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"Time Spent Learning is

Never a Waste"

Fullstack Testing Tools

(Software Development Engineer in Test)

Average Salary
100% placement Oriented Training Mode
for 0-5 yrs
training program Real Time Training
4.8 to 15.0 LPA

Become Job Ready in

90 Days

Mr Shareef

Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) is a developer with the primary responsibility
development of software product as well as writing framework and tools to test that product.
Means it is an IT professional who can work effectively in development and testing roles. A
(Software Development Engineer in Test) SDET takes part in the complete Software Development
Process mainly we term it as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDETs are able to
understand software development as well as software testing.
Demand of SDET:
Today’s organizations have changed a lot in their business process. They want more work with
less people. When it comes to the versatile skill with a single people then the role of Software
Development Engineer in Test (SDET) comes. As they are the only professional who take part in
development as well as at the same time, they can handle testing of the developed software.
That is why Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) helps in both means for developing
high-performance code or designing the testing framework.
Note: There is a trend in companies to hire multi skill IT professionals. Therefore, SDET
software professionals are highly on demand.

“Education is the
most powerful
weapon which
you can use to
change your life”
Java Java Programming Basics

➢ Installing Java
➢ Installing Eclipse
➢ First Eclipse Project
➢ First Java program
➢ Concept of class file
➢ Datatypes in Java
➢ String class and functions
➢ Conditional Statements
➢ Loops
➢ Arrays
➢ Single Dimensional Arrays
➢ Two Dimensional arrays
➢ Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
➢ Operators
➢ What are Functions?
➢ Function Input Parameters
➢ Function Return Types
➢ Object-Oriented Programming in Java
➢ Local Variables
➢ Global Variables
➢ Static and Non-Static Variables
➢ Static and Non-Static Functions
➢ Creating Objects in Java
➢ Meaning of static
➢ Why is main method static?
➢ Object and Object References
➢ Call by reference and Value
➢ Overloading and Overriding Functions
➢ Access Modifiers – Public/Private/Default/Protected
➢ Constructors
➢ Interface
➢ Usage of Objects in Selenium
➢ Inheritance
➢ Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
➢ Creating Packages
➢ Accessing Classes across Packages
Exception Handling

➢ Exception handing with try catch block

➢ Importance of exception handling
➢ Exception and Error
➢ Throwable Class
➢ Final and Finally
➢ Throw and Throws
➢ Different Types of Exceptions
➢ Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Regular Expression Operations

➢ Patter Class
➢ Matcher Class
➢ Find, group, left, right..etc methods

Automating Text File Operations

➢ Creating/Opening Text Files

➢ Reading/Writing Text Files
➢ Practical Examples
➢ File, FileWriter,FileReader, BufferedWriter, BufferedReader and PrintWriter.

Industry relevant course curriculum


➢ What is Selenium?
➢ Who developed Selenium?
➢ Selenium Components

Selenium IDE
➢ Installing Selenium IDE
➢ Creating your First Selenium IDE script
➢ How to use Locators in Selenium IDE
➢ How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE
➢ Creating and Running Tests
➢ Creating and Running Test Suite

WebDriver Introduction

➢ Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC

➢ Installing Selenium WebDriver

➢ Architecture of selenium Webdriver

➢ Creating your First Script in Webdriver

Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of Elements

➢ Launching AUT in Firefox

➢ Launching AUT in Internet Explorer
➢ Launching AUT in Chrome
➢ Launching AUT in Safari
➢ Inspecting properties of Elements on different Browsers
➢ Installing Firebug and Fire Path
➢ Creating Firefox Profile

Automating Operations on various Elements

➢ Browser
➢ Textbox
➢ List Box
➢ Links
➢ Check Box
➢ Radio Button
➢ HTML Tables
➢ Calendars

Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events

➢ Action Class
➢ KeyBoard Events
➢ Drag & Drop Actions
➢ Mouse Hover Action
➢ RightClick, Double Click & Tool Tip
Handling multiple Windows
➢ getwindowHandle()
➢ getwindowHandles()
➢ Switching between windows
➢ Handling elements present in different windows

Handling Alerts Handling Frames

➢ accept() ➢ What is iFrame?

➢ dismiss() ➢ Locating Frames
➢ getText() ➢ Switching between Frames
➢ sendKeys() ➢ Handling Frames

Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors

➢ What is XPath
➢ When to Use XPath
➢ Absolute XPath/Relative XPath
➢ Specifying conditions with XPath
➢ CSS Selectors
➢ Customizing CSS Selector
➢ 20 ways to write the XPath
Synchronization Database Testing using Selenium

➢ JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

➢ ImplicitlyWait ➢ Driver Manager

➢ PageLoadTimeout ➢ Driver
➢ Connection
➢ SetScriptTimeOut ➢ Statement
➢ ResultSet
➢ WebDriverWait
➢ SQLException
➢ FluentWai ➢ Connecting to DataBases
➢ Sending SQL Queries to Database
➢ Processing Results
➢ Real-time examples of Database Testing
with Selenium

➢ Installing AutoIT
➢ Components of AutoIT
➢ Using FinderTool
➢ AutoIT commands
➢ Creating Scripts in AutoIT
➢ Creating executable files
➢ Running AutoIT Scripts from Selenium
Selenium GRID
➢ What is Selenium Grid?
➢ When to Use Selenium Grid?
➢ What is a Hub and Node?
➢ How to Install and Use Grid 2.0?
➢ Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid
➢ Using the DesiredCapabilites Object

➢ Using the RemoteWebDriver Object

➢ Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid
➢ Sequential and Parallel Test Execution
➢ Running Tests on different Operating Systems
➢ Running Tests on different Browsers

➢ What is Maven and Why Maven? ➢ Installing/Configuring Jenkins
➢ Installing/Configuring Maven ➢ Scheduling Test Execution in Jenkins
➢ Creating Maven Project
➢ Auto mail configuration in Jenkins
➢ Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
➢ What is continues integration?
➢ What is POM.xml?
➢ Adding Dependencies to POM.xml ➢ Continues integration with JENKINS

➢ Introduction about Logging
➢ Downloading and Installing GIT
➢ Logging problems without Log4J
➢ Installing GIT and GITHUB plug-ins for JENKINS
➢ How to solve Logging problem with Log4J
➢ Configuring SSH host keys for GIT and JENKINS
➢ What is Layout?
➢ GIT Bash commands
➢ Different types of Layouts in Log4J
➢ Uploading project to GIT
➢ What is Appender?
➢ Different types of Appenders
Automation Test Frameworks
➢ Modular Driven Framework
➢ Keyword Driven Framework
➢ Data Driven Framework
➢ Hybrid Framework

Page Object Model (POM) & Page Factory in Selenium

➢ What is POM
➢ Why POM?
➢ Advantages of POM
➢ Creating POM Tests
➢ What is Page Factory?
➢ Creating Tests with Page Factory

TestNG (TDD):
1 - Introduction 5.6.2 - Parameters with DataProviders
2 - Annotations
5.6.3 - Parameters from System Properties
3 - testng.xml
5.6.4 - Parameters in reports
4 - Running TestNG
5 - Test methods, Test classes and Test groups
5.7 - Dependencies
5.1 - Test methods 5.7.1 - Dependencies with annotations
5.2 - Test groups 5.7.2 - Dependencies in XML
5.3 - Groups of groups
5.8 - Factories
5.4 - Exclusion groups
5.9 - Class level annotations
5.5 - Partial groups
5.6 - Parameters
5.10 - Ignoring tests
5.6.1 - Parameters from testng.xml 5.11 - Parallelism and time-outs
5.11.1 - Parallel suites
5.11.2 - Parallel tests, classes and methods
5.12 - Rerunning failed tests 6 - Test results
5.13 - JUnit tests 6.1 - Success, failure and assert
5.14 - Running TestNG programmatically
6.2 - Logging and results
5.15 - BeanShell and advanced group selection
6.2.1 - Logging Listeners
5.16 - Annotation Transformers
6.2.2 - Logging Reporters
5.17 - Method Interceptors
6.2.3 – Junit Reports
5.18 - TestNG Listeners
6.2.4 - Reporter API
5.18.1 - Specifying listeners with testng.xml or in Java
6.2.5 - XML Reports
5.18.2 - Specifying listeners with ServiceLoader
5.19 - Dependency injection 6.2.6 - TestNG Exit Codes

5.19.1 - Native dependency injection 7 - YAML

5.19.2 - Guice dependency injection 8 - Dry Run for your tests
5.20 - Listening to method invocations 9 - JVM Arguments in TestNG
5.21 - Overriding test methods 10 - Logging framework integration
5.22 - Altering suites (or) tests in TestNG

Cucumber (BDD):
1. BDD introduction
2. Cucumber Introduction
3. Cucumber Rules
4. Cucumber configuration at Project level
5. Cucumber configuration at IDE level
6. Convert Maven project into pure Cucumber Project
7. Gherkin language introduction
a. What is Given
b. What is When
c. What is Then
d. What is And
e. What is But
8. Create First feature file on Live Project
9. Approaches for feature files generation
a. What is Feature:
b. What is Scenario:
c. What is Scenario Outline:
d. What is Example:
e. What is Background
10. Glue code introduction
11. Step-Definition concept
12. Ways to generate/write the step-definition
13. Data driven testing with Cucumber.
a. Using Scenario Outline with Example keyword
b. Using datatable
i. Datatable approach one using List
ii. Datatable approach two using Map
c. Using Excel file
14. Hooks in Cucumber
a. @Before
b. @After
c. @BeforeStep
d. @AfterStep
15. Tags in Cucumber
16. Tagged Hooks or Hooks with Tags in Cucumber

17. Runner Class In Cucumber

a. Use of @Runwith annotation
b. Use of “Cucumber.class” argument in @Runwith annotation
c. @CucumberOptions annotation.
i. Feature
ii. Glue
iii. StepNotification
iv. Monochrome
v. Plugin
vi. DruRun
vii. Strict
viii. Tags
1. Condition based tags
2. Tags with “And” operator
3. Tags with “OR” operator.
18. Batch Execution.
SDLC Models
Software Definition
Software Project Vs Software Product
SDLC Definition

First Generation Models

1. Waterfall Model
2. Prototype Model
3. Increment Model
4. Spiral Model
5. RAD Model (Rapid Application Development)

Second Generation Models

6. Fish Model or Fish Bone Model

7. V – Model (Verification & Validation)
Third Generation Mode
2. Agile Scrum Process
1. Higher Management
A. Scrum Process 2. Client / Customer
3. SH’s
B. Scrum Components 4. PO

C. Roles in Agile Scrum 5. SM

6. ST (Developers + Testers)
7. CCB

D. Ceremonies in Agile Scrum (Meetings)

1. Kick of Meeting
2. PBL Grooming Meeting
3. Sprint Planning Meeting
4. Daily Scrum Meeting / Standup Meeting / Scrum call
5. Sprint Review Meeting
6. Sprint Retrospective Meeting
7. PBL Refinement Meeting

E. Documents (Artifacts)

a. PBL (Product Backlog)

b. SBL (Sprint Backlog)
c. HLD & LLD’s
d. Test cases Documents
e. Defect Report
f. Sprint Burn down Chart
g. RTM (Requirements Traceability Matrix)
3. Testing stages / Phases
1. Document Testing
a. PBL
b. SBL
c. HLD & LLD’s

2. Unit Testing

a. Basic Path’s Coverage

b. Control Structure Coverage / Debugging
c. Program Technique Coverage
d. Mutation Coverage / Be bugging

3. Integration Testing

a. Top - Down Approach

b. Bottom – up Approach
c. Sandwich Approach / Hybrid Approach
d. System Approach / Big bang Approach

4. Software Testin
A. Functional Testing
1. GUI Testing
2. API Testing
3. DB Testing
4. ETL Testing
5. BI Testing
3. Testing stages / Phases
B. Non – Functional Testing 5. User Acceptance Testing

1. Usability Testing 1. Alpha Testing

2. Compatibility Testing
2. Beta Testing
3. Hardware Configurations Testing
3. Yellow Box Techniques
4. Performance Testing
i. Load Testing
6. Release Testing / Port Testing
ii. Stress Testing
a. Complete installation / Configuration
iii. Spike Testing
b. Overall functionality
iv. Endurance Testing / Duration Testing / Soak
c. Input Devices Handling
Testing / Longevity Testing
d. Output Devices Handling
5. Security Testing / Penetration Testing
e. OS Support
6. Multi Longevity Testing
f. Other related S/w support
7. Parallel Testing
g. Secondary storage devices support
8. Compliance Testing
h. Green box Testing Techniques

7. Testing during Maintenance / Support

a. CCB team.
4. STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
1. Test Initiation
2. Test Planning II. Test Planning
1. Team level changes if Required
3. Test Design
4. Test Execution & Reporting 2. Identify Tactical Risks
5. Test Closure 3. Prepare Test Plan
a. Test Plan Document ID
I. Test Initiation b. Introduction
c. Features / Modules
1. Document Id
d. Features to be Tested
2. Scope & Objective e. Features not to be Tested
3. Business issues f. Test Approach

4. TRM (Test Responsibility Matrix) g. Test Deliverables

h. Test Environment
5. Roles & Responsibilities
i. Entry Criteria
6. Test Automation & Testing Tools j. Suspension Criteria
7. Defect Reporting & Tracking k. Exit Criteria

8. Testing Measurements & Metrics l. Staff & Training needs

m. Responsibilities
9. Test Management
n. Schedule
10. Training Plan o. Risks and Assumptions
11. Communication & Status Reporting p. Approvals

4. Review Test Plan

III. Test Design
1. Test Scenario
2. Test Case
3. Black box Techniques
a. Boundary Value Analysis, (BVA)
b. Equivalence Classes Partitions (ECP)
c. Decision Table (DT)
d. Orthogonal Arrays (OA)
e. State Transition Flow (STF)
f. Error Guessing (EG)
IV. Test Execution
1. Get sprint increment (or) Software build
2. Test cycles
a. Smoke Testing
b. Real Testing / Comprehensive / Complete Testing
c. defect report format
d. Defect tracking process
e. Bug (Coding related defect) fixing
f. Smoke, Re, Sanity and Regression tests
g. Bug life cycle / defect life cycle
h. Test cycle Vs Bug triage

V. Test closure
1. stability
2. coverage
3. Analysis of deferred Bugs

5. Ad-hoc Testing
1. Monkey Testing
2. Gorilla Rides Testing
3. Pair Testing
4. Exploratory Testing
5. Buddy Testing
6. Fuzzy Testing
7. Debugging / defect seeding

“You Learn something every day if You pay

100% Hands On Training
Learn from Industry Experts
Weekly Test/ Mock Interviews
100% Placement Assistance
One & Only Institute Which Provides High
Quality System Based Interactive Training In
Class Room With Highly Qualified & Certified
Excellent Placement Track Record *
KOSMIK Provides Supports Till U Get a JOB

Job Roles

Manual Tester QA ( Quality Analyst)

Automation QE (Quality Engineer
Expert SDET
Lead Expert Lead SDET
END to END Architech
Our Recent Placements


1000's Of Students Placed In Some Of

Prestigious Companies Listed Below

Hi one week back I joined in the kosmik technologies kphb for learning the full
stack sdet course.this course is taking from the Shareef sir. Sir classes are very
understanding and concept wise learning and real life terminology he is used. I
Manjushaseshu gain the more confidence for cracking the interviews
Desgination : Trainee software Engineer
CTC : 5.2 LPA

I joined in kosmik technologies for full stack testing, Shareef sir is best trainer we
got .his teaching is very understanding , we are in starting stage of the course but
he gave confidence that we will surely get the job
Divya Singam
Desgination : MRC - Manual Testing
Placed @ Chennai @ AWS
CTC : 4.8 LPA

It is one the best institutions to learn the courses

Mr. Sharef sir teaching was superb
Myagani Saivamshi
Every one should learn here excellent teaching
Desgination : QA Tester
Placed @ Capgemini Full stock SDET is course
CTC : 3.76 LPA

Hiii my name is rajasri. im currently taking coaching in kosmik technologies

institute. I have joined kosmik for SDET coaching. Shareef sir is giving coaching for
SDET course.sir explanation is very good ,clarity ,in detailed . I liked the
explanation Rajasri Nerella
Desgination : Trainee - Software Developer
CTC : 3.07 LPA

I am learning SDET (manual and selenium) in kosmik technology.

Content in SDET (complete manual and selenium automation with live project)
Trainer: Shareef
He is excellent teacher..
Vanga Sravanthi
Desgination : Software Test Engineer I am understanding each and everything under his guidance
Placed @ LG Soft India
CTC : 3.36 LPA
Education is Not
The Learning of Facts But
the Training of
The Mind to Think

+91-87121 86898 +91-9676386762 WWW.KOSMIKTECHNOLOGIES.COM

3rd floor ,, above Airtel office , near JNTU signal, KPHB, HYDERABAD

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