score of two is associated with mildly increased risk (SDSC et al. purport that orofacial dysfunction underlies structural
greater than or equal to 36), four is associated with moderately dysmorphisms that lead to the onset of pediatric SDB. 9,13,22
increased risk (SDSC greater than or equal to 45), six is associ- This Guilleminault Musculoskeletal Hypothesis purports that
ated with severely increased risk (SDSC greater than or equal oral, nasal, maxillary, and mandibular structural variations,
to 52; P<0.001). Patients presenting with increased risk systemic inflammation, and/or postural maladaptations are
should be triaged to complete the SDSC, which consists of 26 often one of the inciting factors that predispose children to
Likert-type questions, 8 or referred for more comprehensive mouth-breathing, with variability being attributed to genetics,
evaluation (see Figure 4). evolution, and environment. 9 Mouth-breathing may induce
local inflammation at the site of the tonsils and adenoids,
Discussion introducing further obstruction into an already dysfunctional
The objective of the study was to identify determinants of airway and precipitating a vicious cycle of disease.21 Concur-
SDB to develop a concise and validated functional airway rently, postural maladaptations (due to fascial, muscular, neuro-
evaluation screening tool for use in assessing the pediatric logical, or craniosacral restrictions) may lead to functional
dental population. The functional findings associated with variations that affect breathing, swallowing, and resting oral
higher SDSC scores in this study include swallowing tongue- posture. The functional variations, in turn, predispose to low
thrust compensation, reduced nasal breathing capacity, habitual tongue posture and dysfunctional chewing and swallow habits



interaction between adenoton-

sillar hypertrophy and restricted
development of the nasomaxil-
lary complex (adenoid facies) is
also widely appreciated. 11 In
addition, recent studies are now
recognizing restricted tongue
mobility as a significant risk
factor for mouth-breathing, snor-
ing, upper airway resistance, and
obstructive sleep apnea. 10,13,29,30
Alterations of the lingual frenulum
may contribute to oromyofas-
cial dysfunction and underdevel-
opment of the maxillofacial
skeleton, predisposing to sleep
d i s t u r b a n c e s . Tr a d i t i o n a l l y
assessed by free tongue length
measurement, more contempo-
rary assessment techniques
involve a functional classification
of restricted mobility.10 Other ear,
nose, and throat and medical
factors not assessed in this study
include weight (overweight or
underweight), height (failure to
thrive), and hypertension.28,31,32
The intraoral hard tissue
findings associated with higher
S D S C s c o re s i n t h i s s t u d y
include molar dental relationship
Figure 4. Increased risk of sleep disturbance by the number of red flags (FAIREST-6) in pediatric dental patients. The (Class II), narrow intercanine
score on the FAIREST-6 is equal to the sum of the number of red flag items present on the clinical examination. A score distance (less than 31 mm),
of two is associated with mildly increased risk (SDSC greater than or equal to 36), four is associated with moderately narrow intermolar distance (less
increased risk (SDSC greater than or equal to 45), six is associated with severely in-creased risk (SDSC greater than or than 46 mm), and the presence
equal to 52; P<0.001). Patients presenting with increased risk should be triaged to complete the SDSC, which consists
of 26 Likert-type questions, or referred for more comprehensive evaluation.
8 of dental wear (moderate-severe).
Among these, the most clini-
cally significant factor was the
that lead to the abnormal orofacial growth characterized as presence of moderate-severe dental wear and a narrow
adenoid facies–a decrease in the facial prognathism, a small intermolar distance. Class II molar relationship is most often
nose, a short upper lip, and an open-mouth posture associated characterized by mandibular retrognathia but can also involve
with a downward and backward rotation of the mandible, coincident underdeveloped maxilla. Narrow intercanine dis-
causing an increase in the anterior lower facial height with a tance and intermolar distance represent a transversely con-
resultant narrower anteroposterior upper airway dimension.23 stricted upper jaw. While the pathophysiology of bruxism
The extraoral findings associated with higher SDSC remains poorly understood, the prevalence of bruxism appears
scores in this study include a dolichofacial growth pattern and to be significantly increased in patients with sleep and
mentalis strain. The most clinically significant factor was the breathing disorders.33 It has been associated with fragmented
presence of mentalis strain (moderate-severe). Dolichofacial sleep, 34,35 arousals during sleep leading to increase in para-
pattern is characterized by a long, narrow facial phenotype. It functional activity,36,37 and activation of upper airway muscles
represents a vertical growth pattern, as the lower face length- as compensation for narrowed airway passages. 38,39 These
ens with the mandible growing downward. Mentalis strain is findings are consistent with prior descriptions of dental and
defined as perioral strain upon mouth closure. The etiology is craniofacial changes in children with SDB: long and narrow
often an underlying vertical or anteroposterior skeletal growth face, excessive vertical jaw growth, higher mandibular plane
discrepancy of the jaws. The impact of these craniofacial angle, constricted palatal width, decreased length of mandible
growth markers on airway and breathing is widely appreciated.24,25 and maxilla,40,41 tooth-grinding, clenching, wear facets, cusp
The intraoral soft tissue findings associated with higher fractures, temporomandibular dysfunction, and masseter
SDSC scores in this study include reduced tongue mobil- hypertrophy.42,43
ity (TRMR grade three to four), reduced free tongue length This study shows a significant association between slouch-
(Kotlow measurement less than 16 mm), and tonsillar hyper- ing posture and sleep disturbances in children. Postural charac-
trophy (Brodsky grade three to four). All measures were highly teristics affected by oral breathing (i.e., forward head posture,
clinically significant factors and included in the clinical assess- cephalic posture, slouching posture) are described by Denotti
ment tool. Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is widely recognized as et al.: hyperextension and antepulsion of the head, antepul-
a risk factor for SDB in pediatric patients.26-28 Similarly, the sion of the shoulders, lumbar hyperlordosis, and anteversion



of the pelvis. Low tongue position (attributable to mouth- 3. Future research is needed to better understand the
breathing, low tongue tone, and/or restricted tongue mobility) mechanisms by which postural alterations (such as
has also been characterized to contribute to neuromuscular low tongue posture, altered swallowing habits, and
imbalances and postural adaptations.44 Furthermore, mouth- inefficient chewing due to mouth-breathing) may
breathing behavior has been linked to the development of low lead to underdevelopment of the maxillomandibular
tongue tone, reduced tongue strength, and chewing inefficiency; skeleton that further predisposes to dysfunctional
clinically this is observed as reverse swallow habit (i.e., tongue- breathing.
thrust) which may contribute to anterior open bite clinical
presentation.41,45 Indeed, this study shows a significant associ- Acknowledgments
ation between swallowing tongue-thrust compensation (i.e., The authors wish to thank Dr. Jonathan Hurng (former pedi-
indicative of orofacial myofunctional disorder) and increased atric dentistry resident, Section of Pediatric Dentistry, Divi-
SDSC scores. sion of Growth and Development, UCLA School of Dentistry,
The psychosocial findings associated with higher SDSC Los Angeles), Dr. Jean Kang (former pediatric dentistry
scores in this study include difficulty concentrating and in- resident, Section of Pediatric Dentistry, Division of Growth
creased levels of stress/anxiety. This may reflect a reduction in and Development, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles),
parasympathetic tone and an increase in the HPA axis among Julia Peng (former dental student, UCLA School of Dentistry,
children with SDB.46 Prior studies show that SDB is highly Los Angeles), and Michael Nedjat-Haiem (former dental
correlated with disruptive behavior disorders in childhood; student, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, all in Calif.)
snoring has been associated with a twofold increase in the odds for their assistance in data collection.
of attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder diagnosis or
symptoms and obstructive sleep apnea associated with a three- References
fold to fourfold increase in the odds of behavioral problems 1. Neelapu BC, Kharbanda OP, Sardana HK, et al. Craniofacial
or conduct disorders. 47 This is consistent with prior studies and upper airway morphology in adult obstructive sleep
showing a reduction in parasympathetic tone in children with apnea patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
habitual snoring,46 reductions of growth hormone in mouth- cephalometric studies. Sleep Med Rev 2017;31:79-90.
breathing children,32 suppressive effects on the growth hormone 2. Torre C, Guilleminault C. Establishment of nasal breathing
axis and stimulatory effect on the HPA axis among adults with should be the ultimate goal to secure adequate craniofacial
sleep deprivation and chronic insomnia.6,24,31 and airway development in children. J Pediatr (Rio J)
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oral, intraoral soft tissue, and intraoral hard tissue findings 3. Constantin E, Low NCP, Dugas E, Karp I, O’Loughlin J.
that are comorbid in children at risk for pediatric SDB. The Association between childhood sleep-disordered breath-
following characteristics were found to be highly associated ing and disruptive behavior disorders in childhood and
with higher SDSC scores in this study: functional–nasal adolescence. Behav Sleep Med 2015;13(6):442-54.
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than three minutes); extraoral–the presence of mentalis strain The nocturnal-polysomnogram and “nonhypoxic sleep-
(moderate to severe); intraoral soft tissue–tonsil size (greater disordered-breathing” in children. Sleep Med 2019;60:
than 50 percent obstruction) and tongue mobility (grade three 31-44.
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the discussion of the Guilleminault musculoskeletal hypothesis, 6. Guilleminault C, Sullivan SS, Huang Y Shu. Sleep-disordered
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Supplemental Electronic Data

sTable. Comprehensive Results of Total Score on the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) by Each Exam Finding

n Mean±(SD) Min Median Max % of total P-value*

Swallowing tongue-thrust compensation test <0.001
Swallow with ease 53 34.3±5.7 27 33 49 50.9
Swallow with difficulty 33 41.4±11.7 27 39 88 38.2
Unable to swallow 10 39.0±8.8 28 37 54 10.9
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Nasal breathing test (minutes) <0.001
<1 4 48.8±26.5 30 38.5 88 5.5
1-2 11 45.0±11.6 28 46 70 13.8
2-3 15 40.8±6.0 33 41 58 17.1
3+ 66 34.5±5.5 27 34 49 63.6
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Breathing route when awake (nasal versus mouth) <0.001
Primarily nasal 53 34.6±6.1 27 33 54 51.2
Sometimes mouth 27 36.5±5.4 27 37 49 27.6
Often mouth 10 45.0±10.5 32 44 70 12.6
Almost always mouth 6 51.3±19.6 35 43.5 88 8.6
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Breathing route when asleep (nasal versus mouth) <0.001
Primarily nasal 48 33.8±5.1 27 33 49 45.3
Sometimes mouth 33 37.5±6.1 27 37 54 34.6
Often mouth 7 45.0±12.8 32 45 70 8.8
Almost always mouth 8 50.5±16.8 35 45 88 11.3
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Posture <0.001
Rarely slouches 67 35.2±6.8 27 34 70 65.9
Sometimes slouches 18 37.4±6.7 29 35.5 52 18.8
Often slouches 7 48.0±6.4 39 47 58 9.4
Almost always slouches 4 52.5±23.8 38 42 88 5.9
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Sleep position 0.51
Primarily supine 26 38.1±13.8 27 35.5 88 27.7
Supine >side/stomach 20 36.4±6.6 27 35.5 54 20.3
Side/stomach >supine 31 35.8±5.8 27 34 47 31.0
Primarily side/stomach 19 39.4±7.4 29 38 58 20.9
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Facial pattern 0.004
Dolicofacial 14 44.4±10.1 32 43 70 17.4
Mesofacial 68 36.2±8.8 27 35 88 68.8
Brachyfacial 14 35.2±5.8 28 36.5 46 13.8
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0

* P-value obtained from ANOVA.


sTable. Continued

n Mean±(SD) Min Median Max % of total P-value*

Facial profile 0.23

Convex 29 39.5±9.7 28 37 70 32.0
Normal 66 36.4±8.7 27 36 88 67.1
Concave 1 31.0 31 31 31 0.9
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Mentalis strain <0.001
No chin strain 51 32.9±4.3 27 32 45 47.0
Mild chin strain 34 39.2±5.6 28 38 49 37.3
Severe chin strain 11 51.3±16.1 33 47 88 15.8
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Intraoral soft tissue
Tongue range of motion ratio <0.001
Grade 1 29 32.6±4.7 27 32 45 26.4
Grade 2 49 36.5±6.8 28 36 70 50.0
Grade 3 17 47.2±12.5 33 46 88 22.5
Grade 4 1 43.0 43 43 43 1.2
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Kotlow free tongue measurement (mm) <0.001
>12 37 32.8±4.6 27 32 45 33.9
8-12 40 36.5±6.8 28 36 70 40.8
4-8 18 45.4±6.4 33 46 58 22.9
0-4 1 88.0 88 88 88 2.5
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Kotlow upper labial frenum attachment 0.39
Mucosal 45 38.6±11.4 27 36 88 48.6
Gingival 29 36.0±5.6 27 36 54 29.2
Papillary 22 36.2±6.9 27 36.5 52 22.3
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Tonsil size (%) <0.001
<25 33 33.2±5.1 27 33 46 30.6
25-50 38 35.7±5.7 28 35 49 37.9
50-75 23 44.9±12.8 33 41 88 28.9
>75 2 47.0±2.8 45 47 49 2.6
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Mallampati 0.006
M1 32 34.9±4.8 27 36 45 31.2
M2 43 36.7±8.4 27 35 70 44.1
M3 19 40.9±13.0 29 40 88 21.8
M4 2 53.5±6.4 49 53.5 58 3.0
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0

* P-value obtained from ANOVA. Table continued on the next page.


sTable. Continued

n Mean±(SD) Min Median Max % of total P-value*

Intraoral hard tissue

Dental profile 0.012
Class I 63 35.3±6.3 27 35 58 62.2
Class II 27 41.0±12.9 27 37 88 30.9
Class III 6 41.2±7.2 31 42 49 6.9
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Intercanine distance (mm) <0.001
<31 49 41.3±10.4 28 38 88 56.5
>31 47 33.1±4.7 27 32 45 43.5
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Intermolar distance (mm) <0.001
<46 27 44.6±11.0 31 45 88 33.7
>46 69 34.4±6.2 27 34 70 66.3
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Incisor display (%)
0-25 8 33.0±4.9 27 34 40 8.3 0.04
26-50 44 35.3±6.3 27 35 58 45.8
51-75 37 39.7±11.5 27 37 88 38.5
76-100 7 41.7±8.9 31 41 54 7.3
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Dental wear <0.001
None 47 33.3±4.6 27 33 45 43.7
Mild 37 37.8±6.3 28 37 54 39.1
Moderate-severe 12 51.3±14.3 40 45.5 88 17.2
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Difficulty concentrating <0.001
Rarely to never 68 35.1±7.1 27 34 70 70.8
Sometimes 8 39.5±6.2 31 39 52 8.3
Often 8 41.1±8.1 31 38.5 58 8.3
Almost always 12 45.3±14.9 32 42 88 12.5
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0
Stress/anxiety <0.001
Rarely 75 35.9±7.1 27 36 70 78.1
Sometimes 11 38.4±7.6 31 35 54 11.5
Often 7 42.4±9.0 32 38 58 7.3
Almost always 3 54.3±29.9 31 44 88 3.1
Total 96 37.3±9.0 27 36 88 100.0

* P-value obtained from ANOVA.


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